Saturday, November 8, 2008

Oh to be a Muslim now that Mahdi Obama is here

Oh to be a Muslim now that Obama is here. One can just feel the peace breaking out all over.

Obama sold the United States to Muslim mafia operating the Middle East counterfeit trade for 300 million in donations. No word yet if Patrick Fitzgerald is going to require the Kenyan native heading the Democratic Party to repay all of that illegal money before or after Fitzgerald slaps the cuffs on Obama, but it surely will bankrupt the Democratic Party.

That 300 million will be most expensive in a whole lot of Islamocommunists demand that comrade Obama bare the Jew's necks for the coup de grace for helping Obama steal the presidency.
Big problems in this arise as the Jews most likely won't like to die and Rham Emanuel probably won't be as easy of a sell out like David Axelrod to Jews. I mean it is one thing for George Soros to be booting Jews out of Georgia and making treaties with Hamas driving Jews from land, Axelrod having Obama speak at Hitler's favorite Nazi monument, but just wiping Jews from the planet as was in the Obama Islamocommunist contract might just be a big much for Rham Emanuel.

But what does one do when one does not pay up to communist Muslim thugs?

I suppose Nuke em Barack could nuke the Middle East.

I suppose Barack the peacemaker could scare the Israeli secularists to blow up the Muslims with nukes.

I suppose said Islamocommunists in Syria and Iran have figured this all out and is why Syria has Russian nukes in their harbors and Libya is joining the nuke club too to protect themselves just like Iran is polishing off it's Dr. Khan nukes to lob into Tel Aviv and that place called New York City when Obama doesn't pay up.

That probably is why Mr. bin Laden, the guy Obama said he is going to be Rhambama over in hunting bin Laden down with a knife in his teeth, a grenade on this belt a Jeremiah Wright g dam America on his left doing an OJ Simpson dance on Obama, of course bin Laden is ordering Obama to get US troops out of the Middle East.
Obama doesn't do that on January Obama plus on presidency and bin Laden turns loose his holy war on a fellow Muslim.

There is now a Pan Muslim from Africa, the Middle East, that nice little Kosovo enclave in Europe and millions of Muslims there, Africa, then Pakistan, into Asia Indonesia who all now think Obama is their shiek.

Problem is there mullahs, clerics, shieks, aytollahs, presidents for life all going to figure out here in about 2 seconds their Muslim brother is looked at as the Mahdi leader and that tends to not set well with tyrants dictating mandates.

President Bush 43 went out of his way to respectfully not antagonize Muslims. What do Muslims now think that Barack Obama has as his Chief of Staff Rham Emanuel whose family was categorized terrorists by Muslims.

Liberals did a whole lot of screaming about Muslim sensitivity under Bush 43 and how there were a billion Muslims to deal with.
Why is it that liberals have not quite figured out that the west is one click away from an Islamic holy war in the nearest and dearest possible terms in a former Muslim by the name of Hussein has either renounced the un renouncable in Islam becoming a Christian or this Muslim on day plus Obama one having infidel troops on Islamic soil has a Muslim American pitted against 1 billion Muslims.

The Israeli state bombs Muslims. It is Rham Emanuel's fault. America bombs Muslims it is Rham Emanuel's fault with that worse than infadel Obama.

Mahdi Obama has arrived and strangely the biggest antagonists are going to be Muslims.

I'm so glad those 7 out of 10 American women with jungle fever for Obama put him into office, so when this explodes they will be reminded the blood is on their hands or will it be their panties in having aborted most of the Middle East and several western cities in multitudes dead for this sexual interlude with Barack Hussein Obama.

The Islamocommunists are coming.

agtG 270

Ever heard of Ronald Reagan

I'm amazed often on this site in how the limits of birth have eluded the education of Americans posting here. People just think Ronald Reagan happened and all was sugar and spice.

I will remind the uniformed voting in this poll that Ronald Reagan and all Conservatives went through 1000 times more than what Sarah Palin has just whet her teeth on. We were born in the brier patch and have the scars upon scars to prove it.

You have no comprehension of the Warren Buffett / David Rockefeller nation rape of the 70's which Reagan inherited. It was a depression and for 2 years Americans wanted Reagan's hide as his tax cuts took that long to start the expansion again.

