Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It is a sin to kiss and swallow

Decades ago the term "economy" disappeared in a paper I wrote explaining
exactly what drives finance now as the world is now engulfed by not a
hurricane which is driven by jet streams, but a hurricane which drives
the jet stream.

By this I mean, normal economies where recessions, growth, depressions,
stagnation disappeared shortly have the flux of the Nixon socialist
fixed prices and Carter's economic degradation.

After this, the banking cartels took full control over the American
Federal Reserve in printing currency at will and selling debt in bonds,
but finally resorting to debt in dollars held and printed.

The Rockefeller, Warburg and Rothschild banking elite print money for
the cost of paper and ink, in essence a 100 dollar bill costs them a
penny, a penny which the American treasury picks up in debt. The cartel
then takes this 100 into their Fed account and loans it to the United
States government which has been dumping them worldwide in fueling a
world economic expansion to keep it from international depression.

The world is afloat with this cheap currency. Currency now devalued by
inflation as that is what one gets when one expands an economy by
dumping money into it and everyone can buy on cheap credit.........and
as an example the Saudi's have 200 billion dollars in an account, but
since the dollar has plunged in this cycle by almost 1/3rd, they now
have only 140 billion in buying power which upsets the world governments
as they are all loosing money........just like Americans lost 20 percent
value in their homes due to this market crunch.

That is the second "economy" in Americans in the upper levels have so
much of this money in gaining wealth that they can afford 600 dollar
hotel rooms and million dollar cars.....it is not that things cost this
much, it is that inflation made money so cheap that anyone turning
currency over can make huge sums.

A third "economy" is the underground economy which runs off book in the
trillions. This can be you paying the kid to mow your lawn cash....or a
Democrat paying Beaner Border Buster on paper 12 dollars an hour to be
nanny, but only paying them in cash 6 dollars and pocketing the rest
like the construction mafia has been doing......or it can be your local
meth cartel or international Mideast ecstasy or Russian opium cartel all
of whom dump millions into the cartel banks which are skimmed and the
Fed which runs it all keeps all that crime off book.

A fourth economy is the one the average person exists in. They never
make enough, everything rapes them financially and if not for God's
grace the ends would never meet.

This is how people can say that one sector is in horrid condition while
you have Charlie Sheen lighting cigars with a hundred dollar bill. There
is just so much currency having been printed to drive the world economic
upper group to keep that group from going into depression that it takes
a great deal of time to sponge up multi trillions of currency.

This storm is so large though that the people who created in the
Rockefellers and Rothschilds were not in the least interested in gaining
"money" as how many hundred billions does anyone ever need.
The real key is power in this. This same Euro centric cartel did this
same thing to Great Britain in destroying the pound which once was world
currency. This dates back to and is in connection with the reason for
the World Wars which were instigated for bringing about this one world
One has to understand that the First World War was designed to destroy
the Empire states. World War II was designed to destroy the powerful
super colonial states.........and World War III will be set upon the
world to destroy the solitary power states.

This is why the American currency and economy is being destroyed so that
a new system of combined currency and combined "democratic" states such
as the European, African and North American and Asian Unions coming
about will have not national identities but only 3 currencies until only
one emerges. It is easier to control things from a centralized economic

I will digress and predict that this manipulation while it is intended
to start World War III in a power grab to destroy vast numbers of people
who are a danger to elite is going to spiral out of control and eat up
vast sectors in nuclear strikes.
The Eurasians never have played well together and without the American
buffer they will with their combined hundreds of million man armies soon
start fighting with all their resources of destruction.
While the cartel might set off the bumper cars they are going to find
the prizes they seek, especially Jerusalem as their sacred geometric
capitol of the world having massive destruction in their laps literally.
Historically there is a crescent in Eurasia of death which tracks from
the Rhine into the Balkans, down into Turkey and the Middle East, up
into the Asian steppes over to India, trailing to Indochina and up to Korea.
Those are also the trade routes of all economies legal and illegal where
a majority of the world population resides.

It is for this reason the United States must in mandatory resolve
convince the cartel they have moved in error and their plan to install
the next "president" for the purpose of overseeing the end of the dollar
for a new currency and a new combined North American state is
catastrophe about to occur.

The Europeans which Ahmadinejad and Chavez drool over in Euro investment
of oil revenues does not have enough Euros to absorb that kind of
revenue. Europe will implode under cheap currency with a socialist base
which does not have a base creation of wealth to deal with that kind of
cheap money.
China will out produce the European market and Russia is incapable of
anything but belligerence and war.

All of that means war. I will grant President Bush presence for using
food as the doomsday price device against high oil inflation and
gleaning from grains starch and oil to fuel America in a gambit to
weather the hurricane which will sweep the world.

There is though infinite better ways of doing this. Wyoming and much of
the west capped 2 out 3 oil wells with the one well only allowed 20%
production. Anwar has an American supply of 40 years. Greenland which is
our American resource has a bigger supply of oil than the Saudi
reserves. (Note Iraq has a bigger reserve than even the Saudi.)

There is plenty of oil but the cartels have choke point monopolized this
disaster into being created as they do all economic manipulations.
America requires a President to institute sound production which creates
wealth as I have blogged here in reasonable creation of raw material
sold to the Eurasians in an Americanized free, separate and sovereign
states of Canada, America and Mexico.

This golden goose will be so powerful it will not be attacked nor in the
cesspool of war zones to gain the ire of terrorists. It also will be too
valuable to be ever attacked by the Eursasians when their war breaks out.

In that a real American economy will result not of debtor status nor
poverty and rich, but what this Republic is intended to function as in
Adam Smith, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Milton Friedman economics.

The cartels though engineered the opposite. Slave labor of Mexicans to
run the machine. Canadian raw reserves to fuel it and American
dependence in over spending and weanling wards of the state buying.
All of that is why one gets strange economic reviews as several
economies are functioning under an economic doctrine which has nothing
to do with finance.

It is a sin to kiss and swallow.