Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Self Funding Deportation


Oh yes, Mr. Wayne, we are charging the city of Minneapolis 10 billion dollars 
for the cost of deportation as they made out like bandits.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that America is in the process with President Elect Trump in securing the borders of the United States by moving to enforce the law and as Trump officials are stating that raids on businesses will take place to find invaders for deportation, the reality is that this will have to be paid for.

The first method is to bill the states. It is a simple matter of deducting federal funds from the states where these invaders have lodged.

The second is the invaders themselves who have gotten Biden cash cards from WHO and other agencies. They cashed these cards, have left a trail and order banks like Wells Fargo that they will get a 10 percent finders fee for the money they can find. Believe me, the banksters will find trillions if given incentives.

The third is the invaders themselves with houses, cars, bling, all bought on the American dime. President Abraham Lincoln was for seizing Southern planter assets  for their insurrection, this invasion will have all assets seized by invaders.

The fourth, businesses employing invaders will be fined 10,000 dollars per invader.

The fifth, prosecution of state and federal employees handing funds out to invaders or not reporting over used Social Security numbers.

The sixth, the revisitation of Bush43's federal moneys for "charities" who Obama Biden weaponized to pay for the transportation and handling of the these people slaves and requiring these Catholic, Lutheran and Jewish "charities" to repay all the money's they misappropriated.

These six measures will fund the deportations, return American assets to Americans and produce self deportation and end the invasion as there will be no profit in this invasion and nothing but penalties for states like Illinois trading in human traffick for federal moneys.

This securing of America will be paid for by the return of the billions of dollars looted from Americans in this human traffick scam meant to erase and replace Americans.

Nuff Said

