Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fractional Obama

Unchain my heart
Because we are split apart
Set me free
A man of so many parts
The Obama part is me

In the the essence of the soul is sown the light of seed into the darkness, wed to the measure of a host who breathes two as one.
In that womb is the perfection of Voice uttered in the creation of the image of God.

Listening to the symphony of the cells which breathe and nourish, the imprint of the whole carries the sounds of the womb to which the child calls home.
Touched by sound and birthed to birth, the forever child is shocked to travel to the tunnel of what is and always searching to return to what is not possible. The womb of life and the valley of the shadow of death.
Divided the child becomes two of regression to growth.

In listening to the soul, the sounds are heard of God and the child becomes 4 in regress and grow to ascend and descend.

In that sound transforms to 6 in to go forward or to go backward.

The vibrations become 8 in the decision of good or evil.

Then comes the 10 of the being in the Spirit above or of the world below.

The murmur transforms into 12 to sell oneself or to remain free to obtain the song of Life or the murmur of death.

In the end, there is the 14th facet of the gem cut, that of Light or that of darkness. The choices are Truth or lie, Goodness or evil, Spirit or world, Light or darkness, to Grow or return, Ascend or descend, God or self.
The 14 becomes divided by the original two become one, in the 7 of Perfection or the 7 of imperfection.

Unchain my heart
We are broken apart
You don't care about me
Why don't you let me go
You don't love me
You don't.....Obama

agtG 264

You have been Warned

Maybe the internet roomer placed by an anonymous source that Hillary Clinton had taken papers to the communist Chinese which guaranteed them by Barack Obama authority the titles to United States home titles in a default as the incentive for China's continuation of buying US debt was not so far off as what was denied by the American government, but a different guarantee was put on the table by Obama.

I will explain in this by stating there are much bigger secrets guarded by the United States government than above black ops and Area 51. They involve the workings of the Federal Reserve Emergency Management Fail safes.
The fail safes were started in the mid 1980's when these globalists made a definite run on the United States Stock Market to embarrass Ronald Reagan. That was not the loan issue in the attack on the US Stock Market as Dan Rather went into his drama beating up this story to beat up on Reagan.
The real purpose was to herd the United States government into a policy where "if the Stock Market was to ever plunge again", then fail safes would kick in to shut down the markets. This the financiers evolved into the ultimate fail safe of where if the market hit critical stress fractures in trading, the Federal Reserve (not using it's own funds), but funds printed or created in automatic electronic programs (Don't think these financiers print money people, they don't have to anymore. They simply enter in the 1 with 15 zeroes behind it and put it onto the accounts.) of the US Treasury would immediately pour into the Stock Markets to stabilize them.

This is what was behind Barack Obama's smart mouth response in, "The Stock Market fits and starts are normal operations". That smug attitude reveals that Barack Obama knows full well his policy of blame Bush, talk up catastrophe is being backed by the fail safe which is costing Americans trillions of dollars.
There is a huge economic warfare occurring in the Obama group against certain nation loving people and capitalists. The absolute attack now on "international tax dodgers" by Geithner at the behest of the globalists via Obama is nothing more than the seizure of people's savings which are pouring out of the Stock Markets in attempting to find safety from this global attack on currency.

In layman's terms, Obama is seizing the last privately owned citizen savings so that when the globalists take control, there will not be any Howard Hughes types left to finance a counter liberation of the world from the electronic finance of the system where every scent is accounted for as it is all electronic. No one may buy or sell without the mark of the system.

The above graph of the Stock Market placed over the giddy Prime Ministers Obama and Brown. (I ask you who in their human caring about what is going on could have eyes dancing with delight in talking about the destruction of billions of people's savings and lives?)
That graph has been going on in 'fits and starts' for every day of the Obama tenure at the White House. To explain what it is showing you is this, every time the market plunges, it means masses of funds are being pulled out of the market by people who know something is coming which is horrid and are getting their money out of the United States, people who are manipulating the market and selling short (betting stocks will go down and they make a profit) and in some cases literal Geithner manipulations in US selling stocks to plunge the market in order to finance the buying of stocks.
In the last case the Geithner government hand with Obama's financier's blessing is literally raping people's savings in stocks and ruining corporations by driving down prices, whereby the short selling is taking incredible amounts of money out of peoples personal assets.

