Friday, July 26, 2024

Assassination from the Whorish Mouth

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

David John Oates in reverse speech gleaned out a few more details confirming what we all knew and provided insight to who coordinated this operation.

What is disturbing in this, are the statements of the now resigned Secret Service Director. We have an insight in there was a discussion of using drones,  bombs or some kind of other means, as she used the term' OUR HUMAN, meaning they signed off on this being a human to carry this out. She uses the word DART for a bullet. That is a mystery if some kind of poison dart was discussed too.

She states that the plot was sorted out in the lower levels of a building somewhere.

She was stonewalling this investigation and in her political circle she hates Donald Trump.

She admits that like Russiagate this was sanctioned by John Brennan's operational group at CIA. The same cover up will take place by the FBI.

It is disturbing to hear these reversals in knowing this woman and others planned the murder of another human so the Dictator would be reinstalled with the Vice President without any remorse.

She got up Saturday knowing this was coming and waited for it to take place, knowing she had done everything she could to leave this venue open to murder.

Not one word though on the murdered Fire Chief or the other wounded innocents.

SS Director Kim Cheatle

Our event flew the shit

Our Human with the dart

I muck the deals in the cellar

Stuff him (Trump)

No we're not (cooperating with investigations)

A sham in our woes

A CIA fake

No shame in all this

He had missed

Just remember that a Chinaman was meeting with Thomas Crooks, so there is a CIA connection with the communist Chinese. The CIA has wanted to shut down the war in Ukraine and now it seems that the CIA is working to stop Trump tariffs on China, but not the Obama shift to war in the Pacific.

Nuff Said



The Non Ringing Endorsement of Image Obama and Big Mike

Why won't people win this for me.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Being out of politics, I still frown at the stereotypical manipulation of the Mockingbird media. We all know that no one supports Kamala Harris, in she only had support because she was a lightweight and expendable. She only had support because people wanted Biden gone. She only had support because this deranged minority hates Donald Trump to the point of cheering when his head is almost blown off.

That is why when I hear this mantra in the CIA media, that "Harris is picking up momentum", I want to puke, as what is taking place is idiots who threw Biden under  the bus now want Harris a the nominee, and those wavering are being threatened to back her to the nomination.

When Dictator Biden in his address of why he left the ticket barely gave Kamala Harris one sentence, it spoke volumes in Biden was told to hold off.

The Obama's were holding off, and then in a WWE behind the scenes soap opera, phoned Harris up, which by magic, Harris had a camera and a Secret Service Agent in  tow, heard a Niggertown put down by Kamala Harris by Big Mike Obama in calling her "my girl".

Do not miss this Secret Service Agent as by Harris putting them into the frame, means there is real trouble brewing around this woman who lost 90% of her staff as they hate her.

I would not call this an endorsement by Obama Inc. You can read it below in the photo post of it,  it comes off as window dressing. Obama Inc does not want this woman leading the ticket as she is a loser, no matter what Gerald Celente is dinosaur predicting without a Black Swan event, that Harris will run on a baby butcher one issue campaign and herd a bunch of fornicators to vote for her as they want to kill babies for fucking people they would never marry but get knocked up.

I disagree on Celente's projection of Harris is as winner, because read the sham Obama endorsement below. They pat the quadroon on the head as the elder Nigs and she is the one who is begging for the Obama's to run for her and get her close enough to steal this election. To the Harris plea, there is SILENCE, a click of the end of the conversation.

No Obama response. What took place is Obama Inc. got prodded along by the Afroid community to not abandon Harris who HAS to with fake polls close this gap by the convention or the DNC will boot her ass out for the preferred candidate. Trump is in the lead by double digits. Harris in this set up sprung on the image and Big Mike to hauling their asses around the country as geezers now to win this for Kamala and the White Priv Jew.

The Obama's do not want to be hauled around America in propping up this quadroon. If they wanted to put in this kind of effort Big Mike would be leading the ticket. I hear nothing but silence in this from the groaning Afroid community.

I doubt like hell that Kamala Harris is the choice of the people in power. I believe as with the Dictator, when her polling bottoms out and it will, that another Butler event will take place against her opponent.

