Thursday, January 16, 2025

Trump Weather

The sun always shines on a God blessed People.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Mr. President Elect, the Lame Cherry featured that HAARP created a huge cold front to smash into the Great Plains and then move east to ruin your inauguration. The AI models are mixed now in what was a nice day, is now a sunny 31 degree day following some warmth and spitting rain.

I do not know what the people behind HAARP want, you inside or outside. I can only state that  the Lame Cherry was trying to produce a nice day for your inauguration, so you would enjoy it with the Vice President Elect.

This has to be brought up as with Abraham Lincoln, he paid the hogs in his trough who helped him with policy. In 2015, the Holy Ghost alerted me that a Jehu was coming. I had no idea this was you at the time, but stated it later that you would be President and wrote the time line for this to take place which was blessed by God.

For this, I got a 25 dollar donation from some Trump person in Texas. For this, Facebook cancelled me and for this I got Homeland out here interviewing me over examining what other Remote Viewers were engaged in. For this Google censored me.

In all 3 of your runs for President, this blog supported you, and has been like all Americans bothered by the cop state after 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

This time, it appears that some of your people are again monitoring the blog and building upon the policies here and the Board is progressing this, but this hog is not really getting to the trough.

Do you think someone might put a tap into your money bags benefactors and find my 30 pieces for work done? It is degrading to beg for things, as much as the lurkers on this blog apparently are inclined to not pay their way here in the trust policy I have.

Lincoln seemed to find a way to hand out things to people who came to him, especially those who had a stake in the game. Just want some moneybags to set up a recurring donation to help stop the struggle I go through.

That is about it. The Lame Cherry and the family here, prays for your and Mr. Vance's safety, a nice day, and all success for American peace and prosperity in this Christian Protestant Nation under God.

I will continue to try and assist in policy suggestions and modifications when so Inspired for God's Will to be accomplished. I sincerely hope you are so beloved and wonderful that you get your own mountain out in the Black Hills with your likeness carved on it. The Shrine to America Restored.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said


Citizens and Denizens

There will soon come an armed contest between capital and labor. They will oppose each other, not with words and arguments, but with shot and shell, gun-powder and cannon. The better classes are tired of the insane howling of the lower strata and they mean to stop them. 

General William Tecumseh Sherman

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Elect Donald Trump and Vice President Elect JD Vance have before them the most ruthless insurrection and overthrow of a Republic, for it was done in criminalizing the American and using the system against the American, not with armies, or smashing force to alert the People, just the slow cooking of the frog as the heat was turned up.

The Lame Cherry believes that Donald Trump and JD Vance have within them the understanding of the reality which they face in a deliberate agenda to erase and replace Americans  which has been unleashed with brainwashing and court orders for the past 50 years. The question in this is though, will the President and Vice President act or react. Action is what is required as actions have been taken against Americans, but reaction is the cost of timidity and in this waiting time is a penalty as Butler PA proved, in we have no reports, no insights, no arrests, no prosecutions for murder and attempted mass murder. Waiting is a weight which drowns by reaction, when action is required.

We are held captive by a hedgefund oligarchy dictatorship which commands law and sows disorder.

- Lame Cherry

Below are quotes from a letter, from General William Tecumseh Sherman, from President Abraham Lincoln to all of his commanding generals for their insights into the Civil War which America was engaged in. The President did not ask politicians, but men in the close contact with the reality of what was faced by America, who understood it from experience.

General Sherman's letter was so insightful that the President requested that it be published in all the newspapers. Sherman was not in favor of it even without naming him, as he would be attacked again as crazy by the forces arrayed against American Thought. The letter though survives as a White Paper on the Southern Culture, and if one replaces horses for cell phones, and the Southern man as a law to himself to the Obama voter arguing they are above the law, there is a repeat in history taking place and Sherman's analysis echoes an absolute warning for Donald Trump as President.

