Thursday, March 6, 2025

If you can't use the correct definitions, what is your journalistic worth


Perhaps she should paint her costume on as cut off veins cause clots.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have no idea what a Rachel Blevins is, besides a skirt selling her looks and her puppy to a bunch of jackoff commandos as she does Texas sized ideas of this fringe media entourage of guests whoring for attention.

It was this quote though by Journalist Blevins which dismisses her.

Patrick Henningsen, a journalist and geopolitical analyst, noted that by cutting off intelligence sharing, the Trump Admin is showing it is serious about bringing the war to an end, and doesn’t want to give Zelensky (or any of the right-wing, neo-Nazis he’s surrounding by) ammunition to try to provoke Russia with a false flag attack.

If all she is going to do is repeat Mockingbird Jewish propaganda points from the holocaust for cover, pull the string Barbie Doll, she is just another parrot of the problem.

As this blog has explained this, it will again, because the children of the GENS, are pumping information so fast they never think.

Right Wing Neo Nazi.

OK, how about a Protestant Christian New Satanist.

That can not exist in a house divided.

As the Lame Cherry has taught against this propaganda smearing people on the Right, a NAZI, stands for NATIONAL SOCIALISM. Gee a socialist is a LEFT WING ideology. So a right wing, left wing Nazi can not exist. Nazis are ALL left wing. There is not a right wing in them. This is like that Goddamn Tim Russert twisting Ronald  Reagan Blue States to Red States as Commie Red was costing democrats elections as people associated RED with Pinko traitor. So Russert in the money pimp he was for the CIA and his entourage on the fraud right, all changed the colours.

The American Right was branded as Nazi's deliberately by the American communist and their allies in the Jewish left wing media to smear Conservatives. The reason this propaganda works is because the trained chimps are to lazy to peal the banana, and just repeat those catch phrases, instead of being responsible and stopping the smearing of Americans.

Now why Rachel Blevins is smearing Americans, that is something I could care less about as they are a vast sea of pull the string Barbie Dolls. I care about the Truth and by posting the Truth, it exposes how uninformed Ms. Blevins is. As she is that uninformed on a simple thing, what else is she spewing that is the same misinformation and how much of what she is spewing is the CIA Mockingbird talking points, keeping the gulag conditioning in process.

She had better market it in cashing in, because the lines on her neck show she is not aging well and when Kamala did the face injections, that had a shelf life of 9 months and now she looks like some horror movie, and jackoff commandos do not subscribe to freak shows on substack.

One last thing, I think she meant "SURROUNDED BY" not "SURROUNDING BY". I have my reasons for grammar pollution. I doubt Ms. Blevins has thought that far ahead.

Nuff Said



Screaming at Demons coming to Get you


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like most of you, I'm having a struggle of a time in the satanic attacks as it is like the reversals of David John Oates on the dwarf Zellinskyy, talking about demons and satan, because you can just see the evil in this mass murderer as this type of human is spreading the force of that evil into this world.

So in the Latter Days, we get HAARP demon weather weaponized against us, innocent things perish, bad things crop up in manifestations of hateful people against us, and the non donors continue on thinking none of this is going to come due in their stealing from God here.

That is why, while I do not get a thrill out of the ANTIGOV being kicked out by DOGE, I did delight in the Pater Pope having a rough night as he clings to this world, as demons try and drag this pedo to hell who hates Jesus the Son of God. This false prophet in Reverse Speech talks about raping little boys. He is evil to the core and real Catholics detest him as the destroyer of their religion.

You got to think of the avenging in this though in Frank has been raping little boy butts, and here is strapped into a bed, a hose down his throat to breathe, kidneys failing, he is pinned down and dying, and her come the demons gnashing at him like in Ghost, and he can't get away. They are there as he has no repentance and will not call on the Name of Jesus the Christ to save him.

Pope Said To Have Spent All Night Screaming
At Demons Trying To Drag Him To Hell...

Exorcist reveals the chilling cases that ‘prove'
the Devil is real

So this time, this kind of avenging by God in all my misery, delighted me. This is to the bone and to the core and is a lesson to all to fulfill the Law of God to hate evil, to Care for others in need, and to trust like all Protestant Christians, ONLY in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to deliver now and to save us when He comes for us.

