Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Pragmatic Election Thief

For a girl, that Ivanka hits like a Shin Bet Yamas.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


I'm always interested in what Lin Wood is directing the conversational flow. When asked by the January 6th Wild, Patriot Wood, states he is certain that President Trump will be sworn in January 20th, 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.

Of course, Congress can not be trusted, meaning the House, as it is the 27 Republican controlled States which must vote for President Trump after the election is contested.




What the Lame Cherry ponders in this is why these coup plotters are not more pragmatic. Pragmatic means that you are not so expendable like John Thune of South Dakota and his Romneycrat Pocket Boy, Mike Rounds in going out and congratulating Pedo Joe Biden as president.

Sure you can bet on Biden, but as you can see, most who bet on Biden are not stupid enough to incur the wrath of President Donald Trump, along with his 100 million armed Republican backers.

Thune was targeted long before he started cuddling with Pedo Joe, as he has gone out of his way to Bush not get along with the President, thinking he can ride this out, and the dupes of South Dakota will return another McGovern and Daschle to the Senate.

It appears the Congress is not such a invulnerable political establishment that John Thune thinks it is as he Rhino's around the Rotunda.


 Jenna Ellis has been retweeting interesting information on what to expect on January 6th. For those who think that "losing" on January 6th is bad, remember the President has been intent on exposing the criminal corruption. Congress overflows with the corrupt. The Lame Cherry 100% agrees that court actions in arresting criminals must take place, but exposing all the traitors in Congress would be an essential part of a Trump Second Term. Again arrests must be made and the President must stay in office, but it goes back to the absolute fact that the President is running a putsch against the old Bush Guard the last part of December in full force. Expendables like the South Dakotans poked their heads out. John Cornyn of Texas another fraud has kept a lower profile, but again in this, the Senate does absolutely nothing in the vote for the President. This is the House of Representatives.


It all goes back to if you were a multi millionaire in Congress, the Judiciary, Media, who thought you were immune behind the ivory gates, what would you do?  I would believe that a President Trump would be more kinder and gentler on House Representatives like Dusty Johnson rising up to declare their support for Mo Brooks challenge, along with hundreds of other House GOP members, than just sitting there not realizing that the President may win it  this day, and he seems to have a civil plan to win this by Inauguration.
I personally would not want to be seated by John Thune or Mike Pence when the seconding takes place from the Senate. I would be seated with Ted Cruz, Tommy Tuberville and Rand Paul. Granted you don;t have to Bob Dornan raise your fist to the air singing the Battle Hymn, but the fact is Joe Biden is not going to do a great deal to you if you are in the GOP. Biden has sworn to hammer Bernie Sanders and AOC, so a little fake support for the President would do a great deal to keep 100 million armed Trump supporters from being displeased at your betrayal.
Joe Biden has been sort of pragmatic in stopping calling the President a clown. Biden and Harris have basically disappeared as have most democrats, except that zombie Pelosi. Schumer has to come out and wave the colors of the 5th column, but most are still hiding in cover so they do not get noticed by a very frustrated mob, which most of them are  going to go home to, as they have homes there to get elected.
What is interesting is shifty Mike Pence is running for Tel Aviv Jew protection after he does what he has planned. Frankly if I was President Trump and Pence betrayed me, I would leave him sit in the Capitol with those millions of protestors and deny him any flights or cars to get out of the country.
It would be most interesting if a tens of thousands got into the Capitol Hill subway and clogged that up. We just do not know, what will happen as this has not taken place before in American history. The worst thing is if the police state starts in with their batons and gas, this news will spread quickly and then escalation will occur.
I fully comprehend what Pedo Joe will do to Americans, as the Clintons and Obamas ran that play book in police state overdrive. I have experienced the police state sent to my home, but these people behind the ivory gates are unfamiliar with knowing how to deal with people who are being pushed hard enough, will go through those gates.
I have been reading on feeds exactly what this blog warned of, in Americans are already discussing using hammers, drills, wire cutters, electric cordless cutting tool, adjustable pliers as they are thinking how to get into places in Washington City which they will be banned from. Americans are ingenious as my dad how prankster teenagers with nothing better to do, would place a wooden post into a 5 gallon bucket of concrete, load it into a pick up, and then back up fast, hit the brakes and use it to snap highway signs off. For all these acid in the locks people, the Police use post mauls to get into your homes and a pick up with a ram opens lots of locked things.

There are things that Americans have only entertained locally which will become a national past time. I could see little Black children on bikes, collecting the valve stems on federal tagged vehicles and wearing them around their necks, posing on social media.
People have been pushed around for almost a year from this plague, and they are all wound up about things and are looking for a release. America is not that far from the streets of Benghazi if they become convinced they do not have a voice.

That is why pragmatism is so vital to thee election thief.  When Americans have nothing more to lose, as what Biden is promising is the end of their votes, massive taxes so they will not have money, massive green which means the end of their jobs, all centered around foreign slave labor, people will become prankster, and leave their guns at home, and start finding ways to bankrupt the system which is used against them. For those who think locks are for keeping people out, some genius is going to find out that JB Weld into a lock keeps a door locked and the occupants in. There are two sides to every lock and if you can lock out protestors, they can in turn lock you in.

Americans are a violent race, but they are more prone to dirty deeds done dirt cheap, as the son says. They would relish seeing pissed of politicians in the dark not being able to get into their mansions because the locks are all froze shut. That is what Americans are at heart, and they will crack open the cheap booze, cheap chips and fall on the floor laughing over this kind of stuff. I do not advocate any of this, but it is a warning that what awaits out there is an endless supply of problems for those who are not pragmatic. This will not end without Donald Trump in a second term. This will continue in everyone needs a plumber, mechanic or whatever who are the elite, and most of these workers support the President, and imagine a guy showing up to fix your plumbing, taking out pieces, and saying he will be back and does not show up.
January 6th is only the beginning of pissed off people, Peopl who will "lose" packages. People who will "accidentally" delete accounts for phones.

Pragmatism. Women fake it in sex all the time. It is not so hard to pretend you like the President and vote for him, to save yourself years of problems from people you should pretend you do not hate.
