Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Did anyone notice the whiteness Obama's Telemercial?t

This is just a basic synopsis of the Obama day parade which delayed the World Series.

Strangely, the television commercial Barack Obama featured white Barack Obama, white folks who looked like they only watch Oprah Winfrey all day and white politicians.

With so many Hispanics in America, why is it they don't deserve a blurb in 30 minutes?

What about black people in America, why is it they were dumped by the side of the road in not being good enough to appear with Barack Hussein Obama?

There were not Indians, native or Asian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabs or anyone else being featured.

Frankly, on ABC's Nightline with Terri Moran, they are showing an Obama rally. Guess who gets on the stage as photo ops behind Barack Obama?

White people.

Guess who they show as the majority of people are his crowds?

Black people.

I can't speak for black Americans, but I would like them to answer just why is it that they accept being seated in the back seat of the bus by this entire Obama campaign as not good enough to be on stage?

Perhaps part of it is Fritz Wurzel who works for the Zogby polling service which I watched on BBC after the 4 million dollar event.
Wurzel is Zogby's chief propaganda spokesman and that is the glaring reason of what is wrong with all polling in America as there wasn't an ounce of honesty in this shill. He works for Barack Obama and this white guy Fritz is who was behind the whitification of Barack Obama in the event.
Fritz stated the message was to reach people "who were not political". I will translate that to what Fritz was really saying to the BBC.

Translation from the Zogby propagandist: Obama wanted to reach the stupid people who could not tell you if Sarah Palin is Barack Obama's Vice Presidential choice or not.

I don't know who should be more angered over the Obama event, if it should be black people shoved off the stage to stand in the crowd or fat white people who Obama says are too stupid to know anything and can be bought with a 30 minute Obama blitz.

For the lily whites of ABC Nightline who seem to not have an idea about hiring minorities, but enjoy the idea of pushing a white Obama onto the White House, there is a Zogby racism in this which notes exactly what is wrong with the polls and Obama.

Obama is a racist. Zogby is a racist along with Fritz. Fat Cynthia McFadden is a racist. (No one has told me yet why all these liberal female Obama mauls are all putting on 30 pounds in supporting him.)
These polls are geared to contacting people who do not screen their calls, will run and pick up the phone, have no life so they are sitting at home and are so starved for attention they will talk to anyone.

Voila the fat white folks in Obama's campaign commercials as the black people are shoved off the stage into the street.

This is the class of people who the polls are asking questions. They are always 10 to 15 percent off, because most of these people are what Zogby let slip and what Obama in his target ad was after, the stupid fat white people who have no lives.........meaning they don't know what day it is to vote, don't care what day it is as they would rather eat chips and watch Oprah after taking a nap all day.

Yeah white ABC has token Vicki Mayberry doing parrot stories for the black view and yeah white Obama has that black woman he married, but Zogby really screwed up tonight in letting Fritz out on the BBC as he revealed the entire game plan which cost Obama over 200 million in polling price alone.

The black reporter gets the talking parrot and the white boy gets the talking Obama talking to people with parrot declared intelligence.

The Obama campaign is all about race and Zogby told the insult of what Obama has been up to under their liberal manipulation.
Black voters don't count according to Obama and white voters do.

Asians, Latinos, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, you don't even get on the stage to get shoved off.

The amazing racism of the Obama campaign ABC promotes.


Till Obama do us Part

I take it as a new found badge of sanity in being banned from Huffington Post considering, that Arianna Huffington chose as her chief Barack Obama correspondent in Florida, Carol Anne Burger, waited in a garage, then slowly and savagely murdered her queerly beloved wife, Jessica Kalish, but stabbing her 200 times with a screwdriver.

Police reports read in this as something of a comedy in it is so horrid. In spraying luminol around the house, they soon located huge amounts of blood in the garage.
Apparently, Burger liked strolling around in blood as her sneaker prints showed up all over the place with luminol blood tracks. She cleaned up in the bathroom and washed her clothes before taking a drive in her care trying to dispose of evidence.

In taking the normal mind into this, can you imagine lurking in a garage, smashing out a window of a person's car to get at them, then just sticking a screwdriver 220 times into a person you "love"? Then walking around in blood of the person.
This is not television clean as blood does indeed smell, so that scent is all over the place.

It gets on the murderer, is sticky and wet.

Police found that Burger tried stuffing the body of Kalish into the trunk, but I suspect Burger just couldn't lift the dead slippery weight, which probably had urine and feces leaking out of it for more wonderful scents, so Burger decided to just stuff Kalish in the backseat.

Burger in order to cover it up CSI style, took the car keys and wallet of Kalish and threw them away on Gateway Boulevard.

Police though were not fooled by the couple of hundred stab wounds like OJ meant the murderer knew the person and was furious.

