Thursday, July 30, 2009

Paging Virginie Montet *Your Obama pill is ready for orgasm

I honestly wonder sometimes how deep the delusion and mania goes inside the Obama folks as these people are to the point as scary as when I once toured a state mental hospital.

There is something as a teenager to be thrust into groups of people who are unbalanced, autistic, insane and literally mentally retarded which forever causes one in that up close environment to appreciate sanity.
I'm not speaking of the mentally handicapped as in Sarah Palin's son, but instead of people who have no place in society as there is nothing in their minds which can comprehend reality. My lasting impressions were having a 20 something Indian scream in shouts some incoherent phrases a few feet from me. The man was of an infant mentality and time and reason had no foundation in his day.
Another teenager was a "rain man" who sought us out. He was an idiot savant and puzzled us as he knew everything about us, our school, our teams, who was playing on was like talking to someone from my city. Where rain man was a card counter in numbers, this guy was a sports encyclopedia. I have always thought how his talent would have been of so much use in professional sports as he was the ultimate mind in that narrow field.

It is in those fields of the mind, I came across a story by someone named Virginie Montet in her strange writings about birthers, Obama and how it is all racism.

Perhaps it will be best to post the maniacs story and refute it to expose how delusional these Obamaniacs are in their schizophrenic warped minds as time passes.

Right-wing fringe claims Obama ineligible for presidency

WASHINGTON — A small group of fringe conservatives, many fundamentally opposed to the notion of an African-American as president, are challenging President Barack Obama's eligibility for the US presidency.

By last poll count, a majority of Americans now demand Barack Obama release his birth records. That would be around 80 million voters and not exactly a "small group".

There is absolutely no data which states that any Conservatives oppose any black American from being President. The issue is Constitutional Law.

On blogs and even before US courts, the so-called "Birthers" are using the Constitution, with its stipulation that presidents be US natural born citizens, to argue Obama should not be in the White House.

The term "birther" is indeed a racist slur as it is aimed at white people. Birthers are not using the Constitution, but protecting the Constitution from the usurpation of America by Barack Obama.
There is no argument over qualifications. One is either qualified or one is a usurper.

Despite proof that Obama was born in the US state of Hawaii, including a birth certificate affirming that fact, rumors continue to spread, fueled by a group that critics say includes right-wing militants, racists and Holocaust deniers.

Proof? What proof is that? Hawaiian officials change their stories daily and there are 5 ways to register a live birth in Hawaii. The one Barack Obama is hiding behind is not even valid for registration of a passport.

Smearing Americans with the "wicked" of the left does not change the issue that Barack Obama is a radical left wing militant, is a racist and is currently creating a nuclear holocaust for Jews in the Israeli state.

"These are people who are fundamentally either racist or extreme right-wingers. That's where the whole movement is coming from," said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which studies extremist groups.

Wrong, Phil Berg is Democrat who supported a very liberal Hillary Clinton. There are millions of Democrats who even voted for Barack Obama who now demand proof.
The SPLC is about as reliable as a source in smearing Americans as Himler was in smearing Jews in Germany.

The movement is composed of "people who very much do not want Barack Obama to be president, largely because he is black, certainly because he is liberal," he added.

Wow, it is now a racial crime to oppose someone because they are a liberal. Since when did liberal Marxism take on a negroid pigment?
As stated, these birthers are the people who championed Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Bill Cosby for their Conservative stands while liberals trash them.

On sites like, where a petition questioning Obama's place of birth has attracted more than 400,000 electronic "signatories," the so-called Birthers are daily raising "new doubts about the story of Obama's birth."

It is Barack Obama who is raising new doubts. Robert Gibbs in a press conference would only say Obama was an American citizen and not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN which the Presidency requires.

One of them has already tried in vain three times to sell on Ebay a birth certificate purporting to show that Obama was born in Kenya.

Get your facts straight, as this individual was not in any part part of the Truth movement on Obama. He was reported a huckster.

They are also taking their cause before US courts, where several lawsuits claiming that Obama was not born on US soil have been dismissed, including by the Supreme Court, which refused to hear argument on the issue.

Yes and other court cases are still before the courts as Barack Obama has spent almost a million dollars hiding his records. Now why is that not an issue Ms. Montet?

At the beginning of the week, authorities in the state of Hawaii were forced for the second time since the senator from Illinois became president to certify that Barack Hussein Obama was in fact born in the Kapiolani maternity ward in Honolulu on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 pm local time.