I always remind people that while the globalists do create money, that the reality is money is still coming from one source and that is people who work as they loose money which goes into these financier accounts.

As one can see by the graph above three massive cash buys were enacted in the fail safe. That means the your money from the US Treasury was dumped into the markets to stabilize them as this huge cash transfer is being enacted.

I have pointed out previously how on Friday's last year one could see the markets plunged deliberately as the financiers took profits with probably the US government, as no one ever said a word about this constant pilfering of United States Citizens investments. When a crook runs the store, they don't call the cops, because in back is the Federal Exchange and FBI working for the same people.

It is one thing if under George W. Bush the government is "funding" a market switch and manipulation in an attempt to keep the American economy stabilized. It is though a completely different thing if people are now using the fail safe to make it a massive tax collection type system by looting people's savings by plunging stocks and sticking them with the bill in lost retirement funds.

This gets worse and maybe the Lyndon LaRouche people will confiscate my points along with others when I lay out a further exclusive here to this blog.

OK, now you have Obama fits and starts which he admits Geithner is doing deliberately by his statement. Ask yourself if your town for example was selling houses off by the dozens every day for months, and you, legally could create money in buying those houses which were plunge in market value.
How long would it be, before you in buying those houses, owned more of that town than the town and other people did?

It wouldn't be long now would it.

See the government under Geithner has been buying up in the fail safe trillions of dollars in stocks daily as money is shifted, laundered and fled by the independently wealthy not in the globalist system is pulled out of the market.
Alright now, how long will it be before the United States government owns most of the capital assets in America in buying sprees like this which have plunged the market since Obama took charge almost 2500 points?
The answer, we are meeting government ownership now. The correct term for government ownership is not nationalism, but FASCISM. That is what is going on in the Stock Market is Obama financier ownership control over the banking, manufacturing and agricultural sectors of America.

Now ask yourself in Obama adoration of the Chinese communist system of the house of cards finance they control, if Hillary Clinton didn't offer the Chicoms United States property as collateral, but offered the Chinese communists the entire US infrastructure which the United States government is in control of and will soon own completely.
That anonymous poster sounded just too cute in posting what they did in knowing the turmoil it would cause before it was denied. The poster though could have been someone who could not reveal the scam they suspected, but knew very well some bright Citizen would put this together in short order to exclusively break away from source, the Obama initiated control of the United States system for his global financiers and has literally just put it up for Chinese communist ownership.
This is not some fantasy. The United States is in massive debt deliberately laid and growing trillions of times more than what transparent Obama has on the books by the facts of the 'fits and starts' he is behind on the markets.
The Chinese communist now control that debt, which means what Obama has put up in literally being the entire United States economy is now in default control by the communists in Peking China.

I suspect a little battle royale might ensue in this nation if the facts come out in what smug Birdie Obama just initiated with his playmate Tim Geithner, all set up by their parents Peter Geithner and Stanley Ann Dunham, all for their cartel financier benefactors.
For Barack Obama to be deliberately doing what he has just done with the glint in his eyes, knowing the bankruptcy and debt he just put on the American Citizen and Citizens of the world is beyond reprehensible. It is a crime against humanity.

This must be stopped by legal, political and media means as this is the ultimate threat and danger to the United States. THIS IS exactly the scheme which the European financiers attempted in 1860 in their instigated American Civil War which Abraham Lincoln thwarted.

It is some sick ironic joke by Obama that he sits there with Abraham Lincoln behind him in bust knowing very well unlike Lincoln, Barack Obama has handed America completely over to the enemies who want her destroyed.
This isn't some what if prediction from the Europeans to wipe out American individual Citizen finance on a bankers holiday on the 4th of July which is likely to come, but it is Obama sitting there smug rubbing Abraham Lincoln's nose in it while enslaving the entire American people to work off the impossible debt he has just sold to Chinese communist, with backing from Tim Geithner manipulating the Treasury to secure fascist control of America, hence communist control of America.