Donald Trump must from Day One define Americans as either citizens or denizens. He is going to have to make this nation pass under the rod as Abraham Lincoln did. He will either govern or he will be ruled. If California and this resistance is not shattered to the last enclave, this insurrection will vanish America.

I advise against trying to run civil governments in conquered States until the war is over. Restoration of peace and order would not come from the plantation owners, the ruling class; they still hoped for a Southern Confederacy.
I know we can manage this class, but only by action. Argument is exhausted, and words have lost their usual meaning. Nothing but logic of events touches their understanding; but of late this has worked a wonderful change.

The small farmers, mechanics, merchants, laborers, probably 3/4ths of the population of the South, in all things, followed blindly the lead of the planters. The Southern politicians understand this class, and use them as the French do their masses. They consult their prejudices, while they make their orders and enforce them. We should do the same.

These men of this class must be killed or employed by us before we can hope for peace. The youngbloods of the South; sons of planters, lawyers about town, good billiard players and sportsmen, men who never did work and never will. War suits them, and the rascals are brave, fine riders, bold to rashness. 
They care not a sou for niggers, land or anything. They hate Yankees per se, and don't bother their brains about the past, present or future. As long as they have good horses, plenty of forage and an open country, they are happy. This is a larger class than most men suppose, and they are the most dangerous set of men that his war has turned loose upon the world.

They have no property or future, and therefore  cannot be influenced by anything, expect personal consideration. I have two brigades of these fellows in my front. I have frequent interviews with their officers, a good understanding of them, and am inclined to think, when the resources of their country are exhausted, we must employ them.

No other choice is left us but degradation. The South must be ruled by us, or she will rule us. We must conquer them, or ourselves be conquered.  They ask, and will have nothing else, and talk of compromise is bosh; for we know they would even scorn the offer.  I would not coax them, or even meet them halfway, but make them so sick of war that generations would pass away before they would again appeal to it. The people of this country in after years will be better citizens from the dear bought experience of the present crisis. Let them learn it now, and learn it well, that good citizens must obey as well as command. Obedience to law, absolute, yes, even abject is the lesson that this war under Providence, will teach the free and enlightened American citizen.

I know what I say when I repeat that the insurgents of the South sneer at overtures looking to their interests. They scorn the alliance with Copperheads; they tell me to my face that they respect Grant, McPherson and our brave associates who fight manfully and well for a principle, but despise the Copperheads and sneaks of the North, who profess friendship for the South and opposition to war, as mere covers for their knavery and poltroonery.

Our officers, marshals and courts, must penetrate into the innermost recesses  of their land, before we have a natural right to demand their submission. We will do it in our own time, in our own way; that it makes no difference whether it be in one year, or two, or ten, or twenty, that we will remove and destroy every obstacle, if need be, take every life, every acre of land, every particle of property, every thing that to us seems proper, that we will not cease until the end is attained;  that all who do not aid us are enemies, and that we will not account to them for our acts. If the people of the South oppose , they do so at their own peril' and if they stand by, mere onlookers on this domestic tragedy, they have no right to immunity, protection or share in the final results.

In the North, the man dodging his share of taxes or of military duty, should be deprived of all voice in future elections of the country or banished or reduced to the condition of a mere denizen. The time has come to draw the line between citizens and denizens.

Nuff Said


Shorty in the Belt


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I purchased our Turkish single shot shotguns and got them clothes, I realized they were light shotguns, which meant, I would not be shooting magnum loads in them to punish my shoulder. I had come across online though some cute Federal Shorties, which were out of stock of course.

Federal made 3 batches in OO buckshot, 8 shot and a 1 ounce slug.

What I envision this little plastic shotgun for is a survival or bug out gun. Something that, God forbid, we have to flee for our lives, that this would be one tool we could carry with us which would be for the common defense and the common pot.

I have always been fascinated by the Hudson Bay Trade Gun, a cheap 58 caliber smooth bore which they handed out to French and Indians to make them in debt to force them to bring in the pelts they worked for. This gun was cheap, but would kill all from moose to grouse.