If Trump lets like Mitch McConnell in throwing the midterms to suppress voters and to be defined on aborticide by crazy cat bats, Harris will get close enough to steal, but if Trump's high paid experts define the reality, then Trump gets installed by a landslide.

The Lame Cherry will do the work for the DIA stooges. It is just one phrase.

"America is in trouble because of Kamala Harris and her open borders. You don't abort America because Kamala Harris'makes bad choices. You save America and make her great again.'.

In this twilight's last gleaming, I will not have this sex trash hiding behind aborting children. The fact is if Niggers had worked instead of taking handouts, the Mexicans would not have come here to take those jobs, and if White women had not been sex whores and instead had babies, there would have not been an erasing and replacing the White race.

Silence is what makes these despots of democracy get away with their immoral shit. Take it to them with the reality that everyone knows and they will cower away like they always do when their tantrums of shouting you down fails.

In closing, do you think that maybe Kamala Harris is the black swan event by the powers that be and that is why Obama Inc is so antsy in their legacy is about to burn down in an epic defeat.

Nuff Said.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Biden Brushes Kamala Harris Off In Farewell Address


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The departation of Dictator Biden, was not cleared up in his national address. It was another painful reality of how degraded this man is, having already been evident in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, when he was stashed away in the basement for a year.

In listening to this speech, it was the old Biden, slurring words, making mistakes, not having brain function, but this was to be the big explanation as to why he agreed to the coup, and instead it was an epitaph to the Biden legacy. I had expected that Kamala Harris would have had a long portion of this speech, but Dictator Biden barely mentioned her in passing.

I will explain what this projects to on the other side.

Joe Biden is the same old geezer he was 5 years ago. Nothing has  changed. Yet he got out of the race. I you are interested what this projects like in behind the scene meetings, which mirrors Joe Biden's weird statement to Donald Trump, leaked by RFK III to the media, in, "How did you know to turn your head?", there is a connect the dots in this.

Joe Biden was not getting out of the race. Then someone shoots Donald Trump, and Joe Biden makes odd statements recovers from deadly COVID in 3 days (It takes weeks) and suddenly gets out of the race.

Here is what this looks like.

We all know that Joe Biden has not been running  this country or policy. It is the committee of fellow travelers. You may remember Rush Limbaugh stating about Obama Crimes, that "Obama never had to give orders, because The Obama Stooges knew what crimes were expected and engaged in them ." (That would  be the IRS going after the Tea Party for example.)

So we know Biden is good from 10 to around 2 each day. The rest runs on auto pilot zealots. Now understand the White House staff was blindsided by Biden quitting. This hit them out of the blue. Let the Lame Cherry construct a possibility for you to understand what took place inside Bidencon.

The Dictator was in trouble. His stooges knew he was in trouble. It has been voiced enough in public that they wanted Trump dead. We know from David John Oates speech reversals that the Secret Service Director was upset "they" missed Trump. She also sated she "planned the muck in the cellar"
 and that the CIA was aware of what she was doing.

Let us say that someone in the intelligence and security political minders got into see Joe Biden a few weeks ago, and said something like, "Mr. Dictator, you are in political trouble. The only way to ensure victory, is if your opponent were dealt with. We can do this and this operation will bring you that victory in November".
Biden being the low cognitive recognition he is, never got the entirely what was being said without being said, and he mumbled something affirmative and the IC left the office and put the operation into action.

We all know there were multiple shooters. We know that Crooks had 3 cell phones, two appear not to be his. One was in DC a great deal in Chinatown and  the other went silent on July 12. (This phone was probably the shocked handler of Crooks could be hearing screaming his name, and telling him to get off the roof in wondering what he was doing up there.)

We know there was internal involvement and numbers of people wanted the Dictator out of the race. So Joe Biden, gets out of church, and is mumbling things and gets his briefing...........and then another briefing before the Nevada political event, where he is  told, "Mr. Dictator, we have sign off from you, from a meeting of a few weeks ago, where you agreed to let the venue be open for an operation against your opponent.
We are not going to be able to contain this as other agencies are aware of this, are starting to release linking footage and information, and you will be linked, as the Director of Secret Service is "non compliant" in trying to shield you,  but that is not going to hold.

