Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Trump's Clarion Call



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The United States is being moved as in 1860 to the threshold of some very influential European agenda. The world Civil War is now a common thought.



 ‘CIVIL WAR’? Democrats outraged at ONE THIRD of US states challenging Biden election in Supreme Court — RT USA News   rt 

Legal Civil War – 17 States Join Texas Lawsuit In Supreme Court Against PA, GA, MI, and WI   legalins

Joined with Rush Limbaugh, who now is advocating the thought of secession, each of us has to weigh what kind of world awaits, as in numerous ways, the end of slavery as advocated by Lincoln meant the extermination of the South. What is the advocacy of Joe Biden's syndicate is the continued mass importation and legalization for profit, non Caucasian, no Negroid and non Protestants, to form America into a genocide state of those peoples and replace them with the yellow pig pen of Peking or the brown taco shell of Mexico.


Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show Wednesday that the U.S. may be “trending toward secession.”

As Limbaugh talked about liberal cities like New York and San Francisco, he took up a question of whether “we can win the culture.”

“I actually think — and I’ve referenced this, I’ve alluded to this a couple of times because I’ve seen others allude to this — I actually think that we’re trending toward secession,” he said.

“I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live in, say, New York?” Limbaugh asked.

In the segment, first flagged by Media Matters, he said, “A lot of bloggers have written extensively about how distant and separated and how much more separated our culture is becoming politically and that it can’t go on this way. There cannot be a peaceful coexistence of two completely different theories of life, theories of government, theories of how we manage our affairs. We can’t be in this dire a conflict without something giving somewhere along the way.


The Lame Cherry has always judged Abraham Lincoln incorrect in secession is a right to any State. A State votes in a State should vote out. For Lincoln though, Union meant till death do us part, it was indivisible and without end. This is what the Civil War was about, past the racist propaganda in what a State's Rights are. In 1860, the war was Union States willing to kill Southern States to preserve the marriage, and Southern States in Lee's invasions of the North, willing to kill Northern States to provide the death for the parting.

The Lame Cherry in examining the current election fraud has evolved her political positions. I am not willing to fight for keeping Cheater States in the Union, nor willing to fight to have law abiding States secede from the Union. I am as Abraham Lincoln was in this lesson, willing to fight against those who bastardized the laws of these United States for their own criminal purposes. It is illegal to cheat in an election and take that right from other States. That is criminal and that is what Lincoln stated in he was not fighting a civil war, but was engaged in a matter of enforcing United States Law.

The Lame Cherry is for rule of law. The United States has had for a number of years, a number of NGO's, Democratic operatives and foreigners overthrowing United States elections for the democratic party and certain Republicans like the Bush family were assisting in this trade off from Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama, all benefiting a socialist overthrow of America for the powerful few.

 As this blog has stated, this is all on President Donald Trump. Like Abraham Lincoln, he is the one who has to give the order to the military to secure States which are under the control of criminals. These fraud states, backed by super metro states like New York, California and the eastern seaboard and left coast power corridors are using the legal system to thwart the governance of the majority. They are clever election thieves, but the facts are there, and these states can never be allowed to subvert America from the majority.

President Donald Trump must comprehend in this and include, the armed Citizens of America, who must secure the cheater states, in backing the few which the President will secure those states to return them to America, because it will require the millions of armed Americans in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia in order to keep the order and make this last.
Only the President can make this legal. This must be a national direction provided by him, and him alone. This can not be a confederacy of states who are honest, against a confederacy of states who are cheaters. This must be a national policy and the legal cover for Americans to secure their sovereign nations, the 50 States of these United States.



The Lame Cherry is more than willing to answer the President's call to arms, as President Lincoln issued the call to arms. The reality is though 1860 was by design to transform these United States to the United States. All of this has been sown to 2020 for a very long time to transform the United States again. The situation is not what Rush Limbaugh speaks of in honest States running away from criminal states, as the next thing we will have is the east and west coast stationing millions of PLA forces in their states and making war on honest States.

There is not any running away from that. This is not something Americans can run away from. There is one continent and two systems in one which is lawful and one corrupt can not occupy that same space.

