Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Pompatus of Love



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 Since I stopped listening to that Mockingbird minder, George Noory on the worthless Coast to Coast, we instead in going to sleep listen to FM rock.The station which I have on, is really setting a pattern in it plays Fleetwood Mac, Tommy Petty and Steve Miller way to much. So I get stuck listening to Miller too much in The Joker.

All I ever heard about Miller was that he was an anti gun troll, and that ended it for me in being a fan. He had hits, but they were bizarre things like Joker.

In that song, people have always wondered about a line called the POMPATUS OF LOVE, as there is not a word. In researching it, I found more distasteful things in Jon Cryer, another troll who wrote a movie based on that non existent word.

This though is where the story gets interesting as Steve Miller is like Sheryl Crowe in her All I want to do is have some fun..............sounds swiped from the Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road Guy. Captain Kirk says I ruined that for him, so the heals of that, here comes more plagiarism from Steve Miller. The worst part is he never even hid what he did and he never gave the author credit or any cash. Yes a liberal reality.

It turns out that the author was a man, a 14 year old runaway on crutches who was in Watts pan handling, and he was singing a song he wrote called THE LETTER. Here is the quote:

One song was “The Letter,” Green’s attempt to conjure up his dream woman. The mystery words, J.K. ascertained after talking with Green, were “puppetutes” and “pizmotality.” (Green wasn’t much for writing things down, so the spellings are approximate.)

“Pizmotality described words of such secrecy that they could only be spoken to the one you loved,” Green told Cryer. And puppetutes? “A term I coined to mean a secret paper-doll fantasy figure [thus puppet], who would be my everything and bear my children.”


 It was 1954, so there were not blow up dolls, and Green was not pervert at 14, so puppetutes of love, or Miller not hearing correctly in pompatos of love, was a dream girl, who would be everything a boy or man would want. She was a Dream Girl. A good mirror of this would be Roy Orbison in Sweet Dreams Baby.

Green when told he had been plagiarized had never heard of Steve Miller or the song the Joker and he laughed himself silly.
Miller on the other hand had used the lyrics in Enter Maurice, and Maurice is mentioned in The Joker.

Miller had a habit of stealing lyrics as in The Joker there are these lines:


Another line from “The Joker” goes “I really love your peaches, wanna shake your tree. / Lovey dovey, lovey dovey, lovey dovey all the time.” A similar line may be found in the Clovers’ 1953 hit “Lovey Dovey”: “I really love your peaches wanna shake your tree / Lovey dovey, lovey dovey all the time.”


So in this White Privilege world which is condemned, Steve Miller stole from two Black R & B artists in Vernon Green and the Clovers, both 1950's  artists, who would languish when Black went mainstream in Elvis Presley, and once the British artists flooded Negro clubs to play with the artists they had grown up with in playing their songs, in the Beatles, Rolling Stones and The Animals. The reason the early rock music was to good, was because it was all BLUES. The reason the studio stuff now from Country to Rock sucks, is because it is no longer Blues oriented.

I wonder if BLM will not demand Miller apologize, make restitution and be removed from the Rock legends hall of fame, as at least when Heart lifted Barracuda from Nazareth, Nazareth called them on the riff, but they changed enough around in did not plagiarize the lyrics.

Nuff Said

