Monday, October 14, 2024

Thank God For Joe Biden

Pictured Above
General Mark the faggot Milley, Lord Austin, Lt. Super Sexy
and from Ukriane, Comrade Shitfor Brains

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I never thought I would type or utter those words in being thankful to God for Joe Biden or that incompent Lord Austin, but word has finally leaked out in the NATO Ramstein Germany meeting where NATO was going to provide Kiev with long range missile to strike Moscow, that Dictator Biden pulled out of the meeting AND NO DECISION IS GOING TO BE MADE UNTIL AFTER THE AMERICAN ELECTIONS.

Joe Biden does not want to start World War IV on his watch and be blamed for it. Joe Biden has told these Londonites and their whores in the Baltics that if they start war with Russia, THEY WILL FIGHT IT AS AMERICA IS NOT GOING TO BE SUCKED IN BY NATO ARTICLES.

Meet you on the other side.

Ukraine allies meeting postponed after Biden pulls out over ...

5 days ago ... The Ramstein group coordinates military support for Kyiv, but a key meeting has been shelved for now.

Bloomberg: Biden to visit Germany on 18 Oct, Ramstein NATO ...

7 hours ago ... He was supposed to lead a meeting with NATO leaders to discuss support for Ukraine. The indefinite postponement of the high-profile meeting of Ukrainian defense ...

Ramstein "victory plan" meeting postponed until after US elections

10 hours ago ... The next leaders-level Ukraine Defence Contact Group (UDCG) meeting, also known as the Ramstein format, has been postponed until after the US ...

 But first you will noticed that Lord Austin and General Faggot do not have any utly woe shemales or harry butches on their staffs. Just pretty white girls as no one likes that other queer shit around.

The meeting is now November 5th. That at least gives the American People one war not iwth nuclear Russia until the Trump vote is counted. Trump can do immense reigning in on this as Presient Elect to stop the war against Russia and begin thee American wihdrawl and the handover to Germany for this European issue.

Ahead of the Ramstein meeting, Biden was set to hold talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer in Berlin on the Saturday morning, while Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was also set to present his so-called Victory Plan at Ramstein later in the day with the hope of securing further military support.

Asked late Tuesday whether the Ramstein summit could be rescheduled to coincide with a meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels set for Oct. 17 and 18, U.S. Defense Department spokesperson Sabrina Singh said talks were ongoing.

"We're just figuring this out right now," Singh said during a briefing. "So when there's more updates to provide, I certainly will. But the president just pulled down his trip this morning. So we're working through those details." 

The issue is Kabala Harris is in political implosion. Joe Biden has nothing to hand this over to. Donald Trump and the DIA are not supporting  this and Tel Aviv is causing enough nuclear war trouble with Iran.

This is the window which every Christian can thank God for in Joe Biden is not going to trip the wire for a Kabala War which Moscow was going to hit American bases with.  This has shifted to Tel Aviv and their terrorism and if Mosaad tries to hit soft American political targets or hard apple targets, it is better than hundreds of thousands dying or hundreds of cities demolishedi in the prelue to war. This is what this popular girl has been working for. It is the best we can hope for in the Kaganites and Neocons, but there is not much there stopping this in Salt and Pepper Biden and Austin with half ull shakers.

I would like to have more information on the flap. Lt. Sexy for Donald Trump to appoint her as Sec. of the Air Force.....she would bookend pretty with SecDef Gabbard.

This is being punted to President Elect Trance.

Nuff Said



Only Despots Want The Electoral College Eliminated

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have written of this before but as Tampon Tim of Mao has called for the destruction of the Constitution in safeguards, this subject of the Electoral College is in need to be spoken of again as the Founders were geniuses in putting this in.

That is what has always amazed me in how these Inspired men came up with the system of Government and election which they did. They studied a great deal, but not a great deal was ever written of the Electoral College which has been eroded as we do not elect a President the way the Founders stipulated. 

\Meet you on the other side.

Communist Walz Says Electoral College 'Needs To Go'

The base of the US Constitution as James Madison framed it and the Founders debated and honed it in the hot summer of Philadelphia was set in the Declaration of Independence in one theme, to guard against tyranny

Tyranny is unbridled power used to suppress the people and in every facet of the Constition that is what the checks and balances to the Amendments were focused on. It was LIMITED granted power for short periods of time to a centralized ELECTED Government in a Republic which represented the People as the real power.

