Friday, March 27, 2009

A Universe Exclusive

I have had whisperings in my thoughts contemplating exactly what the schemes of Barack Obama and Tim Geithner would actually project forward in affecting the American economy.

It is that which I seek to educate those who will listen by pointing out some absolute certains.

I'm very disappointed that the Rockefeller finance banks have after taking Obama to the woodshed in Obama and Democrats screaming about bonuses, have now visited the White House and in exchange for promises of loaning Americans their own money they will play nice with Birdie, providing he shuts his big mouth about their multi million dollar bonuses for fleecing corporations out of dividends which investors should be receiving.

What this entails is simple. American finance has now signed onto Obama European finance plundering of the United States in a wholesale rape of the world.

I ask people to return with me to explain what will occur, back to the Bill Clinton days of "retroactive taxes". People might remember this term as Bill Clinton's scheme of legally illegally taxing people on money they already paid taxes on, but charging them higher rates.

It was this tax issue coupled with Democrat George Mitchell, who conned Bush 41 into raising taxes (remember read my lips) which sank Bush, that initiated the first slow down of the Reagan expansion. When one added the Savings and Loan fiasco of plundering the United States, this was the robber baron first penetration of rape of US finance from Reagan created wealth.

The Clinton era saw the wholesale rapine of the South American Republics which Reagan created in plundering all of what they had by these financiers of Europe and America. This installed that racist buffoon in Brazil speaking of "blue eyed white men" who caused the current meltdown and Hugo Chavez, along with that socialist tart in Argentina and the 3 Amigos in Nicaragua, Columbia and Cuba.
The powerhouses of Latin America are now all Marxists and best friends of Marxist Obama.

For those in the Clinton camp that still tout, "Bill Clinton had a surplus, was balancing the budget and all was working well, "show their ignorance as Clinton gutted what was left of American industry, shipped the jobs overseas for higher profits of his financiers and killed the Reagan expansion.
I alone predicted in 1999 that America was in a recession which George Bush 43 would inherit, because of Clinton tax policy which gained him a surplus but brought on a recession.

This is the recession which Bush 43 was dealing with on September 11th, that on September 12th was evolving into a global depression.
Bush with his back to the wall and left with only one alternative, dumped over a trillion dollars into the world markets that caused a massive expansion and saved the world.

The Soros financiers though by 2006 were moving money out of the housing boom to make it a bust and inflated grain and oil to soak up that trillion dollars.

As has been pointed out alone here, the European axis was stuck with Greenspan's Dotcom bust which cost Americans a fortune in savings in the 90's. Their retaliation has been 9 11 via their Islamocommunists manipulating the Islamofascists, followed now by the current economic terrorism engulfing Anglo American finance and meaning to bleed France off from the west to be a vassal state under the German, Italian, Greek axis.

I apologize to those I'm repeating myself to, but a complete framework must be laid as a record to explain what Mr. Obama is initiating.

Ask yourself in knowing what the above has happened now as historical fact, "What would happen if Bush had printed up another trillion which was taken over by Obama what would happen to the economy?"

Would it expand? Perhaps it would be growing in expansion as it is now on the crumbs the financiers have spent as it is now despite Obama trying to strangle it for his Marxist legislative agenda.

Now ask yourself, "What if Obama Pelosi spent another trillion dollars? Would that expand the economy in a stimulus rewards program?"

Ask yourself, "Tim Geithner printed up a trillion dollars out of thin air, so that money is being dumped into the economy too is it not?"

Stop asking yourself questions now and start listening. In reviewing the "buy options" to make Obama look peachy cutie, Tim Geithner has by estimation created and dumped into European and American financier coffers at least 3 trillion more dollars to make the markets give the appearance of rising.

Ponder for a moment now on those numbers in, if 1 trillion dollars by George Bush put a 6 year shot of adrenalin into the world economy, until it was stolen from the United States by the Europeans, what do you think will happen when Barack Obama dumps at least 6 times that amount into America and the world in one years time.
Not adding in his health rationing scheme which is targeting around 2 trillion more and whatever else sundry items Geithner has been funnelling cash.