So Biden is pressured, keeps it to himself, surprises everyone in quitting, and figures that as Kamala Harris is as in trouble as he is, that if he goes whole hog for giving her the nomination, she will protect Joe Biden and continue the cover up.

Then Biden appers in this odd speech and literally makes Kamala Harris vanish, like he got word from Obama that someone else is going  to be the DNC nominee and Biden is not going to coronate Kalama Harris for a loss.

That is what all of this looks like in projections.

Nuff Said


the order arises


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do not celebrate the following nor fear it, because you have no idea what the statement below means.

Globalist ‘Guru' Claims Trump’s Re-Election
Will Mean ‘The Death Of Global Order’ (This
Means That A Lot Of Billionaires Want Trump Gone)

What is the Global Order?

Is it American Imperegal?

Is it Anglo American?

Is it Jewish finance?

It is all of thee above and none of the above fronts.

There is an old order, Nimrod, which is removing these front groups, who rose China and Russia,when others thought they were plying the trade. This is the Meisterkrieg.

There is a coming 5th Reich from the 4th which we are in now rocking the cradle. 

All of these political trolls are there now for one purpose and that is the rising of the Pax Romanus, the Feueradler will appear. The purpose of all that is being manipulated in America is for the establishment of the son of perdition  in Europe. There is not going to be making America.There is going to be using America for the purpose of those behind this to establish the order again.

Nimrod. Antiochos Epiphanese. Their offspring will appear to rule. This is what these Ashkenaz comprehend in their pawn shop is going to be removed. The flat brains they are see this as America centered, but it is not. They will unwittingly bring about the coming of this leader, duped into thinking they will lead. It is all necessary for Christ's return.

Put not your  trust in princes nor in the sons of men.

You have been told where to look and who to expect.

Nuff Said


How many Shooters - How few Assassins


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something worst than the Zapruder film in the Trump assassination attempt in Butler Pennsylvania, because in watching "wide vision" so you are taking in the entire scene, in the fraction of a second before the 7 second mark, you see an amazing thing, in there is a white flash at the crane to the far right and you can watch from right to left a primordial reptilian brain flinch moving through this crowd as they sense the hypersonic wave and react to it.

Right down the line from the man in black, the hoodie in white, the white t shirt guy, the "woman" and then the bullet impacting the man in white who crumples as the woman ahead of him slumps, you see a fraction of second human instinct flinch to save their lives, like a thunder clap.

The first time I focused to not focus to take in the scene, I actually flinched too at the flinching as that is the human connection to survive.

If you study the crowd at 43 seconds you will see two characters which are as fascinating as the person who took this video.

I call them Military Guy and Cap Guy.and they have two different reactions. The cap guy is looking in the direction of the camera, but then he senses something behind him and looks right at the man who has crumpled.

The military guy who looks to have been shot at before, instinctively swivels his head and looks directly in what he percieves is the direction of the sound.Two threats in a person shot and where the shot came from, and two men lock onto the danger.

The recorder upon noting what is taking place, swings the camera toward the Trump location.

I disagree with the person who narrates this video, in they say the shot came from the water tower area. You can see the flinch go through the crowd from right to left, not left to right. Yes acoustics can skew things, but we know for certain there were at least two shooters. I suspect at least 3.

Now for the way this worked with JFK,and Ronald Reagan and 9 11, put yourself in the position of those who did this to shoot Donald Trump. The Secret Service and FBI are all looking at the evidence and one thing is jumping out at them and that is they lied to the public like on JFK, Reagan and 9 11. They told us there was one shooter and now we have two definite directions of bullets.

Now those behind this know they did this. It has now dawned on them, that it appears someone knew of their plan, knew to open up on Trump when he said one phrase, and in the above video, those shooters had no intent on shooting Donald Trump.They shot people from another direction knowing that this would surface (they might have taken the footage) which is going to do what the purpose is, in destroying our trust in government completely.

