Friday, September 26, 2008

John McCain Devastates Barack Obama

When in a debate when your opponent continuously is saying, "Sen. McCain you are absolutely right' over and over, it probably is a sign you are being devastated.

Barack Obama was devastated in the first debate in Mississippi.

It is a great deal in riding on the line in the first debate as no one wants to blow them. John McCain was quite reserved and too much the gentleman in not pointing out on the economic question the well known fact that he sponsored Senate bill 190 which would have stopped the entire stock market meltdown while Barack Obama stopped the bill and took over one hundred thousand dollars from Fannie and Freddie.

By the next hour and a half though John McCain took off his gloves and pounded Barack Obama on the simplest of terms on Georgia, Iran, Russia, security and prosperity in dealing with allies and enemies.
The simple terms are right and wrong actions with Mr. Obama not even having been to Afghanistan as his committee oversees that area with him as chairman. I found myself wondering if he actually knew that the United States has taken operational control of Afghanistan from the British this week who (though good allies do not say this) really screwed up Afghanistan which was won in the same way the Brits messed up the secure area of southern Iraq which seemed impossible.

In watching the debate, Sen. McCain actually looked younger than Barack Obama. McCain was on target and looked age 45 while Obama seemed to grey in his hair and look age 55.
A strange condition Obama has is he dips his head, looks down in the camera so his eyes look beady and sinister and then he starts talking at the camera.

Obama made mistakes in speaking, his facts and fell into a massive trap John McCain had laid out.

There was a Reagan moment planned in "Well there he goes again". In McCain's case, he would point out where Obama was wrong on policy in not understanding the difference in military terms between tactic and strategy and then kept riding in every segment, "Obama is naive and inexperienced".

By the end of the debate Barack Obama who had started the debate in using the condescending term, "John" while Mr. McCain was calling him Sen. Obama, Mr. Obama was calling Mr. McCain, "Senator McCain".
That type of gaff proves who is the alpha male in the room.

Barack Obama was rattled and kept repeating as this commentary began, "Sen. McCain is right".

The 10 year old Obama tried very hard to play with an adult, but his programming short circuited after the first 15 minutes.

Mr. Obama honestly looked like he had aged 10 years in trying to deal with John McCain.

That says it all.


An enquiring Obama wants to Know

Say for a moment you are a presidential candidate surrounded by thugs and you have two homosexual males in Lawrence Sinclair telling about your sex and dope acts and you have a jealous lover in Donald Young who just happens to have sympathy for Mr. Sinclair, and, Mr. Young ends up dead...........and the National Enquirer comes calling.
Now the story is starting to spread and thug David Axelrod really messed things up in only inspiring Mr. Sinclair to become more vocal, what on earth do you do?

Perhaps as when you were running for Senate and your white opponent in Illinois was wiping the floor with you for a certain defeat, your Axelrod leaked to the press court documents about your opponent's divorce knowing it would sink him........that maybe you just might put it to the National Enquirer you have a bigger fish for them to chew on if they in return ignore the Donald Young murder and the Lawrence Sinclair story.
You might even in exchange tell them that if they keep you informed on what Mr. Sinclair is telling you, like the New York Times was phishing for information that you will not only provide the story in a quid pro quo, but also give the logistics on how to skin the big fish right before the Democratic National Convention.

Would that not seem from historical factual operations in the Obama campaign and literal events which occurred before the DNC in Denver in which John Edwards was sexposed in public, and that in police terms, who could get the Enquirer to go silent and at the same time eliminate the one person who was a problem for the Obama camp, in that is what exactly happened.

In how these blackmail games occur, someone high level has a conversation with John Edwards informing him with maybe a photo that they would hate to see his adultery come to light if he stayed in the election, especially considering his wife is battling cancer and that little baby he fathered is crying for a daddy.
Edwards bows out gracefully and expects to fulfill his role in the DNC at Denver.