Hawaiian authorities certified no such thing as doing so would be illegal in releasing birth information which only Barack Obama can and has not.

The US House of Representatives on Monday passed a non-legally-binding text on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Hawaii's entry in the United States, affirming that "the 44th president of the United States was born in Hawaii."

No the US House passed a resolution on Hawaii and a liberal stuck into the bill the nonsense about Barack Obama as a political ploy.

"In America there is a history of conspiracy thinking that... is part of a tradition of dissent," said Chip Berlet of Political Research Associates, which studies right-wing movements.

Oh my a left wing stalker of Americans with different views. Perhaps there are conspiracies because the left wing blows off John Kennedy's head in Dallas and then LBJ covers the whole thing up.

Berlet said a small percentage of the population believes the government has been taken over by a "secret elite" that includes "freemasons, the Catholics, Jewish bankers" and others.

That is a statement of fact as the Masonic order, Jesuits, Ashkenazi elite have indeed gained control of the American government and the most profitable functions of the United States, or, was it just coincidence that a tax evader in Tim Geithner was hired by Barack Obama and Georgetown covered up Jesus Name when Obama gave a speech there?

He noted that former president Bill Clinton was also the subject of conspiracy theories that claimed he was seeking the help of the United Nations to confiscate all weapons on American soil.

Banning weapon imports, banning weapons, using international law and the United Nations were all Bill Clinton generated. America has had forced from it's retail selling thousands of firearms dealers. Those are facts.

While the movement has an audience of several hundreds of thousands of sympathizers, their theories are also being broadcast by media figures such as CNN's Lou Dobbs and radio host Rush Limbaugh.

Oh so now a small fringe is several hundred thousand in ever liberal estimates. That is in fact larger than most liberal groups supporting Obama.

"So you have this right-wing social movement, relatively small but angry, and then you have these major public figures, inflaming them with rhetoric and conspiracy allegations on national television," Berlet told AFP.

Angry? Check the comments and blogs and you will find these people are the most comedic group in the world. No one is inflaming any American on the right. People cheering is not inflamation, it is joy.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there were 926 racist groups in the United States in 2008, compared to 602 in 2000 -- a rise of 54 percent.

Are these the same "racist groups" which are like Barack Obama's and Janet Napolitano's new "terrorist" groups in Christians who believe in Jesus, American War Veterans and people who actually read the Constitution?

"I think that's very significant, and the numbers continue to rise," said Potok. "Very likely the white supremacist world has been energized by the election of a black man into the White House."

"You think"?, Obviously you do not and have not the least God given insight into any grey matter functions in the brain.
It is pure conjecture without fact in "very likely" statements, in this smear campaign in trying to link this to race and white supremacists. The fact is no white supremacists have caused any problems for Barack Obama. It was instead Wes Clark's firm which was leaking Marine One's blueprints to Iran.
The white supremacists are the biggest sponsors of Barack Obama's safety as they want the world to see what a black racist in Obama is so America will never vote for any racist Marxist ever again.

All of the above article by deluded Virginie Montet is very good news for Americans, as the left has now no ability to refute nor give information which will vindicate their Obama. He has betrayed them and all of these deluded kooks on the left are now forced to implement Hitler type propaganda to smear people.
It will not work as Americans are too savvy for this.

The end point being........

Barack Obama release all your records and come clean as each week new revelations surface proving what a fraud you are and deepening the pit of deception which you have dug.

agtG 249

This French chic needs an American Gentleman to set her right

Barck Obama Blows

OK, this blog is officially embarassed as Barack Obama blows as a partier. After watching the idiotry take over his teleprompter mind in either knocking Stevie Wonder off stage or Stevie Wonder nights at the White House which are snores, it has been nothing but a total waste in Obama stealing 11 trillion dollars from the American Treasury as his beer bash had nothing but Obama sitting around hoping Gates and Crowley would get into a tussle and start wrestling their hot sweaty bodies around on the toxic lead laced lawn.............whereby Barck could strip out to his manboobs and jump in and break things up slowly.........very slowly.

It is apparent that all that brain washing Obama has endured in being overlaid with Bill Ayers, that he is just boring. Gone are the reefer days of Maui Wowie and after his best efforts in stoking racial hatred, he can't even get a good tussel out of tough Irish guy and a wacko black white guy.

Therefore to assist the embarassing Barack Obama who seems to only have testosterone in Europe over French President's wives and little girls from Brazil, this blog will throw a beer garden bash of Obama's dreams.

