Saturday, March 6, 2021

For Whom the Fauci Tolls


Would you reporters get it right, my name is Bill Gates, not Bill Ghoul,
and Dr. Fauci is not Dr. Frankenstein!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While the Lame Cherry covered the knowledge that the Obama regime was funding bat shit virus research in China, and the nefarious knowledge that Chloroquine with zinc was a known treatment by Dr. Fauci and he covered it up, the rest of media is catching up, with new revelations to form a complete picture out of the coverage which was here from North Carolina where this bat shit research was being funded, and shut down after the French protested that this insane research if it got loose in humans would cause a pandemic.

We now know who the mRNA vax was established in hours, because they were working on this vax already in the year before. Bill Gates had spoken of this along with Dr. Fauci in predicting a pandemic. It all appears now the facts connect in Gates funded this operation, Fauci was guiding the research as he is deluded old man who wanted to star in Black Death II, and while the Gates Fauci agenda was one of cropping people and making profits, what appears to be connecting is the PLA was plotting to use this to rule the world, with others countering, and the Obama Biden trolls figured they could weaponize it to steal the White House back from Trump and the 1% has inherited a new toy for their new world order, where all of this has implemented the absolute tracking, criminalization and control of every human.

 I have stated in a Lame Cherry exclusive based on Dr. Sherri Tennpenny's findings that what appears to be involved in this, is using a serum which will eventually make people sick and die in the future, addicting them if you will to HIV type auto immune drugs which would make the world submit to survive and break the people's will, as all those expensive meds would be like Joseph having all the grain in Egypt and making the Egyptians sell themselves for it.

How much the ghoulish Fauci and Gates knew of this, is not that important, as we know both were motivated by huge profits and they both get off on this terrorizing people.

It was the mRNA vaccine which was being pushed, as it was expensive and changed DNA with that spike protein, and it ended up in the Western nations. Russia on the other hand with China, went for the simian or ape shit virus base which was a one time protection, but that protection only lasts 3 months, and no boosters are available as once the body develops immunity, if you inject another vax into that body, it simply destroys it in white blood cells.

The Moderna mRNA vaccine is now being given to people around the world.  Pfizer also has an mRNA vaccine. Ralph Baric is a long-time coronavirus researcher with close ties with the batwoman and the Wuhan Institute of Virology as noted above in our post from April 2020.  December 12, 2019, is very early in the COVID-19 outbreak before it was reported in the West. Baric would be a logical person to test the efficacy of an mRNA vaccine.

What this tells us is that Doctors Baric and Fauci may have been aware of what was happening in China and Fauci and Moderna were likely working on coronavirus vaccines before COVID-19 was announced in the West.  The Moderna vaccine was ready for human testing very quickly.

What we are witnessing is the set up of the world for the Nimrod system, and the hostage taking of the world by the vax.

We can list that Bill Gates stated he wanted to kill people off with vaccines. He invested 20 billion and made 200 billion in his polio killer vaccine. Gates likes killing people for the globalists and he likes money and the power to order people around.

Anthony Fauci is a like troll, who liked to be King Corona in dictating terror to people. His speech reversals show this is a con and he is interested in money.

The also cast members from Obama Inc coordinated to have this virus being down Donald Trump or provide cover for election theft.

The Chicom PLA saw it as the way to reduce America and move to global domiantion with their 5th column bankers working in America and elsewhere in Europe.

Other factions were involved to exploit this, but the lords and the priests saw this as their golden egg, that they could force a vax to control all economics and then use that vax when it had side effects to hold billions hostage for the treatment.

Lastly, all of this is linked together and is coordinated. Each group concluded this was their opportunity to exploit and they went gonzo on it, It was various groups who knew what was expected of this virus, and simply hijacked ti for their means. It was like the Kennedy assassination. You can't call the cops when everyone has blood on their hands.

PS: Why do you think China is probing American anus? They are looking for new lines in the simian vaccine line to use as a base to create more vax.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