My evil godfather died in the hospital and TL and I laughed as he said he saw Jesus..........his family thought that wonderful, but we both thought, Jesus was coming for someone else and ignored the evil godfather. That did not quite soak into that fat dolt.

Last time I "saw" him was in the cemetery. It was an internal feeling of a big dumb dense idiot who could not comprehend what was going on as like an off color blob hovered in malevolence over his grave of ashes. Never had a repeat, so perhaps the demons caught up with him, but it said allot in he never was with his fat ass family who are going to hell to, just his ashes as that is all that was left.

God's Will be accomplished as there is no protection for the collection forces of the satanic for evil people.

Nuff Said


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Europe the way of the Dinosaurs

It is a plan with lots of pictures as we like cartoon peace plans.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

NATO is finished and the European Union is in Disunion.

With the United States shutting off all military aide to Ukraine and the CIA stating that America will not provide intelligence information for deep strikes into Russia, the monarchs without crowns in Europe are meeting the reality of their duplicity against the United States and President Donald Trump.

You will soon realize that Italy is thee only nation in Europe save Hungary (Viktor Orban denied the increased spending for Ukraine as it was insane.)

These Europeans are twisters. They can not be trusted.

Now in broken Europe, the ever wanker Manny Macron of France does not need the United States, as France with it nuclear "arsenal" will protect Europe from Russia.........Macron in his delusions proclaims that Russia wants to conquer Europe.

Europeans suffer from delusions that everyone lusts for their toilet shit. Honestly no one wants Europe. Russia does not want Europe. China does not want Europe. Islam does not want Europe. The Jews do not want Europe. Americans do not want Europe. Birther Obama wanted to blow it up and President Donald Trump wants out of Europe.

So I suppose that France's nuclear arsenal will protect all of Europe.........except from Europeans who are self aborting.

Macron says he'll confer with allies on protecting Europe with French ...

6 hours ago ... French President Emmanuel Macron said Wednesday he will confer with European allies on the idea of using France's nuclear deterrent to ...

On the other hand, that dwarf Zellinskyy after offering to bend over again, but then President Vladimir Putin responded that Zellinskyy is a political bastard and Russia will not talk with him, nor negotiate.

To this Zellinskyy has responded that he will no longer bend over, and now does not want a mineral deal with President Trump and now he will not deal with President Putin.

Never to fear, England is ready take on Russia. It will increase defense spending in 2027..........apparently Russia will have to wait 2 years befoer conquering Europe.

In the meantime, here are the mighty numbers for the British military.

Challenger II Main Battle Tanks from 213 to 219

128 Ajax armoured fighting vehicles, though reports suggest delivery of the vehicles only begun in January this year, after eight years of delay.

F-35 fighter jets,  35 according to latest figures.

The number of Typhoon jets (137),

 submarines (10), 

destroyers (6), 

and frigates (12) 

Most of the Navy is not operational.

180,000 personnel

127,000 are full-time trained personnel, while approximately 53,000 are untrained or reserves.

*There are no numbers as to how many actually combat troops the British have. They do have only 74,000 somethings like Harry the Duke.

The Europeans came up with their "peace plan". This is it.

 the plan would involve a one-month ceasefire that would apply to air and sea attacks but not to ground combat.

The translation in this is, Russia is supposed to give up all it's advantages and fight with only the infantry which Ukraine has. That is the idea of a ceasefire. Oh and Russia has to surrender all their lands in Ukraine and Ukraine gets to be in NATO.

Now the Europeans of the West with the dwarf arrived at all of this in banning Russia from any of the discussions.

Europe is not functionally sane. It is a people of crownless monarchs. In effect, America in two world wars, which the banks of Europe set up, produced something else in Europe, in the warrior class has been extinguished after hiding behind the United States for over 100 years, the European is not an Andres Brevick, the European is Stamer, Macron and Zellinskyy, think of them as isolated microbes on some test tube island being all bad ass on infants they infect, but take them out of the test tube and put them into the sunshine and antibiotic of Russia, and the Europeans are incapable for threatening any living form.

It is the era for the United States to abandon Europe. Russia is not going to harm the sane Europeans in Hungary or Italy, and Russia will swat away the English and French. It will produce a protective zone on what was the Baltics and Poland which are their traditional lands, but in the south they have the mountains and will venture no further.