The first thing we need is Lawrence Sinclair's memoirs to dust off what Obama likes.......and that is Birdie Obama likes white guys all over his knees.

So therefore we have hired Mancakes, the beefy boy toy and stripper for charge who blows more than cocaine off of your knees in limos. As Birdie was already laid back in the published photos waiting for some wild event like an earthquake where that sexy James Crowley would somehow be shaken off his chair into Barack's awaiting arms, where both men would in aftershocks somehow get naked and well.........this is where the Huxxxein part comes in the Age of Obama and the curtain closes.

But Barack Obama sure could have hired hisself a gay stripper for the 11 trillion he stole from America.

Next, what would a good gay, sweaty, hot dance be without a mansexual we all know and love, flashing some of his manboobs Nebraska style in our blackjack poker dealer, Noel Sheppard, all dressed up in a Muchelle black dress and ready to have the boys play with his Obama voting chips.
Having a dealer like Noel on board saves him from his Obama Derangement Sydnrome from manifesting, so he won't in Freudian psychology have to accuse others of it.........when we all know it was Obama on the mind that those friendly leaders at Newsbustiers had visions of Obama plums dancing in their heads.

For a break in the gambling pits where everyone was getting hot and sweaty, we have called up a couple of sorry old saggy white broads who have been begging for an Obama audition since 2008.
I mean throw the ho's of New Ho'rk some meat there Obama as these two broads led the political rape of Sarah Palin. Cynthia McFadden had more hate in her eyes than when Charlie Gibson got to drop your soap, and, Peggy Noonan, almost caught her death of cold along with latex poisoning for all the dampness you were giving her by your blow up doll she bought off of ebaby XXX.
Pegs needs a little revenue there Barack as she has now turned on you and gone lesbian in supporting every one's favorite uber frau, Hillary Hamrod.........and yes I do always mean hamrod in Mrs. Clinton.

So for strippers, we have hired Peggy Noonan shaking her groove thang and Cynthia McFadden naming her dance pole, Obama, to give Aaron Burr Biden, James Crowley, Henry Gates and you Birdman, something to do, instead of all hoping someone would just accidentally start wrestling so Obama would jump in naked.

You have lost your blow Barry..........back in the old days you would have put a bag of weed on the table, massaged your nipples and told the boys how you were really going to mix up the races. Yet now Birdie, you are all talk and no blow............without Lawrence Sinclair, you aren't even a good date anymore, or a repeat Sunday morning performance as Muchelle is listening in church to Jeremiah Wright proclaim black liberation Marxism as your manfriend Donald Young sings in the choir.

How far you have fallen Birdie. You give Sodom and Gomorrah a bad name by your leaving it all on the side with Reggie Love now.
If you are going to start acting shy, we just might have to take one of the X's from your Huxxxein, as you got 11 trillion man, and and all you did was pedal your benefactors cheap European beer and sweat.

Man at least bring a salt shaker manfriend and ask the boyz if they want to salt your nuts........that is what ole Frank Marshall Davis would have taught you.

agtG 263

Barack Obama sh*ts on Women Again

The continuing pattern of Barack Obama is that he sh*ts on women of all sorts as some sort of degrading catharsis like the maniacs who voted for him. His revenge on the world and America, starts not in Marxism, racism or genocide, but in sexism all aimed at Stanley Ann Dunham who didn't abort him at birth as he wanted, but instead abandoned him time after time after time.

The first evidence after leaving his dying Mother in cancer of Obama's hatred of women is he married that ugly Muchelle as a political social climbing act. Muchelle was connected to the entire Chicago black power establishment, so he courted this rather deluded 8 year old psychologically and then turned on her in sexing gay men.

In the Democratic primaries, America got a first hand view of what Barack Obama thought of Hillary Clinton and all of her female supporters. Obama batted Hillary around and bitch slapped all the women in the Democratic party in terming them rednecks.

The next American Lady Obama attacked was Gov. Sarah Palin along with that beast of ilk of the Letterman cocktail crowd in the political rape of this American. There has never been anything so low, rancid and criminally sick than what Obama started with his lipstick on a pig statement.

Carla Sarkozy, he literally accosted with his eyes, and then in Rome there was the thought of Obama caught leering at 16 year old girls and having a little black girl rub on his hip.

In Iraq, he frequently was hugging Hispanic women which is not in protocol for a Commander in Chief in an abuse of women and power.