So what is the Electoral College? The small states in the Union were warry of large states like Virginia and New York, bulling their way through due to high populations which could out vote small states. In modern realities, Wyoming is no match for California as even most groups of states can not match the metro dictatorships of New York and California. 
In the Government, this was balanced by the House which represented populations so that high population states like New York would not meet the tyranny of a Vermont who could have more power or equal power to a large population state if this was negated. In turn the US Senate was based upon 2 Senators from each state. New York and Vermont were equal and in this case Vermont was more powerful as there were more small states than large States so, Vermont and small states could neutralize the vote of the House in population power.

That is what the Constitution focused on.........DELAY, DELAY, DELAY, DELAY and DELAY some more. If there was some way to delay a process, the Constitution did this, because it knew the population might be swayed to tragic self destruction in voting in some popular group who might be liars and turn on the military and police on them. So Madison wanted a cooling off period in elections. In fact, Madison had the President voted for by the Congress in the Electoral College around 6 months later than the election, just in case something came up and people changed their minds. America still takes almost 3 months to hand governance over from one President and Congress to another, and the Congress goes first in January to hold a stable platform.

Now we are coming to the Electoral College which are delegates from each of our states. You really are not voting for a political candidate. You are voting for the people in your state to vote for the person you are voting for. That is the Electoral College. This group meets to cast there votes after the eleciotn and then as we saw on Jan6, they provide that vote tally to Congress which then votes to certify that vote. Only then is someone affirmed as elected, after literally 3 bodies of Americans, in the people at large, the Electoral College and Congress agree to that vote for a President and Vice President.

The Founders did not want some popular tyrant or a people who were terrified in some disaster or invasion to vote for someone they would later reget. That is why it takes 3 months to hand authority over to a new President and Congress. It was to give the People time to review the results and it also took the fury of elections from the mob, put it into fervent representatives from each state to vote  again, and then have the States again in more cooling off, review the election so it was taken out of the mob's hands.

That is what was wrong with Jan6. All those people who have been hounded and frame by the FBI wanted was a simple honest review and hearing over the election fraud. We know for certain now that it was mail in fraud which took the election from Donald Trump and installed Joe Biden. Congress and the Supreme Court failed in their checks and balances. In this, this is where the Founders were right again in fending off trouble in the system used to present before Congress the leading vote getter, and in that the person who gained the majority was President and the person with the next number of voters became Vice President.

Even with an election theft on the original system, the majority who voted for Donald Trump would have had Mr. Trump as Vice President. They would have not been denied evertything and Mr. Trump would still be in the executive representing that majority.

If you read the way the Founders set this system up, it was beyond genius. The problems we have had is when the original system was tampered with. One begins to appreciate the Founders even more in their God gifted Inspiration and are in a glowing raptured awe of how they figured all of this out to keep our Republican form of Government safe, meaning keeping each of us safe from factional or mob tyranny.

So when you hear Tampon Tim throwing fire brands in the Molotov Mob, against the Electoral College, there are only two conclusions, Tim Walz is either an ignoramus or Tim Walz is a despot advocate who will deprive the minority, the weak who do not have the police state, military and corporate advancing them, and Walz is going to disenfranchise the many for the few.

All of us needs  to seek out the Constitution. We need to support it as it was written. What we have now in this 2024 AD in the year of our Lord election is a reality that come January, Donald Trump would be elected President, and it would be Robert Kennedy II who would be elected by Congress with the next number of votes as Vice President.  Party which George Washington detested would be gone. We woul have to find common ground, more than Thomas Jefferson's poison which brought down John Adas, but that is part of this system to as Mr. Trump would have checked Joe Biden and Robert Kennedy would be moulding Mr. .Trump into more of a populist for the People.

America needs less Tim Walz idiocy, as America needs to return to the Founders in candidates elected in majority and minority numbers and that is who becomes President and  Vice President as there never would have been a Jan6 had this happened.

America needs more protections and delays, not less.

Nuff Said

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Stung By A HAARP Radiation


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you remember the scam that your freon in your air conditioner was causing the ozone layer to be destroyed...........there was another reality being unleashed in chem trails and upper atmsphere high frequency heating taking place which was having an effect.

