Sunday, March 22, 2009

Obama par dux Idotry

I had suspected when Freddie the beadle Barnes typed his "flailing obama" piece that this week might be interesting for Birdie Obama, as Barnes noted Obama had fled Washington and left a press corp standing around for a delayed press conference which was to be soon coming.

After hearing of the Steve Kroft quote on 60 Minutes, I do believe the giggler Obama is going to wake up to a week of not being little lord obamaboy, but the royal fool of idiotry being pointed out by the press.

The Kroft quote was:

“You're sitting here. And you're— you are laughing. You are laughing about some of these problems. Are people going to look at this and say, ‘I mean, he's sitting there just making jokes about money—’ How do you deal with— I mean: explain. . .

“Are you punch-drunk?”

end quote.

Obama came back with such a great communicator line, so intelligent, so brilliant we are told by liberals that he has a halo this messiah in, “No, no. There's gotta be a little gallows humor to get you through the day,” Obama said laughing again.

So Obama is telling us that America is on a death watch and needs to be executed in being hung as a criminal nation?

I guess that is why he has been insulting America's greatest allies in England, France and the Israeli state, apologizing to terrorists and being buddies with terrorists and plundering the United States treasury debt collateral reserves. Barack Obama is not just aborting the United States, he is leading it up the long steps of execution to be hanged like a dog and is finding this all sooooooooooooooo amusing.

Birdie must have fell off his chair when the Iranian communists today dismissed him as nothing in Obama's "reaching out to murderers" doctrine.
Gee President George W. Bush proven right again and Obama now proven not only wrong, but humiliated in public, which will embolden terrorists to strike American and eventually breed a really big war.

The reason I suspected beyond Beadle Barnes commentary that something was happening (Let us face it that the Beadles have been scared to say a thing about Obama in being called racists while blogs like this since last year were the only ones putting the facts out.) is because of 2 events.

Event #1, Timmy Geithner tried to strong arm American oil companies in the Gulf of Mexico for more money and insulted them as basically un American.

Event #2, The Wall Street banking community, now being screeched by the people who were humiliated by the Europeans into allowing Obama to be installed for retribution for that scamp Bill Clinton stealing the Europeans uranium and selling it to China, has had it with having their stock assets plunged, beat as Obama's new "satan" for all the world's ills and that pretty much is it.

America is run by several acting consortium's which are oil, banking, influence in the Cargill agribusiness and the United States military apparatus.

Oil has slowly been rising in retaliation to Mr. Obama's attacks. Banking is no longer pleased with being the pillaged, food is dropping in price and the United States military is being told by Robert Gates and Obama that their money is going to be spent in paying Mexican wages and to funnel money to Obama supporters in America and Europe.

The telling sign that something is up is Steve Kroft making a fool out of Obama on television. Obama has no idea this is coming at him. He still thinks he the halo one, just like that grinning chimpanzee picture featured here of him on the White House lawn after he just insulted the children at the Special Olympics.

Barack Obama is not punch drunk. He is drunk on Axelrod Inc. powdering her butt and telling him how wonderful he is. Obama believed his own press as it is part of his brain warping therapy which he was infused with to become "community organizer" from dope head.

Psychologically, I can inform people that people laughing like Obama does reveals he is absolutely in over his head and can not deal with it. One call it polar crying as it is the same psychological response as someone crying uncontrollably at what is happening.

If the cartel is going to bring Mr. Obama down, this blogger for the sake of the world has some suggestions.

1. You have laid the framework via Wesley Clark that Marine One's plans are in Iran. This means of course a Gulf of Obama event to perhaps deal with him and certainly to start a war with Iran.
Suggestion, leave Birdie be as America does not need any more John Kennedy's or Reagan associations with lead.
It was by God's Grace that your European counterparts had a dud grenade thrown at George W. Bush on his visit there.

2. Leave Patrick Fitzgerald at home in Watergate style setups. They rip America apart and wound everything from business to the military.

3. You know very well there is no need for G. Gordon Liddy burglars to stage any coup event. There are myriads of criminal things Mr. Obama has been up to. ACORN, counterfeit funds from the Middle East, Geithner plundering the treasury, his being a British subject under the British Nationality Act to his Indonesian passport and college funding records to the matter of his illegal negotiating and treaties before he was in the White House.