The lesbian couple was married in Massachuesettes a few years ago. Apparently, divorce was not written into the liberal Teddy Kennedy nuptuals and it was a literal "till death do us part" ceremony.
Not even selling the house and splitting the profits was enough for a Huffington Post writer nor could the messiah waft of pleasure keep this wife from murdering her wife.

Arianna Huffington certainly knows how to pick them.

It should be noted that Donald Young was another homosexual voter and intimate of Barack Obama whose case is still unsolved by Chicago Police.
I guess unlike the gal who in Pittsburgh who had her face carved on in a tale that is still not being fully told, that the Florida Police didn't have to hook up Ms. Burger to a lie detector immediately to know who the criminal was.
Burger shot herself after reporting "her old flame" missing.

One would have thought that she at least was deserving of the title of "wife" in being reported missing, but then I'm not an Obama supporter nor Huffington writer.

I would suggest though that Pittsburgh and Chicago rustle up a few Florida Police as they seem to get things figured out and solved in cases involving Obama.

The wife:

Jessica Kalish Jessica Kalish, 56, a successful software executive, was found dead in her BMW.

The murderer:

Carol Anne Burger Carol Anne Burger, 57, a Huffington Post writer and Obama supporter.


PS: No news if Huffington has hired Charlie Manson to do election coverage writing in California.


There is a popular frenzy going around in Democratic circles in the ilk of Al Franken jumping on the Obama bandwagon of taxing the rich to give relief to the "poor".

Interestingly in not 2 weeks from the messiah's mouth in redistributing the wealth as Obama told Joe the Plumber in 250,000 dollar levels, that Joe Biden has dropped that now to 150,000 dollars.
If Democrats don't get the point in unions from teachers to carpenters, "rich" is going to be dropping to 50,000 dollars within a year as Obama will need 800,000 million for his poor around the world give away, another 1 trillion for his communal "health care" and another trillion for odds and ends Democrat.

What I want to touch on is Obama's twin in Hugh Chavez. In case you have not noticed, Bill Ayers is a Hugo Chavez follower in prancing around in South America loving Marxism there.
Obama's church is based in South American Marxism and that is what the black liberation movement is based upon.

People need to understand what Venezuela is about, because that is what America will be about in 2 years.
Most people don't comprehend that Venezuela, just like Rhodesia, just like South Africa lost huge portions of it's population when the Marxists took over. See Marxists like Al Franken and Barack Obama have a thing for nationalizing things, redistributing wealth and raising taxes.

Understand little mind Marxists always think that people just are going to sit still and be economically raped. That is not the case in the least. See, rich people are rich, because most are crooked to begin with in knowing how to not pay taxes.
So when Obama shows up in taxing "rich people", rich people just smile because they have moved all their assets offshore already to places Obama and the IRS can't tax.

Ever heard of Paul McCartney, John Lenin, Ringo Starr and George Harrison? Why do you think the 4 Liverpool liberals lived in America for most of their lives?
They did it because England creams rich people making huge amounts of money.

When Obama runs up the taxes, then the people with money are going to ship all their money offshore and people making huge amounts of money are going to find a way to be paid that money offshore so Obama can't get his hands on it.

John McCain mentioned Ireland being low tax on business, well that is where major businesses are going to go. They will contract out to India and flip the United States the bird as Ireland exports things which used to be made in the United States and now America will be paying more in import fees.

What that as to do with Venezuela is the majority of their rich, highly educated and affluent simply moved out of that Chavez state. Guess what else is happening now?
Venezuela in 8 years is tanking in their infrastructure as peasants just don't have what it takes to make an economy advance.
Sorry for the reality, but South Side Chicago doesn't advance America. In fact under Obama, community organizer it actually led the nation in imprisoned black kids and blacks murdering white and latino people.

So Al Franken and Barack Obama will raise taxes on the rich. The rich will flee with all their money, find new nations to earn money in filtering it through, rich corporations will base offshore and sell their products to Americans in an increasingly constricting US market looking like 3rd world Venezuela.

This all brings the Obama tax lesson as I pointed out immediately. Corporations will not pay taxes, but just like fuel prices pass them onto consumers who will in the end end up paying 3 times they taxes they do now in inflation.
Think you have seen inflation currently? You have seen nothing yet as inflation is going to be 3 times what is it is now at the least under Obama.
Gas will be 8.50 a gallon in a constant spiral of bread being 5 dollars a loaf along with a 5 dollar snickers bar.

The new rich under Obama by 2010 will be poor people being told to be patriotic to pay for THEIR health care which they demanded Obama give them by helping him steal the election.

