Sunday, July 19, 2009

Peggy Noonan Pubic Service Announcement

While so many others are now ganging up on poor, well richer than rich, Peggy Noonan, this blog instead wills to show compassion on a woman who has been scorned by her jungle fever luver, Barack Obama, is suffering from frost bitten.........ah, well.............peaches, yes Peggy Noonan is suffering from the bud of her bloom, frost bitten peaches from her wet panties.

We now know also that rubber blow up dolls are dangerous to one's health in Ms. Noonan was not intoxicated or stoned in her ranting Wall Street Journal posts, but instead her brain was oxygen deprived from all the huffing and puffing in blow up her Barack Obama doll, when she was sucking and not blowing, she was also inhaling chemicals like gold paint huffers, which did indeed make her high, which explains her meandering writings.

It also explains Peggy Noonan's Tijuana whores vocabulary from this good Pope's girl par dux Popes, and it explains completely the incessant attacks upon Gov. Sarah Palin.

One must understand the euphoric crazed mind of a Peggy Noonan who with an oxygen deprived brain as in asphyxiation sex which did kill David Carradine (we have no evidence like Mr. Kung Fu that Peggy ties ropes around her peaches attempting to pick it while having an oxygen deprived climax locked in her Obama closet), stoned on rubber enhanced polycarbonated oxygen, and thinking that Barack Obama was going to run off into the African east sunset with her where they would make beautiful jungle drum music to Stevie Wonder's Superstition, that indeed Peggy Noonan being drunk, stoned and rubber brain damaged has thought all along this dark haired woman she was attacking in Sarah Palin, was indeed Muchelle Robinson Obama.

Yes this bears repeating in Peggy Noonan with her Letterman cocktail crowd was stoned to the Obama gonads, and in listening to David Letterman who is actually attacking Gov. Palin and her daughters as he is a closet pedophile comedian and has great fear of a Lady who is more woman than his Obama, thinks that Sarah Palin is Muchelle Obama.

As proof of this, have you ever heard or read on thing from Peggy Noonan in her addressing Michelle Obama? Seriously, Pegs is suffering from denial and never even sees Muchelle with that big butt on stage with the wonderful Obama children, Queenie and Sloven.

All Pegs sees when she is at Walmart picking up Vienna Sausages and Gatorade is papers with pictures of Barack being a bi sexual.

Seeing is believing as Barack Obama is just a little too comfortable with males in cuddling up with them. Notice the mamba posture Birdie assumes with ease. This is a mansexual who likes to lead other males to the shower after a long close dance, get them soapy and then drop the soap so he can help them pick it up.

Peggy Noonan is a suffering, jilted woman who is out of her mind. The Wall Street Journal has to hide things she posts just so people will click on it and read it. It is only a matter of time before this scorned woman is fired due to this bad trip she is on.
Imagine her flashbacks when she starts thinking she is Sarah Palin and starts attacking herself in columns.

It as already degrade for Peggy Noonan as she suffers from delirium tremons as her keyboard jiggles from being stuck to her fingers to typing words attacking Senora Sotomayor, comparing her with an Apollo moon launch and then turning on her plastic doll luver Barack Obama.

Yes rich Peggy Noonan has turned on her Barack and in mirroring him in homosexual choice, has now fallen at the altar of Hillary Clinton to worship her as she wants a little of that Hamrod luvin all, because she was Obama's white girl choice.........but still not seeing Muchelle and thinking Sarah Palin is Muchelle Obama.

I know this is confusing, but unless one has spent times around crack heads, opium dens, hash hounds or huffer pits, you just do not know the language of the synthetic stoned mind on drugs. It sounds all insane because it is insane...........Pegs is telling the world she hates Hillary in 2008 and Obama is the choice and in 2009 Pegs is telling the world she hates Obama and Hillary is the choice.
The Noonan mind on Obama doll drugs.