It is time that this devolved Darwin race which is Europe, rots away. Perhaps in 100 years, there may arise a Saxon like breed again from natural selection which would contend with world, but in the 21st century, Europe is over. Europe is kaput. It is time for the advancing nations to join and move to the stars and visit the bones of Europe with quiet disregard like the dinosaur or the mummy of Egypt.

You don't have to say I was right was we all know it.

Yes this is my prison. Europe is my servant and they all serve me.
In Kiev, they call this Vladimir Zellinskyy.

Nuff Said


Friggers, Mr. President, Friggers

 Manny et son petit garçon en costume de guerre.

Oui monseiur, you are the fodder for London banking in Ukraine
as you are the Friggers, the French Niggers of failed France.

In recent statements circulating widely on social media, Gabbard has outlined what she describes as “two viable paths” for the conflict: a continuation of the war leading to further devastation, or a negotiated peace to avert a potential escalation into World War III

Trump halts all US military aid to Ukraine, White House official says

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry realizes that President Donald Trump has a great deal of information we do not. That it was leaked that Palantir is one of the sources in Ukraine which is providing intelligence. Forgive my being blunt though in this, but I will provide a story from JYG's brother to explain my angst over what President Trump keeps snuffing around the Kiev snatch for that bad rare earth deal.

JYG's brother is on not his first marriage. A few years ago his "wife" decided she did not want him around anymore. JYG's family was at the time experiencing some internal family conflict with violence. In this the Troll has affections for this woman who wanted him gone. She got a restraining order, and then said it was ok for the Troll to pick up some things.....he arrived, the cops arrested him.

This then moved on to the Troll, being nice, in fixing the brakes on this woman's car for free. She claimed then that the brakes failed as the Troll tried to kill her. The Troll is a person that JYG has to kill spiders for him. Dude would not hurt a fly or a spider.
So he was in hot water and on probation, and yet he could not stay away from this skirt. So in an estate settlement, he sends this woman a very expensive piece of jewelry. Her response was to report it as contact with her, and how he on probation longer.

That is what I see in President Trump in he just can not leave this Ukraine whore alone. President Trump knew in his first term that he could not trust Ukraine. He would not meet with the dwarf. His Ukrainians in that Vindeman twins and the US Embassy in Kiev were part of his impeachment.

President Trump knows that German Angela Merkel and NATO, with the French and British built a Maginot Line in Ukraine to slaughter Russia to defeat with, and then break up Russia for profit. That is what Ukraine was for. The President knows that this has always been about the United State being trapped into a fight with Russia in a world war. Director Gabbard knows this in the statements of peace or world war, so the President is well aware.

As I stated, I realize there are bargaining points in all of this. The President has been accommodating to Russia and has been supportive of allies such as Bulgaria. Yet he is absolutely aware as all informed people are, that the dwarf sold all mineral rights to London in January, and when Stamer met with Mr. Trump and presented him with the King Charles letter, it was an FU to Donald Trump as London did not inform 47 they held the minerals that Kiev was suckering America with.

It is at the point in this that a woman just wants to scream, "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ALL OF THIS AS IT IS TROUBLE AND AMERCIA IS GOING TO END UP DEAD."

At this point, I'm posting this before the President does the State of the Union with an update on this mineral deal again that he wants. There is no deal as England holds the rights to the minerals. It reminds me of the Troll thinking if he keeps making contact with the psycho wife that he will get pussy again, and all he gets is trouble with the cops.

At this point, we know that London has a scripted agenda. It was to sucker America into Ukraine with the minerals, then deploy troops into Ukraine. London will then with Kiev move to assassinate the Russian leadership which will bring a hammer response from Moscow, and who will be digging in the dirt there, but Americans, and we have a world war then as Russians have killed idiot Americans for playing in a whorehouse filled with pimps of Europe who want America dead with Russia.

The Russians in Austria categorically REJECTED this British bullshit as Moscow knows all it is, is a reset of the war against them, a time to rearm and graduate this to direct NATO involvement, which is going to have some Goddamn Pearl Harbor, 9 11 or JFK event which will be used to engage in war with Russia.

