Monday, March 1, 2021

China is projected to release new Viral Biological Weapon

Tell Chairman Xi, that Biden American ambassador have two anus virus,
we have harvested to use as our cure as China kills off world with Wuhan 2 & 3.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just as Coronavirus Wuhan was a first strike weapon against Japan, India, Australia and the United States which was struck first with an alternative cure, the odd story of China sticking Q tips up the anus of American diplomats projects China is looking for something.

I will have more on this in the week ahead, but there are two vaxes. One use cell mRNA, and the other uses Simian or (ape, gorilla, chimp) viruses which are hollowed out and in the Russian Sputnik V and Johnson and Johnson, one shot serums, they are based on Chimp feces virus.

These virus as a platform are deadly in copious amounts injected, but in small doses, they are semi effective  to 70%. The problem is the body builds immunity to the Simian virus and it is only good for one inoculation. No boosters are possible.

From the start of this in the United States, the Americans were looking in sewage or human shit for something. China is now swabbing anus in huge amounts. They are not looking for a Coronavirus, but are in logic looking for more viral feces platforms to exploit.

Project this out, as China used Simian in an Ebola vax. They have joined Canada, as Russia and America have in the chimp shit vax. So this virus base of chimp and gorilla is being exhausted, and there are other natural pandemics awaiting..............and in this projection, China has other first strike biological weapons which it intends to release as the kill shot on it's enemies as Biden coddles China, and in that kill shot, depopulate India, Oz, America and Japan for colonization.

China Peking will need a cure and the answer is in the colons of cholera which their shit produced centuries ago and spread around the world. China is swabbing anus to build a supply of human based, not Simian, so Peking can released at least two pandemics at once, as the West is out of Simian based feces virus, and when China is the only one who has the platforms for this type of vax, China is safe, while the rest of the world dies of the China plague.

Swabbing of anus has a reason, and when projected out in forensic psychology there is only one reason, and that is China is building a bioweapon defense to survive the next releases of multiple viruses for Chicom domination and colonization of the world.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

