Tuesday, February 16, 2021

It's the Pitts


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 In 2017 AD in the year of our Lord, Brad Pitt unloaded on the Pedo Power Brokers. He naively predicted that this was coming to an end, and yet in 2021, there is a Joe Biden to sniffs children and his son Hunter, is now an adviser to Joe Biden on China, after being caught with pedo torture files on his computer.

The Pedo Ring stole the 2020 elections and got away with it. I would that we lived in a Brad Pitt world of protecting children, but under Joe Biden and John Roberts you will see the beginning of legalized rape of children.

“You think Hollywood is about making movies? That’s just a byproduct: It’s about money, and more importantly, power and control. The people who run Hollywood, also run America, and most of the world, and they don’t care about movies. You’ve heard of the Illuminati right? The secret societies, the politicians, the bankers and the media – they’re the ones running these pedophile rings, and they’re the ones that run the world, and it all goes back to Hollywood. Kids wanna be in movies, or should I say; parents want their kids to be in movies, and they’ll do anything to get them famous”

When asked why Hollywood was targetted by these Elite networks, he said; “It’s the parents. It’s the American dream to be famous and the parents will do anything to get them there. Have you ever met the mom of a child actor? They’re nuts. It’s easy pickings, and it’s not just movies, it’s TV, music… it’s showbiz. The parents are basically selling their kids souls for fame.”

“One of these [Elites] buys into a movie. A thousand kids go for the lead role, and 100 of them would probably work. Some young kid with a pushy mom turns up who will do anything to get the part. The kid gets sent off to some guy that runs a TV network. The network pushes the movie, and the first guy makes loads of money when it’s a hit. The TV guy will never say a bad thing about the movie because movie guy knows what TV guy did with that young kid. The same thing happens with politicians and bankers and the rest of them. It’s all backroom deals with kids as bargaining chips.”

“The media will never expose the truth as they’re part of it. It’s the independent media that will expose this. The internet is a wonderful thing and the free flow of information is bringing it all to the surface now. They’re losing their hold over the American people, and people everywhere, and they know it. It’s just a matter of time before it all comes out.”

Kamala Harris protected Catholic child rapists. This is not some isolated incident and California is moving toward legalizing molestation of children. That is what this entire homosexual agenda was pushed for, the next step of legalized rape of children. This blog told you that a decade ago, when John Kerry's daughter said at the DNC, IT WAS A CHILD'S RIGHT OF CHOICE/

If you need reminding, Joe Biden's daughter wrote in therapy, that she was showering with her own father, and she even knew that should not be happening.

The way Obama sodomized America was Bungholer John Roberts overthrowing laws. This is a slam dunk on legalized child rape as you have Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan. Roberts will write the majority opinion, and #5 will be either sodomite Gorsuch, Vatican packer backer Barrett or Kavanaugh who is full of surprises. Who knows, it might be 7 - 2 in this liberal court, or 9 - 0 as Alito and Thomas are about as worthless as drunken sailors on the morning of December 7th, 1941 AD in the year of our Lord.

The crackdown on the pedo rings of Jeffrey Epstein had nothing to do about law and order, no more than Harvey Weinstein. They were just two Mosaad Jews who became expendable under Trump as competition for the John Podesta pizzza partying group, who do not like used children.

Nuff Said