That is the reason for my angst.  There is nothing in Ukraine worth the trillions in war it will cost Americans and the millions in dead. I have stated and will state again, if Ukraine has 1 trillion in rare earth and I say IF, because we were told there was oil in the stans and that was bullshit to get us into Afghanistan, there is NOT ANY infrastructure in Ukraine. My rough estimates are that it will cost at least 500 billion dollars to build the electric plants, develop the mines, build the rail and road system, to get this to market, our market as yes, we will be buying this chit, costing us more money in this great deal. When you pay the costs of salaries and whatever a Slav wants, you are adding 400 million dollars more as all the bigshots get their Ukraine will cost America 1 trillion in minerals to buy them, and another 900 billion to develop and process, leaving 100 billion that will go to Ukraine. There is another deal America is involved with and it is called the Federal Reserve and that wonderfulf deal cost America almost 40 trillion at present.

MOSCOW: Russia is categorically against the idea of potential deployment of European troops to Ukraine, Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s envoy in Vienna to international organizations said on Tuesday.
“Firstly, the European Union is not impartial, and peacekeepers must be impartial,” Ulyanov said on the Telegram messaging app.
“Secondly, Russia is categorically against it.”

President Trump keeps stating this is a great deal. In running the numbers I do not see it. I though am not focused on the profits or needs for national security (How this can be secure for America sitting on Russia's border is as insecure as China.) What the Lame Cherry is focused on are the Europeans who have been moving to a direct war between Russia and America, like they did the past two world wars in starting conflicts, like they did in Iraq twice and wherever else this bunch of criminals have enticed America into.

This is nuclear war. There is NOTHING in Ukraine worth any kind of war with Russia. PERIOD. I'm not challenging President Trump on this, but when God intervenes as he did with Zellinskyy to expose his racketeering in getting America out of this mineral deal, then you stay the hell out of Ukraine and you never go back.

President Donald Trump of the United States on Monday said that a deal to open up Ukraine’s minerals to US investment could still be agreed despite his frustration with Kyiv, as European leaders floated proposals for a truce in Russia’s war with its neighbor.

When asked on Monday if the deal was dead, Trump said at the White House: “No, I don’t think so.”

He described it as a great deal for the US, stating that he would give an update on the situation on Tuesday night.

Yet there seems to be a continued failure to communicate. Russia states it is not going to ever agree to a deal with these Goddamn firestarters on their border. Yet there is London and France going ahead like this is something agreed to. Russia will hit these British and French troops as they are not peacekeepers, they are targets, meant to make America the target in those wonderful mines. Russia is not going to agree to any of this fake peace, as they know what it is, just another war starter. So "after the peace deal" that London and Paris keep repeating is not going to be as there is not any peace deal Russia will agree to.

British Prime Minister Kier Starmer on March 2 announced that the United Kingdom and France were ready to lead a “coalition of the willing”

The plan is for the UK to send soldiers to Ukraine, set them up to be shot by Russians or in a false flag attack, and then claim Article 5 of the NATO treaty requires the United States to send soldiers to bail them out.

Of course, it wouldn’t just be British troops that would get targeted.

All of what this blog has been stating, is now finding the echo chamber in the legitimate alt media as everyone can see this is a danger to get the hell away from. Yet we have the same focus on that albatross mineral deal in Ukraine.

The bad actors of Europe are erupting. It is not just England and France. We have Germany threatening the United States. There is Norway refusing to refuel United States ships. THIS CAN NOT STAND and this must be made an example of. We have advocacy now by Europeans to seize US weapons stores in Europe and seize US assets. This is not an alliance, this is an open war against the United States which has one end, in America dying for Europe in a war with Russia.

According to a report from Yorkshire Live the Norwegian fuel giant—widely speculated to be Equinor, though not explicitly named in all sources—announced it would ban sales to U.S. forces operating in the region.

The article suggests the move came shortly after a contentious White House meeting between Trump and Zelensky, which reportedly devolved into a heated exchange over military aid and NATO commitments.

Sources described the encounter as a “diplomatic disaster,” with Trump’s remarks allegedly prompting outrage across parts of Europe, including Norway.

Business Today, in a piece published via Dailyhunt on March 2, 2025, quoted a company spokesperson as saying, “Not a litre will be delivered until we see a resolution to this mess.”

The United States still is involved in Europe with "allies". A B 52 was coordinating with ground forces in Bulgaria. That is a necessary part in not backing down to Moscow and showing that the arming of Ukraine again could be possible if Russia does not come to Munich Accord type terms.