The summer of 2024 AD in the year of our Lord and the autumn featured some pluzzling and deadly things in the Brier Patch.  I had a number of pot plants and with it not being that hot out, the plants were literally cooked brown.

Most of you have felt that stinging heat on your skin. That is shorter length radiation light in the Ultra Violet. What we are experiencing now is not the normal lesser UV radiations as I have tried to explain for years, after my tomatoe plants in my garden wilted decades ago like they had been cooed. This is becoming more pronounced as I was watching the deadly affects this year on all of the lilac bushe in this region were brown and horrid looking......they had been poisoned and cooed in being the most vulnerable to what is taking place.

There is no joke in this as the world is now heating, unless chem sprays are in the atmopsher to blck the sun or there are massive chem cooling spraying taking place, turning nights frigid and days scalding. TL mentions daily how it is ust 70 degree and it feels like 85 as the sun is ust burning hot.

This is not HAARP alone as the sun does cycle, and what we have is the weather mod manipulationg which will not stop and the sun is producing a higher level of cooking radiation. Daen WIintonton has piopointed what is taking place in this UV scale as he has done some wonderful work in getting people in Congress educated so people actually have an answer to why they are being stung by the sun..........or HAARP.

What we have entered into is a 500 year drought cycle by the sun, which means warmer and dryer air. Into this are the HAARP warriors who want to control the weather for power and profit. They are ringed by these Bill Gate nuts who want to dim the sun by spraying the atmosphere to affect a natural event in a natural increase of solar radiation. The answer IS NOT MORE SPRAYING, no more than the doctor pill poppers who give you one pill which has side effects and another pill to deal with that.

STOP spraying the weather, and the atmosphere will naturally deal with the UV rays as it always has. This cult though of global extremists is self funding, off books and destroys anyone who tries to put an end to this weather control which is out of control.

The sun is not the problem. The earth is not the problem The problem is the feudal few for power who are out of control.

I will make the point in this which needs to be understood. Since this blog exposed the super storms o winter two years ago, everyone knows in Eurasian the reason for radiation control in the event of a war and that these storms are generated and enhanced. It appears with Helene and Milton that...........ok i you nutty neighbor has a 4th of July pile of fireworks going off as it should, and another nutty Chinese or Russian invader sees that and throws in a few sticks of dynamite, it is going to go bad.

The Eurasians can see what the German Lezbo's of HAARP are building. They have jets which they can fly in commercial lines and add to the chem spraying to spike the rise of rain and temperatures. So instead of a HAARP terror attack, it looks like a weather warfare attack in the Carolinas with all the secret bunkers there designed for the bunker state to keep the war going against Russia and China, and now they are flooded.

The same with Milton off the Yucatan when Cat 5 immediately. That loos like someone spiked that system which was supposed to be a Cat 3 or 4 to drive Trump out of Florida or bad reasons. It had to be cooled and reduced before it hit Florida in the steering.

When you have these Weather Mods using immense resources, and you have someone figuring out they only need to add a little bit of dynamite to make them super storms, that appears to be the case in what is taking place now.

The remedy is that we  know the spraying platforms,  we know the radiation generators, so whoever is giving the orders to be arrested and hung in a quick trial. Any storm appears........same solutoin and this weather warfare stops immediately.

For now, I hope the sting of the sun continues as Americans need a nice mild winter to relax in.

Types of UV Rays

  • UVA – The most common UV ray from the sun and most dangerous, UVA can penetrate the skin down to the middle layer.
  • UVB – A shorter wavelength than UVA that can only penetrate the skin to the top layer. The earth’s ozone layer stops some UVB rays from reaching the surface. Treated glass also can stop UVB rays.
  • UVC – The ozone layer stops all UVC rays from the sun. Therefore, the only exposure humans get to UVC is from artificial sources such as lasers or welding torches.

UVA rays

The sun is the main source of all UV rays on earth. However, man-made sources of UVA rays can include lights made to mimic sunlight for therapy or tanning purposes. UVA rays can be deflected off the skin by using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater.

UVB rays

The earth’s ozone layer prevents some UVB rays from reaching the earth’s surface. However, it does not stop all UVB rays. Luckily UVB rays cannot pass through glass, so you are protected from UVB rays when in the car or at home. Sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater also will deflect UVB rays.