The Obama camp though has already mounted him for the National Enquirer in providing personal data which begs the question in just exactly how did the National Enquirer know where to look for the bottle blonde, what hotel exactly to be waiting at, what time to be there and knowing that John Edwards was going to be there for a sexual meeting.

Speaking for people like Sarah Palin, myself, a host of bloggers who had their emails sorted through, deducting that even Joseph Farah of World Net Daily had to have been set up by the Obama camp in their knowing what his emails to phone calls were saying, coupled with the reality that Jeff Rense's main server was being tagged and his email was being gated, censored and sent on to him edited as one article I sent was, only having highlighted the part of people observing him using the Kroll system in California...........does not the deduction seem elementary that the Obama people have been into numbers of people's personal data and they were feeding the National Enquirer this information.

Barack Obama and David Axelrod appear to be the National Enquirer's source and the Enquirer for that source squelched a story in the promise of greater dirt which will be fed to it when a President Obama gets his hands on all those FBI files floating about.

The National Enquirer should answer just exactly how they have been operating in the Barack Obama campaign as stories right up their alley have not been appearing about him. That means they are protecting him as a source.

One would hope the National Enquirer would actually break this story on itself to reveal the filth of leftist politics consuming it's own using the cancer ridden body of a woman to get elected to the White House by destroying her husband.
That is the story National Enquirer and it is thee Pulitzer Prize story as you have recorded conversations of the Obama camp, the deal agreed to and the information which was fed to you.

National Enquirer don't wait for a Phil Berg or money fraud case you will not get credit for. Use your information and be the Bob Woodward bringing down high crimes in the highest of political cases.

Obama minds want to know National have the Obama campaign exactly where you want them.

So what is more reprehensible America?

A husband screwing around on his cancer ridden wife, because he is a weak sap?


An Obama screwing over a woman battling cancer, destroying her husband, all so he can win an election?

Come on National Enquirer stand up and do the right thing and write the story.

agtG 255

Tanks Obama but no Tanks

A very interesting statement was caught yesterday and published online from liberal pollster, John Zogby.
As background, Mr. Zogby, when he started his polling business was thee oft quoted pollster by Rush Limbaugh, because at that time Mr. Zogby was nailing polling data within 1 percentage point and getting election trends correctly.
This all changed though in 2004 when he deliberately skewed poll results in part of an operation to defeat George W. Bush and install John Kerry.

Zogby was part of the weird election night data coming in showing Kerry was winning by a landslide which had everyone stunned. Stunned exactly, because it was a lie constructed to sway western states and caused all kinds of fallout which one can still find showing up online in "Bush skewed Ohio voting machines".
I will address that posting with the simplest of questions as I know Ohio from that crooked GOP Gov. Taft who was ruining that state ti the process in it now. If George W. Bush was stealing that Ohio election, then why on earth didn't he simply elect Republican Ken Blackwell "who supposedly rigged the election for Bush" when instead a Democrat who would have been Hillary Clinton's choice for Vice President to take that swing state was elected?
Please reason these stories out a bit in common sense. I have been part of the voting process too and I know the system. I also know the problems are not in the electronic voting as the human voter is checked and recorded manually before they are allowed to vote.
The county offices who deal in election results immediately will notice if thousands of extra votes swing in key districts from past voting trends.

This is what got Zogby in trouble and for 4 years no one was listening to him which hurts business, but while Zogby is still a liberal there was a most interesting story on him.
To understand his meaning in context, one has to understand pollsters also in questions track trends. Trends are how people are going to eventually factor out in voting.

For example, if one examines the polls, one finds all of them currently with Obama "leading", but do not mention "likely voters". The people being contacted are like those dolts on Jay Leno who could not tell you that Washington Monument is named for George Washington.

I can also show you an example of how one can rig polling questions to get exactly how one wants a result.

Question 1: Do you think Iraq should be invaded by George Bush in which thousands of US soldiers might die and tens of thousands of Iraqi's might die only to oust Saddam Hussein so America can have a source of oil?

