Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Joe Biden is in Hiding - So are DC Resident's Lives in Jeopardy from a Real Threat?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is evident that Joe Biden is not in the White House. There was green screen usage to cover this fact up. Now White House Press Sec, Jen Psaki when rattled by a reporter on another subject of Biden exposing everyone to plague in flying off to Delaware, had this revealing exchange.

Psaki Says Biden ‘Lives In Wilmington’

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday defended President Biden’s recent weekend trips to Delaware despite the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that’s where he lives.

A reporter pressed Psaki at her daily press briefing on whether Biden was setting a poor example on “personal travel during the pandemic” when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging people to avoid non-essential trips.

“Well, the president lives in Wilmington. It’s his home. That’s where he’s lived for many, many years,” Psaki said.

Apparently one of the main locations that Pedo Joe is confined to is his mansion in Delaware. This would be fitting as someone suffering from senility would need surroundings he was yet familiar with.

Remember too, the Anderson home Cooper interview where Biden says he wakes up and asks his wife Jill, "Where the hell are we?", was another blunder in Biden is not at the White House, but is at the Green Room White House, and this is where Biden is being confused by.

So we know for certain that Joe Biden is at his Delaware mansion a great deal of the time. He is also at the "Where the hell are we" sleeping the other part of his schedule.

As the Green Screen revealed trucks in the background involved in construction, there apparently is on some military base in the area or some urban compound aWhite House mock up and quarters where Joe Biden is wandering around, when he is not napping 21 hours a day.

Jen Psaki is overstressed in dealing with these issues as the Biden White House is in turmoil, in everyone is in charge, and no one is in charge, except the Chief of Staff cutting Kamala Harris out of bombing missions to Syria.

This is why Nancy Pelosi is moving on war powers, the nuclear codes and other issues, as just like under Obama, Nancy Pelosi is running what is the government of the United States.

It is difficult to find out what mansions Joe Biden occupies. Horn News featured a story explaining it, and in that story there is a hint were Biden may have his Green Screen White House.

The first is the Biden Wilmington Mansion.

This is the Biden Seaside Mansion.

Finally, there was this unknown blurb that the Biden's were spending a quarter of a million dollars a year renting a home, just down from CIA headquarters and their neighbor was the Saudi Arabian Ambassador. This house looks like something that would fit the background images of Green Screen Oval Office Joe.

A video advertising the house said 20 grand a month was a steal for “such a prime location surrounded by the Washington elite”—and is the house ever “elite”!

The 12,000 square foot castle has five bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a gourmet chef’s kitchen, and a parking lot that will hold 20 cars.

Near as I can tell, Joe Biden has like over 20 bathrooms he owns. He must really have to take a dump often, but that is a good thing as he probably is incontinent.

Joe Biden is safe and that is good. The American People though have a right to know where Joe Biden is at, because he is secure, and it is not like anyone is going to get to him with all the security around him. The reason Americans need to know, is why is Joe Biden not in the White House? Why is this bogus threat of fantasy militias being used as a cover in Biden not being at the White House and not giving the State of the Union. There are over 20,000 National Guard people, and millions of people in the DC region who deserve to know if their lives are in jeopardy in what Joe Biden is being hidden away from.

American lives are important, and if there is some nuclear threat of a pre positioned bomb as the Soviets did in the 1960's then those people deserve to know so they can make decisions, as Biden's policies have turned DC into a third world shit hole under martial law, and the troops there are getting sick eating moldy food.

Jen Psaki has helped this along, now she must answer what is the real threat in DC and where Joe Biden is in hiding.

Nuff Said

