Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Bad Trip of Kamala Harris


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After observing the Kamala Harris appearance on FOX with Brett Baier, what this blog has diagnosed is certain in the Vice President is on some form of narcotic medication.She is sluggish like a drunk, she makes zero sense, and makes statements which have nothing to do with the subject. She sounds like a bar fly trying to get laid by anyone in a bar, hanging on them.

America has a Joe Biden who is not functional for too many hours in a day and Kamala Harris has proven she is not functional 24 hours a day.

The only diagnosis of this is, is  that Kamala Harris is "cracking up" under the stress of this losing campaign and she has been ordered to challenge the results of the election which is probably going to incite mob violence and she simply can not handle the strain.

For those who remember when Eric Holder burned up kids in Waco Texas, then Attorney Lezbo General Janet Reno cracked up on that Hillary Clinton political stunt. I don't know if it is all the dead babies in Gaza or the Christians in Ukraine , but this woman can not handle the presssure as she is forced to do the minstrel dance for Tel Aviv again.

There simply is something wrong with Kamala Harris's brain function. She acts punch drunk, drugged or intoxicated.  It sounds like she has 3rd graders prepping her and she has no clue that what she is being fed sounds as ludicrous as it does.

I honestly feel sorry for this woman as this is the worst performance of any politician in history. Liberals skewered Dan Quayle, but Dan Quayle was not only right,but he withstood a thousand times more bad press and hammering that pampered Kamala Harris has.

Harris can not rely on that Tampon Tim, as we are being forced to watch this bad acid trip of Harris and it is disturbing.

Psychologically, Kamala Harris should be protected, but we are dealing now with 3 months that this already unsteady woman is going to be shoved out before the public to disturb that public.

At this point, this woman is supposed to preside over the certification of Donald Trump as Vice President in Congress. At this point, I do not even know if a suitcase full of OD meds can keep her glued together or if we are going to get some strip show in her singing some stoner song instead.

Kamala Harris is having a bad trip. It only looks like today's white rabbit is going to be tomorrow's spiders this woman is going to think she has to nuke.

The people to blame for this are Barack and Michelle Obama. They took this incompetent sexual performer in California and hid her in the limelight of California corrupt politics and having things handed to her in the Senate she was functional. She was functional hiding behind Joe Biden, but she simply failed at everything Biden sent her out to do, and it looks like she has been dosing happy pills or the past few years in her cackling and is now dosing in unhealthy levels in this psychodelic moment that is an unending weeks of nightmares in the Kamala Bad Trip. It simply was too much for her when the Obama's had her take down Joe Biden and now she is facing the hard things in briefings and politics which have broken this shell of a woman.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said

Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit- - YouTube

Nov 9, 2008 ... Jefferson Airplane "White Rabbit" Live on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Push Going Out The Door


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog predicted, Kabala Harris hit her "high" when she ousted with Obama Inc, Joe BIden from the ticket. She is in free fall now as American voters, and that means ALL Americans with not hyphens are joining in this rejection of Bombay Kamala and Tampon Tim.

The Goebells propaganda safety net is gone. Things which would have been covered up for Obama Clinton are now glaring on CNN and CBS. The Lame Cherry never thought it would ever see a free fall mirroring the Jimmy Carter plunge as the liberals would not allow another Reagan,but we are indeed witnessing a direction of the Board as in the Reagan era when the CIA's media and assets, began planting devastating stories which actually reflected what has  always been the casae in Black Americans never did embrace Birther Hussein Obama.

For Blacks, these are the independent, Cornell West and Kayne West strong, sel made Black males and they are not going to beat their feet on the Mississippi mud for a corn cake from the plantation.

'I Got A Dad, And He Ain't You': Response To Obama's Condescending Remarks Goes Viral

The Lame Cherry will tell you something so you get this and appreciate it.

You know from this blog that Joe Biden has been doing all he could to retaliate on Obama and Harris for the coup to get rid o him, in helping Donald Trump.
What you do not know is something bigger is going on. Do you remember the reason Donnald Trump got into this race? It was Barack Hussein Obama pissing on him. Trump got into this race to retaliate and defeat the Obama legacy in Hillary Clinton. Trump was then crippled by the inner circle and hunted down for 4 years, but Trump after Butler reached a deal with the Board. There was a clause in this agreement though in which Trump's life is still in jeopardy as weather warfare was unleashed against him. You can see that clause and when I explain it, you will be amused.