Question 1: Do you believe Iraqi's who are being slaughtered by Saddam Hussein in the hundreds of thousands should be saved by an American liberation as Saddam Hussein has been working on a weaponized West Nile virus which has now shown up in the United States, in that, America in saving Iraq will have a source of cheap oil to keep the price of gas down in your car?

Same subject and yet each question will receive the exact tracking answer the pollster is looking for.

In that John Zogby uttered these interesting quotes, ""Essentially the election is at equilibrium. This election will stay close until the end.

The race will turn in the last weekend before Election Day and though the popular vote will be tight, the successful candidate will win in a landslide.
This year's election to the contest in 1980, when Ronald Reagan defeated President Jimmy Carter.

Despite two books by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, Americans still don't know enough about him. And if they don't think they know him well enough by the time they vote, they'll go with the "comfortable old shoe," Republican Sen. John McCain.

If Obama can convince voters, he'll increase turnout among young people and minorities.

end quote.

I want to translate what Zogby is actually stating.

*No one is making a choice yet, but the trends are all going to John McCain.

*This election is mirroring 1980 when the entire nation was upset with Democrat leadership and when people focus on the economy and security they are going to vote Republican.

*Obama has failed after $500 million to win over the American people. Americans will vote for John McCain.

*Obama has to convince two segments of voters to vote for him, teenagers and minorities.

John Zogby literally is stating that Barack Obama after massive positive press has not closed the election deal with a disgruntled American public.
Mr. Obama's only salvation is to get young people who never vote to come out to the polls and vote for him, and minorities.
The minorities are colossal in this, because Zogby has found that Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Indians and Blacks are splitting in trending toward John McCain. John Zogby has literally told the world the reality of the situation that Mr. Obama is in horrendous trouble with his key Democratic groups.

To explain this in detail, New York Jews, traditionally vote Democrat, but in the polling trends they are not voting for this Black Arab in Barack Obama by almost 20 points. This is why New York polling is showing Obama has only a 5 point lead on McCain.
I will suggest that if these New York polls are the couch potato polling, then John McCain already has a 3 point lead in likely voters and New York has already fallen to the McCain camp.

The more Jews across the United States start finding out George Soros ran them out of Georgia, is attempting to run them out of the Israeli state and is promoting Hamas terrorism as Obama is, the more Jews are voting for John McCain.

Gov. Palin has already shown an even larger trend for the Hillary voters in trending almost 10 percentage points shaved off of Barack Obama.
It needs to be added to this the racist Letterman crowd in the Democratic wing who say they will vote for Obama in New Hampshire, and, Hillary Clinton moves to a landslide there, that that group is voting for John McCain.
Bill Clinton has been non stop in sucker punching Barack Obama in campaigning for him. The most hilarious Bill Clinton excuse came this week in, "I will be honoring the Jewish holidays and will not be campaigning for Senator Obama".
Couple that with his statement in blaming Democrats in Congress for being responsible for this current derivatives meltdown when the GOP was trying to fix it with "the Bill" and Clinton's faction in the Democratic Party is 30 million voters who will not be voting for Barack Obama.

Thee only states now where Barck Obama has a remote chance are those little fiefdoms on the east coast like Maryland, Rhode Island etc... along with the Hispanic concentrated centers like California. As immigration is not a focal issue of the Obama camp, Hispanics will start trending in enough numbers where there is a better than even chance for California, Colorado and New Mexico to vote for Sen. McCain.

Asians tend to be more Conservative like Hispanics and Indians (people of India), so those groups are already moving to McCain.

If McCain would feature the obvious in Black Arab Barack Obama was with Syrian Arab Tony Rezko preying on Black families putting up slum housing impoverishing Black people who Barack Obama stole their votes, there is going to go beyond the whispering castration of Jesse Jackson on Barack Obama and a literal 40 point fleeing by Black voters to either not vote, vote for Cynthia McKinney in the communist green party or they will continue the trend for John McCain as they reckon Arabs preying on them and Hispanics imported for votes by Democrats taking Black jobs are not the way to be voting.

