Monday, April 20, 2009

I'll raise your Transparency with a pair of Deuces

I do love Dick Cheney for a number of reasons, but in the past months watching this gentleman literally slam the Obama balls being thrown up out of the ballpark, it has been so satisfying seeing a man who knows how to play in the adult world doing it with such ease in showing Obama and Axelrod Inc. to be the complete morons they are.

Birdie Obama has been on pathological smear against Bush 43 since his usurpation of the White House and it is beginning to be amusing to watch Dick Cheney toy with Obama in being 12 steps ahead of them.

Biride Obama and Eric Holder have made a grand splash with the New York Times in the release of the interrogation of terrorist legal papers. They smeared a good American in Judge Jay Bybee who signed the findings and Axelrod Inc. has literally aided and abetted terrorists in the release of these papers.
Dick Cheney though apparently not doing any spring goose hunting has decided he needs to be amused as Cheney has now trumped Obama in calling for the release of other legal findings which proved the interrogations were necessary in the numbers of terror attacks which were stopped.

Personally, from the way Mr. Cheney has been hinting about a big terror event to come yet, it is reasonable deduction in those files there is the mention of the nuclear bombs which were on US soil after 9 11 and were taken into custody.
See when Obama opens a Pandoras Box, all kinds of things come out. Things which in minutes of being exposed to the public change history and George W. Bush and Dick Cheney immediately become heroes.........and all the liberals look like fools.

Dick Cheney is proving so far ahead of Obama in his psycho drama that Pelosi and Reid in Congress had better start listening to Leon Panetta and stop Birdie Obama from ruining them all.
So I join Mr. Cheney in calling for the release of the legal papers and I raise the transparency bar for all kinds of things which are floating around in the classified files which have no business being kept from the public.

For example, an American who was working with the Justice Department concerning the data mining of the Obama passport files. This blog exclusively found that this had nothing to do with McCain and Clinton, as their files were mined earlier and later, one out of a cover up for what was in Obama's files and the other for Obama to sink Clinton.
This American was murdered this past week while sitting in front of his Church. If it looks like a Vince Foster neutralization, then that is exactly what it is. The powers that are behind Obama in this clique do not want the lid blown off of this as the entire house of cards comes down for Obama.
Plainly put, government investigators us government computers and have shepherds watching events like this as Valerie Plame was a mole to watch George W. Bush, so Bush did not find out about the Niger uranium France refined for Saddam Hussein in bribes.
This group noted this investigation was exposing things concerning Obama and they sanctioned the individual without Ft. Marcy Park this time.

See there are all kinds of files which do indeed exist on several front levels as everyone loves the dirt J. Edgar Hoover and his later operatives recorded on a great deal of Americans.
The situation is much easier now with artificial intelligence mining data worldwide and cataloging it for future cross reference.
Everything said, video and typed can be stored in less than a book case. It is essential now that this information is stored as it is that easy.

For example, a black, communist, named Frank Marshall Davis has FBI and CIA files on him. His known associates would be Barack Obama's family.
Stanley Ann Dunham playing hide the wiener with foreign males in the 60's would have lit up like red lights for Hoover's FBI. Add to that the Ford Foundation which Dunham worked for has extensive files off their books by the CIA which utilizes Ford as much as the globalists for operations.
Somewhere in the vaults are phone recordings of Stanley Ann Dunham on electronic tape.

There is the real information which is causing people to be murdered concerning the Passports, travel and meanderings by Barack Hussein Obama. I know the Pakistani intelligence has travel information on Barry Soetero as much as the CIA was all over this kid.
Pakistan, the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, Khomeini in Iran and America in Saudi Arabia and then there is Israel, the United States, the KGB and Mosaad, all have notes on Barry Soetero. The KGB marked him for an asset to be turned, the Americans tagged him for suspicious travel and the Pak Intel wanted to know what this Indonesian speaking American was doing in their Muslim land.
Pakistan is the land of MI6 in intrigue. Barack Obama left more footprints than his benefactors have any comfort in. The way certain intelligence fields were sharing information under Ronald Reagan with foreign services, it is a certainty in daily case files the name Barry Soetero exists for someone to follow up on.

So I request in transparency all of these files to start being released. I want the ones on Marc Rich money laundering for all the globalists, the ones on the bribes Saddam gave to everyone from the Clintons to the French which George W. Bush ordered Justice to close the books on, and, hey let's have some fun in dusting off Grampa Bush 41 in his comment he knows were the skeletons are all buried.........lets rattle some of those old Democrat bones.

David Rockefeller, it appears you had Mr. Obama forced upon you by the Europeans. Axelrod Inc. has been spraying their skunk scent on numerous subjects while prowling about at night and then running back to your offices dragging the stink alert that people are starting to look at you and the Rothschilds.
People are now being mopped up as operatives are trying to keep lids on things just as in the Clinton era when bodies began piling up. You have the files Mr. Rockefeller and Mr. Obama has served his purpose in plundering the US Treasury and weakening America compared to the Europeans, so perhaps before more witnesses succumb to lead poisoning causing more problems for the Rockefeller globalists, would it not be prudent to leak enough of the Obama files so he goes into exile.
Biden certainly is boneheaded enough to push the globalist buttons and your woman in Washington, Mrs. Clinton, certainly would be your choice for Vice President.

