Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Mystery Relationships of Donald John Trump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You know, in David John Oates CPAC reversals on Donald John Trump, Mr. Trump says forward that he is more popular than every before, that America they don't want us


Reverse Speech on Donald Trump, Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden

Whether that is Americans don't want Americans, Americans don't want the Trumps, is only what Donald Trump knows and has not come clean on, like most of the world of Donald Trump in not being honest with the people who laid down their lives for him, as Ashli Babbitt did.

Alex Jones, now under federal investigation again, due to Donald Trump, weighed in on this in January 2019 AD in the year of our Lord. Fascinating in this, that Jones is answering a question that someone asked, and he states he so fucking sick of Donald Trump. The Southern Poverty Law Center released this, so that is the real mystery in who sat on this for two years, and only leaked to SPLC now, or was this SPLC working as it does for the FBI as an asset.

Leaked Video Shows Alex Jones Saying He's
'So F**King' Sick Of Donald Trump' - Many
Patriots Agree - They're Tired Of The Con Job

What Alex Jones has stated, is what most people feel. They were fed up with being emotionally jerked around by Donald Trump, and now there are calls to hunt down 40,000 more Americans who were just at the Capital, who did nothing.

Deranged Democrat Demands Prosecution
Of 40,000 Trump Supporters Who Were
OUTSIDE The Capitol

Jeff Rense of the alt network of media has made it clear, that Trump and Pence both need to just go away.

Trump Eyes 2024 Run Without Mike Pence
...Go Away, Donald, You AND Pence

Donald Trump is one of the few leaders who went into exile in luxury while he left his followers to be hunted down.

DC Police Issue Emergency Alert On
'Possible" Militia Plot To Breach Capitol
Tomorrow - More Crapola

It is getting to the point that people just want Wormwood to strike to put an end to all of their lives. It would be welcome to have vials of wrath pored out, as at least all this suffering would have an honest reason from an honest leader in God the Father.

I transcribed what Jones stated, and when you read it, and I hope listen to it, that you will remember what I tell you when Jones and Macow were talking about Jones being set up on January 6th to be a fall guy for the riots, that Jones looked off into space and said, "We were all duped".

Remember that as I will have insider information on this which will reveal so much more what Alex Jones was talking about, before you ever knew Donald Trump was running for office.

Part of me, the selfish part, wishes I'd never met Donald Trump, wishes that I had never met Roger Stone. Because unlike previous things which I'd done, that were gamechanging, those were just time space continuum reflections, of the third big thing I was going to be involved with, and that would be to bring Donald John Trump into office.

Just let me say that again. that's and awesome, into office.

You guys ask really good questions, this is going to be a good thing.

But I'm going to say it again in a minute. It's the truth and I'm just going to say it.

That I wish I would've fucking never met Trump. I wish it never would have happened. And it's not the attacks I've been through. I'm so fucking sick of Donald Trump, man. God, I'm fucking sick of him. And I'm not doing this, like I'm kissing his ass, you know, I'm just sick of it.

Depending on content, I listen at times to alt media in Jeff Rense, as when he gets going on the facts and sinks his journalistic teeth into something, there is none better in any media. When he gets hurt, he turns on people like Jones and then the issues get clouded and listening to hours of remarks about how bad people are, is not information.

When I swore of Jeb and Hillary politics, I did tell my children that there was a way to win this nomination and the White House. I informed all of you from God that a Jehu was coming, on who drove furiously, and that was Trump. I informed you that I wrote the time line to put Trump into the White House.
Now I'm going to tell you something from the inside, from Jeff Rense's Uncle Gordy from Veterans Today, who is a leftist. Gordy was frequently on Rense as he built firearms for special orders. He mentioned that early on, before anyone knew Trump was running, that advocates for Donald Trump began appearing, fanning out to fringe media, and making contacts with numbers of them. They were getting the fringe on board to back Donald Trump. Alex Jones was one of those individuals who signed on and was provided special access, and if you recall Roger Stone with all of his baggage appeared often too.
You will remember that Patrick Byrne was approached and hounded by Roger Stone to "run for office", but Byrne declined. I will remind you that the sheriff down at that school shooting in Florida, a flaming liberal had someone donating to his campaign. That someone was Roger Stone. A right winger, backing a rabid left winger? Are you getting the idea what Alex Jones was figuring out.

Jones was deplatformed, and that with some powerful moneychangers backing him. You will remember that Ricky Vaughn and his skillful group of the fictitious Alt right disappeared too. Vaughn has since been arrested in Florida over satire which has been converted to voter intimidation, but this was all part of this operation, which Alex Jones got swept up into, as he thought electing Trump was the agenda, and being a most intelligent man, he thought he was making a gamechanger, while the rest before was smoke and mirrors, and Jones figured out that he was the one who had been shown the smoke and mirrors.