This is Paul Revere's ride.

Listen my children and you shall see
of the internet ride of Lame Cherry
It was in the spring of 2009
That Obama sentenced America to slavery time

You have been warned again.

agtG 324

Obama's Fit

Geithner's Nazi Asset Seizure

The Occidental Obama

As the Obama meandering trail of life becomes the interstate highway of courtroom trials for our beloved leader, Birdie Obama, it perhaps is time to weave the fabric of Barack's Muslim, Kenyan, Indonesian, Hawaiian serape to explain just what he is hiding by hiring his platoon of lawyers.

What is taking place is indeed conspiracy as in the sense a violation of the RICO Act. This involves the state of Hawaii and Occidental College, if not Columbia of New York and Harvard.

What requires explanation in this is a generation of crime in supplanting the United States for money. It is as simple as that in local government policy being fed huge sums of money at the behest of Ford Foundation incorporating globalist policy into American culture.
Barack Obama is simply the tip of this iceberg which he desperately must conceal, along with all these other benefactors or beyond embarrassment, people will go to prison.

The first task in need of explanation is why would Hawaii aid a known illegal of British birth in illegally obtaining a fake birth certificate?
The answer is in 1961 the American public had not yet been herded by Teddy Kennedy and socialists into providing welfare benefits to illegals. Hawaii had a large population of illegals who were slave labor, but were a huge burden to the system in poverty and crime.

The Hawaiian answer, as it was a Democratic state and still is was to start registering all those foreign kids by the thousands. The purpose being to tap into all those federal hundreds of millions then which would profit the state.
See all of those poverty programs flowed funds into the pockets of the retailers as the golden goose pipeline. If one makes citizens out of illegals, then Hawaii converts a debt into their asset in obtaining more funds and growing the socialist system which empowers Democratic liberals.

The fact is there are hundreds of thousands of Barack Obama's registered in Hawaii. Do you think even a Republican governor sitting on this explosive mess wants any of this coming out?
An entire state sold out the United States for filthy lucre, because they were importing Asian slave labor. That does not make a great headline, nor, did they probably ever expect a money train welfare illegal would somehow get hisself installed as President which would expose the entire Hawaiian fraud, and you know very well that all of those records would have to be gone through and verified so an Obama repeat would not occur, in all 50 states.

Talk about a nightmare huh? The nightmare would be the removal of Obama under Quo Warrantus which is being attempted now and 49 other states suing Hawaii for the money it would cost to check all of their records over the Hawaiian fraud.

Hawaii has always been a corrupt enclave like Rhode Island. Hawaii was the conduit in the Clinton years to get Chinese communists a stake in the United States Stock Market, to which Hawaii had the first meltdown in this scheme in costing their investors a fortune and ruining their banks.

That is why Hawaii is in collusion with Barack Obama. There were involved in massive welfare fraud and do not want this coming out.

With this kind of background, in families being "informed" of the opportunities involved in engaging in illegal citizenship, one Stanley Ann Dunham, hauled her little African eastern boy to Indonesia, until the jungle fever wore off, and then dumped him into the Hawaiian system again where Grandma Dunham was stuck with the kid.
Grandma Madelyn Dunham did earn some money in BankHo, her bank in Hawaii, but I suspect that the prestigious school Barry got into, was the same game that brought Barack sr. to America on a free educational route.
Barry Obama Soetero was tapping into the welfare system of Hawaii, and in knowing what twisters the Dunhams were, this takes us into Occidental College.

Amusingly Occidental College, basically means round eye college as occidentals are of the European origin who reside in North and South America. The place Obama chose to be dumped into by the Dunhams, was like many of the colleges in that 1979 period in tapping into government resources of free money to "educate" foreigners.
One has to understand colleges in America do not operate to educate children. They are conduits of establishing globalist brainwashing into children and as dry cleaning of billions of dollars in funds in "research".
For example Wisconsin has a female professor who took huge amounts of cash for global warming, and one of her subjects was studying how the Great Lakes absorbing carbon gases affected warming. One might as well studied your bathtub water for the effect as if you look at a map you see the Great Lakes are dots compared to the oceans.
There are numerous studies linked to this gravy train of funds which flow into colleges and back into corporations whose equipment and services are purchased.
It is the Warren Buffett money flow into Walmart for his Chinese investments. except in this case it is college money laundering.