I do though strive to help Peggy as I do know what she needs. See Peggy is acting out overtly sexually as a bad girl, liking that nasty tan man Obama who she wanted to dirty her up some. She is desperately looking for penance, but no moral man would have anything to do with this political whore.
So she is busy mistaking Muchelle Obama for Sarah Palin hoping to get some attention from any man or dyke lesbian. Peggy just needs a little bad girl therapy from a dominant male. She needs to be taken over his knee, spanked until her butt is fiery hot, tossed on the floor and treated badly like the low class political adulteress she is.
She knows what a bad person she is and just needs someone to be her daddy for awhile.........probably he would have to take her out to buy some trashy lingerie, get some Madonna face paint and probably put a leash on her to humiliate her or turn her on.

It is rough therapy, but then when you are sucking on the Obama doll and out of your mind, the therapy in this profane Age of Obama is drastic to try and save the soul of a sinner like Peggy Noonan.
Maybe in time like a XXX porn queen she may burn herself out and find her way back to a normal moral life after walking on the Obamaside, but these cases are always impossible to judge as leopards do not change their spots easily.

So in light of that as pubic, and yes I mean pubic, service announcement, there should be like a Scarlet Letter, but not something so jaded that it has lost it's stigma to seared liberal minds. Perhaps it could be a nice Obama Green Body Condom which would not be chic to appeal to base fashion trends, but a body condom for tongues and fingers, 5 times bigger than normal so that when Pegs would speak all that would come out would be, "Wha wha wha" you know Charlie Brown adult speaking, and when she and other Obama tramps tried to type, all that would print would be waeweoegwoweomjwiomommojojds.
In doing so the world would have peace, harmony........ok I know I'm kidding on that as that will only come after Jesus comes back and dictates the peace terms by the edge of weapon, but at least with the Obama condom for tongues and fingers, the world would be like Babel in not understanding the profane or the Obama, so their perverted thoughts would do no harm and America's future, Sarah Palin, would be able to fix all the patrician harm done to the United States of America.

America's future undoing Americas failure

May God bless the Good. In Jesus Name. Amen

where have all the noonans gone
long time passin'
where have all the noonans gone
long long time ago
where have all the noonans gone
gone to the dust bin everyone of them
when will they ever learn
when will they ever learn....

The Dead American Policy

I have heard from Obama supporters a few too many times in the past year about how all of this world's problems were Republican's fault and now the world is supposed to just stand back and give Obama time to fix things.

Granted, the GOP los control of Congress during the last 2 years of the Bush administration and immediately after that fuel and food prices spiked and then Obama and Barney Frank made certain all oversight was gone from the finance sector which brought on the Obama crash.

Granted it was George W. Bush, Hank Paulsen, Ben Bernanke who had the Obama crash fixed by January 2009, but Obama in trash talking and threatening people, strangled that recovery for what America has now...........

But what do facts or farts matter when it comes to hisself, Obama and his crew who keep on demanding one more day as the Titanic's lights go under the water.
By all means let's give Obama one more day after America ceases to exist as he certainly will have the solution come true then.............just like he will be taking credit in 2013 after President Sarah Palin finally undoes all the deliberate Obama strangulation of the world economy in helping it finally recover, it will then be Obama saved us in Sarah Palin's sound policies.

I do though see a pattern in Obama fixes and cures and I call it the dead American policy.

Obama's cure for war is not to win wars, but to get American Soldiers dead so they won't be voting Republican in 2010 and 2012.
Get some Jewish American voters killed in an Iranian nuclear ambush and they will be too radioactive dead to be voting against least the ones not ash like in the holocaust.

Then there is the abort America policy in dead Americans being told that is the Obamacure for their health problems. Simply die as you are going to anyway, to quote Jocelyn Elders, another insane black liberal once told Congress.
Obama's cure for Americans with health issues and being poor is to ration care to the Democratic voters while the other 170 million die a tortuous death.

Heck fire, Reagan Blue State roads don't need repair, let them people all die in car crashes as Obama's miniature stimulus only goes to fix roads and bridges in places who voted for Obama.

So I do see a definite pattern in Axelrod, Emanuel and Obama policy, and it is to kill as many Americans as possible in as many ways as possible in a smart Nazi holocaust that no one will notice as it is all democratia policy as Obama "fixes" things.