Remember now this at least 6 trillion is not creating one thing like a car, a home, a computer for advanced production added wealth. This wealth is being dumped into financier's accounts.
Remember that Obama is sending boy toy Robert Gates out to slice off body parts from the US military budget worse than what Bill Clinton did in looking for spare change to shift the spending numbers around. This is vital, because the military buys things which Americans produce and need to be shipped which Americans transfer.

Now start adding up Obama not producing a thing but debt, dumping money into financiers pockets and ramping it all up to at least 6 times what George W. Bush responsibly accomplished.

Do you think perhaps that the dollar might be worth 6 times less?

Do you think perhaps there might be 6 times the hyper activity when the crumbs of this much cash overflows into Europe where it is being stored?

Do you think there might be 6 times the inflation?

Do you think that gas might be 6 times more expensive, food might be 6 times more expensive as the dollar will be 6 times more worthless?

If one runs the Obamanomics records, the dollar very well could be worth 5 cents and Americans could be paying 24 dollars a gallon for gasoline and 18 dollars for a loaf of bread.

Forget gold as people's god, because if gold goes to 6000 dollars an ounce with the dollar being as worthless a paper towels, all you will have is a big pile of cash in trade for some very expensive bread.

Now couple this to China which America imports from, and their trillions evaporate and they convulse worse as Americans with 5 cent dollars could not afford Chicom products, nor Indian products, nor any kind of products.

It is not just the American government borrowing money in bonds which the Federal Reserve of the American government is buying, so one has debt covering debt in a perfect derivative fiasco which the world just got raped from which will cause this hyper inflation, but it is this Obama money production with no products to absorb that money to give it value which is going to be the Wiemar Republic version in America of a worthless currency and Americans holding the debt of almost 120,000 dollars per each American family.

Not one person is speaking of this, so this is a universe exclusive as it is this cataclysmic. George Bush printed 1 trillion dollars which was too much of an expansion worldwide that caused a constriction. Obama is speeding this up by at least 6 times and things will inflate and deflate 6 times faster for a real disaster.
I suspect that the Europeans sitting on the dollars are using them as their cash reserves to fuel their coming super currency and once they are done with it, will transfer out to their Axis Euro and leave America sitting with a pile of worthless dollar paper.

The red lights, warning bells, flashes of Jesus across heaven should be going off in this absolute rape, plunder and murder of the United States economy, along with the west, but for some reason none of the people charging for their brainy information have figured this out.

America is destined to be the victim of hyper inflation and it's ruin. I do not use the term victim incorrectly as a victim is the lowest form of worm in this dimension, as a victim is someone who sees what is coming and allows it to happen to them.
Frankly, Tom Friedman, Charlie Rose, Noel Sheppard and Bill O'Reilly are not victims. They are just too ignorant to equate something marked BOMB and ticking down is a dangerous thing until it is pointed out to them. The rest of America though is pulling money out in an attempt to not be hit by this Indonesian Soetero tsunami, but one can pull out a million dollars and when your dollar is worth a nickel, what difference does it make if you drown going in with wave or drown going out with the wave.

This is all criminal in check kiting, money dry cleaning and absolute theft in an economic terrorist attack on America.

There is just nothing there to expand the dollar into for worth and it appears the dollar is going to be used by Obama's European benefactors to fund their world exchange super currency transfer before they kill the dollar.

It doesn't do any good in the warning or the knowing as the government is too inept to do anything and people with Obama IQ voter levels are running around thinking tea parties will do anything.

I'm informing you that Obama has already dumped 6 trillion, created 6 trillion more in debt and it does not matter if he spends 10 trillion more and America is insolvent, because that clicking sound is the economic detonator and this is going to explode and then implode on Americans and the west.
The earthquake of the 2008 staged economic terrorist attack, the dumping of the mud in Obama trillions, has now caused a tidal wave which is going to cause a global dictatorship, a global friction and a global war.

This can no longer be fixed, but the effects could be lessened.

As is my purpose to always provide solutions to problems Obama creates, the following is offered.

The US government must make wholesale spending cuts. Medicare and Medicaid must be put on the pay what one can principle with tax deductions for medical fields to halve costs.
Welfare must be overhauled in no more illegal benefits and if someone has an income of forty thousand dollars a year or more like Ross Perot, they do not get a government check.