So the people who did this, know they did this. The FBI and SS know they lied. Now they know someone else sent in a team of shooters to really screw things up for them. They know whoever this other group is, whether it is Russia or the Meisterkrieg or DIA, knows what was done and tied a can to their tail which is not ever going to be untied.

We know those who did this have been busy in glow worm convincing 33% of democrats that Trump was in on this. No Donald Trump was not in on this. He did not fake his wounds. His reactions to the whizzing sounds was real, as he reacted to the bullet grazing his ear. This is not Hollywood in people can nick ears with guns. Whoever shot Donald Trump either screwed up missing him in a big way or they screwed up in a big way in not hitting him as no one can anticipate a person turning their head and pointing at a chart when you fire.

Two people in this shot look directly where the camera is. That is not where Mr. .Crooks is, not where the shot is from behind, but is looking at the camera. The line of sight on those  two witnesses lock in a directional angle, and there is a perfect platform at the crane on that line.

Acousics play a roll, but what you are witnessing are multiple shots at the same time, coming from different directions. The flinch is telling people it is coming from behind. The ear is telling two people that the shot is coming from the derrick in front of Trump's position.

As the venue was left wide open, who knows how many professionals were slipped in as the Secret Service was looking at Mr. Crooks.

I have not seen the evidence on the water tower, but the line of angle from the right from a root top fits and the two witnesses are telling us that a shot came from out front. I count 4 shooters if not 5. Sounds impossible, but that is why it was constructed that way, just like all the glow worms on Jan6.

Three of them appear to never have fired a shot in the direction of Donald Trump.

Nuff Said


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Kamala Harris goes hard White

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It seem evident that the big names in Democrats 20208 AD in the year of our Lord want anything to do with being on the Kamala Harris ticket.

So you know what the people in power are thinking would fit with the incompetent Birther Harris, here are their dream dates.

I would like to say I have reached puberty.

Andy Beshar of young he is still sucking mommy's nipples.

I'm not really old. I'm just seasoned.

Roy Cooper of North old his pecker pumps dust not semen.

I'm not stupid looking. I look Jewish.

Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania..........the governor who could not save Biden or get the Donald killed

The sun burned all my hair off in orbit.

Mark Kelly of Arizona.............the weird skin head astronaut but brain damaged wife somewhere.

I find cock on my breath and feces on my penis appealing.

Pete Buttplug of Indiana..............the queer version of the incompetent Secret Service Director

I can't stop eating. I think I ate a city.

JB Pritzker of Illinois...........a man who stores all of his fat in his head.

You will notice that only White Priv is allowed on the Kamala Harris ticket as the DNC sends a message after that other birther, named Obama, that they need some kind of Caucasian to offset the Hamite.

Kamala Harris has had White People carrying her water like Obama did and she was still a horrendous failure. Joe Biden is now gone, but he at least did the work while Obama played. Now it is all Kamala Harris, and none of these White Priv elite are no Joe Biden. Joe Biden as senile as he was 16 hours a day, has more going on upstairs than this prime lot of White People for Kamala Harris to be propped up by. This lot honestly makes her look not so stupid.

None of this changes the fact that Obama put Harris on this ticket so she would fade away. None of this changes that Kamala Harris is a flat backer and owes all she is not to merit, but to being a political tramp.

From 1994 to 1995, while still married,  Brown dated Kamala Harris, who worked as an Alameda County Deputy District Attorney at the time. In 1994 Brown appointed Harris to two different commissions - the State Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission.[Their relationship gained renewed attention in early 2019 after she had become a U.S. senator and ran for president

I can tell you this. Democrats got what they wanted in dumping Joe Biden. At this moment they are stuck with Kamala Harris who is the same Bidenomics, holocaust, genocide, open borders, inflation failure shrieking about Trump being more dangerous than  global warming.

No one likes this quadroon in polls or in person. No one is going to like this weird, obnoxious, perverted group of White Penis trying to make Kamala a man President. They are all off putting. Harris picks any of them and you can hear the political toilet flushing her campaign down the drain.

