Saturday, January 10, 2009

Michelle Obama's Au Parent

Michelle Obama is being reported in the New York Times as an absent mother. Granted the Times is attempting to make the story some Birdie fairytale dream, but the facts they report are Michelle Obama's gracious and loving mother, Marian Robinson, has been watching the Obama girls and will be moving into the White House to "help" Michelle in the transition.

Granted the liberal New York Times can not help but take a cheap shot at Gramma Robinson by referring to her as the "mother in law" like some wicked creature. That though gives opportunity to extol the virtues of Mrs. Robinson. What a tribute it is to her being a 71 year old vibrant lady with the energy to have been the literal mother to two young girls for over a year while her daughter was out campaigning for her husband.
In this, we have the deepest respect for Gramma Robinson and salute her for her sacrifice, ability and character in putting family first.

All of this though opens gaping holes in just who Barack and Michelle Obama are compared to Gramma Robinson.

First, it is surprising that Gramma Robinson is being allowed even near the White House as Mr. Obama has shunned having minorities in his administration in key positions. Nothing could be more key than the raising of one's children.

Second, it is equally surprising that Peggy Noonan in her wet pantie jungle fever craze has not been volunteering to what her mahdi's children need in order to get closer to him this entire campaign and now applied to be governess to the Obama children in the White House to do exclusive au pair columns for her man, Barack.

Third, as Gramma Robinson has been watching the kids, just what has Michelle been doing this entire time?

This is the gaping hole the New York Times has laid wide open in their Michelle story of the "mother in law", because as one remembers during the Obama rose throw event at the 9 11 Memorial ceremony, Michelle was state to be watching the children in her not being there.
Facts later came out that was a complete lie printed in the liberal press and Michelle was instead in another state campaigning at a gathering of religious blacks while abandoning her children to be apparently watched by her 71 year old mother.

The New York Times like all liberals, including the dunces who attack this blog in not comprehending the facts gathered here as they are liberal brain skewed just can not get their praise stories even correct without more holes showing up.

In this, we have the beloved Gramma Robinson, vibrant, watching grandchildren and capable of running the White House.
Where was Gramma Dunham Obama? Of course she was deceased, but her Social Security card is reported to be still active, along with her being left to die reportedly of cancer all alone as Barack Obama abandoned her as she was yelling at insurance companies.
Where was great Gramma Dunham? Of course she was deceased, but the reality is Birdie ignored her as the woman who raised him, her grandchild, putting him into exclusive Hawaiian elementary schools.
Madelyn Dunham, also was not living at the Obama Georgia Mansion they own in plus million dollar value in Chicago, but instead locked away in an apartment where she had raised Barack in lower middle class finance.
Madelyn Dunham as stated was only seen after sunset where Mr. Obama's sister would take her for walks. If one uses, canine terms, Madelyn was the dog who was locked in the kennel all day and taken for a walk after sundown as no one had time for her.

In this, this blog is thankful Gramma Robinson, while being used as a governess and apparently a woman who is needed to assist Michelle as she can not run the White House First Lady's itinerary as women with children did in Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Roselyn Carter and Jackie Kennedy.
So we salute Gramma Robinson with many more healthy and vibrant years as from the above New York Times article, Michelle Robinson has been a missing mother, and, like her husband has no idea what to do in the White House and needs deeply all the assistance, like Birdie, they both require.

God bless the Obama's as they are in need in depending on 71 year old women and white folks to get their White House up and running.


New York Times slander of Gramma Robinson

Obamanomics VS American Economics

This blog has had one purpose in every person no matter moral creed, ethnic nativity nor physical or mental condition, the Free Citizen is championed here to have a venue in life to be mandated to be prosperous, secure and doing whatever in responsible liberty which makes them pleased with life.

In that it is time once again to weigh in for the Citizen as information coming today states that George W. Bush via his squandering economic louts in Treasury and the Federal Reserve have spent 350 billion dollars already on "saving the economy" and Wall Street is still plunging as the nation rapists plunder funds there and America is loosing jobs.
One knows things are not the best when Mexican slave labor is returning to exist in socialist Mexico.

Into this Birdie Obama has stepped out to tweet tweet tweetie again from his gilded cage that he and his team are going to spend 775 billion dollars to create they say 3 million jobs in 2 years. Jake Tapper of ABC propaganda services noted almost 1 million of those jobs will be government jobs that taxpayers will be responsible for in ever more debt.

I say ENOUGH and I mean ENOUGH!. This is ludicrous in what will be over 1.4 trillion dollars is going to be dumped first into robber baron pockets and then in the Obama plan his cronies in internet, select unions, Mexican labor vote and construction kickbacks are going to be rewarded as Sen Harry Reid stated in an interview for being Democratic voters.

This nation has spent enough. George Bush socialist Republicanism or Cuban Republicanism which is for spending money on social issues and strong on defense does not work. His attempt to spend all the money so Democrats will have none has only caused constriction as the world elite gain more wealth and the middle class is snuffed out. Barack Obama's nonsense Marxism is only going to create a misery index which will make Jimmy Carter's look like paradise.
It is enough and it is beyond reprehensible as this world is dragged back to Keynesian socialist money control where wealthy elite live in Obama 11 million vacation retreats while the rest of the Citizens are grateful for cheaper gas and working for Soviet communist style benefits instead of wages for real advancement, that no one who claims to be an economist has had Ronald Reagan sense to say, ENOUGH! This is enough. It is stupid. It is reprehensible and here is how we are going to fix this thing.

