Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Right to have a Bible---- Only in Church

Sorry Kommandant Wray, but your authority ends at your office door
according to the courts

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the destruction of the US Constitution, the US 9th ruled this:

The majority opinion also states “we can find no general right to carry arms into the public square for self-defense.” The majority further argued that the second amendment applies to the “defense of hearth and home” and “the power of the government to regulate carrying arms in the public square does not infringe in any way on the right of an individual to defend his home or business.”

This of course is bullshit, as the 2nd speaks to NO INFRINGEMENT on the right to keep and bear arms, that means owning and bearing them anywhere in the United States. The 9th also ignored the 10th Amendment which addresses all rights not limited to the regime, belong to the States and the Individual.

What the Lame Cherry always points out is the Hippocrates method, in the limits on the Second Amendment then are universal.

For example, free speech is limited to your home and or business according to this ruling.

Religion is limited to your home or a Church.

Public gathering is again, limited to your home or places the public may gather. This of course means that the Americans being hunted down by the FBI, legally gathered at the US Captiol and the police had no right to put up barriers, as the people had that right to gather in a public building without infringement.

This though is even more pronounced in, President has no authority outside the White House, so his executive orders are nullified past the White House gate.

Courts like the 9th, there rulings mean nothing outside the court house, for if a person can only be armed in their house or business, then law only has authority in court and no where else as that is the court's place of business.

In that, the FBI has no authority, nor does Homeland, nor does the US Marshals, or any agency like the IRS, outside of their building. FBI agents can not be armed except at home, in a vehicle I suppose and at the FBI headquarters. The same rule of law applies to their authority. If someone was stupid enough to enter an FBI building, or an Agent's vehicle, then the FBI would have them, but the FBI could not show up and arrest anyone, as their authority is only from their building to their car. It would seem a stretch of this authority in an FBI agent could not even arrest someone on their own lawn, because their lawn is not their employment as a federal agent.

So what have we gleaned from the 9th's ruling as the law of the land. Laws only have authority inside a police station or in their cruisers. They can not pull people over, can not go in pursuit, can not enter a robbed business and apprehend anyone, as if one can only carry a gun on your property, one can only enforce the law at the police station or inside their cars.

The Lame Cherry is pleased the 9th has engaged in more anti Constitution activity, as now we will get to see what Goddamn frauds are on the black robe court again. The same court rationing death, installing election thief Biden, aborting babies and sticking penis up the anus as a right, just before John bungholer Roberts rules that molesting a child is a right in the Constitution.

You already know that Breyer and the lezbos will vote against gun rights. You know what a fag lover and pussy, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch are. Alito is a wimp. Roberts is dick tucker and Clarence Thomas finally says things to make you think you have a voice on the court. I highly doubt it, as the Supreme Court just like Trump's election fraud will not even hear this case, so the 9th will stand and anyone who has a gun outside their home or business is as criminal.

Hey, that means all shooting sports, hunting and trapping have just been made illegal.

Anyone who believes in the black robes is insane as all they legislate for is the genocide of Americans.

Nuff Said