This is not as Meghan McCain, having lost weight in having a baby suck her massive amounts of fat from her in gestating, in calling for the corrupt as her father to leave this corruption pollute the rest of what is left of America.

Those cheater states are already mass entry points for invasion and they will only become black market hubs for millions of those vermin being dumped into what is America, along with their liberal cheaters fleeing to honest States as they have created shit holes of their liberal utopias.

Those are the reasons that there can not be two United States. This must be the President fulfilling his oath of office against enemies foreign and domestic, and not retreating. This means the Supreme Court is not the final word in this as the Constitution states. The final word in this matter is the Commander in Chief and the Chief Law Enforcement Officer. He has legal means in the Executive Order of September 2018 AD in the year of our Lord and legal means in the Insurrection Act to apprehend criminals and to bring States back into the law abiding fold.

The final check that President James Madison and the Founders put into place was the armed American, for the Armed American backing their President is the last vote which counts as the bullet was legalized to overcome the crooked ballot, when so ordered by the President.


‘Stupid and Embarrassing’: Meghan McCain Torches Arizona GOP for Calling on Voters to Die for Trump


The fact is thee American majority has been held hostage since Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt farmed America for European world wars. This creep has continued on in the will of the people was overthrown by corrupt courts and in 2020 the visitation of Birther Obama and now Pedo Joe Biden in massive election fraud by Bush CIA voting programs and Chicoms printing up ballots for Pedo Joe has cemented the reality that Americans Black and White will be genocided by 2050, voted out, forced out to Africa and Europe as an elite rules the tan skin mob being imported.

 The Catch 22 in this is those who back the President do not want 100 million armed Americans figuring out they are in control and their special operations thin line can not maintain order any more than the deep states police state of drones and cops intimidating and courts imprisoning the few to make the majority comply.

There are Americans who will fight and die, not for the President, but what he represents in these United States. The mix has now taken place that Mr. Trump must secure his rightful victory or these clever Americans are going to find ways to live in America, and unseat every crooked politician, judge, media and whatever else is out there in neutralizing the police state surveillance and control with the most basic of weapons in not guns, but in hammers smashing things, wire cutters cutting things and matches burning things down. What BLM and ANTIFA were paid to do in intimidation, Americans will begin engaging in as their professional sport.

There is historical logic in this. It has required years to build this sophisticated 4 G system. A hammer ends it in a few seconds with a whack.  All that surveillance connects to wires somewhere and a wire cutter ends that in a few snips. Buildings and houses take years to build, and in one match undoes all of that. This blog posted on this as a warning, not as an advocacy for violence, but a warning that President Donald Trump is thee only one who can stop this coming emancipation from the pedophile state, as Americans being criminalized, penalized and retaliated against, will have no stake in a Joe Biden, and will being liberating themselves by obliterating the surveillance, the federal and state presence and the ability to command and control. The worst mistake Joe Biden has made is taxing firearms in the AR 15, because without firearms the majority will turn to non lethal tools and start smashing the system as a recreational past time.

This is the reality which the Supreme Court has yet to consider behind their locked gates and their police protection. Humans turned into rats gnawing on electrical grids, soon enough make mansion neighborhoods exposed and naked, as the Citizens will soon enough stop contesting with each other, once they figure out the prizes are those who live in  the mansions who set them against each other.

These are forensic psychological projections. No mansion in the police state has a magic ring around it and these rich people who started this have the nice things the mob wants.


President Donald Trump is the only one who will ever get control over this, because the majority is willing at this point for him to lead. He must bring in the 100 million armed Citizens to manage them. Biden will never be able and Harris will never be capable.

 Those in the ivory towers have no idea what is being progressed. They have been assured they can mistreat the masses and the masses will take it again.

Blimpy Meghan should go back to her vocation of being fat and Rush Limbaugh should herd his animals to a pen they are already going as calling the majority stupid and thinking they are going to give up to liberal cheating and face Chinese bases in New York and LA is not what is trending.

President Donald Trump is the only one who can save America as Lincoln and Washington answered that clarion call.


Nuff Said