I'm not going to pick on Birdie Obama alone as I have tried to explain an entire package to Mitt Romney and John McCain and been met with utter silence. Some of the noted "CONservative" minds who claim they are economists have had this advanced plan and not one peep from them about fixing things for the Citizens of America.

Where is one economist right or left with a plan? There are none. They just peep peep peep like Birdie Obama watching the sky fall and claim they can hold it up by watching it fall.

In that, even I have streamlined a Lame Cherry economic plan so even Congress and Birdie Obama can figure this one out. I will state up front that my American economic plan is based on American economics of Benjamin Franklin, Theodore Roosevelt, Milton Friedman and Ronald Reagan.
I will state it will create 3 million jobs.
I will also give an absolute promise in my economic plan does not raise taxes one cent and does not cost the American Citizen one cent, which means I ask not for 775 billion dollars, and instead, ask for no money to be borrowed nor spent.

Here is how in streamlined economics this nations solves this self inflicted problem without costing it a cent, and, will raise billions more in new tax revenues.

First, Congress uncaps all the oil and gas wells which are already drilled and being held for a "national emergency" which this is. America has in reserves both capped and undrilled more oil than Saudi Arabia and Russia combined.
Congress grants all American companies "exploratory tax free status", which means these companies do not pay one cent in taxes for new oil, gas and mineral wealth they find under the oceans or in other lands which will be sold to the Eurasian markets.

In short, America will return to the exporter she was and as long as those companies re invest that money inside of the United States it will not be taxed.

America instead of dumping billions of dollars in foreign oil markets will have those billions re circulating inside the United States creating the basis for high end jobs from Texas to North Dakota to Alaska.
America will provide completely for our two outlet trading partners in Japan and England for Asian and European markets to sell our combined billions through our trading partners trillions in goods to Eurasia.

As these trillions come into the American economy in 1950's revenue generation, scores of high end jobs will result.

As the money recycles, revenues in taxes start feeding into the Treasury not by inflation, but by true production so Americans and America becomes naturally wealth producing instead of false inflationary generation as has been the plague of this nation since the late 1960's.

America then through investment to create new trading partners in Latin America to Africa in assisting to reform those systems to create individual wealth and responsible liberty states there will have new trading partners advancing those peoples to greater wages instead of the reprehensible trend of making all workers exist on 3rd world wages.

The end result is the paying off of the national debt in several years with America becoming a lender nation instead of a debtor state which was created for this fractal lending menagerie she is now contained in.

This blog challenges the one Senator who seems to know what she is doing in Sen. Diane Feinstein to working with this economic plan and bringing in the Republicans like John Thune to lead this return to American economics which this nation for the entire people and made immigrants rich who were poor.

This is simple as economics are simple. If one produces a good, sells it and get to keep they money they and their entire community prosper. If one instead borrows 775 billion, does not repay it back, but gives it to their friends, the entire nation degrades in standards of living.

Ronald Reagan was only able to incorporate half of Milton Friedman's economic plan and did not have the oil engine and raw wealth to export fully beyond lumber which Japan purchased and drove prices up. Instead Mr. Reagan, was only able to spend resources for defense to create an expansion and opening up key agricultural markets to give life to a balance of trade.
His plan to remove capital gains was the driving engine he needed to bring this all to fruition, but was stymied.
The full implementation of production economics will give America back the entire prosperity she once dominated with. It will increase tax revenues by expansion and in good stewardship will reduce taxes.

It is completely possible in this system that all personal income taxes will be unnecessary as was the case before 1900 in the United States, so American can keep all of their wages, as the new tax structure can be based upon corporate transaction taxes in this multi trillion dollar expanding economy.

And where does it go from there once the full engine is released?

The final frontier of course in mining bases on the moon, Mars, the moons of Jupiter and the asteroids, where terraforming and colonies will have need for the billions of people who the elite seem to think are now a problem. The expansion continues to increase wealth and a high standard of living for more people living the American Dream.

Ronald Reagan would think out of the box in finding a way to fix what America is facing now. John Kennedy would attempt such a vision also in eventually looking to space. This is the solution without borrowing one cent or costing any America one penny. The American system in taxes was never built on income tax, but instead of sales taxes which meant money was circulating and on taxes on goods coming in.
America can return to this system and our advanced economy will be funded by it, first by raw wealth exploration and trade, and then, by the final frontier.

I challenge not shills, but learned people like Diane Feinstein to take this plan, to sift it, knead it, beat it and bake it hard to come up with a plan she can with other leaders make into a complete plan for the American Citizen.

There is not any need nor reason to spend over a trillion dollars on what is being espoused currently.

America has the resources so use them. Last I checked one of Jupiter's moons had more coal on it than most of earth has in it. Stop thinking finite and start expanding, for this will end world poverty and end the competition of wars here.

Fix this because it is fixable for free. Freedom is a movement of prosperity. Free dumb is an enslavement of a shackled world.

God bless
