Thursday, July 19, 2007

What is left for the Plame Coup Plotter

With the lawsuit dismissed in court today for Valerie Plame, it is
evident that Hubster Joe Wilson has prostituted his wife in this for all
she is worth and now without the lawsuit what is left but having her do
a September issue of Playboy for Joe to fund his Democratic habit.

Seriously in this I honestly hope George Bush would just take off the
gloves, quit worrying about Iraq, quit worrying about a national
meltdown and quit worrying about several European nations going through
the same upheaval.

The upheaval and Truth which I speak is this hidden story I have been
writing on for over a year and trying to get people from Michelle Malkin
to others to cover in what Valerie Plame was really all about and what
Plamegate was all about.

The genesis of this was during the Clinton years in the oil for food
fiasco which was cover for mass bribes by Saddam to almost every
European nation. The main ones being France and Germany with the UN a
close second. A deal was worked out by the globalists where Bill Clinton
stopped a CIA coup against Saddam in exchange for oil to be syphoned off
from Iraq and sold off book making billions for the narco banking
cartels run by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

The infamous Marc Rich was the money launderer in this and commodity
mover. No proof exists but when you have that kind of cash being moved
and Rich gets a pardon that the Clinton's ended up with Swiss accounts
as sure as when the dope was running into Arkansas via CIA covert op and
Bill had bags of it on his hotel tables snorting it up his nose.

In these bribes were tons of weapons of mass destruction or their
fixings for Iraq. A great deal of it came from Germany, Russia and
France. France though provided the golden anti semitic goose in taking
yellow cake out of Niger and refining it for Saddam Hussein.

We know this, because the Department of Defense announced the discovery
of 1.77 tons of WEAPONS GRADE URANIUM when Iraq was liberated.
Apparently Hans Blix couldn't find a hot pile like that, but it was
shipped out and ended up in White Sands back in America hidden.

The reason none of this came out is President Bush knows America was
facing China and Russia in a new anti American pact. Consider Watergate
on a worldwide scale with all the French and German leaders in prison
along with good olde Bill and Hillary. Add to that the real powers of
the world in Rockefeller and Rothschild in prison along with all the UN,
well it would be anarchy unleashed and how does one keep the Asian
hordes at bay in a real war if all your allies and your own United
States is going up in anarchy.

So that explains the Bush silence which I believe should be broken as
the Europeans and the UN has turned over new leadership and no one would
care if the Clintons along with Sandy Berger, Richard Clark and Al Gore
were all in the grey bar hotel.

The problem though in breaking this story is that Russia will be exposed
as dumping 2 shiploads of chemical weapons in the Indian Ocean, Syria
and Lebanon received at least 2 airplane loads and several convoys of
Saddam's biological weapons which are now sitting on new Russian
missiles aimed at the Israeli state and Europe and Russia took home
Saddam's one big nuclear bomb he had made. That bomb was too large for
the Scuds Saddam had and was one reason he never used it, but it is
sitting back in Moscow now.

Which brings us to the Plame affair. Plame is a globalist operative
serving in the CIA just like Hillary Clinton was. Hillary ran the money
laundering operations of the CIA using the PROMIS software with Vince
Foster who was later the Clinton bagman flying around the globe when
they were in the White House.

Plame's directive was to hide this mountain of bribery, because if it
got out that the French had supplied Saddam with weapons grade
uranium........well the French CIA knows allot of secrets and so does
Marc Rich in knowing where all the bribery accounts laundered. Plame's
actions though were not directed to protect the Clintons but the narco
banking cartel as one pull on the radioactive string would open all the
books of criminality open from Kosovo drug running, DeBeers double
dipping diamonds, Columbian coke money etc.... The kinds of things that
even the people who control governments go to prison for forever.

So Plame sent hubster Joe Wilson to Niger to "find nothing". Cheney and
company immediately knew this was a covert operation as it made no sense
for Wilson or his wife to be doing what they were doing basically on
their own under the State Department's cover. (Remember the for later as
State was run by occupy Iraq Powell and his man Dick Armitage. Both of
whom are globalist CFR cronies bent on protecting their bosses in the
cartel who rose them through the ranks and keep them from Patrick

A back operation or fire operation was needed by the cartel as they
wanted Bush stopped and when they couldn't stop him in liberating Iraq
they needed him punished and worn down so that he would start playing by
their rules again in diplomatic solutions which allows oil to be
syphoned off out of Iraq again which is being done now. Bush perhaps
suspects this is going on again and who is behind it, but he has bigger
problems now.

The back operation was for Dick Armitage to sing Valerie Plame's name to
the man he hated in Bob Novak. Immediately, the cartel press would
attack Karl Rove and bring it into a paniced White House. The KEY IN
THIS THOUGH which was supposed to turn this into Watergate was when
Armitage and Powell had given testimony, Armitage and his lawyer called
White House counsel Alberto Gonzales asking him if he wanted to be
debriefed on all what had happened.

Gonzales did not take the curiosity bait and declined thereby protecting
Bush. If Gonzales had been debriefed this would have brought sworn
secret testimony into the White House which Gonzales would have briefed
the President on. That would have been Watergate as the press exploded
in WHAT DID THE PRESIDENT KNOW and the charge by Patrick Fitzgerald of
the President tampering in a criminal investigation.

You have to get this point which you may not have noticed. REMEMBER all
these democrats have been chanting "payback impeachment" since day one.
The reason is they were promised by the cartel Bush would be impeached,
because a covert operation by globalists was being run against President
Bush just like Nixon was suckered into Watergate.

That is why democrats are screaming impeachment yet in they can't figure
out why it didn't happen. That is why Patrick Fitzgerald sat on this
case for 2 years putting Scooter Libby through hell, because he was
informed something else was going to happen. Alberto Gonzales though
stopped it and it is currently why Alberto Gonzales is being hammered as
the cartel is furious he wasn't a nosy idiot like they expected him to be.

That is what this coup was all about and no one including the right wing
Conservatives who claim to be in the mode of Truth will not breathe a
word of. This coup was written about in my blog and emailed to those in
position and no one touched it. You can decide just what these typing
heads are about that claim they are the voices of Conservatism and

This was a nasty, dirty, murderous carrying on where Iraqi people were
suffering for their nation being plundered and still are as it is this
cartel with Russia in it's Islamocommunist proxies who are still trying
to get their billion dollar oil gem back in Iraq into the fold.

Should Patrick Fitzgerald be Nifonged along with the rest of these coup
plotters. Most certainly.

It will not happen though, because it would bring down the entire house
of cards. The "best" which could happen is if enough people start
looking into this and putting the pieces together on their own too that
a conversation starts where the cartel will have to abandon their proxy
candidates and reshape their globalist anti American policies to more of
a 1950's America where the citizens prospered, goods were cheap, the
nation secure and leading the world instead of this inflation money
printing system destroying America into a vassal state of the pack.

I doubt Val Plame will end up in Playboy as they already got their
payoffs in book deals and such speaking engagements and will keep quiet,
but the Truth keeps filtering out and one day in the coming Middle East
war which is being set up Saddam's WMD's are going to be used..........

Then it all starts over again in people are going to be faced with the
fact Saddam had WMD's and they will start asking as they pull the
threads in finding all of the above is true.

Such a shame no Nobel or Pulitzer prizes for such God inspired work, but
what would I do with a trophy any way.

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