Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Loss of Alec Baldwin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sean Homo Hannity was celebrating today that Alec Baldwin has removed himself from Twitter.

CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY! Alec Baldwin Quits Twitter, Says Social Media Full of ‘A**Holes’   hannity 

I see nothing to celebrate in this, as Twitter has banned with Facebook, all Conservative Christians, so in essence with all the Trump people gone, Alec Baldwin is saying that only the assholes who are Biden voters are left, and he wants no part of their cruel nature.

I do not make excuses for Mr. Baldwin, as he has unleashed some interesting comment and acted out in fear and anger over Donald Trump. His SNL performances did nothing for his character in portraying Donald Trump so badly.

Alec Baldwin  though is a man, a husband, and a father. There is goodness in him, and he shows it for his family.  I actually feel for Alec Baldwin in he is estranged from his brother who is a Conservative Christian, and his other brother was posting on Twitter some horrid things about Donald Trump as of late. It is a tragedy that a family so talented, has allowed the manipulation of the 1% in making the societal protections of children and marriage, into political wedges to drive families apart and nations.

There is not any satire in this, but I do hope that Donald Trump starts a low bandwidth using platform which combines Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, for everyone, and I hope that Alec Baldwin is on that site, posting his constructive thoughts and venting when he wants to vent on things, because what is happening in America with the FBI hunting Americans down, is thoughts and being stupid is being criminalized to silence political opposition.  I do not want Alec Baldwin silenced. I do not want him in jail. I want him doing what liberals used to do, in reminding Conservatives about caring for others, and for those same Conservatives reminding liberals, that no one has the right to rob others for the failings of their bad choices by government spending.

Normal people have common ground. Alec Baldwin wants the bestg for his family. I want the best for his family. Alec Baldwin wants his wife honored. I want his wife honored. Alec Baldwin wants to be heard and I want Alec Baldwin heard. In this, it does not matter to me, if Alec Baldwin would want none of those things for me, because I place my Faith in Christ and look to God to always make things right. So as a Christian Conservative, I can care about Alec Baldwin in love, even if he does not know who I am, and even if other Catholic boys like Sean Homo Hannity are being unkind in that feud they have had going for years.

I would that Alec Baldwin had peace, as he has a wonderful life, and if he could just let go of that which he has no control over, like assholes online, then he could heal inside and not be so effected by those who say awful things.

I hope Alec Baldwin comes back on a non NSA platform and he adds to the content and I hope he has great success in acting, as he is such a presence that when I do see him on screen, I never quite get his character as I'm thinking, that is Alec Baldwin.

I sincerely pray in Christ that Alec Baldwin has peace, in Jesus Name Amen and Amen