Perhaps that is what Obama meant in fixing things, like fixing your dog or cat, in cutting out body parts, to make you nice and docile, so when the 3rd worlders come to invite you to are the main course filleted out with an apple stuck in your mouth.

Makes one wonder in 1 million dead African babies aborted just how long black people are going to wait around in America giving Obama the opportunity to fix things.
I guess at a million a year in 8 years that is only 8 million blacks dead, until one sees it will be black enclaves terrorists will nuke from Obama Middle East abandonment policy.

How much time and how many dead million people is it going to take before the Obama supporters say time has run out on giving Obama enough time.



Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl, Prisoner of War

It personally is very difficult to not lash out at Barack Hussein Obama in his complete lack of concern and political maneuverings to make certain a "little thing" like an American Soldier is going to hold hisself hostage to derail all his Marxist policies being passed by Pelosi and Reid, when that Soldier is a Prisoner of War held in Afghanistan or Afnamistan, Obama's War.

I recall how these same patrician democrats whored American Soldiers to hammer Bush and the GOP when it was Abu Gharib, Cindy Sheehan being enabled to ghoul her son for democrats, that rather gung ho Tillman, all getting more Americans murdered for an Obama and Pelosi victory as Ted Koppel had his roster of dead, but when it comes to Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl, he doesn't exist for Keith Olbermann, Charlie Gibson or Barack Obama now that it is Obama's responsibility.

It doesn't make any difference if Pfc. Bergdahl like always in units happened to wander off to play with the locals who set him up to be captured. There is always a sirens song and some Soldier who will not stay in the perimeter. What incenses me though is the absolute ignoring of Soldier Bergdahl and the immense problem America is facing which was warned of in this blog months ago, and that was the Persian gambit of taking hostages in Americans across the globe just like the Somali pirates did.
Obama and his leadership knew this was going to be a problem and yet none of them has done one thing to keep this from happening by making it a worse than death penalty for an GI to wander off base.
The Taliban has been very busy in hostage taking now in this season of Obama's War and yet there has been no policy to stop it or to deal with retrieving hostages from America and Afghanistan.

In reviewing the video of Pfc. Bergdahl, one does not listen to what the Pfc. is talking about no more than AP thinks his head being shaved and he is starting a beard means anything, because none of that matters.
What matters is the Taliban has this Soldier and he is under the control of Maulvi Sangin for now. The reason this matters is he is in Afghanistan and not being muled off to Pakistan where negotiations for high bidding would have this Soldier end up in al Qaeda's hands.
al Qaeda it is believed caught a Navy Seal awhile back when he somehow fell out of a helo and then murdered the guy as is their operational mode.

The Taliban has shown that they see value in hostages for propaganda, revenue and a way to make Barack Obama their Jimmy Carter hostage.
This is why this blog was warning of hostage taking as it would be a nightmare for America as the Jews are finding out in their missing Soldiers.

In analysis, the Taliban has a scared willing Stockholm Syndrome Soldier who is saying all of the right things and crying to make American Soldiers look weak across the Muslim world. They are most likely depriving him of nutrition to make the statements flow easier from a malnourished brain, but overall are taking good care of Pfc. Bergdahl.
They know he is the greatest asset they have in being worth more than a fortune. Further statements by the Pfc. will reveal later how much he is becoming a Taliban convert in a Manchurian candidate who doesn't need a teleprompter to think.

This all comes back on Barack Obama as his operation is sloppy and his rules of engagement which started with political operations under George W. Bush and Robert Gates are now in a free fall of giving the enemy more firepower than atomic bombs in US hostages to appear with more viewership than bin Laden videos.

For a timeline, this Soldier went missing July 2nd. Afghanistan commander Gen. Khan is on record stating the Afghanistan military and allied Soldiers have been searching for the Pfc. for 15 days. It is now July 19th.
Do the operational arithmetic in if your child was kidnapped and the kidnappers were given 2 days head start to smuggle their victim away. Does that not sound a bit shoddy in a war zone or an Everest size in not caring from Bob Gates and Barack Obama in a Soldier was missing and nothing was done to shake this out immediately, but they waited 48 hours using local command to get the ball moving, and the only reason WE KNOW NOW something has been going on is the Taliban is doing a better job of reporting information than CNN.