In our American era the pot gun was the cowboy West gun which was a 92 Winchester paired with a Colt 45. Not exactly the best medicine for grouse, but if you shot them in the head, you did not destroy the meal.

This was the combo after the large game was wiped out by market hunting. From that point on in the 1900's the 22 rimfire ruled as all that was left to shoot was small game to live on, and the 22 is an accomplished poaching weapon in shooting big animals in the head.

Americans have always viewed the shotgun as the pussy weapon, in you shot one if you could not shoot a buzzard a mile up with a 44 40. No one could, but shotguns have always had a frowned upon reputation, except for those who have the short range skill to use them.

 A shotgun even with bird shot will blow anyone's head off just as readily as a 44 Magnum by Clint Eastwood. They are a very versatile weapon, in loaded with slugs, buckshot and birdshot. That is the point of this survival gun, a dependable tool for defense or hunting, and that is why I obtained clothes for it in an ammo pouch, which for the 12 gauge will carry 3 two shot and 2 of these shortie buckshot which are 15 pellets. With this I would be able to kill anything close up which is what a shotgun is used for. I may like the 5 shot better for grouse, but that can be interchanged too.

Here am I though hesitant about these shorties, in we were in the store buying 22 cartridges and I happened to be looking at shells on the end cap and I noticed these shorties, which are out of stock everywhere. I have no idea where these appeared from, but  I purchased both boxes, not for shooting, but for survival work.

If you have the gumption, you could reload some sawed off 12 gauge shells you could craft for the purpose.  I read long ago about a guy getting a cheap Spanish shotgun for 2 1/2 inch twelve gauge as you can not get ammo for them His remedy was cutting off with a dremel, Winchester AA hulls and loading from there in a light load. He loved shooting that double, because at the time European doubles were going for 10,000 dollars and he picked up his for hundreds as no one considered reloading for it.

I really do not think I will be using these shorties ever. I pray to God not, because if I'm relying on this combo, it means the situation is really bad, and I will be forced to blast large game or large primates with these shorties. I have other rifles for large game or a 22, and I frankly am not the person looking to have to fight for my life every day in shooting bad people who are intent on harming me in a meltdown.

As I have now a number of Thrift store 25 cent canvas bags, for each firearm need, these shorties are going to go into the emergency bag. I will probably get them out to look at them as they are very cute. I might have got the slug loads too as extra versatility, but I'm just glad I got some of the last ones and now I do not have to hand craft shorty loads as  I have enough to do in waiting on donations.

That about wraps this up.

Nuff Said


a very intimate funeral


You really do look like Obama. That is an amazing synthetic mask.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I could throw you into prison to get you away from Big Mike.

No seriously, I got all the files now and someone named Obama is
going to jail and Big Mike is going to testify as she doesn't want it coming
out that Obama left the building in 2013.

Yeah it's a hell of a thing when prison looks good compared to one
more beat down by Big Mike.

Yeah she whooped your ass over that sous chef, she whooped your ass good.

I found this satire photo so that is why it has all the red arrows on it, but  I wanted to show you how startling most of these people look in I think we are going to have allot of funerals for President Trump to attend.

Look at these toe taggers and see if you can match the list in who is going to die next as things are shit bad for you when Joe Biden looks better than you do.

For starters that guy with half a face behind Mike Pence looks like he was already in a casket, so he is the top dog in this.

Kamala's husband looks like he is dead already or getting a blow job from someone out front.

Mike Pence you can not tell if he is dead or not most days, so it might be years before they discover he died two years ago at the Carter funeral.

Getting back to the list.........

George Bush looks like a chimp who ate prunes and is trying to turd and is dying in the effort. I think he is next.

Then there is Hamrod, that woman is really looking bad and this is her made up. I think she goes after W.

Al Gore looks like he is trolling for a 6 foot plot.