Now we come to the Obama beer garden, where Barack Obama gathered around him a racist in Henry Lewis Gates jr., a Police Officer in Sgt. James Crowley, who must be related to Teddy Kennedy for showing up with two racists, and someone apparently said, "FREE BEER!", and who should show up but Aaron Burr Biden.

As you can see from the body language of the 4 beer guzzlers, Gates still can't keep his big mouth shut, Sgt. Crowley is nervous in being seated next to the mouthy Gates and is drinking in reaction in a long pull. He is intent and not enjoying what he in not too bright balance was baited into.
Aaron Burr Biden is in the Biden mode of trying to get all the words in edge wise to prove to an egg head affirmative action propaganda historian in Gates, that Biden is the bright boy in the room.
Barack Obama is laid back like the 10 year old he is looking like he hopes a fight will break out which he set up. Real leadership there........wonder if he has his pants unzipped like Archie Bunker.

The one person not invited to the beer bash is the one person who should have been honored, but instead like in all Obama's treatment of women was instead sh*t on all week by liberals, black racists and now Barack Obama.

This person is the face of America in Lucia Whalen, who didn't need a community organizer to do the right thing in seeing a break in in her neighborhood by dialing 911.
Oddly in this, no one has ever yet explained how the Hank Gates who was claiming he was crippled up, but looks quite alive and well when seated with Obama, had his cab driver, on is front porch while Gates apparently was body slamming the a cripple.

How many times have you ever seen a cab driver ever get out of a cab? Yet Gates had a black cab driver on his porch in the oddest of situations. Amazingly in all of this, no one has yet to talk to the cab driver and Barack Obama certainly didn't invite that black man to the White House for a free brew.

Into this an innocent Lady in Lucia Whalen stood her ground in protecting her community.

Did Henry Louis Gates jr. thank her for watching over his house in protecting it? NO.

Did Barack Hussein Obama jr. thank her for not needing a communist organizer to tell her to dial 911 when suspicious activity is happening to your neighbors? NO.

Not even Sgt. James Crowley protested and said he would not come to the beer bash unless this woman was invited as she was the real heroine in this entire sordid Obama Gates racism, in she put her life on the line in phoning police, knowing she had to identify the subjects, that the police would be speaking with her, and that criminals would know who she was.
That is heroic, but Lucia Whalen was instead politically raped in ways that Barack Obama and his mob get off on.

Let us never forget that Obama's rise to power was David Axelrod releasing sealed divorce papers of his Republican opponent in the original Illinois Senate race.
All attention was on the husband in this, but Barack Obama victimize that divorcee in shoving a barbed stick into a hurtful family matter and plastering it all over the front pages in Illinois.

Sh*tting on women is what Barack Huxxxein Obama seeks out and does. I have news for all of you feminists and liberals in the Democratic party that you are going to get sh*t on too very soon.
You think Hillary Clinton being muzzled is a mere happening of chance?

I suppose you think that it was all just chance that David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama, just happened to allow Nancy Pelosi to write the entire bankrupting of America package.

Think about that X Gene Obama chicas, why would Barack Obama give Nancy Pelosi the entire authority to write up his plundering of the United States Treasury?

Do you recall that little story of Obama lecturing Congress afterwards to stop overspending?

You don't think maybe Barack Obama when this entire thing tanks which it will as even his own Treasury states it will be 5 to 10 years before any growth or job creation happens in America, that Barack Obama is going to be sh*tting on Nancy Pelosi and all of Congress in blaming them for writing that bill he was forced he will say to sign into law because HE TRUSTED NANCY?

This is the Obama who let his cancer stricken Mother die alone, and then used his dead Grandmother for sympathy votes in 2008.

You better believe it you liberal women in need of a good Conservative Gentleman to make your world, that Barack Obama is going to do the deed and use Nancy Pelosi for toilet tissue like he does for all women.

Lucia Whalen was blessed in not being invited anywhere near that beer garden, and as her attorney so rightly stated in sarcasm, "She doesn't drink beer".

Sgt. James Crowley acted heroically in doing his job in Cambridge, but in knowing how Barack Huxxxein Obama mistreats women, how Aaron Burr Biden is a lying plagiarist and how Henry Gates is racist propagandist, he just used up all his brownie points in excusing for what he is in joining in with swill like this.

In all honesty, Bill Clinton in his assaults on women were horrid, but are nothing compared to what Barack Obama makes a continuous practice of in sh*tting on women.