So the Dunhams were adept at illegal activities in scamming the American system, so it is a conclusion by what Barack Obama has been up to with his platoon of lawyers that he is covering something up.
Remember it is public information that Barry Obama upon going into college became Barack Hussein Obama. Liberals have explained this away as, "Barack was more intellectual sounding". Not a chance, because what was going on is this:

A college career recruiter shows up and says, "Barry come to Occidental as you will have fun".

Barry goes home and tells Gram Dunham he wants to go have fun. Either money is tight or the Dunhams are basic welfare swindlers and being cheap as they are, Gramma and Mama, put their heads together and say, "Hey, we can get a free education if we dust off Barack sr. being a British subject."
They tell Occidental that and Occidental says, "Great, but we need documentation".

"Crapper in the wrapper, "Stan and Mad say as all they got is a bogus Hawaiian birth certificate making him Americans.

Then Stan and Mad remember that Barry was adopted by Indonesian Papa Soetero. They tell Occidental this and provide Barry Soetero school records from Indonesia and Occidental says, "Eureka, you have struck it rich pilgrims. There is golden grants in them Indonesian hills!"

So Birdie becomes Barack and Occidental gets a big ole Obama grant to go with all their other foreign student federal grants they have been milking the system for at the behest of the globalists.

The problem now is, Occidental never figured their scammer would produce a person in the White House. See this system was designed to Americanize 3rd worlders with globalist nonsense and then bury them back into Indonesia, Russia and Kenya to ruin those peoples lives.
Occidental now has a huge problem as it engaged in federal student loan fraud which gave them like many of these globalist programs huge bankrolls to profit off of in exchange for Rothschild plans.

None of these geniuses ever suspected a scammer scamming the system would have a parent who would eventually tap into the Ford Foundation money and fellow traveler contacts which would start opening doors, including psychiatric research doors in reprogramming a Birdie dope head in Columbia to become Barack the communist organizer of Chicago.
Stanley Ann Dunham got greedy in out of necessity. She tossed Barry away in abandoning him in trying to get rid of her reminder of jungle fever, but still had this reminder turning into an eyesore dope head. She took this looser, put him into a program to "fix him", laying Bill Ayers mindset onto him, all for the purpose of making her sexual mistake into something which would soothe her troubled breast.
The problem is Stanley looks like she embezzled funds from Ford to give Birdie a jump start at life in making her mistake into her glory. As this blog noted, Birdie was only supposed to be the new Jesse Jackson in bringing in the black vote at the beginning.
He though was transformed by his programming to take the lead of self fulfillment in being President when Hillary was forced to take a dive.

Not for one moment though have the Rothschilds nor Rockefellers not known Barry Soetero is dripping wet with fraud. Bill Clinton constantly hinting at "Constitutional qualifications" means in the boardrooms where these people meet, they have discussed it, have the paper trail and have Obama by his testicles that Jesse Jackson wanted to cut off.
Jackson pronounced the race was now complete and there was no more need for "black affirmation" as the race has now reached the mark.

The globalists know all of this and are shedding the black vote for the hispanic vote with Obama as their judas goat in betraying blacks. The globalists know full well how precarious of position Obama is in. They know if this comes out the country will be in chaos and they know if Obama stays in office the continued economic attack on America will simply provide their conduit in establishing their global order.
These financiers win no matter what as they have set this out to play out this way.

Strangely Orly Taitz, the lawyer who has the best option to bring all of this out and shine a light on the sordid money fraud situation betraying the United States is a factor the globalists hope for as the more turmoil created the better it is for the global order.

