Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Barack Obama: Is someone staging a coup against him?

What would you think if President Bush had a gay man with a brain tumor
thrown into prison, deny him access to his medication and then had
federal officials keep him in prison 4 days before he could get to
Delaware to appear for a warrant he was "arrested" for which did not yet
exist in a sealed grand jury?

Sounds pretty bad doesn't it?

It gets better, because the very day this man was arrested on a bogus
charge, the Social Security Service dated a letter noting the Delaware
warrant which was sealed and being processed as the reason it was now
denying all medical is benefits to Mr. Lawrence Sinclair of Duluth

The problem is is that President Bush did none of this, but someone has.

The question is who, because Mr. Sinclair is the person stating he
snorted dope and had sodomite sex with Senator Barack Obama in Chicago.

Immediately one would conclude the people behind this are Barack Obama
supporters as there are 3 confirmed stalkers who got this arrest going
by insisting DC police apprehend Mr. Sinclair when he was in DC.

The problem is can Obamaniacs be this absolutely out of touch to be
victimizing a sick gay person treating him worse than what terrorists
are put through?
They are creating a political firestorm in Mr. Sinclair which has now
become a criminal conspiracy all to aid Barack Obama.

In noting that this all looks like the White House plumbers in Watergate
and in knowing that Richard Nixon was set up to take the fall, this is
all starting to appear like Plamegate, an operation run by the Clinton
camp for the Soros funded Rockefeller led globalists.

Val Plame was sent in to cover up Niger uranium refined by socialist
France for Saddam bribes in billions.
Her mission in the fake outing was to get Alberto Gonzales "briefed" by
operative Richard Armitage who set up Bob Novak and Armitage actually
made the call trying to get Attorney General Gonzales to brief
him.......all so it would filter back to the person they wanted
impeached, George W. Bush.
Gonzales protected Bush 43 and was skewered for it.

This same Obamagate seems to be operating now as no campaign is this
inept to be arresting sick people, denying them meds and then denying
them Social Security all on the same day.
It is keystone cops in it's idiocy.

None of this says Barack Obama is not this stupid as he is. He hired by
Mr. Axelrod his operative a former porn site to fake a
lie detector test to smear Larry Sinclair leaving a money trail of
hundreds of thousands of dollars.
This though just seems too Gore / Clinton in operation in moving some
moles to paper trail some Obamaniacs who have phone records to Barack
Obama which will bring him down in a criminal conspiracy against a US

In police work, one looks who will benefit in this as Barack Obama had
already silenced Larry Sinclair as no one in media was paying attention
to him. Now real conspiracy crimes are taking place in him being a
target of US government agencies who all have computers which must be
logged onto and all leave trails easy to follow.

As stated, Barack Obama and his maniacs are this stupid in having proven
that, but Tom dickhead Dashcle to Zig Brzezinski are not. They are the
hallmark of liars and crooks. There is no way they would ever allow
their boy to ever go out and play in the street like this as it will
bring them all down.
In that, I presumed months ago that when the globalists brings down
Barack Obama before the convention to install Al Gore, that they will in
part stick it to the Kennedy's and this entire bunch of snots like
Daschle who think they are big league and are water boys.

There is a nasty streak in these Rockefeller Gore boys. They would enjoy
nothing better than what they did to old Joe Kennedy after his stroke in
having him an invalid in bed picking off his boys one by one ruining his
Brain cancer Ted lying in bed drooling in his last days would be just
what this group of thugs would be amused by in watching the Kennedy
legacy extinguished in that civil rights status quo of the affirmative
action Obama going down in disgrace and taking them all with him.

This is the game they play and do it with the cruel dissection of North
American Indians in how they used to torture people for hours.

This will be most amusing if the globalists have set this up and will
use it as only they can to fillet victims.

There are real crimes now being committed by someone. Barack Obama had
this silenced and now it rests on his desk. Who benefits?

The person who will be drafted to the Democratic National Convention to
replace him.
That is your crook and that is the puppet some very powerful people are
backing as only the globalists have the contacts to attempt coups.


Dear Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy

Dear Justice Anthony Kennedy,

Today sir you joined 4 other liberals to state that punishing creatures
who rape children with the death penalty is "cruel and unusual" punishment.

As the death penalty is used for heinous crimes yet and in history was
the sentence for rape to stealing horses, it hardly seems there is
anything cruel nor unusual about the punishment according to historical
standards of Supreme Court Justice John Jay who founded the United
States Supreme Court.

So it begs the question Justice Kennedy, just how small of thing do you
consider it for an adult to insert their penis, fingers or objects into
a child's anal area or vagina, terrifying them, making them scream in
terror and pain, forever scarring them to become either prostitutes,
suicides or in you consider as a punishment for such
terrorism as kind and usual?
In your ruling Justice Kennedy, you joined liberals Ginsburg, Souter,
Stevens and Breyer, that raping children should be rewarded by $65,000 a
year confinement, all medical, food, clothing and shelter where the said
creature will be released after several years of "learning the ropes" to
go rape more children as apparently rape in your eyes is kind and usual.

Strangely, if one inquires of prisoners in the United States, one finds
many of them have been raped as children. None of them found it kind or
usual. It in fact ruined their lives and abilities to function normally.
That is why every prisoner in the United States who has the opportunity
in prison to execute a pedophile, they do so in the most brutal of
manner venting their rage on these "kind and usual" creatures in beating
them to death.

Justice Anthony Kennedy, I know your background in being once
"conservative", but you are an extremely weak and pathetic heart who
once reaching the bastion of Washington, wanted to be liked, invited to
parties and have people say nice things about him in the liberal you abandoned righteousness for license and now are
so warped, that you consider justice for raping children to be cruel and
unusual, so infer by law that those heinous acts are "kind and usual".

Perhaps like Hillary Clinton wanting to make children adults so they
legally can engage in sex with adults is the same liberal cocktail party
pedophile crowd you now belong to.
Perhaps in your gatherings you watch children and discuss how much they
want you sexually.
Perhaps in your gatherings you exchange kiddie porn addresses.

No one knows what goes in your pedophile protecting domains Justice
Anthony Kennedy, but the nation does now know that you and your 4 other
pedophile protectors deem raping children not heinous and deem punishing
them cruel and unusual.

In the world of God, karma in India to good old American what comes
around goes around, one waits to see just what the forces of
righteousness in the Spiritual world will visit upon 5 Justices who deem
child rapists need kindness and not serious punishment.

What child have you just sentenced to rape Justice Anthony Kennedy so
your pedophile liberal loving cocktail party crowd will make sure you
get your next party invitation.

You are disgusting.