Mrs. Mike Pence, that is some bad botox, like her face is flattened by a spatula, I think she will retire just after Kamala does as that woman with all the booze and pills is  really going to hell fast.

I figure the widow Bush goes after this. She looks really bad.

That kind of leaves Bill Clinton, Jill Biden and Joe Biden, and honestly, this trio looks pretty good.

Spice Granny Biden though looks humped up, she has low calcium, so she might bust a hip and that will be her exit before Bill and Joe, and between Bill and Joe, I mean look at them.  Bill Clinton looks like he will be raping women for another decade without slowing down and Biden looks like he will be fondling children just as long.

I would bet that fake Obama gets a ticket to ride long before Bill and Joe do.

I just kind of figure that Joe Biden being senile like he is, is going to suffocate in this oatmeal or something some morning and that is the factor in this which makes Bill Clinton the winner.

In noting that, what do we figure.........where was Hamrod in the list.............oh she goes second after W, which what do you say W has for a shelf life?  2 years at most being vaxed? So Trump is in 4 years, Hamrod probably drops around her 15th run for president, so Bill needs his own game, and he should reach out to Donald Trump and be like some envoy to rehabilitate his rapist legacy as he is not going to be rehabbed by Hillary Clinton in the White House.

Clinton then could be an advisor to JD Vance and then in about 10 years, expire like Richard Nixon did and have lots of people lining up to see him, unlike Jimmy Carter, where everyone was cracking jokes like Trump or pissed off they had to show up and waste the day.

I'm all for the files being released in what Big Mike covered upon June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord in what really happened to Barack Hussein Obama on that day.

So we can finally close the lid on Jimmy Carter, the man who took 30 years to die and 2 years in hospice to finally be wheeled out. Everyone is glad he is dead and no longer around to be a pest. Carter expected so much to be eulogized in a funeral the way Richard Nixon was, and yet he simply could not match Richard Nixon in funerals in genuine American sorrow and loyalty to a dead President.

Donald Trump Shares Fake Barack Obama Chat Video from Carter's ...

2 days ago ... With neither president revealing what the pair spoke about, speculation has mounted about the details of their conversation.

Nuff Said


The Pinko Peking Book

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not do social media, no Facebook, no Twitter, no Tik Tok. So when I saw Rense featuring how to set up for Tik Tok users another Chinaman ap, I clicked on it as am always interested in things, but then I saw this first quote and was perplexed.

RedNote is no stranger to Hong Kong phone users.

Also known by its Chinese name Xiaohongshu, which means “little red book”, it is downloadable from app stores and comes preloaded with most Chinese smartphones, such as those from Xiaomi and Huawei – unlike TikTok, which is not available in the city, although its Chinese sister app, Douyin, is.

Rense is an old enough duffer to know what the above code means, for you children out there, using the name of an ap from China with LITTLE RED BOOK in it, should alarm the hell out of everyone, as Chairman Mao made it manditory for every Chinaman to carry around Mao's Little Red Book of communism or you got hauled away.

Personally, I trust the Russians, even though I have no aps from their nation and have used Yandex in searching for things as they are a better search engine for photos. I do not trust the Chinese in the least. They already are spying on everyone in every chip they make and to be stupid enough to download a Chinese communist platform onto your cell phone, with the Pinko State Title of Little Red Book, is pure idiocy.

So no, you should not be flocking to a Chinese ap or anything else Chinaman.

Nuff Said



Wednesday, January 15, 2025

for the good of the country......


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is of interest to watch the rats scurrying around in trying to save themselves from the Donald Trump Landing Crews, from Bill Gates trying to get into a Trump New Year's Party, to Mark Zuckerberg telling the world Biden made him terrorize people, and now FBI Director Christopher Wray going on the CIA Mockingbird 60 Minutes and saying that Biden had nothing to do with the FBI being involved in crimes, because the FBI being involved in crimes was really upholding the law.