What is of necessity though is not what is the reality. For the stunt of Norway  who blew up the North Stream pipeline, for denying US refueling, the United States either points a big ship cannon at the Norwegians and fills it's tanks for free forever or America gets the hell out of Norwegian waters and lets the Russian take the oil for free. What is going on behind the scenes is behind the scenes, but what is making it to the public, is showing absolute weakness in the Trump Administration in keeping quiet over events like that, and you can fly a B 52 in Bulgaria looking tough, but you look like a Goddamn pansy to Moscow, Peking, Tehran and Pyongyang over Norway, over England, over France, over the dwarf.
There is only so much propaganda value in throwing Zellinskyy out of your office, when being humiliated elsewhere and then Goddamn walking back to that Goddamn dwarf as England and France are throwing piss pot shit on you, and saying you want to peak under Zellinskyy's skirt as you just can not get enough of those sodden minerals.

The Lame Cherry does not post things without attempting some positive solutions. It appears in this like the Goddaman HAARP spraying in America by Big Fuel and Big Chem with Darpa, that Ukraine is driven by the cartel which is inflating prices on everything with rare earth minerals costing consumers a fortune. That is what is driving this in securing that source.
Greenland is apparently full of this stuff. We know Russia is full of this stuff and that is where these lustful cartel conglomerates should be cutting the deal and not Ukraine as Russia is not going to bomb America with America running the rare earth show there. I mean Judas Priest on a mule, this Goddamn not wanting a Russian to have a pot to piss in, in having part of the profits which are going to get absorbed by America anyway in further PEACEFUL trade.

Bulgaria has always played a crucial role in the CIA-run trafficking of American weapons on the international market.

America is attached at the genitals with too many murderous people in this world. I can understand the President in deals for these nation rapists, but there has to be the reality of not placing the United States in jeopardy. Very good things are happening with President Trump and President Putin. President Putin agreed to mediate the Iran Jewish State nuclear situation in a request from President Trump. BRAVO! The Russians are honest brokers and have shown it repeatedly. Trust is building with President Trump again after Bush, Obama, Biden, but as I will repeat in my angst, having London, Paris, Berlin and Kiev watch the United States back anywhere in this world is like the Troll thinking the psycho wife is going to have nice sex with you, when she keeps trying to get you in prison for life.

President Trump is very good for America and the world, but I will not be convinced in this pendulum swing that America can be in Ukraine and it will not be the worst nuclear war mistake in US history. America can be the CEO, but use Germany as a buffer, and for Mr. Trump's sake, walk away and trust God in your mission, as He has delivered you twice.

Nuff Said


The Gettysburg BRICS


Lincoln at Gettysburg

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I sit here pondering the historic battle of the Civil War in Gettysburg and my conclusions are that the Union under General George Meade did so much win the battle, but that the Army of Northern Virginia lost the battle. This analysis is more focused again on the aftermath of the battle, as this is something President Donald Trump has to deal with in every branch of Government. He does not have the advantage of putting America in the wilderness for 40 years, until the slave mentality all dies out with that generation.

It was deemed by the South that in order to relieve Vicksburg which General Grant had laid seige too and kept 3 Confederate armies at bay for a year, that General Lee would march north again, and this time strike a sweeping blow in Pennsylvania, the northeast and Washington City. It was bold and brazen, and General Lee had every confidence in his army to do the job, which would neutralize the north, gain recognition from Europe and gain Southern Independence.

When Lee disappeared with his army from Richmond into the Shennandoah. The Army of the Potamic did not have a General. It was not until the President ordered by superior officers, General Meade to take command, that the Union army in the east had a leader who was now following the Confederate forces.

Neither army knew exactly where the other was, and the Union citizens unleashed verbal fury at the Sons of the South as they marched through. Lee gave orders for no looting, raping, burning or murdering. All material confiscated was paid for in Confederate script. He was not going to make enemies of the northern people.

As each army felt it's way toward the other, minor engagements took place, that came to be battles, before the main collusion would form at Gettysburg. Lee was successful. He was gaining northern stocks for his army as many of his men had shoes now and spirits were very high.