Donald Trump in agreement, had the Board, send out the image Obama. First at the DNC where the image smeared the Obama legacy in talking about Trump cock size. The clause was not finished as these rather ignorants of Obama Inc, were next scripted out to attack Black Americans for being racist and women haters. The blacklash was immense and it was one more smearing of this Obama legacy, which is tied into this invasion of America and perpeutal wars and Americans losing everything. This Lame Cherry explained that the Obama legacy would be written by the fringe in the Lame Cherry. It is now being amplified by the factions in the Democratic Party. Donald Trump is being provided his revenge. Obama's legacy is kaput.

It may be the case that the perpetual victim always dying in Jimmy Carter is going to be buried by President Donald Trump as the final nail in the Obama legacy. Obama''s smart ass mouth has destroyed the Obama legacy and it is up to the Board in this in how much they want this legacy to dangle and rot.

As this blog predicted, Donald Trump now has double the numbers to overcome Obama vote fraud and flipping. Do not think this is going to be a walk in the park though a this is a disruption of America.

As the Lame Cherry floated this awhile back, the likely scenario is there is going to be a Trump win. There will be though these 3 day late votes which people will be reminded of how Joe Biden had the election stolen from him. It will keep people on edge. The liberal mob will riot and raise hell and demand that Trump not be certified.

It looks like into this, Dictator Biden will arise, with the US military to restore order for Trump who is President in Florida as Kabala Harris is doing the Walz thing as president pretend.

If you read the stories, they want the US military active in America for this dictatorship. The right will agree to it as this time it is not going after them. I do not want to get too far ahead in this, because it is fluid, but Donald Trump will get a peace with Russia. There will be a European 10 which will appear for their policies. Trump will Obama shift to Asia as that is what the Pentagon lusts for, and Trump will have the economy stabilized or him as Europe needs the money in energy drilling, throwing out the rapists and murderer invaders, but leaving the cat eaters in place.

It looks to me that Obama is going to be humiliated times 10. It loos to me like Harris has not descended to the wetting her panties and crying on the sidewalk meltdown which is in store. Watch Minnesota swinging for Donald Trump. If it is that complete, it is the pound of flesh. I suspect Donald Trump will win in an electoral landslide but lose the popular vote due to vote fraud.

So we are that the time line point of what this blog predicted two months ago. The signs are there like with Casey and Buckley for Ronald Reagan.

At this point, I would like to see Cornell West in charge of HUD or something for rectiying the amage of the Obama's in the Black ghettos of America. That is what Abraham Lincoln would do.

We are reaching the point of the push going out the door.

Nuff Said



The Pentagon and Congress should be Hung for This.


Lloyd tells me this bomber is a real deal at 550 million each, as with each
bomber comes a box of free Milk Duds.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It seems Ford Motor Company's bright idea of ruining their Ford pick ups with expensive maintenance to fund the conglomerate ruptured into the defense industry as you will appreciate the bullshit below on the B 2 Bomber.

 It's maintenance needs mean it can fly a sortie less than once a month assuming sorties of six hours or more - highly conservative for the long ranged and low speed bomber designed to fly for over 20 hours at a time. The bomber requires almost 120 hours of maintenance per hour of flight, and spends the vast majority of the time grounded. A single B-2 costs $135,000 per hour to fly as a result, and incurs maintenance costs of $3.4 million per month.

This is something which should never have been funded or purchased. Who the hell buys a war plane that is grounded most of the time and requirese 20 hours fixing for every  hour it flies!!! In case you missed it, it can only fly 20 hours at a time. This bomber is supposed to be the nuclear bomber out of Missouri to strike Russia at long range in a nuclear war. It takes longer than 20 hours to fly that distance and back.

Oh but it gets better, as the Pentagon and Congress now are buying 550 million dollar B 21 Raiders as they are cheap compared to the 2 billion for the B 2 which does not fly.

It gets better..The replacement jet which is so cheap, will require 200 escort fighters bombers to protect it. This is called the FB 22

 Given the scale on which the B-21 is set to be manufactured, this could well necessitate production of its escort on a similar scale - which assuming a minimum of one escort fighter per Raider will mean a production run of over 200 fighters.

The FB 22 was apparently scrapped 20 years ago. Something about it being a 2000 mile bomber and it being a high speed interceptor..........