I can tell you the whispers in this.

Big Mike Obama does not want Kamala Harris leading the way for it in 2028 AD in the year of our Lord that an Afroid woman can not be elected.

Hamrod Clinton does not want the first vagina as president to be anyone but her.

What this all rests on in the reality is Kamala being set up for a major political stumble, whereby Hillary Clinton will move in the Obama shadows to be nominated, and swear to serve one term, with the understanding that Big Mike takes the yoke in 2028 AD in the year of our Lord.

Dictator Biden thinks he can save himself after Pennsylvania by stuffing the ballots or Harris as an FU to Obama and Clinton, as Harris will pardon Hunter Biden in the deal.  After the gush of donors getting rid of Biden and dumping in cash,  democrats will see the polls that Harris is a sinking ship.

The only white man that democrats have who can save this ticket is Hillary Clinton.

How Kamala Harris fares against Trump in the 2024 polls - NBC News

1 day ago ... Kamala Harris has been polling the same as Biden — or just slightly better — against Donald Trump, per polls taken before Biden withdrew ...

Nuff Said


Thee Assassin Round 223 Remington


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

House Speaker Johnson - Classified Details Of Trump
Assassination Attempt More Alarming Than Public Info

The Lame Cherry now that the smoke has cleared and the croc state has moved on past the Trump assassination attempt to explain some things to you, so you will know how much you are deceived and what idiots are telling you things.

We have been told without any gun appearing that the weapon of Mr. Crooks was a 5.56 NATO AR 15 type rifle. The AR stands or Automatic Rifle, in this case semi automatic, meaning it is not a machine gun. Thee original civilian version of the military M 16 which is semi auto and 3 shot semi auto (scared soldiers burn up too much ammo or burn out barrels) was produced by Colt.

The 223 is the civilian CALIBER while the NATO version is 5.56 in metric measurement. Same cartridge for the sake of understanding what is being spoken of.

What the military had before the 223 was the 308 caliber which is 30 caliber. All were full metal jacketed as it is illegal to use expanding or explosive bullets in war.

The 308 or 7.62 was larger, heavier and more recoil. The Pentagon wanted a round which was lighter, less costly, and could produce a like wound '"due to yaw" or for your understanding..........the 308 was like your finger poking into someone. The 223 being smaller would deflect, like your finger would crumple if you decided to push through a person. The reason is the 223 was supposed to create an internal non lethal wound, where it would require other enemy soldiers to remove the injured party. The wound was supposed to disrupt internal tissue where the soldier would die later in treatment or be so severely injured that they would not be able to return to combat and be cripples.

Yes this is all evil, but you must understand what we are dealing with in the Trump venue.

I have a photograph below, comparing a common lead pencil to the 223. You can see how small the cartrdige is and how small the bullet is. The bullet is not as large as a pencil tip. It is in standard loading 55 grains.

Now that you have looked at the exhibit, you should be aware of some things. In Vietnam where the original loading was used, it often took 5 shots to stop a little Vietnamese soldier in body shots. This is why I would prefer to see the medical and autopsy reports on the dead and wounded at Butler, because the Fire Chief had brain matter on the bleachers and the two wounded were in critical condition from being shot, and no one should be in critical condition with an arm wound.

Could a 223, hollow point or soft point blow a chunk of skull out and explode a brain? Yes it could in a bullet yaw which does not happen often.  We just do not know in what type of bullet, FMJ, Hollow Point or Soft Point was used. We are instead quoted the bullet travels at 3000 feet per second, which again is propaganda as you can find the ballistics here. Published ballistics are from long barrel rifles, in factory testing, while the loads most factories produce are not what is published.

The 223 loses velocity as all bullets do in flight and it begins dropping from point of aim. It is basically a 100 yard weapon for sniping.  For coyotes, it is not a weapon past 150 yards due to coyotes running off. A human is larger than a coyote, so keep that in mind.