I will be blunt. The only way to get this Pfc. back is to bribe Maulvi Sangin, but as Obama can't even find bin Laden, it is doubtful that hisself can even offer an apology as even the Associated Press is quoting Taliban contacts which Obama's forces can't find.

Few things in this world are worse than being held captive by an enemy, who your leader is blowing to bits, befriending his good terrorists, while the bad terrorists who have you are weighing their options.
I will cease commentary on what the Taliban could do as I'm not about to put this Soldier in any more psychological pressured situations than he already is breaking under. He is though worth more alive than executed and the TalEEban who Obama always is speaking about in his MOOSElums, appear to have this figured out.

What Americans need to do is end this Afnamistam farce of Obama before this spirals into a situation that our Soldiers are sucking on nuclear fallout from Obama abandoning Middle East policy for the Jews to get blamed with, Pelosi having a panic, the US forces withdrawing and Pfc. Bergdahl being abandoned to the turban wearers.
How one ends this is by friends of the court briefs in all 50 states, stopping the deployment of Idaho Soldiers, Ohio Soldiers, California Soldiers etc... until Barack Obama proves he is an American qualified to be in the White House with an immediate injunction against all operations and deployments.

Because it is certain in this, Barack Obama may be in the White House, but there is no leadership there as this Kenyan changeling has abandoned his first priority as Commander in Chief, in that he as abandoned a United States Soldier in Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl.

Kitty got your tongue Birdie? You can't shut up 3 seconds on other Marxist issues, but when it comes to a United States Soldier held POW, you run from the Office of the President of the United States.
Go back to your flapper Alabama high humidity suit as your cowardice suits you Mr. Obama.

PS: Maybe you can wear a bracelet and forget the guys name again like you did in the debate.

PSS: Hey Birdie do it for Muchelle as her Robinson is Norwegian and most "dahl" like Bergdahl are Norwegian too, so it is all in the family line........her family as Mrs. Robinson at least takes care of her relatives not like your outhouse brigade you left to crap in Kenyan poverty or that pedophile brother of yours you imported for the inauguration who I seem to have found now living in Washington, DC illegally.

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Friend of the Court vs. Barack Huxxxein Obama

I do not trust numbers of the progenitors who have made the dive into various issues concerning Barack Obama and have not followed through from billboards to court cases which do not have standing.
Many good Americans have been herded or been the trip wire for government retaliation in being lured out into the open in these cases or issues and then been abandoned as the molotov mob who appear to be working for Axelrod Inc. moves onto another red herring to deflect this as Obama rules more Marxist daily.

In the Light of always searching for real solutions which any attorney who was honest in this would have filed a brief long ago as this would not require "standing", I submit a blueprint for the following action which can and should be taken by any individual in these United States as it is their Constitutional right to appeal to the court for an injunction on the grounds of crimes against humanity and misuse of state assets without full federal authority.

In explanation,

Be it known in this friend of the court brief, the Petitioner of the state of Ohio, hereby appeals to this august state court for an immediate injunction on all military operations involving Ohio National Guard and federal bases on Ohio sovereign soil, until such time as Respondent, Barack Hussein Obama, aka, Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Obama, aka Barack Dunham Obama, provide to this state (or federal court in this jurisdiction) valid proof that Mr. Obama is qualified for the office of President of the United States as is required by Constitutional mandate.

Be it known, that while Congress has affirmed and voted for Mr. Obama with electoral college and the 50 Secretaries of State, it is a fact that the online birth certificate which Mr. Obama provided would not afford Mr. Obama in anywhere in these United States legal affirmation that he was a Natural Born Citizen or Citizen by other means for voting, passport application, induction into the United States Military, applying for a drivers license or the purchase of a firearm.
Mr. Obama has not me the basest of standards and yet is currently in assuming the roll of Commander in Chief of the United States armed forces, engaging in acts of war which if any Citizen without authority conducted themselves in like manner or if Mr. Vladamir Putin of Russia was conducting such order in the result of using the United States armed forces in these actions would be guilty of usurpation of the Office of the Presidency, be considered an international war criminal and branded a terrorist due to not providing proper legal papers demanded of all United States Citizens.