It was at Gettysburg in 3 days of battle, which Lee hit the Union right, the Union left, and on July 3rd decided upon striking the Union line centered on Cemetery Ridge. This is where God's work took hold.

General James Longstreet, the second in command, advocated to not fight the Union army. He was of the point, if the Union army is there, it is desiring us to strike it. The Confederate forces should instead obtain the main objectives of Harrisburg, move to the capital of Pennsylvania, make it a fortress, and there resupply and continue the campaign.
Lee instead opted to crush the Army of the Potomac, but his two first flanking actions failed.

This is where from Napoleon to Robert E. Lee that the rules of engagement were violated. A military force NEVER strikes the center, unless one knows that is the absolute weak point and an easy victory can be had. Striking the center leaves behind the chief necessities of war in being able to maneuver, strike the enemy at it's weakest point on a flank, and then getting the advantage to make the enemy lines react, and with infalidated fire, roll up the enemy line.

What Lee did was have General Longstreet pound the Union Center, having enough confiscated shot, shell and powder for cannon, and then he sent in the forces of General Picket, who had holes blown in their lines, reformed, advanced, repeated, and did come over the Union lines in fierce hand to hand fighting. The problem Picket's forces were depleted after the hammering they too, and they were vanquished literally. Picket had no army left when Lee ordered a counter attack. Picket replied, "Tell that old man I have no army left".

Both armies were mauled severely again. Lee began retreating south. Meade instead of advancing like McClellan and Antietam, licked his wounds for 3 days, with Lincoln chafing for the Union Army to move and seize the opportunity.

An interesting point in this was said on the Meade staff, that if Longstreet had just pounded the Union lines longer, the Confederates would have gained victory.

As it was, the Army of Northern Virginia bled it's way south to the Potomac, where the river swelled for storms and sat. Meade arrived a week later, held a war council to which President Lincoln again chafed as war councils did nothing, and with that Lee escaped.

Meade was in favor of attack, as was another General, but four others did not want to attack the Confederate lines. The reasoning was that Lee had dug entrenchments. The answer to entrenchments are cannon and shot and if an opening can be blasted, then an infantry attack follows. If anything, Meade should have constructed pontoon bridges as the South was, and crossed a force to keep Lee penned in.

The reason the Lame Cherry is giving the details in this, is Robert Lincoln during this period, found his father bent over a desk, head down and crying. He asked his father what was the problem and Lincoln answered that with Vicksburg, if Meade had simply stretched out his hand which McClellan would not do, the war would have been over literally. Tens of thousands of dead on both sides would have been spared. Lincoln was torn by what he hesitated as a conspiracy to not defeat the South which was what McClellan had advocated in burning out both armies and creating a slave peace again.

This McClellan idea permeated the ranks yet and General Mead was not exactly a driving force for conservative thinking as he was against the United States invading Mexico in a war he fought in. There was pacifism at his heart even though he would carry out his duty to win a battle, but in that hung the words which Abraham Lincoln winced at when he kept reminding every General that the defeat of Robert E. Lee was thee only order of battle. It was not Richmond and it was not as General Meade telegraphed the President in "he was going to drive the invader army from their soil". Doing that only prolonged the mass death of this war.

At one point in this, Abraham Lincoln almost went himself to the banks of the Potomac to take command of the campaign as he had as much military sense now as any of his generals. He always thought better of it, but it always came back to the reality that for 3 years, Union Generals had botched operations, fought and then withdrew and always let Robert E. Lee escape.

Robert E. Lee was not invincible. As the Germans who studied him, they deemed him the greatest tactical genius in warfare of withdrawing his forces and in using smaller forces against greater numbers, provided those numbers did not move as McClellan never did.

His two major campaigns in Antietam and Gettysburg showed Lee in his not able to command forces in major battles when he had to attack.
Lee's placement of forces at Antietam was incorrect. He put Jeb Stuart in charge of fixed horse artillery and he placed General Thomas Jackson in a fixed position in the battle line. He lost all ability to maneuver which is what was his greatest asset. Two armies butchered each other and Lee retreated and should have been crushed by McClellan.
At Gettysburg, Lee correctly hit the Union left and right. His cavalry against Fitzgerald was a draw and his first problem. This led him to the final day for the center attack. It was said that when Lee's blood got up that no one could do anything with him. He was going to attack and no one could tell him any different. In reality, General Longstreet was correct in they should have gained the capital of Pennsylvania, turned it into a fortress and made the Union attack them to their defeat. Whatever was the reason that Longstreet was not able to pound the Union center more is one of those things of combat, in perhaps command just wanted to get the battle going.