Patrick Fitzgerald proved he can topple and indict in days. For your self centered interests, simply indict Mr. Obama, Mr. Biden, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Geithner and flutter a deal to them for retirement in the European axis.
I suggest Mr. Obama in Germany, Mr. Biden in Italy, Ms. Pelosi at Corsica and Mr. Geithner to Austria, so he can wave to Birdie giving speeches at Hitler monuments.

This all can be when things start to get fun in America. It has not been since 1776 that Americans got to tar and feather British subjects with wished upon monkeys in their pants.
This can be a most enjoyable time in watching Obama flail, because I have confidence in the US military to do their duty in keeping America safe, American finance and oil protecting their interests and agri business for producing food.

That leaves floor show Obama to be exposed and all of the people who did not fall for his act to say, "I knew he was that big of an idiot, but geez louise he has surpassed the stupid even I imagined".

Come on you Letterman cocktail crowd lapdog, Obama reporters. Obama stole half your stock money and shipped it to Europe for his benefactors. Remember he screwed you over royal and that your bosses in the patrician elite just gave you the green light to pluck the bird.

See which one of you can make Birdie go blue screen and start sucking his 10 year old thumb.


Obama Infanticide in AfricanGenocide

While it is impossible to ever really ascertain how many seconds pass before a child is exterminated in a womb.
The current book on World Vision says 4 seconds a child dies.

The estimate is 1 million African children will die due to Obama making aborticide wholesale policy.
Obama will murder more Africans than all the slave traders and owners combined have in all history.

1 million babies is 2739.76 a day. 114.15 children an hour and 1.9 children a minute.

So if one adds up the entire population of children dying from disease, starvation, war and pure murder worldwide and not just the African numbers, we soon see the fact that Barack Obama in his infanticide policies is murdering according to some United States unborn laws, 1/4 of the children dying in the world each year.

Abort baby abort.

Die baby die.

This policy brought to you by Barack Hussein Obama.


A retard, a retard, my kingdom for a retard

I'm beginning to shift my conclusions that the reason Obama folks savaged Trig Palin so horridly was not completely due to Sarah Palin not murdering her child in infanticide, as liberals do not want to be saddled with the responsibility of caring for another human, but I'm beginning to conclude from Obama's Special Olympics slap which Jay Leno, the entire Obama audience and NBC laughed at is do to revenge.

What revenge could that be?

Perhaps it is formed in little Barry Soetero, Keith Olberman, David Letterman and Peggy Noonan were rejected and humiliated by a mentally retarded person while they were growing up.
Imagine the above 4 out on the playground, playing tether ball and in the end the retarded kid beats you.
Imagine the retarded kid was sitting in the classroom and they got the B on the test and you got the C.
Imagine as we all know it happens, some little Godless liberal leads away some retarded child to the bathroom for an intercourse of conquest and lil Barry gets rebuked, and the entire school finds out that Barry, can't even put the moves on a retarded girl and get to a base.

The savagery which these liberals are treating the handicapped has to be more than just abnormal inhumanity. It has to be based in juvenile development where somehow these liberals leap like wild cats onto the retarded, because somewhere in their pasts a mentally handicapped person humiliated them.

I would not be addressing this again, except the Associated Press released some propaganda today which just did not happen. They were calling people mentally ILL and quite dangerous with around 6 examples of violence from mentally "ILL" people in nursing homes harming other people there.
A story like the AP's is deliberate in showing Barack Obama was not just correct in laughing at the handicapped, but that the handicapped are all dangerous Charlie Manson types, bashing in Gramma with the shower rod aborting her from the fruited plain.

I desire people to note the context of AP in terming people who are mentally challenged as sick, meaning there is something wrong with them. They have now listed people with Alzheimer's and dementia equal to the criminally mass murdering insane.

Gee, what does one do with the incurable sick?