At the very least in this, Barack Obama is guilty of federal money fraud. As Tom Daschle and Tim Geithner just said "Ooops sorry" and paid it back, it could end there for Obama in the foreign student loans IF he had not shown a pattern for the period from 1971 to at least 1982 in passing hisself off as Barry Soetero, resident of Indonesia as an adopted son from British Kenya all to tap into the American money supply.
A normal moral person would never have gotten themselves into this mess, but Obama because of his programming and what that did to his phobic compulsion disorder has been ploughing on in this using the shield of the patricians who created him as they are powerful and connected people.

Occidental College opens up the door to Barack Obama declaring in writing he is not American, but foreign. This progresses to Columbia in this fraud as Birdie at home with the racist base elements as he dope slides along, concludes he is owed a little summer vacation with his Pakistani buddies.
Always the Dunham corner cutter, he goes into Pakistan once again on an Indonesian passport which signifies again Barack Obama is Indonesian as Americans could not get into Pakistan.

Obama would have probably gotten away with the money fraud, if he had not been too cheap and decided he just had to flip the bird to the American system and get into Pakistan. Those records prove he is an affirmed triple citizen of British Kenya, Indonesia and America, if not Canada registration too.
Any part of which disqualifies him for President of the United States.

Birdie Obama is like the crook who steals a million dollars, but has to go back and pick up the bank President's pen in greed and that is the 20 dollar item that gets him busted.

There are federal records for these Obama applications for funding in the Department of Education. As of Barack Obama attempting to further smear George W. Bush in releasing Bush documents, to take the heat off of Birdie, the Dunham, Obama, Soetero education files are now open to the Freedom of Information act as all papers associated with a President are, as Barack Obama made this a presidential issue when he hired attorneys to cover up what was being hidden at Occidental College.
This is a matter for the Justice Department as it is money fraud of college funds and it is a matter for the Republican minority in Congress to demand and hold hearings investigating this.

Those records all exist and if someone destroyed them and they are missing, that is a federal crime of which Barack Obama is benefited by, as in he is then a guilty co conspirator in another felony.
If you get money from someone illegally, and someone else burns the papers protecting you, you are just as guilty as the person who lit the match.

That is how all of this ties together from Hawaiian welfare fraud, Occidental College student finance fraud and Barack Obama currency fraud defrauding the American public of funds and places of education for it's own citizens.

This is really a large issue of global scale and Barack Obama is the tip of the felony iceberg. Someone is going to come forward with the papers which will light this up as it is in the globalists interests to do this. It will though come out as the scenario of operation is exposed here in tying it all together and as more people figure it out, then the conversation becomes, "I'm not following that crook in the White House", and Barack Obama occupying that House or in exile does not matter as he will cease to be Prime Minister as America and then Congress ignores him.

Russia has figured this out people, President Medvedev brushed off Obama's overture on European missiles linked to help in Iran. They know Obama is finished and are going to Jimmy Carter fillet him for concession as Obama needs them and they do not need Obama.
A simple alert for people who have not noticed this Nixonian Clintonesque Obama era, the Russians and Chinese have just declared the United States under Obama as unnecessary.

Richard Holbrooke pissed on the President of Iran, well President Medvedev just pissed on Barack Obama and America today.

You people at AOL, Politico and other mania outlets attacking "birthers" or this site, you had better do a reality check as your Obama on an issue you claim does not exist, just proved it matters to the people with nuclear missiles aimed at America.
You Obamaniacs did this and no matter how deluded you are into thinking he is your mahdi, the real world has just dismissed him as already not being leader of the United States.

The time will come when the American majority ignores him. Then what will Obamaniacs do as you have growing numbers of military already refusing to follow orders from Obama without those papers you claim do not matter?
Areas of America are already discussing not paying taxes and just going gopher with their guns and survival foods. You Obamaniacs are about to be facing this alone with a world class fraud who is looking to abort you abandoning you to wars you will be fighting as the US military stands down.
I warned of this in not wanting it in any way to come into the United States Military for the upheaval it can cause.

The Russians just slapped the person in the Oval Office across the face today as Obama gave them all they demanded. Every terrorist, every world leader just witnessed and noted what happened.
They are coming now for America and this all traces back to the Occidental Obama.

Russia pisses on Obama

Quo Warranto
