Monday, June 22, 2009


I sit here contemplating as to whether I want Barack Obama arrested and fined for endangering the flora and fauna on my property, or if I just want to own the entire township where I live as I received the nicest of surprises from Birdie stimulus spending today.

See for the rabid consumer of meat which this blogger tends to be, I also tend to invest great amounts of time, energy and money in conserving my part of the world to the way it is supposed to look like in nature.
My critters tend to like it as I have numbers of endangered species on my property in plants and animals. Imagine though my surprise today in finding this bobcat screaming around in my ditch smashing rare species of grass, hacking to pieces a 40 year old green willow of a specific genus that is almost extinct, disturbing a doe and her fawn, and smashing through one of the last habitats of an almost extinct small snake in North America.

The person had been hired by my township which is interesting, almost as interesting as the 6 foot pile of debris he smashed and pushed through onto my land which not only is an eye sore, but is going to be infested by skunks and woodchucks, and those lovely ticks..........all in what was a bed of forest violets.
I'm a little steamed over this and am pleased I didn't find one of the township board members at home as I probably would have said something to this kid I would regret.

As my township seems never to have any money to do anything practical, this has to be Obama stimulus money flowing in which has just violated a number of federal wildlife, international treaties and the lowly property rights of a mere landowner.
As this is all fresh, I really do not know how far I intend to take this as I dislike all things government, but would appreciate filing charges against all of these people a great deal more than making my neighbors furious in demanding the same actions be taken against them.

Besides all of this looking like hell or like a tornado ripping up an area, I can not fathom the idiotry of this doing this to wildlife and scarring trees this way in summer when it should be done in winter due to sap flow and diseases.

The fines for destroying endangered species are in the tens of thousands of dollars and that is exactly where these Obama bucks have gone to.

Who knows, maybe Obama will be filling in that eye sore of the Grand Canyon next. The federal government at work again.

I don't know if I want to own any more of America as this nation sucks about as bad as the wildlife rapist sitting in the White House.

Bald Eagle Stew for lunch, Muchelle Obama's serving.


Time will Tell

In studying the motive of operation in the illegal firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin by Barack Obama, we find revealed the triggers which move the Obama group to destroy those who stand in their way.

This is akin to what Obama did to Detroit automakers and United States bankers in strong arming the select for his group of cronies.

In Mr. Walpin's case, he was raising hell for a month with Obama's California cronies and the US Attorney, Lawrence Brown, but until he triggered sending reports to Congress alerting the problem of Congressional oversight, Obama really did not have a huge problem with his sucklings not getting any Obama milk to nurse from.
Mr. Walpin uncovered a huge kickback scheme which is related to the same ACORN operations which were exposed in satellite operations would funnel money like CSI New Orleans for services they were not providing to the Obama campaign. Obama like his over 1 trillion dollar IMF grant for 3rd world money laundering of money back into European axis banks, was simply using government funds to pay off select liberal cronies to live like Saudi princes.

None of this is lost on Chicago as that is where Obama implemented the first stages of this to black operatives who did nothing but smile for cameras relating they were paid money for doing nothing.
This blog alone exposed the Great Expectations scenario where it appeared that Stanley Ann Dunham had taken Ford Foundation moneys in skimming them for the use of promoting Barack Obama. His mother and grandmother appear to be the embezzlement sources for the presidential rise of Obama.
Obama's Illinois politics were all funded by Saddam' Hussein's bagman, Auchi, but once he met with George Soros "in his tapping into the real European money flow", there is only one shadow source funding Obama's ambitions and that all points to Stanley Ann Dunham and an accomplice in Tim Geithner's father who ran Ford Foundation.
The possibility exists, the reason Stanley Ann Dunham, got away with this money skimming is due to an "understanding" with old man Geithner. Once she died, the money in trust seems to have been managed by her mother, Madelyn Dunham.

This is the same system Obama has implemented in his "stimulus" in using that money to pay off Democratic sponsors, so they can then funnel that money back to Obama in 2012. All quite illegal, but with Obama dumping trillions of dollars on his cronies, it is raining money that it seems to be tainting some very interesting people.

The case of Mr. Walpin dealt with a strange behavior by the US Attorney's office completely concerned not with justice, but instead with making certain that Obama's money man who was elected mayor of Sacramento, in Dennis Johnson, got a basic pardon from his embezzlement, so that Johnson could get Obama stimulus money for Sacramento again.
See Mr. Walpin had wanted criminal charges and a ban on anyone misusing public money as he rightly stated they would do it again. The US Attorneys instead "settled" so that all that money from Obama could flood into Sacramento again.

Now that looks really bad and it really needs to have GAO, IRS and Congressional investigators independently dig into a great deal of the money flow in this in just who was getting these government funds in the connections.
It is one thing for Patrick Fitzgerald to deliberately eliminate Rod Blagojevich for trying to get a political deal from Barack Obama instead of rolling over, as the disappearing Fitzgerald proved what he was in being a tool of the patricians in the 2 year farce called Plamegate in trying to get it to impeach President Bush, when he knew from day one that it was Richard Armitage working this for the globalists.
It is another thing though for Lawrence Brown to sweep mismanagement of funds and then send the FBI after the Gerald Walpin who is by mandate protected from politics in trying to ruin him.

This is what follows Obama in his motives. He really doesn't care about the kickbacks. What he cares about is Congressional investigators getting ahold of this and their starting to link what happened with Walpin to the ACORN, to the 300 million illegally coming into his campaign from overseas to just who was pushing his rising star in where that money was coming from.

Gerald Walpin uncovered the submerged iceberg. This is what is Obama has in worse Watergate fashion than anything Nixon ever did with his massacres and attempting to get government agencies to destroy an American initiated in high crimes and felonies.
The same pattern evolved from Lawrence Sinclair in being turned into a political prisoner by the DC US Attorney's office for Obama before Obama was even in power. Mr. Walpin is now being turned into political refuse by the same smear tactics.
To have this kind of connections, means Obama is not the source, but that the most powerful people in left wing globalist intelligence are running this for him.

It is following the money to see the operation, but the motives of Barack Obama are ones of using key Justice Department contacts to remove those who are in the process of exposing that money flow.
This is likely what eliminated New York Governor Eliot Spitzer as he knew too much in what the Obama scam out of Europe was doing. Spitzer wrote about it and then went silent again.

The difference is this time that Charles Grassley, Republican is looking at this, and he has an ally in Democrat Chris Dodd, as Dodd was ruined by Obama in this banking assault on America.

Barack Obama will be impeached if key Democrats figure out how much Obama has used and disposed of them, just like he did to Blagojevich, Spitzer, Sinclair and what he is doing to Gerald Walpin.
The bogus things the liberal smear machine said about Bush and Cheney are nothing compared to the mounting Everest size pile of evidence against Barack Obama of Axelrod Inc. It is time to protect Mr. Walpin and kick this investigation into gear in the illegal use of government agencies to harrass Americans into silence and the trillions in Obama funds in kickbacks bribing all of these people.

Time will tell.