There is no running from this poor people. You are going to pay a bigger and bigger share under Obama, because the rich people are going to leave and America will resembled Cuba, South Africa, Venezuela, Zimbabwe. All the places people are fleeing from to get to America.

That is the way it works, except for the Oligarchs like Warren Buffett, George Soros, Rockefeller etc... The few will shear the many and still be rich as the Obama tax will read:
All will pay all they have, except for the friends of Barack Hussein Obama.

That is the reality and just like when Bill Clinton ruined the Reagan economy Obama will ruin the US economy. This time though there will not be any recovery. There will just be Barack Hussein Obama, that is 4 A's, 2's and 3 million guns from the IRS to BATF enforcing you pay the taxes.

Cheer up poor Obama maniacs, you will live to see the day you are called, "Wealthy stinking capitalists". You will have made it rich finally in being poor, but will be an enemy of the Obama state.


God warns messiah Obama

God always has a wonderful sense of humor. For example messiah Obama was giving one of his Marxist campaign speeches when lightning struck.

Mere mortals would have at that point of warning got on their knees and started a confessional beginning with bisexual adulterous acts, but apparently Obama has ascertained he can fool God as he has now decided to wear bluejeans.
I figure the Chicago bisexual presumes at mile high altitude God might not be able to pick him out in the crowds of bluejean bustin' democrits Obama'r has been azosiating wit in Murtha's redneck racist Pennsylvania.
I did notice that Barack also has on tennis shoes now. Apparently the warning from God did spark in a little bit as he is ready to run for his life.

All of this is an irony of amusing as the BATF made a big deal about two hair heads talking about a fictional video game tale of going after Obama wearing tuxedos. I wonder if the BATF is now doing surveillance on God as God set forth the big spark on Obama the other day.
Perhaps I suppose those Ohio Democrats who were invading Joe the Plummer's privacy like Big Brother will be doing a background check on God too to see if God is up to date on his child support payments.

It is a glorious day though in the USA. The LA Times is suppressing news in Islamocommunist Obama toasting a Philistine terrorist.

Then there are the Florida people and for that matter Americans nationwide buying guns up for the Obama invasion if God forbid it happens. Americans are very scared of this Obama and know very well what this character will unleash on this United States as he seeks revenge on America.

Of course, vocal Joe Biden has had a big hanky stuffed in his mouth as two reporters actually asking questions so flustered Joe he went nuts like he does and the question still remains is Obama a Marxist, a communist or a Trotskyite.
A Marxist kills you kindly. A communist kills you bluntly and the Trotskyite just fries you with a Molotov cocktail.
Biden though has redefined "rich to tax" from 250,000 dollars down to 150,000 dollars. Breaking their promises already and it is not even retroactive Clinton doing it. Next thing you know rich people will be those who found 2 cents on the floor.
Not admitting to that one as I don't need the IRS auditing me over copper finds for Obama.

But Obama keeps chugging along, now he will delay the World Series to tell the world a new sermon from the Obama. Who does he think he is God?

That though is the state of America this day, the Washington Post has now proclaimed Obama has illegal overseas contributions which of course will get him impeached along with the other fraud frau Obama is up to.

Who knows the day might come very soon that Obama would have hoped that lightning from God wasn't a warning and actually had hit him.

Oh a few more things. I see Daniel Pipes and Joseph Farah have plagiarized my blog concerning Obama having his mansion helped purchased by Saddam Hussein's bagman, Nadhmi Auchi.
I don't mind people stealing from me when they are nice, but Pipes like David Horowitz is quite censorship prone which is American verboten and Joe Farah sort of has a mouth on him too big for his mouth in being rude.

But that's ok as even Chris Ruddy of Newsmax who sucked up to Obama causing a great deal of the problems for McCain like Joe Farah in promoting "none of the above" have all clasped hands around the merry Peggy Noonan tree dancing and shouting that this disaster they helped create can still be won for John McCain.

That is a sure sign that McCain and Palin are winning if the big mouths are hedging their bets and the even more surest sign are the glaring headlines by liberals, "POLLS MEAN NOTHING".

Wow when Obama in fiction is ahead by Rush Limbaugh's exact phrase of 15% to win, then the polls are from the Obama mount, but just as soon as McCain closes........polls have no meaning.

It makes one suffer from nostalgia when Dan Rather was the liar you could count on. Rather could at least make lying fun in, "this race is tighter than a nun's chastity belt on a trip to a New Orleans beefcake strip club".

Hey GungaDan, I love Kipling and wrote a few thing honoring him, how about you adopt me and we go into journalistic business together. You do the liberal lies and I can do NFL cheerleader channel reviews.

Thee God and thee Messiah along with the world has had enough of Obama, let us elect John McCain and Sarah Palin and start having some fun.


Lightnin' Srikin' Again

Obama Donation Fraud