Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Evidence that MAGA was Framed on January 6th by Paid ANTIFA Operatives


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Perhaps Director Christopher Wray and the FBI would be interested in this video which Gayway Pundit is featuring in men in black, with police batons, bashing in Capitol windows, and the Trump supporters try to stop them, and the MAGA crowd beings chanting FUCK ANTIFA, to which the men in black turn around and FLIP THE TRUMP PEOPLE OFF.

This was ANTIFA or some paid operatives sent in to frame Trump supporters. This video is  the defense of every person arrested. As it proves beyond a doubt that this was not Trump people but ANTIFA who began this, and the DC police allowed them to engage in this along with all the undercover FBI agents to frame MAGA.

There is absolutely not any doubt who started the rampage on January 6th.

I would suggest that everyone save this video as evidence before it disappears.

In addition, Senator Ron Johnson has gone on record, stating he never felt threatened by the protesters. This statement is evidence as the above in any defense, that even people "armed" with "dangerous crutches and batons" were not deemed a threat by the Senator.

When a person is enticed into a crime, that is entrapment, and there is an issue of paid FBI and DC undercover being in this crowd not engaged in any activity to suppress the actions of the crowd.

There is a story of a Galveston Texas riot by dock workers which were hundreds of angry, strong, large men. The Texas Rangers sent in the Rangers. When the train arrived, one Ranger got off the train. The towns people were stunned and asked, "Where are the other Rangers?"

The Ranger replied, "One riot, one Ranger". He walked into that mob and dispersed it by will. Let it never be said that one police officer could not have stopped what was taking place as Trump supporters stopped the ANTFIA thugs for a time from beating on the Capitol.

The defense is building for the hundreds of accused.

Sen. Johnson says he didn’t feel threatened by Capitol Hill protesters   oann 