Does Terri Schiavo sound familiar in what the AP is advancing for Axelrod Inc. in dealing with the people who are mentally challenged in America.
Connect the dots people. I suggested in satire that Obama will relegate the mentally retarded to organ donor status, and behold AP, coming to Obama's defense with great research, ferreting out a few attacks by the mentally challenged on others, and now the AP for Obama has branded these people as ill, no chance of recovery..........and it is on record by Terri Schiavo that these ghouls want to euthanize or murder every one of these Americans.
I honestly expect the next story to be Obama's green initiative to come out that a human body can be rendered into crude oil, so to kill two birds with one stone in stopping the importation of foreign oil and dealing with these sick retards, that Obama just puts up Auschwitz South Side and renders them all into fuel.

I can see Alec Baldwin starring in the Obama comercial with Bon Jovi music singing, "Shot through the heart, but rendered into oil, you give euthanasia a good name".
Then Baldwin reading Obama's teleprompter can say, "I filled my tank up on New York with 2 retards and drove to Florida for some sun. Best mileage my Audi got in ages".

This age of Obama in attacking the helpless is sadistic beyond humanity. The problem with the AP story and Obama is these liberals all dump their unwanted's onto the system so they don't have to actually care about another human being who is their family.
There are people who need nursing home care. There are people who need state care. There are also millions of mentally retarded people in a wonderful system leading productive lives.
My best of neighbor friends have a daughter in the assisted living system, where she lives on her own, works a job and is becoming independent. She suffers from seizures and has an IQ of around 90. She is a delightful girl though and is as complete as I am in resting assured of the same rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
She is my equal and has more social advancement than the social Obama retards who treat some people as subhuman.
There are also a group of people out there who are quite viable and can live and function in family environments. There is nothing more delightful than grandparents stuck into your home, parents or even your siblings who are in need. Everyone of them can and will pitch in in some small way to make the house run more smooth.
I have taken great delight in a supper table of odd relatives who all bring something to the table which is more enjoyable than food. It is their company which makes the meal.

So Mr. Obama, you dine with people. You do not eat people.

The mentally challenged are going to be as perfect in God's Kingdom than any one of us less perfect people here now. I would also note in the purity which most mentally retarded Citizens live in, they are going to be ranking higher than numbers of the "sound minds" running this world into the ground in this era.
The creatures though raping these handicapped Citizens will be in hell as there are few things in the Bible Law worse than dumping your old wife for a new tart or tripping a blind man.

The Bible never had to stoop to cover the new Obama era laws of sick minds means you just Terri Schiavo torture them to death. That didn't even occur to the Sodomites as it is not listed.

So I will take my retarded Superman any day over the Obama superman posing for the worst cannibalism and savagery people can stoop to.

This must be nipped in the dungeon of their souls before more stories start to follow in, "What will the infirmed, elderly and retarded be volunteered to give back?"

Perhaps Obama human crude, Obama organ donation or Obama Soylent crackers for the Obamaniacs to munch on.

People are people in the womb, out of the womb, mentally genius or mentally retarded. Some need special care, but all are human. Some as a criminal forfeits their rights if they murder and harm others, but that is a lesser minority than Barack Obama's South Side which has more black boys in prison than on the streets for crimes.

It is a clarion call from this blog. No more raping, savaging or volunteering the mentally retarded or handicapped for death. It ends now as these Conservative retards are more advanced than the liberal geniuses attacking them like beasts.


AP's "ill" Americans

What would Richard Nixon do?

The purpose of this blog today is not to join in with the easy in using terms like, "America sits at the precipice of it's history", because people will shut down in reading that line and conclude it is nothing but another doom and gloom scenario predicting disaster.

Instead, I will to explore a different venue than what is in the White House now or who was in the White House in the past 8 years, in his President Bush asking, "What would Jesus do?"

I know what Jesus is going to do as in Revelation when He returns He is going to slaughter a pile of heathens at Har Megiddo as the Word of God upon a white horse. I know that if Barack Obama persists that Jesus is not going to have as many people to battle as Obama will have them littering the globe rotting sooner than later. So the question I pose in this is to ask what would the greatest foreign policy mind, since Theodore Roosevelt do?
The person I speak of is Richard Nixon, what would Richard Nixon do?