So this leaves Mr. Obama with eccentric, doped up, hyper, yeah man college teenagers who do not know what day it is to vote, will be stoned at getting out of bed at 11 am, eat lunch, get tired playing video games as they skip classes that day and then decide pizza and sex sounds better than standing in line voting for that kewl old Obama doll.
Obama's other segment of jungle fever females like his mother Stanley Ann Dunham might go out and vote, but there are just not enough women who vote orgasms. Bill Clinton did not get the orgasm vote. Women voted for him, because yes he would cheat on them and give them VD like their rat husbands but he at least would take care of the kiddies.
In this view, John McCain makes a better daddy and Sarah Palin a better mother to the soccer mom types than exotic Obama.

The Obama camp whose mailings some Obamaniac signed me up for illegally has been interesting in they are telling the Democrats that Mr. Obama has lost the election.

Jeff Blodgett of the Obama campaign emailed me this choice line, "We need to be building our movement every day -- reaching out to our friends, family, and neighbors. "

Blodgett is revealing the Obama polls are showing they have gone beyond the election peak and are now tanking in loosing ground. The Obama campaign is urging their core group to go out and drag in people around them to vote.

Dominick Washington form the Obama camp emailed a last desperate attempt to draw in the Wesley Clark wing of the party on national security with this line, "Attend a Town Hall near you and learn more about the future of America's national security."

Washington was completely uninterested in the subject and as the Democrats have no voting block which cares a thing about national security, it reveals they are desperate in straining for each vote, akin to Jane Pauley of NBC hosting an Obama gathering and a literal handful of people attended.

Lastly it was Michelle Obama herself who emailed with a plea for women to gather into cliques for Obama. The end message relating, that Obama has lost the Democratic women's vote.

John Zogby has told the world that Barack Obama has tanked. He has reached an iron ceiling and has one chance at winning the election by swaying teenagers and minorities or he will loose in an electoral landslide.
If the citizens of America will not be sucked into the current Obama scam which I have noticed was aimed at those people who now are calling for no bailout deal in Washington, as the Obama manipulators designed it as I noted to get at the Jeff Rense voting block to literally keep them from voting, then Obama might just close the gap and get himself elected.

If though Americans continue to note things like Real Clear Politics which shows McCain vs. Obama in their polling as a deliberate matching which shows Obama the incumbent and McCain the challenger attempting to take what is already Obama's, then the Americans will not be suckered by polling, prank stories like John McCain blew up the bailout deal when the facts are that John McCain was quietly making points in the cabinet meeting while Obama, Pelosi, Reid were literally yelling and not the least interested in coming to a conclusion (Oh and for those who missed it, Nancy Pelosi wants $56 billion added to the $700 billion bailout, so which party is it sitting with Barack Obama at the table which is for making this monster bill bigger?) and the fact that the only reason Barack Obama is not now at 17% of the vote is he has been sheltered by the liberals and those same liberals have blown the Jeff Rense voting group into fragmentation by planting deliberate stories these cartels know will set off a definite reaction by them.

Barack Obama has tanked though in reality. If Americans join together, they can so dismantle the Marxists they will never raise their heads again for twenty years.

As final note, I once again ask the passionate voters if you do not like something John McCain or Sarah Palin is doing or saying. Remember stories are planted to sway you exactly as they are. Instead, sit down, come up with a thoughtful solution that is neither all or nothing, but a way to assist the GOP onto a better road. Think out of the box and just do not yell NO.
Find ways to end policy you do not like with a better policy and then blog on it, write letters on it and keep telling people about it to effect change and not anarchy.

Great things are possible when solutions of compromise come about. In this election, it is simply easier to work with a socialist democrat like John McCain who wants you to keep your money and is advocating peace in getting him to American points of view than to start with a Barack Obama Marxist who already is going to tax you into oblivion and is intent on Brzezinski wars in Asia.

Pray for good leaders and for goodness sake, Mr. Obama is taking the plunge into the tank, so assist him and create an America which you desire for the good of all Americans.