Christopher Wray was on ‘60 Minutes‘ this past Sunday. Judging from the interview, he wants the public to believe he had no choice but to raid Mar-a-Lago without warning. He had to raid the former President’s home and go through Melania’s underwear drawer and Barron’s sock drawers. The FBI had to take Donald Trump’s birth certificate with them.

No one on the left or right is going to give any credence to what Christopher Wray says. So what is he engage in, in this propaganda? We know from David John Oates in Reverse Speech, that it was Wray who gave the marching orders to Attorney General Merrick Garland at the Department of Justice. Wray is from a long list of patsies who appeared with Attorney General John Ashcroft, of Missouri in the Bush43 regime, in Robert Mueller, James Comey and this Mr. Wray, who transformed J. Edgar Hoover's FBI to a DC cult under Mueller in dislodging seniority, was weaponized under Comey with Obama and lastly, Wray was in there covering up this criminal syndicate for fellow travelers.

When you get paid the big dollars, by the people in charge, you get trotted out to take the blame for things, and that is what appears to be taking place in this. Robert Mueller had great success in his last appearance in acting like a half wit, so he removed himself, along with that odd Comey taking selfies in corn fields to look lolly land unhinged, but not Wray at this juncture, he is the one trying to make an official record at 60 Minutes how obedient to the law the FBI was, in what can only be concluded is that Kash Patel and Pam Bondi, in a mistake for the good of the country,  they will not file charges against this guilt ridden FBI leadership.

Recently, the Gayway Pundit, posted a video of a murdered woman, Roseanne Boyland from January 6th. The FBI had this video, and the FBI deliberate blurred this video. What the video shows is that the DC cops fired a pepper ball into a peaceful crowd walking down a tunnel to the Capitol. The ball hit Ms. Boyland in the face and it knocked her senseless, and she fell to the floor.
What followed we know from other video of a Black female DC cop, picked up a stick and beat Ms. Boyland over the head with it, in murder. The cop was praised for this work like the Black male DC cop who murdered unarmed, little Ashli Babbitt, and then DC cops forbid any medical attention for Ms. Babbitt and the murder was complete with praise for the murderer and again a cover up by the FBI.

The FBI has hounded and destroyed innocent Americans. They slammed James O'Keefe against a wall in his underwear and refused to let him get dressed. They alerted CNN to the attack upon Roger Stone and his wife in their home. This is outlaw nature of the FBI which Christopher Wray oversaw with the incredible repeating the talking points on the attempted Assassination of Donald Trump at Butler Pennsylvania, where he told Congress, "We don't know if Donald Trump was really shot". The next day the FBI corrected their Director in stating they knew that Mr. Trump had indeed been shot.

The FBI knows a great deal, including the cover up of who the DC Bomber was and the identity of all the Ghost Bus riders and the government operatives who were violent on Jan6 which framed innocent Americans. That bomber was an operative. The FBI has his license plate number, just as the FBI knows who that cell phone belonged to, which was meeting with Thomas Crooks in Butler PA and was meeting with the FBI at a Chinese infested DC location. The FBI knows that Maxwell Yurick was at Butler as his van was there, and that Yurick was running guns for the CIA down in South America.\

Christopher Wray knows all of this, and has been involved in the worst abuses of power in this age of the worst abuses of power in American history

What needs to be done is simple for Justice in America. Congress has the Constitutional authority to create lesser courts. There must be 50 People's Tribunals, made up of Trump loyalists, to deal with these cases in indictments, trials, convictions and carrying out immediate sentencing. There must be no barrier to them in discovering the Truth, not national security claims and not for the good of the country diffusions.

It is time all thee American People find out who Christopher Wray has been serving in his tenure, for the good of the country.