How can Jones say he is sick of Trump in 2019 and then go to the wall and almost end up framed in 2021 at the Capitol? Project it out, in when you are down the rabbit hole, offers are made to lure you out and sometimes you get made offers you can not refuse as your life will be  made over.

I have informed all here that Donald Trump in hindsight was brought forward to make criminals out of Nationalists as is the case and soon they all will be domestic terrorists. That was what was down the rabbit hole and Jones like all wanted to believe that we were answering the patriotic call, but in the end, it was a set up, like FDR cloaking his World War in the flag for the power and money interests he led. Thing is FDR we can see got suckered and paid with American blood, as the British got all that money back and now America is 30 trillion in debt, being the National  Socialist regime of the world in printing money to America's downfall.

Like alcoholics, we all must admit we were played by the experts in order to go on from this, as our best intentions were taken advantage of. Ronald Reagan set up Republics in South America as trading partners so we all could prosper, but Bush41 and Soros of the cartel plunged them all into debt and turned them Marxist, just like America is being Obama flipped. So even the best intentions have equally deceptive players who can turn any good into their evil domination.

Donald Trump has his uses. I have told you that I'm not following him, nor his children ever again. He though is a unifying factor and is still a voice which has not been silenced parroting some things that need to be said, the message needs to be put out there.

As for as Mr. Trump, I gave him the best of advice in telling this builder to build the 3rd Temple, as his monument to peace offshore, which would make him the untouchable platform in America. All he did though was venture to Sodom at CPAC and sniff the anus of the gay dwellers there.

For those who still wonder who "they" are, I have told you. They are all the same committee who put out various trolls to make John Cusack feel good hating people and who send out Donald Trump jr on a leash to mime for those who fit that category. They are not communists, socialists, capitalists or anything really, they are themselves who use these political pendulum swings to their advantage for their agenda. For Trump, he has the DIA and Shin Bet running this operation and on cue they pulled back and disappeared, and there appeared the theft of thee election for Joe Biden, and the nuance that we have focused on being hunted down and disenfranchised, instead of examining where this is all trending.

Joel Skoursen stated that General Flynn and McInerney were both played by the NSA and other agencies to produce the narrative which drove this forward to keep everyone from acting out in violence over election theft, and when ANTIFA and BLM (let us humor Director Wray on that in his being honest in this was not ANTIFA and BLM, but other paid operatives for the security and intelligence community as this is about making you confused and to question what you know) broke into the Capitol the frame was complete as was thought up as early as 2015, as even DIA Steve Bannon saw that Nationalism was contending against globalism, and so did the committee so they needed to give it a platform they could take away, and then criminalize them, which will be complete in the Biden Domestic Terrorism Act which was written long ago.

So that should explain what Alex Jones was talking about. He was sitting in his studio exposing Barack Hussein Obama, and wondering like all of us what Andrew Breitbart did to get assassinated that Steve Bannon covered up at Breitbart, and who should appear, but the same people who were asking Uncle Gordy for assistance to get Donald Trump elected. And when they appeared with the sucker lines, appealing to Jones' ego, intellect and patriotism, they had him, like they had all of us.

Alex Jones knows a whole lot more than he will ever divulge, just like all of these front benchers do, but they keep their mouths shut as too many people have accidents when they go beyond what Alex Jones is revealing.

If Donald Trump has something the sapper can engineer to exploit a delaying action in this retreat, then I will gladly utilize it, but I offered him the direction he needs to go to counter balance the anti Christ, but the watched pot does not boil. So I'm finished with the fraud of politics, all three branches are as crooked as the Social Conglomerates and the Mockingbird Media. I look to Christ and focus on telling my children and brats to not go diving over the edge, and to just wait for the bigger events which will keep the police state engaged and occupied and not focused on the bleater you are.

All of this of Bidencon is a cancer, a consumptive force. It can not stand. Gas prices are already soaring, so will all other prices in inflation as this will drive forward to consume itself. It does not have to be resisted, would be stupid to be fought, as it will eat itself and the world. I do not attach to cancer nor prop it up. What I do engage in is keeping you informed to keep you emotionally balanced so you do not go off and do harmful things. You may not like knowing things, but being uncertain always has you questioning and off balance.

So with that, I would that I could afford Alex Jones' survival meals for a year, but at 2000 bucks, I'm going to have to do it all from scratch. Alex Jones seems to have it all, the SPLC loves him, Donald Trump showers love on him, and he has survival meals for when HAARP freezes Texas.

Nuff Said