We fought every day without Rush, but had EVERY media outlet screaming about Reagan the crazy failure every moment of every day.

You people have no idea the paradise you inherited and have no idea what that old man, Cap Weinberger and Bill Casey pulled off.

In stating that, you have no idea of "the breed" which hates, loathes and sneers at the western peoples. Those eastern original colonists are of a different bloodline from the Angles and Dutch then the Irish, Scott and Germanic lines which formed the American thrust into the heartland.

Those people are Patricians, old money, old blood and they hate Reagan and that is why Obama thought he could kick Nancy Reagan around as that is what he hears in this Letterman cocktail crowd.
MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT THIS, these smarmy Al Franken types are cuddled up in Letterman's booze, sex and dope crowd with Chafey, Hagel, Noonan, Brooks, Gergen and yes the Bush family too is Patrician.
I don't care what these people tell you in public, but Romney, Rudy and whoever else from John McCain hate Conservatives.

Sarah Palin is Ronald Reagan and these big shots hate her as she scares them to death. They were delighted when the old man went tits up as they though they had finally driven a stake through his corpse, but here comes Palin again turning the funeral pyre into the consuming Conservative Flame of God again.

They know just like George Allen if they can hurt Sarah Palin's feelings more she won't come back. That is why Gov. Palin needs all of our support as the GOP is filled with there backstabbers like Bill Buckley's spawn, Junior Reagan, Peggy Noonan and whatever else you know betrayed the Revolution.

Mitch McConnell better watch his step in this too, because there is going to come a real sorting out of the wheat from the chaff in this entire nation by forces outside America and I'm not about to stand around covering his cuddle with Harry Reid's butt one more day.

This is the fight and it does not matter if it is just me alone or 100 or 50,000 or 50 million, because I'm on God's side and not He on my side.
Limbaugh gets this and is torqued. The real Conservatives get this and we are smiling. Our people are the ones who faced down Persian Empires, Greek Empires, Roman Empires, British Empires, Germans at the bulge and Indians where we still can dig out the bullets from attacks. The fight is in our blood and we are never more alive than when someone sets fire to our brier patch, because get us in the fight and we love the dirty tricks.

I hope our Esther in Sarah Palin understands one battle is not the war. She whet her teeth on this in her greener days and we know in awe what this Lady is capable of in these days she masters now.

All she needs to do is get out in front of this as we Americans are going this way. I already have in place political plans to check that usurper Obama. For too long you children have sat around gnashing the same vomit over being spewed without thinking out of the box like Ronald Reagan did 24 / 7. God bless Rush in teaching you how to think and process, but we're going to ramp this up now as the real war against America has started and if she burns down, then we will be there as we always have been.

Let the Patricians sit in their Obama ball gowns, curling up in Lincoln's lap getting Dowd orgasms, following that blaphemy to hell in their cozy enclaves not giving a care about the poor, the enslaved and the afflicted, because the doors will come down on them and they will be the first begging and crying for Conservatives to save them.
Not this time. You Patricians chose the fire so enjoy the flame.

Keep the Faith Gov. Palin and everyone who is considerate enough to contact her tell her to keep that Faith. She is America's future, because enslavement is coming and the people will need Esther to light the lamp. Read the story people, Esther didn't win the first time out either. She was melancholy, but when it came to the fight she showed her stuff against all odds.

Sarahcuda, I'm on your side Sister. Don't worry we been here before in the prairie fire nights, on the English shores watching Roman fires in the mysts, on the pass watching the Persian fires to those fires which burnt our homelands. Americans are here because we survive and we win.
I'm not going anywhere. We have them right where we want them just like our fox George Washington had them.

By God I pity Barack Obama, his fawnlings and those Europeans, by God I do, because they have no idea the people they just stuck a pike in to.

Reagan's mantle like Esther's crown is Sarah Palin's hereditary right.

Mock Nancy Reagan.

We will make your Louvre shake for your Paris balls matey.

Attack Sarah Palin.

Go right ahead, I dare you because that woman has the right stuff and she will come back and you witless spirtual bastards will rue the day you ever crossed swords with that Lady.

The fun begins.
