Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Return of the Plagues of Egypt


I'm sorry your chart said you died months ago 
so your social justice score is wiped and you 
can not purchase nor profit because you are dead.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I believe that all the dead from the serum have been murdered by design. I have had a bit more interest in this since my brother contracted low sodium, heart attack, strokes and cancer all over, in being vaxed and boosted.

I believe that there is a greater than possible probability, in that as we were off limits, in being a special attention project by our benevolent keepers, that the goat of my brother was tied to the stake to be tiger steak. Yes they could not assassinate me, so they produced a particularly heinous homicide on the next closest thing to me.

I take  the murder of someone in my family personal, whether it matters or not, because it is an affront to me. I'm curious from a scientific examination in how this vax actually did what it did, as it is a true assassin's weapon.

On the cancer manifestation of this, the cancer inhibitor TP 53 is in your body like a 3 drink limit so you do not die. Your body has automatic defense mechanism which are built in that retard cancers so they do not spread. The serum has an inhibitor that neutralizes the TP 53 mechanism and it is by this that cancer when present in the body, is simply let loose. To many analogies, but if cancer were a car rolling down a hill, the serum takes the brakes off and the car goes out of control.

What is being found is the synthetic prion with the mRNA programming was found in lymph cells weeks after the injections. It is worse in the suppression of the TP 53 was found in the human body months after the injections.

So this makes more sense. The vaxes were platforms that different additives were spliced or linked to them. Some produced brain rot, some blood clots, some auto immune, some organ damage, some accelerated aging, etc.... I have counted at least 13 manifestations, and there are probably more in the intestinal, lung and skin categories. Each of you is more prone to something. Some die of heart attacks some die of cancer. These serums boost the natural self destruct of the body. It is not all immediate as the evidence reveals. This is  going to be wearing people until death occurs from what the vaxed would normally die from.

My brother's DNA weakness appears to have been heart disease, stroke and cancer.  Not everyone dies of cancer, because  they have a more robust TP 53 inhibitors. So if a vaxed person has a robust TP 53, they will not easily develop or succumb to cancer. If their DNA weak link is not art of the serum, then they probably will not be that affected, but will be affected by other inclusions.

The girl I went to Confirmation with, her vax manifested aging and a more sullen personality. She is "recovering", but her son was having a disaster of a year in auto immune sickness as he was catching every virus that appeared. He has naturally enhanced his immune system, which his physician was aware of and he is "recovering" too.  Time will only tell in what will manifest as the 1% has allowed a great deal of information on this serum to warn the non Darwins, but they have not stated what the outcome is over long exposure.

A hint in this as this blog noted is the US military spiked rates in medical conditions. The US military for 5 years has seen spiking taking place. That is 3 years before the vax. That means the US military was a test ground for this Wuhan bioweapon. The numbers of the US military will overlay in proportions to the increase in the civilian population as this blog has exclusively revealed in matter anti matter.

This cancer enhancer appears to be quite widespread as much as the auto immune manifestation. This seems to be the VAIDS and VANCER legs of this serum. This blog stated early that this is DNA synthetic evolution. This blog stated in projections that not everyone would die in the numbers stated, at least not immediately. What is projecting is that in order to gain control over the population, key sectors of energy and medical are being monopolized in these broken systems. This is not about more wealth, but the mechanism for gaining control over the population, and that is accomplished by depleting resources in spiking medical treatments, which is why people are not going to die in the billions all at once. This is a herding programme.

The Lame Cherry projections point to 2023 AD in the year of our Lord as the point of no denial in this. This is the year when there will be noticeable outcomes which people can not deny, and then like Pharaoh, how much will the Egyptian sell their soul for a cup of cure. 
The plagues of Egypt will return to the 21st century.

We have all been entered into this and this will not end until the end is reached. My plan is to examine and study my brother's death to have a purpose to save Protestant Christian lives as he sold himself to a vax idol.

TP 53 is a reality for the serum carriers. If prone to cancer, they will manifest cancers.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

