Monday, May 25, 2009

The Odd Couples

In beholding pictures, one never quite sees on the surface a world of reality beyond the vacuous smiles which sow the seeds of the destruction of America.

The photo on the left is Stanley, Madelyn and Stanley Dunham, but the tail their lives could tell if pictures could talk is not exactly the stuff dreams are made of.

No more so than anything about Barack Obama makes any sense.

Looking at them one would think this was June and Ward Cleaver with the Beaver for all the hope and wonder on these 1950's era family would espouse. Yet, in researching the facts which have been hidden a pattern starts to form which is Barack Obama.

Stanley Armour Dunham was the son of Ralph Waldo Emerson Dunham Sr. and Lucille Armour. The same grandiose triple names runs in the Obama background with a rather violent tale.
As Barack Obama's grandfather in Kenya was a terrorist, his grandfather in Kansas who was born of Indiana stock, had a wife who committed suicide.
Stanley discovered his mother's body after the event at age 8, and subsequently afterwards he and his brother Ralph were sent away to be raised, by his dead mother's parents, because his father had abandoned them.

See the demonic patterns repeat when one has house demons attached to families.

He would later punch the high school principal and be kicked out of school.

Stanley Armour upon growing up did serve in World War II. He would later return and show an effeminate nature in selling not only furniture, but decorating packages, along with being quite loud mouthed and once getting a high school child on a wrestling team who was 135 pounds to wrestle him, when Stanley weighed 180 pounds.
Stanley was compelled to prove he could beat the child, even though the child was "trained" in the sport.
The end result was Stanley was quickly defeated by the high school boy.

The pattern though would develop in Stanley would pursue a young high school girl named Madelyn Payne. The two would be wed just before her graduation on the night of her junior senior prom. Once again the older male with the young high school girl which Stanley Ann Dunham would repeat.

What appears to be the lack of self esteem in needing to achieve, Stanley Armour abandoned his new wife upon the initiation of World War II and joined the military.
While in Europe, Madelyn would serve as a quality control agent building aircraft. This is part of the repeated pattern in just how a high school girl, barely 20 years old is in a B 29 plant as a quality control agent on what would be the most technically advanced aircraft of the day in a high altitude bomber.
The B 29 would deliver the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, and yet, a girl who had no college level skills, a background in aviation nor even a previous job in industry was holding an important position.

The point needs to be made that Madelyn Dunham was a very attractive woman. Doors open for pretty in this world and they open wider for women who know how to put out.
For all of Barack Obama's bluster about how smart his Grandmother was, women just did not have doors opened like they did for her in those years. Justice O'Connor of the Supreme Court had a college degree in that period and she couldn't even get hired at a law firm.
Yet Mrs. Dunham is a quality control agent, and strangely in the vagabond world of apartment dwellers, she ends up getting job positions in banks which were at that time male only.

One can return to the Frank Marshall Davis description of a couple who match Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, when arriving in Hawaii in 1960. They were park cruising as Davis was looking for black men to have sex with as a couple.
Davis would relate how this perverse relationship continued and sources relate how Davis went out of his way to belittle Stanley Armour in exposing him as stupid.
Stanley Armour in Oklahoma would be termed bright by other furniture salesmen, but in Hawaii, he was exposed as not that bright.

Yes this is the wayfarers tail in Dorothy in Kansas was Stanley in Ponca City, Oklahoma, Vernon and Wichita Falls, Texas and El Dorado, Kansas, a stint at Berkley, California attending college there for two years, but not apparently having what it took to graduate, the move to Seattle, Washington and then onto Hawaii.
All locations appear to be apartment dwelling, a constant discomfort in staying in one location and the echo of Stanley Ann Dunham's entire existence and echoing more in Barack Obama jr.

This blog has already exposed the strange and "does not add up" after Obama was born pattern in her enrolling in college at Seattle, which people there are apparently hiding something too as much as Obama's pedigree is being hidden at his 3 areas of higher learning, to her trail leading back to Hawaii.
By 1964 she was divorced from the fled to Kenya, Barack sr., but by 1966 she had landed another dark skinned male in Lolo Soetoro, once again a student at Hawaii.
Soetero worked in Indonesia for Mobil oil, as in Rockefeller oil.

Abandoning Barack to be raised by her parents, it is interesting that by now the attractive Madelyn was Vice President of BankHo. Once again in patterns, the pattern repeats, but there is an interesting addition in the very high tuition at Barry's Punahou School, was helped paid by a scholarship.
Interesting tidbit in that coming out, as one never hears about scholarships being awarded to American children to attend high school or grade school.

Did Panahou in Hawaii award Barack Soeterro a scholarship for being an Indonesian citizen just as the University of Hawaii no doubt helped pay for foreign student Lolo Soeterro who just so happened to be employed later by Rockefeller incorporated?