For those who do not realize it, Richard Nixon was the guiding force which neutralized the disastrous FDR and Truman policies which handed over huge chunks of Eurasia to communists. Nixon guided Eisenhower and he learned from that paper pusher.
It was Richard Nixon who would again undo the Kennedy and Johnson adventurism which ripped America apart in Vietnam. People will think it was Nixon Kissinger which solved Vietnam, but it was instead Admiral Thomas Moore, the genius of the Vietnam Campaign in bombing the fear of America in the communists which set out in settling the Vietnam issue.
It would be Kissinger who would blow it in handing over South Vietnam with the reprehensible Democrats in Congress abandoning those fine people to the communists in a Pelosi type fit of retribution on Richard Nixon.

While liberals were stomping on Richard Nixon, Nixon was instead during the Carter years formulating future US policy. If one had spoken with Ronald Reagan, one would find out that dozens of pages on foreign policy showed up on Ronald Reagan's desk, written for him in detail, and the source was Richard Nixon.
Nixon before he died would assist Bill Clinton in implementing the successes of the Clinton foreign policy as Clinton drew on his expertise. The downside is that Jimmy Carter on his global rampages wanting to undo his failed presidency horned into Asian policy and created the North Korean disaster for Bill Clinton which America is still facing as a nuclear issue.

In all of this though, it has been Richard Nixon who has been guiding American foreign policy to it's best successes, so the question in this Obama tenure of humiliating allies, sponsoring terrorists, being humiliated by Russians, Chinese, Persians and central axis Europeans, "What would Richard Nixon do to save America?"

I see the global chess board as one of great disadvantage for America and yet one of great opportunity, because it plays exactly into the Ranger mentality which Americans have always had an inherent talent for in the fight.
The question is how to deal with the European axis instigating all of this mischief against America with their boy in the White House.
How does one deal with the Russian Bolsheviks.
How does one deal with the Chicoms.
How does one deal with the Persians.

The first step is information. Americans must inform the French who have been the focus of this European axis economic terrorism against the west, that he French are being made scapegoats in this came from their finance originally and with Obama antagonizing the French, the frogs are supposed to be pealed away from the west and join the central Europeans.
France is the key to controlling western Europe. Control France and one controls the lowlands and keeps the Iberian Peninsula neutral. Control France and one invades Britain and thereby controls the Mediterranean, North Atlantic and has platforms to launch into America.

Richard Nixon's first step would be to build the French Conservatives, alert the French Socialists how they are being betrayed to be Vichy France again, and to bring the French home to the west where their kindred is and they belong.

The stepping stone in this is the foreign policy measure outlined here in uncapping the American oil fields which are larger than Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Russia combined, and use England as our base for oil trading into western Europe, and, France being the American port like Amsterdam for this economic trade.

This is how one deals with the Russian Bolsheviks. Pump oil, deflate oil prices to 25 dollars a barrel which takes the money from Russia to build aggressive weapons and turns western Europe to America for succor.
Pulls Russia's teeth and then Russia will not be invading a strong European trading partner of America, as I have spoken of in a Polish, Slavic, Balkan group, trading via through France.

I have advocated to my Serbian and Balkan friends a welfare policy of arming all of their citizens with weapons, have Minute Man militias and to use World Bank funds to start buying up their own industry and solving the Kosovo problem by buying the Muslims up.
Put teeth into the land of Tito and make her as Switzerland in being too much a bother in chewing up Hitler's armies, and this effectively stops the idiocy of Russia attempting to invade Europe as retaliation for what the axis is fomenting in the world.
This fits then Brzezinski Gambit doctrines in forcing Russia north to Scandinavia and southeast into the Caspian Basin.

What brings one to the solution to the Persian Islamocommunist problem. The Persians are a problem and at odds with the Arabs and Africans. They are nuclear armed and producing more nuclear arms which will show up in Venezuela, Columbia and Cuba to be used in the United States in blowing up several of our coastal population centers and the heartland.
The Persians must be destabilized in taking their bank accounts from them in confiscating their oil funds, producing a Flying Tigers group to harass these communists and to arm the Israeli Defense Forces with the certain long range weapons systems required to wipe out not the Persian nuclear structure but to kill the Islamocommunists in full measure.
The Kurds of the north and Arabs of the south would then be protected by the United States in dismantling Iran by isolating the Persians who would wither and wither without oil money the Russians would abandon them and without oil the Chinese would abandon them.