I have a random target next for you to expand your understanding. You will notice that not all the bullets went into the same hole. There is a spread. Everyone thinks we are all Joe Mannix with a 38 special snubby, able to shoot planes out of the sky, but the fact is EVERY bullet coming out of a rifle shoots to a different point of impact due to the dynamics of the bomb going off in the explosion, wind, humidity, the shooter hold and that fluid air deflecting the bullet.

So Eric Prince of mercenary fame can say that anyone at 100 yards can hit a plate sized target, the reality is if you put a bullet pattern like the above on the human skull, that not all shots are at point of aim. 
In the illustration below based on the above target, in a Trump top of ear (this is a 25 foot target and Trump target was almost 150 feet, so there would be even more distortion for a Mr Crooks who was told to not come back for missing targets by 20 feet in high school. One can see that bullets are subject to human error and Newton's Law.

When we return to the scene of the crime, Mr. Crooks had already missed Trump twice. His 3rd shot seemed to be centered in what would be between the eyes or just ahead of the top of the ear, to center the shot in the skull. 
For the dynamics of this, when a shooter is at a higher elevation than the target, it is like raising the muzzle for bullet drop. It is doubtful Mr. Crooks was practicing "tree stand shots". He does not have a history of hunting to know this. 

You must get this as no one is going to tell you this, for the shot to be at the top of Trump's ear , when he turned his head, due to the bullet lift, Mr. Crooks aim was either off due to flinching, as he was pulling shots to the left, or his scope that he was fiddling with was never sighted in to point of aim.

Crooks AR 15 type rifle at 50 yards, was firing at 3 inches low, or again, he was such a horrid shot as in high school, that is one of his rare shots that hit where he was aiming Remember, he shot 3 other people, missed at least once and if not more times.

The AR 15 rifle set was never built for accuracy. If it was snipers would use it.

Eric Prince can commando explain all he likes, but if that rifle was not sighted in, Eric Prince or any sniper would have missed just as poorly. The only way we will ever know is if we had our hands on this rifle and had independent analysis, as after the FBI got a hold of it, it is as worthless as Lee Oswald's rifle with the magic palm print which appeared.

So what you have been told has been all propaganda.

The 223 is designed to have yaw or keyhole. That may be why Trump's ear looks ripped or it could be as Dean Henderson speculated that Trump may have been hit by the skull bone or the deflected bullet from the Fire Chief. We simply do not know, as all the information is being withheld in the rifle, the ammuntion, the positions of the three others who were shot and the persistent reports of a second shooter on the roof to Trump's left which this blog researched and found a rough was there.

We have a problem with the bullets in this 223 as they are not acting like the variations. A hollow point bullet is designed to transfer all energy on impact, and there would be no exit wound. It is a violent transfer of solid force into fluid tissue. The soft point is designed to transfer energy and provide penetration with expansion. The full metal jacket is designed to not expand at all, penetrate and maybe exit if it does not strike bone as the 223 does not have the weight to plough through with force for exit.

The bullet which murdered the Fire Chief mirrors a soft point which  took John Kennedy's head off. The 223 though is not a 6.5 round. It is 3 times smaller. A soft point should have stayed in the skull, a hollow point should have stayed in the skull.  A full metal jacket may have exited but it should never have blown brain matter into the bleachers.

The shot was instant death, unlike John Kennedy who lived a short time. Was it a fluke shot which entered the eye, the the brain and then had the energy to blow out the back of the skull? Again until we see autopsy sketches, all of this is not matching what we know about the 223.

We have been shown photos of the Mr. Crooks, phone and a trunk opener, but where are the mandatory outlined photos of shell casings on that roof or having rolled down into the grass? All of this is police 101 and all of it is being withheld from the public.

What the Lame Cherry is certain of, is the data which has been in claims is all meant to put this to bed and move past it all, with absolutely no scientific data to back up the statements and no release of information to the public, to examine what took place.

How does a quiet gamer kid, who can not see or shoot, end up within 50 yards of Donald Trump as a person of interest,  was reported by his parents as missing to the police, and had posted that today would be his premier, having told his employers he would see then at work the next day.

Then again, why is why is a guy dropping dead, ahead of the chart that Mr. Trump is pointing at, and the shooter is behind Donald Trump and firing away.