For those ignorant of this, the stealth aircraft FLY SLOW, because if they fly fast they heat up and leave a signature which can be tracked. So the B 21 flies slow and it's escort flies fast. The two do not meet and no where in this is there a cost projection of how a cheap 550 million dollar bomber is cheap when it requires an escort fighter which flies faster than the bomber.

As stated, Sam Nunn and Jesse Helms would never have let this robbery be foisted on thee American people as this is the same bullshit that Abraham Lincoln dealt with, along with Congress when Sec. of War Cameron was buying army rejected guns for more than they were sold and they were for cavalry horses from Pennsylvania which were blind, limped and sick.

Nuff Said



Synforms or Sinforms


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry predicted, while the non donors sat on their asses again, the e coin data mining was not about currency, but expanding the codex framework to be filled by something else.

This is now linked into Bill Gates and others starting up toxic nuclear power plants in a crash program for what is termed AI.  Melodie Cederastrom of the Gold Trade was in Virginia and reported there were miles of data processing centers there...........that is AI generation.

Harari Says Elites Will Escape Mass Extinction Event
In ‘Technological Noah's Ark’

What the Lame Cherry has told you is that there is something out there that these anti Christians are engaged in, in they know an extinction event is out there and they can not build massive new electric plants which would take 10 years.......they have to have power in a year's time, because that is where Bill Gates thinks he is going be housed in a big flash drive, imprinting himsel and ready to be printed into one of the Grey Clones to experience life again, while they await the development of their pretty boy bodies of immortals.

What this tells me is the False Tree of Life they had has failed. So they are attempting to drain power to create this massive crash AI program to have these synforms survive.

Now you know the future which I reside in. I'm going to be with Jesus as I read the Bible and none of this is anything I want a part of in synforms and hanging with Bill Gates.

Nuff Said



Kamala Diddy or Did Her?

phreakin' out wit dah motorboatin mama kamala

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is absolute Rape Blackmail shrouded all through P Diddy's parties, and the reason there is smoke and fire in all of this is the Obama's were at those child sex rape parties and this all surfaced when Big Mike was about to displace Kamala Harris as the presidential nominee in October.

Twice now Obama Inc has reared the ugly head to perform a coup. The first time was the Sous Chef murder were the Fag Image late was beat up by Big Mike over this and this placed the coup against Joe Biden onto Nancy Pelosi because the Obama's were dirty.

Now in the P Diddy saga, another phase of this has appeared as Big Mike was checked after rumors appeared that Mike had sodomized Justin Bieber as a child. Now the link is that John Podesta's Pizza Gate has arisen again with P Diddy rape parties and the woman who was molesting children was Kamala Harris in this orgy of disgusting evil.


All of this is coming out of the Black Community who only got turkeys tossed at them by the Obama's for 8 years, a dead Black Obama sex partner in Donald Young, and being lectured at, that the Black Experience Barack Obama of White Priv and the Black Experience of Wog India Harris was superior to the American Black Experience of the Lyndon Johnson plantation.

This was Kalifornia and that is where Kamala was raised up from in jailing Blacks or queers. The rumor is there and it is being linked. Does the FBI have files of Kamala Harris' Wog Ass naked in a room with children?

That question should be asked by the dinosaur media as Harris has gone double dose on the dope she is self medicating with.

Nuff Said

CHIC - Le Freak (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Apr 12, 2019 ... ... Out Our Favorite Playlists: Classic Rock 80s Hits https://Rhino ... Chic “Freak Out”. 20K


Tuesday, October 15, 2024


At the same time, the German Defense Ministry "does not believe that Ukraine will soon be able" to conduct a counteroffensive, Bild reports.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

London Great Game has succeeded in making Germany the front for the war against Russia. The Germans sensing the dilemma of deliberately failed Kaganite polices in Ukraine, does not desire to have Germany struck by Russia.......meaning Ramstein Base where woke America has been running John the hero McCain policies against Russia in this era,.....Germany just does not want to get involved in this as a target.

Germany is not going to ship heavy armour anymore, which means America isnot furninshing any more tanks or carriers. The fact is that the F 16's are kaput too as Uncle Joe Biden does not want to get America nuked over long range strikes into Moscow.