Whatever the twisted tail, new details in the rise of anthropologist Stanley Ann who was writing papers on blacksmithing, by miracle ended up in finance like her mother, but this time in the employ of the Ford Foundation, and Peter Geithner, Sec. of Treasury Tim Geithner's father.
As a foot note to the story, besides being an anthropologist who happens to land a job at the most prestigious of banking in the United States Agency for International Development which is Indonesia's oldest bank, Women's World Banking, but Stanley Ann was a consultant to Pakistan.

Yes the same Pakistan where Barry took a vacation when no Americans were allowed. There seems to be no end to the travels and expertise of these Obama women. Suzy of Kansas inspects war planes and gets into executive banking when only men are there, Sweetie of the Jungle lust is an anthropologist and ends up running 3rd world finance plundering and Muchelle the beloved lands all over Chicago legal circles, but is the expert in hospital boards serving on them.

None of it adds up, no more than if Birdie Obama announced tomorrow he was piloting the space shuttle.............just because "Yes we can".

All of this is so convoluted and makes absolutely no sense, and it is little wonder, no one in the media of Obama voters has dared veer off Fantasies of my Father, because at any glance a journalist or anyone with common sense would be shaking their head knowing the Obama tale is bogus and it sweeps within it's tail a number of things that look like dirty old men, girls wanting to be dirtied up with exotic daddy fetishes using sex to get ahead and the deep tracks of the globalist cartel intelligence operations.

One final note on 8 year old Muchelle Robinson Obama. No one has noticed in her lighter than a brown paper bag family in moving on up from those "black folks", she married up to the exotic foreign guy as her trophy ware.
She is the tanned version of the Dunham girls gone on the cat scratch prowl.

The incubus demon class are feel good and these people are feeling it good, and, being rewarded very handsomely for what they are putting out by their Cosmo Kramer falling into positions and wealth, with a little bit of help from the cartel's high priests.

The Obama from Oklahoma, guess in the wizard's terms, Kansas had that more American feel to it than going to school at Ponca City, a town named for displaced Indians from Nebraska.

agtG 250

The Pickens Chronicles

Observing a moment of Obama

I hope Colin Powell cherished the day Obama honored in his faux way the dead American heroes who saved the entire world since the first Yankee fired a muzzle loader at some empire thug.

I caught Obama doing what I still don't know with a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery. I know Obama has this odd problem with memorials in constantly throwing flowers at them, but his wreath episode was either him stumbling repeatedly, his trying to throw it too and the Soldier carrying it keeping him from it or Birdie...........well the flowers were too heavy for him to carry.
It was the most unleadership looking thing I have ever seen in anyone being associated with responsibility in honoring a nation's Soldiers.
Perhaps next year Vladamir Putin can stand in to show Obama how to honor heroes.

Obama though did not have any problems carrying around golf clubs, because just as I loathe in this 3 day fake honoring of heroes by liberals and other ilk, Obama went on a golfing expedition with Marvin Nicholson.

Apparently, the press pool did report on the Obama dishonoring of the day by playing games and recreating WHILE AMERICAN SOLDIERS ARE FIGHTING UNDER HIS DIRECTION........

Oh my, that is right, American Soldiers are in jeopardy, greater jeopardy, fighting and dead, because of Barack Hussein Obama, but no free press to photograph Obama playtime, no more than Muchelle's farming venture in gardening which seems to have ended once the school children who were in force labor to weed the peas got paroled from school.
Now some poor civil servant is in the cotton patch while Miss Muchelle sits on the veranda talkin' bout how good the crops will be this yar.

Obama though it is reported, as there was no photographs from a free press, nor from the puppy press of Obama as Jake Tapper marches goose stepping in line, did happen at 3 pm to observe a moment of silence.

Mr. and Mrs. America,

Your child which you raised for 18 years. Turned into a Patriotic American all can be proud of. A Citizen who endured the trials of boot camp, the uncertainty of going overseas and finally sacrificed his life for America, was shown how much they are worth to the person in the Oval Office by 8 seconds of silence...........before golf was resumed.

18 years of constant vigilance on your part and 8 seconds in return.

Thanks for the memories.

Barack Hussein Obama.

A wrestling wreath toss, golf and dead American heroes are worth a few seconds of Barack Obama's time.

What a touching faux memorial day by a fake Barack Obama.

Strange how none of the liberals who bashed Bush have a thing to say about Obama's reprehensible behavior once again.


Subject: Pool report 5/25/09

POTUS is, reportedly, golfing with Marvin Nicholson. No actual glimpses of the presidential golf game. Aides say POTUS paused at 3 p.m. to observe a moment of silence.