Mr. Obama has opened the secret files. Dick Cheney is now advocating more secret files be released for the Bush Cheney legacy and to make Obama look like a fool.
Someone sooner than later is going to start filing freedom of information acts and someone of the Bush era is going to accidentally leak Obama information they are coming across.

There are too many secrets being kept for Birdie Obama and the whisper is in the wind.

Hisself wearing handcuffs would be of benefit in dealing with the minority issue which has gotten out of hand for the globalists and a bald old white guy in Aaron Burr Biden running your operation makes sense, or else that other bald old white guy who knows how this game is played and where the secrets are, is going to show up with more ideas which will eventually lead to the impeachment of Barack Obama.

For the sake of America, Dick Cheney, get several of your Deep Throats to start feeding the above information to the Wall Street Journal and Bill O'Reilly on FOX. You are locked and loaded Mr. Vice President and having fun, let the rest of America in on the punch line.


Thank God for Jay Bybee

Barack Obama should be impeached, again, and this time it involves not upholding the Constitutional Oath he too twice in protecting and defending the United States.
Every day with this Birdie, he does things in a bizarro world which does nothing but put Americans in jeopardy.

The infamous CIA questioning memos (This blog refuses to term sleep deprivation and water boarding as as torture) have now been released by the tortured soul of Barack Obama after going through his own mind conditioning program.

It is not that terrorists and every enemy of the United States now understands fully every measure the United States will not use, but they can now just demand a lawyer and not reveal any operational data which would keep America safe.
Obama deems hisself generous in not prosecuting innocent Americans who were protecting America. This is how bizarre this has come.

4 former CIA Directors and current, the only bright light even if knows nothing about intelligence, Leon Panetta strongly opposed releasing these memos, yet Obama and Eric Holder were not concerned in the least that the days are arriving when Americans again will need to find hidden nuclear bombs about to be detonated over American cities.

As this blog holds back little on the reality of the idiotry, these people who voted for Obama in their targeted cities deserve every last nuclear death which the Islamocommunist Persians are preparing.
For the good of America, this blog hopes that Iran does not use an EMP weapon as that would harm Reagan country Americans. For the good of America this blog hopes that the people responsible for this are the ones who get their Obama Persian bomb.
For the good of America, it is hoped the common fallacy of the lunatic Muslim communists and fascists to target an east coast city structure for the simple reason, the nuclear pollution will sooner blow out to sea than a dust cloud over Los Angeles or Kansas City which would create hot zones where innocent American Citizens live.

The most reprehensible Obama jeopardy in this is not blowing up his own voters, but his deliberate outing of Judge Jay Bybee, an American hero, who put his life on the line in protecting Americans.
Judge Bybee is the fine judge who signed off on the questioning of terrorists in keeping Americans alive.

Into this now has waded that puss of infected drainage in the US Senate contemplating impeaching Mr. Bybee, all on the tantrum of that Marxist rag, The New York Times.

If readers recall, Valerie Plame while dressing in slinky dresses, meeting Bill Clinton in public, donning nothing important was trumpeted by Ted Koppel in the Fitzgerald Armitage failed Bush coup to be in grave danger for being outed, when she outed herself.
What on earth do people think terrorists the world over are going to be doing but in targeting Judge Bybee and his family.

These terrorists as one recalls went after Oliver North. They now know thanks to Birdie Obama and ranted on by the New York Times, who the one person was who gave America the tools to break terrorists.

In legal terms, this is reckless attempted homicide as it is illegal to reveal information which puts anyone in jeopardy. God forbid anything happens to the Bybee family, but if anything does Barack Obama, Eric Holder and the New York Times are guilty of murder.

People will remember that little liberal festering judge in the south who threw out a case on Twitter information, and then sent federal marshalls to harass an American Citizen for stressing him, which is a crime.

Where and I mean WHERE are the federal marshalls being dispatched this moment in visiting Barack Obama, Eric Holder and the New York Times with assorted idiot Senators causing untold stress on Judge Bybee.
The federal marshalls should arrest Barack Obama on this threatening a federal judge as that is exactly what the Prime Minister in the White House did.

This is but another reprehensible act of Barack Obama as he cuddles up with Chavez of Venezuela.

This blog wills to express it's admiration, heroic stance and bravery of Judge Bybee, his wife and their numerous children for all they have done for America.
God bless each of you and keep you.

As for the rest of this ilk becoming a plague on the United States, may God swiftly prevail in this for His children as America has ceased being a shining city on a hill, and instead is a shadow of death preying upon her own Citizens.