The government stops issuing bonds and stops soaking up all the money from banks in loans it is taking out.
The government instead starts acquiring back the trillions of dollars in circulation to increase the dollars value making it more attractive and lessening the Obama tsunami wave.

The government stops taxing people beyond 10% of their net income and suspends all investment capital creation projects like new speed rails or offshore mining as long as that money returns to the US in investments and forever suspends the capital gains tax, so that money will roll over without costing a Citizen a dime and be spent into the US economy to expand it on real goods.

The government orders wholesale pumping of crude oil for America and her allied partners at 20 dollars per barrel in a new balance of trade based upon the Japanese, English, American alliance, progressing into northwestern Europe and southeast Asia partners.

Time though has really run out on this and that white line on the horizon is the boil of the ocean about to erupt in an economic tidal wave on the world.

nuff said.

agtG 215, 235

Obama Wonder

I was watching a performance of deaf radicals.
Apparently, there are deaf people who are filled with rage over people who are deaf getting their hearing given back to them. Apparently Jesus would be public enemy number one to them for restoring hearing and be listed on the Fusion Center for being Christ in Missouri.

There seems to be great numbers of these folks who are furious over gay people not being gay anymore, Muslims not being Muslim anymore, Jews not being Jews anymore and Democrats not being liberals anymore.
I figure if you have a Peggy Noonan, Noel Sheppard, Bill O'Reilly in your fold, you just point them out repeatedly and let them be the Obamaniacs they are.

What struck me as amusing in the deaf radicals was after the staged performance the audience rose clapping. I mean what good is clapping to deaf people, because they couldn't hear it anyway.
Isn't that sort of like deaf radicals being enslaved to the hearing world in taking applause which has no meaning.

It would be like Stevie Wonder getting his name in flashing lights. What good would that honor be as he can't see the lights. He can't even tell Obama is a white black Arab, so how good are any of the rules if deaf people get applause or blind people can't see the man they are being bluffed by.

That makes me ponder things like what good is the Constitution if no one in government is going to make Birdie Obama obey the rules and prove he is a born American and not an Indonesian, Kenyan or Brit by his passport, school records and birth certificate.

What good is Homeland Security when Janet Napolitano is off in Missouri with Democratic Governor Jay Nixon touring Fusion Centers, which are ways of tracking all Americans, who according to Missouri documents, are terrorists if they like Chuck Norris or go to Church.

What good is Homeland Security when Janet Napolitano has SWAT teams harassing a lawyer in Washington state for filing papers over Obama's qualifications to be in the White House.

What good is the US Treasury when Geithner is using it to plunder America and reward Obama benefactors.

The amazing thing is there are probably more laws and regulations in the United States than there are the 300 million people here that covers everything from flushing a toilet to apparently Chuck Norris. The result is though that millions of Americans are still in prison for breaking those laws.
The regular folks end up in prison, but Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano terrorizing Americans get grinned about by Tom Friedman of the New York Times, expressing he wants Obama to succeed. With much more Obama success, 200 million Americans are already listed as terrorists and with Geither stealing the Treasury, everyone in America will be in a detention camp and the Chinese will own the country.

What good then is an American nation if no one is going to uphold her?

What good are American laws if the people in government are criminalizing innocent people with them?

What good is the Constitution if Barack Obama is not going to have to prove he is qualified for the office?

If that is the case, then there is no need for Congress in this charade as Obama can just sign all the dictates he wants. He is murdering a million African babies alone with applause and his name in lights, so if he can do that, what is the need for Congress any more.

An Obama wonderland of insanity has engulfed America and the world. Good is now evil and evil is now good. Criminals lead and innocent are criminalized. Terrorists are set free in America and given welfare while Americans are terrorized by the grinning Obama world of Axelrod Inc.

Stevie Wonder has an excuse for not seeing things, but he does not have an excuse for not hearing things. There seem to be numbers of deaf and blind people who have been herded into the radical camp willingly just like Jews are by the secular Marxists and Talmud types, because Jews can only be left wing Jews.