Saving Private Obama

This faux memorial day, set aside for those who like having 3 day weekends, eating chevre, sipping vodka coolers and munching on melba toast, ie, David Letterman cocktail crowd, it is only fitting to pay tribute to comrade Obama in his Marxist march upon the American Liberty in revisiting one of the movies I most detest in the history of cinema, worse than everything Tom Skerrit ever starred in.

The propaganda film, Saving Private Ryan, by Steven Spielberg, is a film I have never understood in how people who love America ever list it as one of the movies they enjoy. Perhaps like Obama, if you paint a tan on something it is called black and if you put a uniform on a film, then it must be patriotic.

What bothers me most about SPR is the way Steve paints a movie that the United States military would ever do that to a Soldier. I mean, it is a well known fact that even in World War II that you just did not pull people out of combat and "save" them as that would destroy them emotionally.
Could you imagine if 20 peopled died so you could be pulled out of combat? Could you imagine having to live with that burden? Could you imagine being a banner headline when most of your unit was probably killed later in the war? Could you imagine the future Obama voters writing you nasty letters saying you should have died, instead of their loved one who meant more to the world?

No military even in Russia would ever do that to a combat Soldier as the knowledge would be too much for any human to endure.

But who should star in such a clap trap as that but Tom Hanks, a liberal only surpassed by Meathead Rob Reiner and that current demoniac Opie Howard.
Who would have ever thought a beloved Norman Rockwell kid would turn out to be the Adolf Hitler of cinema.

Look, Tom Hanks is as engineered as Barack Obama. I saw him long ago in Bosom Buddies. He was nothing special, but Hollywood put out the word on liberal Hanks that they needed a new Jimmy Stewart and Hanks was the chosen bend over boy.
I will point out that Mr. Stewart was a war hero, flew combat missions over Germany in World War II and was later part of the nuclear Strategic Air Command.

Jimmy Stewart was all that was noble, just, honorable and patriotic about America.

Tom Hanks and his ilk of Saving Private Obama is what is wrong with America as a wretched, whorish, soul selling, traitorous poison which is infanticide, effeminatcide and whatever else that spawns death.

But I digress for the worst of SPR were the scenes were an American Soldier just sits there like a coward as a German slowly slides a knife into the heart of this kid's buddy.
Spielberg made it even worse yet in this coward then at the end of the movie goes out and murders the German who is then a prisoner.

What a great movie huh? Spielberg portrays the US Army as something which drives it's Soldiers insane, wastes life on idiot missions, is full of cowards and murderers.

Now in a rhetorical question, what American looking beyond the Obama green paint of a Soldier movie could ever list that as something to watch?
That movie sounds more like it came out of Ahmadinejad, Castro, Putin and Hu's propaganda circle, and it very well did.

I love movies like Patton and the Patton redux which George C. Scott created. I loved Lee Marvin in the Dirty Dozen. I loved Mel Gibson in We were Soldiers Once and Young. There are so many fine movies out there and even better books like Francis Parkman's histories to General Custer's, My Life on the Plains and the rather technical sea novel, the History of the War of 1812 by Theodore Roosevelt, which are truly movies and books which are timeless.
I will mention one other in Marine Corp Sniper, the story of Gunny Carlos Hathcock, as one of the best biographies ever written to rivet the soul and gets warfare correctly, along with the hero the American Soldier is.

I have great consternation in the coming bleeding which the United States military will be put through because of Birdie Obama. No military should be led by the likes of Franklin Roosevelt or Barack Obama.
North Korea is not making microwave bombs to heat their mountains and the Persians are not making their nuclear arsenal to warm the couscous. They have chosen nuclear pollution as the way to rid the world of US based Soldiers. As Obama voters made the choice of Birdie to lead this American nation into the abyss, in a no win situation, I hope when the time comes that Norman Schwarzkopf is right in a prayer that God loves an infantryman, and God preserves our noble American Soldiers and if people have to die for this nation that it is in the Obama enclaves and not the fine people who wear our most sacred veils in the uniform of the United States military.

This nation and this people have been warned repeatedly of what putting these globalists in charge would do and each day a new volcanic danger erupts, bringing death closer in mass destruction to America, and each day Pelosi is either auditioning to be a pretty Peking Girl running to China or Obama issuing another limp protest over a real leader rattling a saber they intend to use on Americans.
The majority made the choice and the majority of America will die with the consequences of that choice.

The enemies of America are firing weapons in preparation while Neville Obama has peace in his time for London blitz of America later.

Those are the facts and somehow I hope the ilk which brought America to this, exists long enough to understand they are responsible.