UVC rays

UVC rays come from the sun, but the earth’s ozone layer prevents all UVC rays from reaching the earth’s surface. Man-made sources of radiation, however, such as lights, welding torches, or lasers also can emit UVC rays. UVC rays cannot penetrate the skin as deeply as UVA or UVB, but UVC rays can be particularly harmful to the eyes. Never look directly at a UVC light source.

Nuff Said



Fly the Friendly Shylock

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Last I heard, Foreign Minister Lavarov was in Laos preaching peace and warning of war. This is important as there is a Tel Aviv military jet, just like P. Diddy turned off their transponder over Belarus, and is on their way to a forced diplomatic rape of Russia.

You do recall that Mr. Putin would not accept calls from Mr. .Netanyahu when Iran was retaliating with missiles and Mr. Putin told Tel Aviv to get out of Lebanon.

Now we have Tel Aviv invading Syria, alerts by Anthony Blinken for Amerians to get out of Lebanon and war threats against Iran.

So what is the mission of this jet to the Kremlin?  Bribes.? Threats via the Jewish oligarchs of Russia?Just what does a Tel Aviv Jew say to bluff Russia, now that Joe Biden has blinked in not sending US long range misiles to Kiev?

I could inquire and find that out as the Lame Cherry knows all, but we are in a game here in heads I win, and tails the non donors lose. It must be like when God muses over wicked and evil sinners in knowing He wins no matter what and they lose.

What that does tell us on the projection though is that something rather large is in the near time line.

I just hope we don't run out of pretty little Ashkenaz soldierettes before this completes as poster pips.

One more thing, if some popular girl were to look into the matrix and inquire, she might see a military mission in this air camel caravan, looking to trade. Now what is in the camel's bags is of the stars, in codes, which the Shylocks acquired and will shut down those Esther creations in a future strike, if the children of Bulan can now end the children of the Mahdi.

Now will those non donors with money find that big donate button.

Nuff Said

Look What You've Done - YouTube

Mar 29, 2017 ... Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra Look What You've Done · Bread The Best of Bread ℗ 1970 Elektra Entertainment Group Inc. Engineer: Armin ...



Sunday, October 13, 2024

Massive Chemtrail Spraying


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Stefan Verstappen of Ontario Canada mentioned on 10/11 on the Rense program that there was massive chemtrail spraying going on there and he had the HAARP HACK.

The photo above is from 10/13, which was shared with me from the northern great plains. These same chem trails are in the northwest too. This is the 3rd time this massive spraying has been unleashed in 5 days. I know the HAARPies are attempting to move the jet and bring freezes and colder air into the northern part of America and Canada, because that 500 year warm drought cycle is pressing in. It just stuns me that after the horrendous damage that Helene and Milton unleashed, that they have the balls to say FUCK YOU and are dumping more chemicals into the stratosphere than anyone has ever seen.

In most cases, you get a HAARP pattern, and then the wind and storms and they quit. There has nevere been this intense or massive spraying on record as if you look at the above photo closely, you can see there are jets spraying into the spray patterns in they are double loading the atmosphere.

Now this not going to chem poison fall on the plains. This will move off to the east coast  and dump in the hurricanes or into the ocean, as these geniuses have so polluted the soil in the grain belt that it will not sprout .......well it was killing Monsanto Bayer crops, so that is why they stopped making it rain as they had killed the soil by making it so metal acidic.

We are all going to find out what evil they are generating in this, as last spring they had to slam several massive storms to get that warm Hi Pressure dislodged on the plains. It generated back by end of July as that is what it naturally does.

At the moment, these tons of chemicals dumped into the sky will generate in probablly more massive spraying this coming week, "seasonal temperatures". I do not see the point, as they want a drought, so they can get these Pavlov farmers to start drilling water wells for irrigation, the same way they got these idiots to drain all the land in tiling it, and before that herded them into building metal grain they drove them to GPS farming so tractors steer themselves. The final phase after bankrupting these idiots with this drought, is to seize their land for corporate robotic farming.

That is another story, but it is a study of what these horrid and evil people are engaged in, and we only discern their insanity once they unleash in what is this terrorism on the northern jet stream by the evidence above.