Americans now can only be Obamericans, a sort of deaf, dumb, blind, monkey who can hear no evil, see no evil a speak no Obama, I mean evil.
No I meant Obama, because the attacks on America and Americans he has initiated are pure evil. They are everything the Founding Fathers, a group of blue eyed white guys for the most part, in reference to Obama's good racist friend in the President of Brazil, who just slurred all white people in blaming them for the economic collapse which in reality came from his central European axis masters, were extolling and warning against in the Declaration of Independence.

There is allot of "never again" from groups in decrying they will never allow tyranny to be planted never again. The problem is so many of them were lying when it was with George W. Bush that they are now lying in covering up the tyranny of Barack Hussein Obama.

One can not have a free people when Barack Obama is enslaving them on financial, legal and pure liberty fronts.

Silent running. There is deaf and then there is Obama deaf.

Swear allegiance to the flag
Whatever flag they offer
Never hint at what you really feel
Teach the children quietly
For some day sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still


What it all means

As the Obama brownshirts have now graduated from simple stalking, computer and blog harassment to out and out physical intimidation as in the case of attorney Stephen Pidgeon becoming the new Lawrence Sinclair and the release in Missouri a Clintonesque "watch" list of "terrorists" which amounted to if you like Chuck Norris, attend Church, support the Libertarian, Constitutional or Ron Paul parties, you are a danger to the United States, it is time to reveal a few things which I have been sitting on.

Most people reading this are going to have their eyes open wide when I mention a few things, because they will say, "Oh wow, I had that happen", but never really paid attention to their computer or phone glitches.

I will not reveal how I know what I know and what methods I use to keep track of the artificials who are monitoring these George Washington Americans, as if I reveal them, then the system will attempt to rectify the problems or trails.
Just this week, I have an email account set up which has nothing to do with this blog. I started noticing things like delayed loads, problems in replying in emails in it stating there was no such address when the email was just delivered from the address and failure to load.
In speaking with the email provider, they said they ran a diagnostics check and everything was fine on their end. To make a long explanation short, what is happening is this Canadian provider is fine, but in the CISCO hubs and servers which gatekeep all emails, the massive surveillance computers are eating up emails and then spitting them back out to be delivered.

The artificials protocols though are tapping into the personal computers signature number as it follows the surfing travels around the internet and this AI is riding everything, especially focusing on email providers.
What people notice as delays in emails which should be sent and delivered in seconds are showing up sometimes hours later. The same holds true if you notice your phone calls having "clicks", a buzz or a weak signal. You have company in someone is riding piggy back, and that piggy takes power and is weakening your service.

When Jeff Rense was featuring this blog without putting in his own words into what was written, I had a most interesting experience in a column I shared, arrived at his email, chopped up except for the part about the surveillance and it was highlighted in yellow.
That is the artificials at work, logging emails which it is flagging.

What people need to comprehend in this is "they" are doing this to numbers of people in cataloguing each of us. I personally when Bush was in office could have cared less as Republicans do no harm, but there is a massive shift in this now under Birdie Obama which is very disturbing in what it all means.

In doing this exposure of what is really occurring in this world for over a decade now, I had developed quite a following during the last years of the Clinton era. I was experiencing like glitches and decided it was just the norm in the internet with big brother watching.
The Clintons having been burned at Ruby Ridge and other sundry places were content to basically watch and not send out the intimidation squads. This continued in the harassment until one day in September 2001.
Yes that day is the day of the 11th which I will inform people of a few things which never have been made public.

On the night of the 10th, I knew from the signs that something was wrong. Around 11 pm eastern, a massive shift started across the internet. Message servers were winking out, shutting down and starting again. What was occurring was the early artificials were resetting all the CISCO hubs and messenger services, downloading all the communications, because they were frantically being ordered to look for something.
"They" had lost something.

The "they" in this were the Clinton operatives still embedded in the United States government. They had been watching the 9 11 terrorists and had planned to make a big arrest in the nick of time to their credit and make Bush look like an unknowing fool as Gorelick had compartmentalized everything to keep Clinton from being investigated on his bribes and how he was being blackmailed.
The problem is on September 10th, the globalists in America who had been spending so much time watching Christians, lost their 9 11 terrorists.