On July 3rd, Lee made his worst blunder. Before the main engagement took place, a General Sickles marched his command off of Little Round Top and was smashed in the village. Whatever Sickles was doing, he did it without orders and left the entire Union left, in the high ground unguarded. The South did spot this and sent forces and a desperate fight  took place which hinged the battle in General Joshua Chamberlain in maneuver regained the position, but someone on the Confederate left, and namely General Lee should have poured troops on quick march to Little Round Top with artillery driven up and Cavalry striking on the Union left. Robert E. Lee in following military doctrine would have smashed the Army of the Potomac and taken Pennsylvania, Maryland and Washington City in the next two weeks for the planned victory.

Instead his Army was smashed in attacking the center.

General Wadsworth of the North had a conclusion in why Lee escaped and it was called the West Pointer Phobia. He stated that these graduates of West Point had been so upstaged by Southern cadets constantly, that they all believed themselves inferior and this was reinforced by the major losses in combat by the Union, and the daring strikes of General Thomas Jackson to drive home the prejudice.'

It should be noted that Democrats generals, Benjamin Butler and US Grant, along with Republicans William Sherman, had no such fear of Southern prowess and in blunt force proved their forces would win in battles. The illustration of this was Grant upon moving to Potomac headquarters with the remnant of the West Pointers and McClellan's cronies who had a Barbie Doll chorus about Bobby Lee. General Grant who was not prone to outbursts had enough of this and yelled at his offers, "Bobby Lee this, Bobby Lee that. You start worrying about what you are going to do to Bobby Lee and not what Bobby Lee is doing".

Grant was not a flash and dash field general. He was as Vicksburg proved a brilliant siege general. He would flush Robert E. Lee from Richmond, and then like a bulldog he got ahold of Lee and kept moving by the left flank all summer in endless fighting, but his purpose was correct in he was going to destroy the Army of Northern Virginia man for man as Grant had the resources to consume in the northern population. There was no magic in it. What Grant did was sound military doctrine of movement and striking, while forcing Lee to move into a location by Appomattox Court House, where 3 Union armies converged to surround what was left of this fine fighting force.

There was a reality of Gettysburg that once Abraham Lincoln, found his general who had generals like Sherman deploying combat strategy to win, that Abraham Lincoln began winning. It required almost 3 years for Lincoln to flush out the officers who were in sympathy to the south and who were afraid of Southern military men.

47 is going to have  to move hard with loyalists to achieve some kind of victories the public can hold onto, in order to win decisively in the midterms, to cement his domestic and foreign victories for a JD Vance election to a Trump 3rd term to cement this Trump revolution into place.

That will require disengagement in contact with Russia, the Mideast and holding China in check, with no war, and it will require an absolute cowing of the resistance by force, and the gaining control of thee American economy, and doing that by drilling oil for cheap energy for Americans to drive the economy and mining bitcoin to retire the debt, then BRICS will splinter.

Nuff Said


British Weather Warfare Against America


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a warning to all in the weather warfare against the United States is going to be unleashed it appears sometime around March 14th, and as nothing was done by DOGE or President Trump in this, HAARP is set to blast the United States again.

This all surfaced out of England in the European Model. Considering Kiev and London plotted against America, it would seem those agents are instigating this attack upon Americans in retaliation.

Major sudden stratospheric warming forecast, final polar vortex ...

3 days ago ... An analysis by Andrej Flis of Severe Weather Europe (SWE) indicates that the second polar vortex collapse of 2025 is expected to occur in mid- ...

None of this should be happening as usual. Not a word of this is coming out of the American press. Only weather underground spiked with a huge snowstorm tracking across America on the 14th of March.

Other forecasts show absolutely nothing and moderate temperatures.

What is hitting the east coast presently is a chem cold sink, with a massive low pressure generated out of the high plains.  The weather terrorists in what is coming, appear to be pulling air out of the upper atmosphere and sinking it. With the chem freezing sick and elderly people, I don't know how much Americans can take with another plunge like this.

