Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Wokester Warriors


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The US Marines have found a target like the Joint Chiefs of Staff which they attack with relish, and that would be thee American People. The latest target is Tucker Carlson, after the bizarre Pedo Joe Biden press statement where he could not remember the Sec Def's name, but was focused on maternity flight suits for women.

Now pardon my knowledge of military flight, but a military plane often has to fly in harsh conditions of weather and combat, which is not the best place for a prego woman to be slamming around in a cockpit ripping the placenta away.
Apparently the military study on this proved that women in combat are a hindrance. Like the girl below in the staged photograph carrying a light body, and not a regular combat male.


I prefer to educate by example. The following examples are based upon one does not place your reproductive population into situations where it is killed if a nation seeks to endure.

In the Iraq War, there were two features of females in combat. The first was that once war broke out, numbers of women ended up prego and clogged the system up flooding back home, as they got knocked up any way they could to get out of combat.

The second feature is, that the woman who was captured, the first thing the Iraqi's tried to do was rape her wounded body.

America will be overrun in combat. What happens when the women, in their time of the month are all cramped up and lagging behind? What happens to these fighters when it is learned that the Chicoms and Russians with histories of mass rape, start mass raping these women in uniform to death.

The Germans recorded numbers of rapes by Frank Roosevelt's good communist Russian friends. In one instance a dozen Russians brutally raped a young woman, and then shoved a flare up her pussy and shot it off to kill her. Raped women are not going to be left alive to tell their stories.

I was watching one of the network broadcasts of Soldiers in Vietnam. One featured the story of a South Dakota boy, who was out in the wire one night when a VC sapper crawled in and attacked him. The gook was small as all Vietnamese are, and the larger American fended off the blows and the killed the VC in hand to hand combat.

The America female is even with soymilk giving her testosterone ovaries, is still a lighter boned, smaller muscled wetware. Body make up can not be changed. A punch to the face that a male would absorb is a punch a woman would have her skull fractured when administered by a male. Males when smashed with rifle butts, steel toed shoes and fists tend of carry on the struggle. A woman with one blow will be incapacitated. In the element of the lines being overrun, again the German Landser experienced this often from the Soviets, but the German male fought to the death, meaning they took up time from the enemy in a tank running them over to killing several communists, in delaying the charge of the Soviets. One male would require minutes to be dispatched. One American female in combat would be dispatched in seconds and not provide the time needed for a regroup.

Personally, the Lame Cherry does not care about any of this, because I know that when the Great Eurasian War comes, and America loses their resources, that all this woke shit is going to get entire units wiped out, entire ships knocked out, due to women in combat.Then the lesson will be learned, but it will be too late. It will though be of Darwin benefit that all of the women in service will be wiped out, those that ordered ti will be face selective bunker bombing by the Russians and Chinese even in America, and that will put an end to the discussion of the great Bush, Clinton. Obama, Biden woke warriors.

The wonderful part is the military is ejecting all the "extremists" who are Americans, and they will not be slaughtered with the wokesters. This is the best news Americans have had in a generation as for  century democrats have been loading up America's best of all races and getting them killed. Now the freaks and wokesters will be killed and so will this treacherous trash group of officers who are all liberals and democrats, as that is who was getting promoted as Norman Schwartzkopf explained as a good democrat.

What was most interesting in this Space Command and Marine assault on Tucker Carlson is what a bunch of pussies they are. They went first strike on Carlson and in a few tweets they were running for cover and apologizing. That is what the US officer and propaganda corp is. Put that in charge of a war, and they will retreat and surrender at the first wave the Russians or Chinese unleash.

Darwin calls it natural selection and survival of the fittest.. This fag corp is going to learn about losing and dying, and perhaps will live long enough to realize the 1% promoted all this to make certain the US military loses in the next war.

Nuff Said
