Friday, March 12, 2021

America: expansion of the law for legal lynching


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I noticed Gayway Pundit was featuring another American being harassed by the Department of Justice in a guy from Alabama, who was involved in the Roger Stone security detail, and that is not in this article, but it is the logic behind all of this, in the FBI and DOJ are furious that Roger Stone was pardoned by Donald Trump and now they are going after Stone, via they are going to arrest and pressure these Oath Keepers, to roll on Stone and say he said something, he is building a firewall against in saying he did nothing wrong.

The latest Stone casualty is Joshua James and the torture his family, pregnant wife and children are being put through, in a ransacked home by the FBI and not able to pay the bills, in order to break Mr. James to flip on Roger Stone.

Honestly, I had to look up Oath Keepers, as I have no idea what these 3% or whatever else is out there as I thought Oath Keepers was Promise Keepers. In researching though, I see why Pedo Joe Biden was targeting the "law enforcement and military as white supremacists" as this is who you need to join Oath Keepers, someone with police state training.

Considering that Oath Keepers is infiltrated as all groups are and half are FBI agents, this push to target them is interesting, as I presume it was the local US Attorney who was allowing bail and then changed their mind, and it could have been FBI, stated that they were getting pressure from above, meaning DC, and now they are hauling this Joshua James to DC and leaving his pregnant wife and kids to starve.

Guardians of the Republic - Oath Keepers

By a Marine Corps Veteran, Retired Correctional Lieutenant, and Oath Keeper (Originally posted April 4, 2018) We are a nation of... Oath Keepers. Who are the Oath Keepers, Three Percenters? by Nancy Oakley. March 5, 2021. 2. By Tom Kampert / Surprise, AZ / Opinion A lot has been written about both organizations, most of it wrong....

Oath Keepers is an American far-right[1] anti-government[2][3] militia organization[4] composed of current and former military, police, and first responders who pledge to fulfill the oath that all military and police take in order to "defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic".[5] It encourages its members to not obey orders which they believe would violate the United States Constitution. The organization claims a membership of 35,000 as of 2016, though the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has estimated its membership at several thousand

I'm fascinated in how the talking points from the 1%, and that would be the mega ruling class who direct all of this and promise lovely John Roberts parting gifts for all who play along in these policies, in Mr. James did not commit violence, he did not enter the Capitol, but his "crimes" are his cell phone pinged in DC and he was speaking with Oath Keepers.

The Judge goes on to state that James is not taking depression meds, which he states he does not need, and others things, so for this reason he can not have bail.


Here is the judge's reasons for denying bail: While Joshua doesn’t have a criminal background and has strong ties to the community and is not believed to be a flight risk and may not have been violent that day, he continued to have communication with members of Oath Keeps after the 6th which “proves” he has no remorse for the events of that day. And due to the fact he has PTSD from being blown up in Iraq serving his country and doesn’t take medication for his ptsd and owns fire arms, they feel that’s a volatile combination and see no reasonable scenario for granting bail.

This is odd in the Judge stating James has no remorse by keeping in contact with people, because that Kid Cua from Georgia and his parents have spoken nothing but remorse and the Kid is still in prison. So again, I do not understand the continuity here, as Cua shows remorse and it makes no difference and James is judged by actions of speaking to others, and he gets no bail.

Then the Holy Ghost brings to mind this is not about remorse. This James scenario is meant to break the Oath Keepers arrested so the roll on Roger Stone. The James family will be bankrupted, and even if he lied about Roger Stone, he will still get felony charges and never vote, have firearms or have any life again in America. This is for a wounded Iraq War Veteran, a Hero, and it appears that Donald Trump is not going to help this family out in this was his calling, and Bush family with their fortune can not donate the money and a high priced lawyer, as again, this is about Roger Stone, who like that satirist Ricky Vaughn really rubbed the higher ups the wrong way, and whatever they did, these fanatical expansion of the law for legal lynching is now the situation normal in America.

The reason I risk things and cover stories like this, as I abide by the John Adams creed that everyone deserves a defense. People wonder about me at times, as I have defended Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice when they were being railroaded. I have defended homosexuals like Lawrence Sinclair and democrats like Rod Blagojevich, because wrong is wrong, and when the full weight of a regime comes down on people who have no idea what is the law when it is twisted, they are like Bambi shot from the womb, and everyone needs to be remembered.

I just wonder in this finite chain of command who is pushing this, as no one at FBI or DOJ is bucking it as they do not want to get caught up in the putsch. The person who explained it was higher ups, should not have revealed that and is going to be remembered, but who is it that is sending out these orders, as Congress could care less in covering for another abuse of power.

This is the Trail of Tears for Americans now. They are just going to have to take it. Take the punishment and when it is done, scrape back together whatever is left and try to feed themselves

The Lame Cherry reminds everyone that Stop the Steal had 300 million dollars donated to it. Donald Trump is supposed to have gotten 50 to 100 million out of this. We know Rudy Guiliani billed 20,000 dollars a day, so he ran up over 6 million dollars in that scheme. Then there is Steve Bannon and the folks at Populist who took in a fortune for Build the Wall, which was a scam, and got pardoned. That is a great deal of money, and it is time that Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Steve Bannon and the center of this  Roger Stone, set up a fund for these families to pay their bills and get them some Sidney Powell attorneys.

Once the FBI gets someone to roll on Roger Stone, this part will end, and then the other parts of this agenda will appear, but we are in a police state that leaves a pregnant woman sit outside with her child for 8 hours, in the winter, so do not expect anything humane in what is coming, as they left a pregnant woman and a child sit outside in winter while they ransacked her house.

Roger Stone knows who he pissed off and why. It would help in explaining to the families what this insider game is, that thousands of people got caught up in.

Nuff Said