Nuff Said



To Inherit the Silk Sheets.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Almost 2 decades ago, I remember a guest on Rense who stated that the United States had 100 million foreigners at large.

So when the Lame Cherry points out to you the fudging of census data which did not make sense, and published data shows 320 million Americans now.............that the real figure and reasons for shortages is the United States really has 500 million people. With Obama Trump and Biden, the split is now about even in 250 million invaders and 250 Americans.

Biden has been pouring criminals into America and none of them are vaxed.

These invaders are now deposited into every community in the United States. Now ask yourself as Small Pox vaxes quit around 1970, so these GENS are not vaxed............what is going to happen if some Fauci gain of function releases a pox and the active conduits are all these dirty foreigners, who mostly in Eurasians have gotten the TB shot.

Whatever the disease it will spread like wildfire. GENS will contract it too. There does not need to be any exotic diseases or nuclear war EMP. The entire manifestation is in America, Europe and Oz with even more weakened immunity in the 90% of sheeple Darwins who took that vax.

The Boomers were the  last pox vaxed. That tail end now is 1955 to 1964, and into 1970, so you are talking about a group of 50 to 75 year olds, Not exactly warrior fighting material, but that is all that is left in America is this 50 million minus group.

Those are the realities of what is out there in these walking plague spreaders and the final solution option which is already in motion.

These invaders will be incubation carriers, not survivors to inherit rich people's silk sheets.

Nuff Said



Saturday, October 12, 2024

An Order of Battle - Polish Rook

I do not have to occupy the board, only remove the pieces.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We now know in a prelude that Tel Aviv has enough computer firepower to disrupt the entire Iranian peaceful civilian infrastructure or tamper with US elections in a bot army for Obama in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, terrorizing Americans, that there is a forming an order of battle against Russia.

This part is important as for some reason, the regime in Poland and the Baltics seem to have overlooked the devastation Iran unleashed in a response on Tel Aviv in wiping out the Jewish military..........Russia is more precise, has more powerful and stockpiles of weapons, so Poland thinks it can bomb St. Petersburg is deluded in thinking they will be a NATO force after Russia neutralizes that nation.

Meet you on the other side.

Putin’s Deadly Ultimatum Sends Chills Through NATO
Lavrov Warns One Move Will Spark War If NATO Gives
Ziolensky Permission To Strike Deep Into Russia - Putin
Says Countries Who Provide Weapons (US) Will Be Targeted

Outgoing Russian Amb Warns US Will Face Head-On
Collision With A ’Nuclear Power’ If It Lets Ukes Fire Long
Range Missiles Into Russia

Nobel Prize Is A Warning To A World On
The Nuclear Brink

'If Russia Attacks, Poland And The Baltics Will
Attack St. Petersburg'

Russia for political reasons in response to being struck by American and British arms, will strike American bases in Germany and England, and strike NATO in Brussels and other small nations ot get the people in the streets protesting for peace.

Russia is large, and will be waiting then for the idiots of the old Polish Empire to hit St. Pete, as it can stop those missiles. It will then have NATO retaliation and be able to neutralize the Polish Empire. Russia will eliminate this group as a military threat with hypersonic missiles.

The yellow trace is what will be NATO no more.

Russia will repeat what Obama did in the human invasion of the west by the 3rd world by weaponizing people or refugees. Winter is coming, hit the power plants, cut fuel and millions will flow from the Pole Empire into Germany and other areas and be a disaster for those economically stressed woke nations. You can not fight Russia with Poles eating your country.

This only amplifies as the other Jews in Tel Aviv are going to stretch the United States resources to the negating point. America does not have enough worthless technology and woke vaxed to deal with this kind of situation as the Carolinas did not have transformers as Biden sent them all to Kiev and China make the replacements so that is the reality of this woke war against the West and Russia.

Providing that this does not get to nuclear domino, this Kamala War would be of benefit for when Mr. Trump is installed, as the world would be wanting peace, and in that peace Russia would work with Mr. Trump and the German Board would get their control of most of Europe and things would settle down.

The Germans might even get the 3rd Temple built after Tel Aviv screws up the Mideast in a bigger disaster which is a good thing for those looking for Jesus to return.

Nuff Said