Until such time as Barack Hussein Obama provides such legal papers this court, Petitioner pleads with said court for an immediate injunction for the protection of the Ohio Citizens serving in the United States military and the Ohio Citizen at large in not being part of an illegal operation where foreign property is being destroyed, foreign nations invaded and operated in and foreign nationals killed, where Ohio and it's Citizens would be under penalty in this current situation as being branded terrorists and liable for billions of dollars in damages to the said peoples where Barack Hussein Obama is engaging United States forces in combat with the assistance of Ohio Citizens and bases in Ohio.

Be it known that Petitioner in responsible nature to these United States in their security, pleads with this court upon the injunction in protecting Ohio, to appoint by court jurisdiction a group of guardians to oversee the United States military for the executive branch, until such time as Barack Hussein Obama submits his birth certificate, travel records, passport records in this nation and said nations of Kenya, Canada, Great Britain and Indonesia, with point of destination of Pakistan as Mr. Obama has noted he visited while at university, college records of grants, scholarships and other funding, with medical records, whereby the named guardians of former President Jimmy Carter, President George H. W. Bush, President William Jefferson Clinton and President George W. Bush, who all have proven with legal documentation they were qualified for the Office of President, shall oversee United States operations to protect United States Soldiers now currently stationed without authority overseas and to protect United States interests in day to day operations with the Pentagon, until such time as valid Civilian leadership is judged by this court to be in place.

Furthermore, Petitioner pleads with this court that until such time as Barack Hussein Obama provides legal proof as is mandated under Constitutional Law that he is qualified for the Office of President of these United States, that Ohio will in protecting itself from international funding of illegal military acts and in protecting the tax revenues generated in this said state, pleads for an immediate injunction on all federal collected funds from said state flowing out of said state into the United States Treasury which is now operating without legal authority or appointment until such time as Barack Hussein Obama provides legal documentation.

Petitioner in responsibility to these United States accounts, pleads that until such time as Barack Hussein Obama provides legal documentation he is qualified to be President of these United States, shall deposit all said funds collected from Social Security, excise, income and any other federal monetary confiscation, into the account of this state treasury whereby it will be kept in escrow for Citizens welfare, Social Security and federal obligations to the state of Ohio and her sister states and territories.

May God bless these United States of America.

Any United States Citizen or Attorney can file a friend of the court brief on any legal subject, and there is nothing more pertinent than a Citizen petitioning the court over authority of the federal government operating in their state or using their Citizens for violent measures.
Attacking the two core issues of federal government control under any executive in the military and tax revenues are the most certain way in an injunction to pit the Judicial against the Executive which checks and balances the Office of the President.

Accomplishing the above would send the Bunker Hill shock wave to the federal district as it would no longer be sustained by guns and taxes, the 50 states would then have control and by the courts appoint guardianship in former Presidents on defense and the states Sec. of State and Treasury in overseeing in escrow moneys collected by the federal government.

It is a guarantee that major revenue states as California, Texas and Florida, if they held federal taxes by court action from the federal government, that Barack Obama would be checked.

It is a guarantee that major military operational states as Georgia, Texas to those providing necessary National Guard operations as transport as Ohio and South Dakota, if their troops were by the court ordered to stand down and the security of America was placed in the former Presidents oversight, that Barack Obama would be checked.

This then would force the Axelrod Inc. group to actually provide legal documentation or a Constitutional crisis would ensue and Mr. Obama would be removed from office and all of his appointees and staff.

This is the way the proceed if the tea dunkers are serious and to stop waiting around for people throwing fish to the seals on these court cases which keep being thrown out. All it requires is a court hearing, no trials, just a filing and a judge to sign it, then the military and the tax structure immediately comes under the control of guardians and the 50 states.

A starting point and a simple one.

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