The keys in this which are the lead into how to deal with the ravenous Chinese communists then lies in the arc of containment from Poland to Japan, set apart by the control of the two subcontinent bodies which are the modern Nixon, "China cards", in Africa and India.

As I have noted and was progressively followed at the time, America must transfer it's manufacturing of cheap imports to the Indians who then will for the time in balance of trade become the Asian superpower, joining our economic base partner in Japan as England's equal in the American door to Asia.
The Indochinese states from South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand will then form a secondary trading sphere and military sphere of too much distance, obstacles and might for the communist Chinese to move east or south.
"If" as would be the case that Persia would be a contaminated arena due to their nuclear situation polluting the region, this would steer the Chicoms north and west, which means, they would be at odds with their old nemesis of the Bolshevik Russians.
Operational theaters would then be Siberia and the Caspian.

India will never be capable as any military force. It is not in their nature, but they can have have enough military toys and do have enough of a population to each Chinese weapons that the Chinese would refrain from the subcontinent and go into the wide open Russian spaces.

The point being a Eurasian War is coming and the situation being in strategy is how to spark it where the least amount of people and real estate will die in this Obama war and to contain it so it does not become a 4th Eurasian World War which will nuclearly consume America.

Africa is then the vista which in this policy must be engaged in a new resident colonialism to finish the African ascendancy to first world status.
The process is simple as I have noted here. Take Rhodesia and Kenya to transform them into the bread basket of Africa again.
Utilize our western allies of North Africa from Morocco to Egypt for their military and finance capability. Join to them the Nigerian and Sudan oil fields in installing western governments there.

Move south to the Congo and South Africa and develop the raw mineral wealth there for trade into Eurasia via American sphere ports.

Finally recognize Orange Free State as the southern control center of operations and make a free trade zone in using African wealth for the advancement of Africans and not the exploitation Africans.

What this does is removes the Chinese, Russians and Islamocommunists from Africa. It makes north Africa too strong for the European axis to attack in their attempt to control the Middle East. It effectively then keeps these children who do not play well, spinning in their own arenas to fight there. Thus saving the world from widespread eradication.

The backbone of this of course is the American trading partnership based on oil being pumped. America must take over northern Mexico and transform it to an Americanized employment zone still sovereign to Mexico. The same can be said in reforming Canadian laws to allow from the immigration of Americans into Canada to develop that nation into a prosperous trading partner with America as will be Mexico.
In this financial and economic superpower status with Japango and Angleland as the American forward economic and military bases, America can then leverage what should have been dealt with long ago in taking our nation of Cuba back and freeing those people and ending this communist narco terrorism harming all of South and most of Central America.

Set the detonation spark for a real peace by the Israeli state ending the communist holds in Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank and Iran.
The net result in policy would be no meddling reason for the European axis nor Russians to instigate any invasions into the Holy Land for their plundering later in a massive world war.
Put the Philistines in a cordoned off area from Gaza into the Sinai, shut the border and let Egypt police a population based upon greenhouses, irrigation and finance and not one on suicide bombers.

This I believe is the global policy which Richard Nixon would advocate and initiate for the good of the world in order to save as many of it's people as possible. These are hard choices in an impossible situation as Obama policy is about to cost the world 5 billion citizens and most of it's pristine real estate. Initiate this Nixon based policy and the wars will be fought in waste areas and areas of low populations in central and north Asia.
Of course the European axis in this will not bleed even if they should for instigating what is coming with Obama, but then not loosing the Poles to the Balkans is reason enough to ignore the axis, nor for having a Russian invasion cutting into France.
Keep France though in the west, and if this still goes bad, then the Russian weapons of mass destruction war ends in the Ruhr instead of Normandy.

This starts in France and it is time that the astute policy makers start making astute policy for the good of America and the world as Richard Nixon would have advocated.
It leads to Julie and Tricia Nixon being appointed as VIPRE's, Vice Presidential Regents to manage Africa from 3rd world to 1st world and it culminates in the security and prosperity of America, which should be the policy of America, and not the Obama policy of the axis.

God bless