'If you want this plainly, you are going to see the Trump Pax, so the leadeshsip of the Old Order can be borne to Biblical standards.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced one of the latest aid packages to Kiev on October 11. It will be allocated jointly with Belgium, Denmark and Norway, the total cost of weapons will be 1.4 billion euros. The assistance will include funds for Iris-T and Skynex air defense systems, Gepard tanks, howitzers, anti-aircraft guns, attack drones, radar equipment and artillery shells

Russia never has desired to venture beyond the old river line from Kiev to Odessa. Germany though desires the old empire line, Prussian Empire and that is the rub in this which London is in game form for.

The Kiev regime is finished. All Germany is engaged in now is a pinning actions against Moscow with this last shipment of arms. Russia has not any intention of crossing the river as it does not have forces to occupy. The children of Bulan have exterminated those pesky Slavic Orthodox Chritians in this war and with the targets dead, there is not really a reason to continue this, in this manner, as it would create piles of dead where there is not intended to create corpses.

Should Trump prevail over Biden in November, the former president has promised to all but toss the U.S.’ international commitments out the window, including threatening to withdraw from NATO if partners “don’t pay up.”

Now you see the essence of this game.Withdraw America, this will produce an ascending power in Europe to counter Russia. All of this has been by design. Keep your eye on the girl.

Nuff Said


Putin In Charge Of America

Just remember Barry that you destroy America completely
or Americans will become Putin's allies and destroy the Central Committee.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

People have missed the most obvious of subterfuge in the control of America and that is the fact that British Indonesia subject, Barack Hussein Obama, implemented the plan that Vladimir Putin did in leaving office, in order to stay in power.

For those who require an history lesson. when Mr. Putin left the presidency of Russia, he put into place a rather malleable and weak Dmitry Medvedev, who has since grown teeth. When Medvedev's term expired, Mr. Putin installed himself again and changed the constitution.

For Birther Obama, he worked out a deal with Hamrod Clinton, to protect the Obama crime group and to continue on with the genocide wars and upheavals in the 3rd world to flood America with invaders to seize complete Frank Roosevelt control of America forever for the Intrnationals Socialists.

Donald Trump in the DIA aborted that plan for 4 years, but that is what Joe Biden was chosen for. Obama thought Biden would die, and this retarded Kamala Harris would be installed, and in that Big Mike Obama would become the Vice President, and then President when Kamala Coup was finished and Obama Inc. would be sitting their swamp water asses in 1600 Penn again.

To clarify this, Obama left the building on June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord. There never was an Obama really. It was a creation from the internationalists. What followed on June 14th was a representation of the Designer Negro by committee. That is what has been pulling Biden's strings for our years and the chief internationalists are the Kaganite Ashkejews with the Neocons, laundering money in wars and their prime target is the raw resources of Russia from child butts to oil.

It is this committee, this cartel which has the AI version of Obama running around, measuing Daonld Trump's cock size in conventions and other disgusting manifestations, but what do you expect from primates who eat their own babies, reintroduced slave labor and eat their own like Governor Cuomo. That is what has emerged and is carrying out the Obama plan of the central committee ruling the United States and it is built not on the strong man of Putin, but the Designer Negro weakness of Obama. Obama took the Vladimir Putin plan to stay in power perpetually and that is what is ruining the world as the next weak link in Kabala Harris will finish off free societies across the globe, as this is all about the feudal few keeping absolute power.

This is the Obama Legacy of the Central Committee, to overthrow America which it has, to ruin America so Americans lose all ability to live beyond rationed death and rationed beans, and to hold absolute authority to round everyone up on Jan6 political charges, because the day will come when this Kabala Group will start hauling away liberals as they have Magites.

That is where we are at in the the same type of JP Morgan and European Rothschild bankers, in league with industrialists in the world, known as hedgefunds, who led by the central committee of Kaganites and Neocons are running and ruining this world as figurehead Obama worked the Putin plant to stay in power forever to Frank Roosevelt centralize authority in the few, ,so they will murder or haul away all who do not agree.

It is not Barry the Birther Obama, but the same central committee who funded and created this illegitimate poster boy which is driving this forward in another Frank Roosevelt clash of International Socialism against the National Socialism of Vladimir Putin.

It is the Central Committee and perhaps it is time that this group in the shadows which we see the extensions of in FBI, CIA, Homeland, Pentagon and Politic, be identified as Obama is the cuct out suit who measures cock size, but the committee is the one with the tape.

Russian interference was never the threat. It was Obama implementing Putin's plan in Russia, into America which needed a cover, so Despot Barry and the central committee were never focused upon.

Nuff Said
