Wednesday, March 10, 2021

An American Judge


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In this hunting down of Americans by the FBI and the charging of them by the US Attorneys, an Oath Keeper's member has been arrested by the FBI and he never set foot in the Capitol.

Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone
Near DC Hotel On Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI
Never Set A Foot Inside The US Capitol Again

As it has been pointed out, the DOJ is charging people as felons for misdemeanors and this is the case with Minuta

Minuta was arrested on Saturday, according to a report from ABC News.

“Minuta and others affiliated with the Oath Keepers breached the U.S. Capitol grounds, where Minuta aggressively berated and taunted U.S. Capitol police officers responsible for protecting the Capitol and the representatives inside of the Capitol,” according to charging documents obtained by ABC.

Apparently it is some kind of felony to yell at Capitol police. As thousands of ANTIFA and BLM have been dong that since last May, it is a question of why are these people who yelled at police not being charged too?

The Lame Cherry would make the poitn, in this was a political event. Minuta was peacefully assembled, a Constitutional Right, and speech is a Constitutional Right, and that includes all types of speech which is not violent.

The DOJ next move to keep Minuta int prison without bail, because "he opened his business during the lockdown", so that means he does not respect the law.

In their effort to hold Minuta without bail until trial, they cited him opening his tattoo parlor in defiance of the lockdown, saying that “there’s evidence this man does not respect the law.”

I'm not here to discuss another making felonies out of non events and misdemeanors, but the Lame Cherry is here to praise a United States Judge, as this Justice is the only one who has appeared in any of this who is doing his job. The job being to be advocate for the people and the accused all at the same time.

Magistrate Judge Andrew Krause released Minuta on bail saying “Mr. Minuta was not engaged in any acts of violence on Jan. 6. I think it is an overstatement of the situation to say that because Mr. Minuta was wearing particular gear he is predisposed to particular acts of violence.”

Judge Krause stated the same point this blog has made in the FBI in paid moles, have been speaking in indictments of "conspiracy" because people had on the same type of clothing or had police tape. The indictments even have stated that the FBI could not discern why people had police tape, in that, if they have no idea, then the fact is it is not criminal, and does not belong in any indictment.

This is a wonderful Judge which America should be proud of. He looked at the evidence and then told the DOJ they have overstated or in laymen's terms, made a mountain out of a mole hill. This type of charging has been gong on for far too long and it is not the way the Justice system is supposed to operate in hunting people down, charging them for wearing clothes and then stretching the law until it snaps in ludicrous sounds.

What this appears to be, is these people were providing security for Roget Stone. The FBI and DOJ in this witch hunt in the same tactics employed against Stone to get him to lie about Donald Trump, is to charge all of these Oath Keepers, some may be FBI informants, and then being broken as others have been in prison, get them to say Roger Stone said to riot and break into the Capitol. It is logically why Roger Stone is in overdrive  denial in distancing himself, as he knows intimidated witnesses are being created to finish him off after the Trump pardon.

If John Roberts and his black robes had shown one bit of the character of Andrew Krause, there never would have been a gathering in DC. Roberts though wanted this riot so the police state could crack down. It is what disheartens Americans as Director Wray had 4 years to restore public  trust and is now hunting down Americans. The William Barr DOJ is charging people for talking loudly in public, and the judges and US attorneys who have appeared in holding people in custody to break them, where they are mocked in the press, as cockroaches crawl on them and mothers plead for their children's lives, is the antithesis of Andrew Krause.

I have no idea which party Andrew Krause belongs to or who he even is, but if America is ever restored from election theft, he is the person who belongs on the Supreme Court, because he has common sense and courage.

The Lame Cherry thanks God for the representation of Law and Order that Judge Krause is.

Nuff Said