On the evening of September 10th they were frantically looking for the terrorists bin Laden had been conned into sending to America by communist Zawahiri who was an agent of the Russian Bolsheviks. This is how the Russians knew so much about what was going on as this was coming from within the old KGB order who had been turning the muhajadeen into al Qaeda.
The no fingerprints in this who were instigating it were the European axis of narco financiers. They did not tell the Rockefellers this attack was coming, but the Rockefellers had already written up the Patriot Act and policy in how to deal with a terror attack.

Why this blog is taking the time to explain this is, the Twin Towers housed at that time the contract for keeping track of these George Washington Americans. After 9 11, those surveillance computers were shut down in a pile of rubble and the Bush people never reactivated them on Americans, but turned the entire attention to real terrorists.

As of the summer of 2008 though, the Obama people, who knew very certainly he was going to win (I ask again were were those 13 million Republicans expected to vote who did not vote which gave Obama the win?), turned on the surveillance computers again and started harassing select numbers of internet users.
This surveillance is growing as numbers of people are reporting problems they just can't figure out. Sometimes it is just something "does not feel right" and then things return to normal and other times it is outright harassment.

Certainly, the Obama globalists are collecting data on innocent American Citizens which is a criminal act no matter what Patriot Act one has passed, because it is not a crime to believe in Jesus, the Second Amendment or the Constitution. The lists though are being compiled again illegally as they were under the Clintons.
The problem in this is what is filtering through in what Vice President Cheney is warning of in a nuclear terror attack on America. World Net Daily is currently running intelligence on al Qaeda is again seeking nuclear scientists and has access to Russian nuclear material.

This is coming from MI6 and to translate this in what it really means is this:

The central European axis, China and Russian Bolsheviks are in the process of staging a third 9 11 event. The first 9 11 was the event. The second was this economic terrorism against the United States to steal money and elect Obama. The third event is going to be one or several nuclear events which will be blamed on al Qaeda.
The Washington Times is posting by Sara A. Carter that Hezbollah is running major traffic routes piggyback on the Mexican mafia into America. It was this writer several years ago which had the exclusive that Iran was going to set up via South America, a nuclear front against the United States.
They currently have the pipeline via Chinese communist shipping to deliver nuclear bombs into Panama or South America, transport them into Mexico and deposit them into American California, Texas and Kansas.

This is what "they" in the real security forces of America have now ramped up in looking for. Analysis of this is it is doubtful, the global communist forces behind this will come in the southern route. It is more likely a small container ship or submarine will launch a MERV with 2 warheads on it into New York city for the 50 trillion dollar bill Obama can not spend his way out of.

All of these attacks have been financial in scope. The global communists want America bankrupted, so they will become the sovereign financial superpower, with Asian manufacturing and Russian forces enforcing the will of Europe. The friction will lead to a world war, but that is another subject covered elsewhere.

The artificials are looking though for what appears an attack of nuclear origin on the United States of America. That is the sobering reality of how awful this is. This blog warned all it could in the Obama voters that they were voting for their own nuclear end, but they would not listen.
That is now compounded by Obama big brother investing the lions share of resources in terrorizing Americans like Stephen Pidgeon and keeping track of millions of Americans who are Christians.
Who would have ever thought talking to Chuck Norris would put you on on a government watch list.

The problem is as Obama's minders eat up resources, the real terrorists are moving and will be successful. Whatever powers are left after an attack or attacks will once again look for answers like the 9 11 commission and then hide the results that Obama was wasting time spying on political Christians instead of Islamcommunist muslims.

For the sake of Obama voters who are keeping the Obama clique in power, the people reading the grabs from the artificials had better stop flagging information posted from Christians and start working on the terrorists who are going to incinerate a million Obama voters in New York or various cities.

Dick Cheney has warned of what is on the horizon for the political reason to place full blame on Obama and Pelosi for spying on Americans instead of hounding terrorists. The surveillance system in place is confirming Cheney's warning by what it is ramping up to search for as "something" is in the works before 2009 is out.

As always, God save, protect and prosper His children from what is coming. In His Name. Amen

agtG 300

MI6 nuclear warning

Terrorist Chuck Norris

Iran's nuclear pipeline into America