It is the point that Congress will do nothing. I do not know if the President can do anything. There is a massive attack like the one in February being generated for America coming out of Canada and that is the weather terror fact.

Nuff Said


Proof of the Necessity of Invoking the Insurrection Act

As Jonathan Turley notes;

The key here is that this was a controversial move to review a TRO, which is generally not reviewable. What is clear is that there are four justices who were still prepared to do so and would obviously be likely to grant review in the next round.

That next round would come after the hearing on the preliminary injunction, which is scheduled for March 6th.

It can then be appealed to these awaiting justices. Only four are needed to grant review, so you do the math.

We cannot wait to see how Musk and Trump respond to this fucking farcical outcome...

Thee ANTIGOV Black Robe Court

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is becoming plain that with President Trump's State of the Union Speech in the open insurrection by the entire democratic party, and now with the Supreme Court joining in the unConstitutional revolt against the Rule of Law in times of insurrection and invasion, that the Founders of America were absolutely proven correct again in protecting the United States, that the President holds full Authority in the Constitution in times of insurrection and invasion, as in those times, the "civilian" branches of Government in the Congress and Courts, can and will be so corrupt that they are in insurrection against the remaining Executive Branch.

No more clear understanding of this is Chief Justice Bunghole Roberts, joined by the Vatican's Justice, Amy Barrett, voted with other insurrectionists to restore USAID funding to the insurrectionists who are in open warfare against the People and Government of the United States.


Thee ONLY safety valve in this, is in the Constitution which gives President Donald Trump Constitutional Authority, which can not be infringed, impeded or blocked by the Legislative or Judicial. As this blog has educated it's readers, President Abraham Lincoln invoked that Authority in the European sponsored insurrection of the Southern States, and the intimidation of invasion from France with troops in Mexico and England with troops in Canada. 

The Constitution is very expansive and liberal on the Authority it provides the President to save America. As Chief Magistrate, he is the Courts. As Commander in Chief, he is the military. The Founders understood completely what they were requiring of a President like Donald Trump. He was to declare an insurrection or invasion, and then move with the United States Military to back his declarations, in dispatching the Provost Marshal to apprehend all persons whom indictments have been signed by any Cabinet member. In President Lincoln's era, it was democrat Sec of War Edwin Stanton who signed the warrants. These warrants of military enforcement in civilian law was so complete that even the courts could not hide criminals in their courts, which is meant by the suspension of Habeas Corpus.

If President Donald Trump is going to save America, the time is coming when the People are going to come to the conclusion as Americans did in 1860, that the President will have to move, and that will mean that the Chief Justice in Bunghole Roberts will have a warrant for his arrest and the Provost Marshal will haul him off the bench, along with Justice Barrett and these other insurrectionists. This means that those in Congress are going to be arrested by the Provost Marshal and hauled away for Military Tribunal Trials, where there is no stage show permitted in the Tribunals provide all representation and trials and sentences are swift as proven the assassins who joined John Wilkes Booth attacking President Lincoln and Secretary Chase.

It required over 2 years for the public to come to the conclusion that President Lincoln completely enjoin the insurrection and invasion Authority. America does not have two years to wait, and in this, thankfully half the democrat voters now have had it with the radicals in their own party in the Obama woke.

America can not allow the festering cancer of insurrection to become a radical plague where the little tumors hearing that politicians and justices are in open revolt can join in. Butler PA was a dire warning when the "Woke DEI" have weaponized the Government and think they can assassinate a Presidential Candidate.

Americans must come this necessity and voice support for this, to provide the continued process where President Donald Trump will be able as President Abraham Lincoln was, to arrest politicians and strike down courts and haul away every invader or insurrectionists to secure the United States again.

President Donald Trump as Chief Magistrate has Constitutional Authority to appoint without advise or consent of Congress, however many lesser Magistrates to enforce the laws of America, and without any interference by the Supreme or any lesser courts. An Executive Magistrate would seize the USAID funds on Presidential Authority and if the Supreme Court dared to infringe or impede the Executive, the Magistrate would issue a warrant for the arrest of every Court member who breached the US Constitution as ANTIGOV.

This all will be done legal in the framework of Constitutional Government once the President invokes the Insurrection and Invasion Clause of the US Constitution.

Respond Mr. President, RESPOND!!!

Nuff Said