May God bless the good in America and keep His American Christian Soldiers. In Jesus Name. Amen


Kim Ill Obama

I think it is lovely to see brilliant foreign policy being initiated and coordinated with an allied power, even if it has to do with nuclear enemies of the United States, because it gives the Obamaniacs the opportunity to get sick to their stomachs in seeing the trash they put into the White House blunder along and get pissed in the face by Kim Jong Ill.

Oh by the way, Joe Biden predicted this moment in trying to get Americans not to vote for Obama, but all of you feel good racists with hot vaginas and weenies just had to exercise your demons and vote Obama.

It was brilliant of Kim to do this on Memorial Day in recalling for dolts in Oprah America that tens of thousand of Americans died in the Korean War. Kim has just told the world he will go to the brink again.
Oh by the way that isn't rain in your face Obama, it is urine yellow.

It was brilliant on this day that the Persian communists joined North Korean in sending an armed naval squadron into international waters to show just how small a penis Obama has.
For the liberals upset with all the genital and water sports talk, hey buddies I didn't wish on a monkey in my pants which is effeminate and set sexual perversion rights as my first act in office.
Your Obama started this now enjoy the primal urges involved as Holbrooke pissing on the President of Afghanistan now has Obama getting it equal in getting it in the face from Persian and North Koreans.

Just to round this out in Obamagrad, the Persians as has been hinted here should detonate one of their Dr. Khan designed warheads to make the nuclear fireworks complete, because liberal Democrats would run for the woods on this one as Obama is searching desperately in hiding behind another "protest" of doing nothing.

Oh by the way Obama voters, this would never have happened under President John McCain and Vice President Sarah Palin.
I'm really going to keep rubbing that one in to you wet pantie patricians who voted for Birdie.

What is amazing in this is this is Harry Truman's fault. He and Marshall gave China over to the communists. Gen. MacArthur was going to nuke this entire mess in the 50's, but Truman fired the great American.
So thank Harry, and thanks Jimmy Carter for giving the UN seat to the Chicoms taking it from ally Taiwan and thanks George H. W. Bush for removing the neutron bombs from the US arsenal.
All of which gives Obama his erectile dysfunction which this blog warned you about, which this blog warned everyone of that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans etc... ALL KNEW about Obama.
Enjoy your nuclear world, because it will only get worse.

Kim Ill Jong would not be a problem if the US government had simply listened to this blog. None of this would have happened and there would not be any need for Obama to look like he needs Viagra pills for his foreign policy. The world is a much more dangerous place because of Obama..............

Ah, paging Tom Ridge and all the puppy press, DICK CHENEY WAS JUST PROVEN EXACTLY RIGHT.

Ah, oh yeah, Colin Powell, you just got proved what a worthless traitor you are to the United States IN BEING WRONG AGAIN!

OK so back at the ranch we have Obama sitting with his limp wimpy, trying to coax some kind of cuckold to take care of the mistress of the Orient, but nobody wants to join in in his feel good orgy.
Come on you Obamaniacs, volunteer for your North Korea war. You elected Obama, no go die for him in his policy, because this happened because the Letterman cocktail crowd put this British Obama into the White House.
We're waiting Obama supporters, show us now how patriotic you are Ms. J. Garafalo. Come on you Obama voters, let's go enlist and die for your Obama.

Look the point in this is simple. Obama isn't going to do a thing. His limp protest over China terrorizing American ships showed the world what kind of wimp he is. North Korea is in the driver's seat.
North Korea should detonate a larger warhead in coordination with the Persians in Iran, who should hand over several nuclear bombs to Syria. Their policy should then be if one of them is attacked, then they respond all with nuclear bombs on US bases in Okinawa (making certain that the Japanese understand this is not an attack on them, but the Koreans simply want the US imperialists out), the igniting of the Saudi oil fields and closing of Hormuz with the bombing of US bases in the gulf.
McNamara initiated MAD, mutually assured destruction, and Obamaniacs, the axis should simply ram it down Obama's throat.

In a few months, all the US bases in the Asian realm will be politely told to leave from Arab Muslim and Japanese lands. I guess that would really help Russia and China who are backing this proxy thrust, so as Obama was pulling his pants down showing the world how friendly he was, the enemies of the United States have been implementing a brilliant policy.

It doesn't really bother me in this, as it is you Obama voters who are going to be dying in this one and your enclaves are the targets. God's children have been busy since 2008 in stocking up on what needed to be stocked up on, and they is all ready in Reagan Blue State America to ride this one out.

So this is your Obama, you Obama voters and Dick Cheney is right again, you elected a fraud who is incapable of leading and it just will keep getting worse every day.



Limp Dick Obama

Click on the link Obama voters, I made it easy for you to go die for you Obama in his Korean War.

Go Army of Obamaniacs