Nuff Said


The Kremlin Understands Pax Trump


I think Trumpland is a nice name for Greenland.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was listening, until I shut it off the other night on Rense to that ignorant Mitchell Hendersen. Hendersen has veered off the anti Christ propaganda and is now onto the tearing at Donald Trump, like all these sycophants who suckle upon the teat or Mockingbird propaganda. Hendersen is the soul who looks at a chess board and goes, "Eww those are ishy elephant tusk ivory and I don't want to touch them", in not comprehending what he is seeing is a game.

Fortunately in this, Russia sees the game, the great game, and they are embracing Donald Trump like the long lost rich papushkin. 

The Russians are getting this game in the Trump Deal, and the first affirmation is President Putin is going to support Donald Trump annexing Greenland, because Russia is going to get Denmark's Faroe Island. 

The big prize in this is the Russians comprehend what Donald Trump's strategy and how it will be a better deal for Russia.

The US pursues three tactics in waging wars. The first one is a pattern of behaviour in world wars. As part of this pattern, the US would stay above the war and then share the winner's laurels and obtain economic preferences.

The second one is a "small victorious war” pattern in the period between world wars. The third one could be observed in the time period after the collapse of the USSR, when Washington tried to subjugate all the dependent parties and wage hybrid warfare against the "axis of evil” to establish the rule of globalism.

We can see that US President-elect Donald Trump is moving away from the third model while opting for the second one and preparing a transition to the first model. According to his logic, the EU or Asia-Pacific countries such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan should confront their direct adversaries at their own expense. The US will watch the situation and then help the shattered world recover with loans from US banks.

Russia can only benefit from Trump's plan to annex Canada, Panama and Greenland

The Lame Cherry had concerns that the United States would have to sweeten the pot to encourage Russia accepting this forward moving world, but it is evident by the Pravda statements, that the Kremlin has not only signed onto the policies, but is overjoyed with their new cooperative role with Donald Trump's Manifest Destiny.

Trump breaks liberal rules that Putin is unhappy with

In doing so, Trump is destroying liberal rules that Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly resented. One of them is the so-called territorial integrity of states. Trump supports the principle of nations to self-determination and wants to buy that view. One may wonder if Trump can do that. Indeed, he can. This is evidenced by the silence of both European and NATO officials. Even just the talk of annexing Canada, Panama or Greenland devalues globalists' sanctions against Russia for Crimea and Donbass and the "invasion" of Ukraine. The voter in the West will be asking questions.

If one reads between the lines, Russia has played this perfectly against the Kaganite, London Banking gambit to destroy and divide them. They have built a superior military, have an economy which when enticed with sanctions being lifted, will benefit from Washington and Berlin trade, moving to a consumer economy, meaning Russia will manufacture export goods, instead of bombs.
As Russia has assisted China to wasting money it did not have on a super military for the Pacific, now Russia has a new target in this Obama Shift to Asia, which will be China dealing with the problems, while Russians drink iced vodka and snack on caviar. 

Pravda is greenlighting what Donald Trump, and that means the Board have offered to the Kremlin. This is a most exciting time for the Christian world, as Russia and America cooperating will provide an immense reprieve for what lays ahead.

I'm honestly surprise the Russians have analyzed this correctly as only this popular girl has been posting on the Trump coin and what the Board has been involved with. Russia wants the United States in detente and dislodged from Europe, stuck with the Tel Aviv problem and facing China. There are enough pluses in this, that Russia will be willing to a great deal more than I even imagined. We literally can see Reagan Gorbachev, and not the Nixon Brzeznev endless negotiations stuck in the sand.

There is hope in this time line. Russia has friends in the AfD and in Sebastian Kurz, as does Donald Trump in the same friendship. Germany can rise to the trusted broker as she should be, to be the buffer between these two great powers and become a power herself again.

I thank God that we are edging back from world war by a stride as the Russians understand this Pax Trump and thank God that they do and are not like these American mic heads, spewing Mockingbird brainslam of an era preaching hate against America. The Trump Manifest Destiny is the future and he might buy us 3 years, and not 2 with the understanding of Moscow.

Nuff Said