Tis the profane Age of Obama.

agtG 320

Rub a dub dub 3 suds in a tub

Listen my children

Listen my children
and you shall hear
of the midnight ride
of Paul Revere.............

Last night around 2 am, I woke up to Coast to Coast, the old Art Bell program, and while the George Nouri who runs it is a nice guy, I sure miss Art Bell, because he made everything fun there.

Mr. Nouri, had on some Dr. Porklove from Jekyl Island author, I know you have heard of the book as it is being promoted now, but I know why I don't listen to Coast to Coast now as none of these people get it across the board as to what is happening.

Some might ask if I don't listen to C to C, then why is my radio tuned to it? Well, the answer is I am someone who doesn't waste my time, because during the day that position on the radio dial is attune to Rush and and Hannity on AM.
If I switch to FM, it brings in a rock station that plays everything.........and at night it is a misery trip as that position battles between KAAY Little Rock and some midwestern station that Michael Savage and George Nouri are on.
KAAY has some odd English psycho babbler on, but he honestly does talk sense from what I pick up in not listening.
I do so miss though the days of WLS, KDWB, KAAY and that favorite KOMA all blow torches belting out rock n roll to the world........then they went religious programming with various types like San Antonio........and then all talk radio. There was nothing like in the night hearing those disk jockeys with authority announce those call letters as you cruised to nowhere in a star covered sky.

As this is Paul Revere's Rise, it is time to get back to the Dr. Porklove and Nouri book. It amazes me how secular and Godless good people who have a form of God in their lives are when it comes to these cartels who are ALL religion in none of these pundits ever equate this is a spiritual warfare.
Nouri thought the globalists just got a kick out of starting wars on a power trip, while the author of Dr. Porklove thought they just like manipulating people's actions.
None of these people get that the wars, manipulations and plunderings are just the means to the end. The end being the Rotshchilds and Rockefellers who are Ashkenazi converts in allegiance to their illuminated one, are driving to replace the bloodline God created in Abraham, Isaac and Israel in the 13 tribes, one of which America is hidden in.
They are usurpers to the chosen people who are supposed to be introducing God to the world, and are now initiating an order which is going to bring about the anti messiah, who is also known as the anti christ, who Barack Obama is a precursor event for in paving the mindset of the world.
Obama will fail in utter ruin. The anti christ will seize the power Obama is attempting to steal.

All of this is about satan, the illuminated one who fell from heaven as lightning as Christ saw. This order it leads seeks Temple Mount, seeks the place it once walked upon in the holy fires of God and it all seeks to supplant God's plan of salvation for a plan void of God.
That is what the banking scheme was about in enslaving the world. This is happening in this dimension, but it is being fought out in the spiritual matrix under God's boundaries........all for the minions of the apostate to be marked and all to glean and refine the children of God.

This all continues on in a whining wheezer who was running some Obama file site has now taken down his files in a pout of poverty, because people only sent him 40 bucks the past few years.

I wonder at times like these if Paul Revere said, "Nope not going to warn people the British are coming, because the people haven't been shelling out oats money for my horse".

How about Patrick Henry in, "Give me liberty, but I prefer a Paypal money order to get me to write".

Apparently it is lost on all Americans now that most of the Founding Fathers, pledged all they had from life to possessions in a Covenant for America, and most of them were destroyed in the Revolution. Many had their families murdered. This America business is not about making money. She is a mistress who demands blood upon her altar, either let in small amounts yearly for responsible liberty or in massive amounts when World Wars come to fruition. This American secularist religion is the most perfect order of governing until Christ returns, but she is stern in her rules and mandates.
You either love her with all your heart or she will in her tribe trample you over as you whine about money not being paid you.

I noticed in the World Net Daily story on this that the old guy was quoting that Obama's birth certificate of live birth was fraud, because he is listed as AFRICAN instead of what has been exclusively noted here, in NEGRO, which is the legal term.
Now, I'm not going to say the guy plagiarized work here as spoons were invented across the world by quite a few people it seems, but World Net Daily knows the source of the negro definition, and it just seems that so much of what goes on here filters through to other people now wanting to make money off of God's workings through me.
It is something that I would caution against as my Master is a strict adherent to the law. I do not mind people stealing my work God does through me, but I do draw the line at profits and glory.........the glory belongs to God and God gave freely so I give freely.

That is why this blog does not nor will it ever have Google ads or other vanity laden things like how many connected people are following it published. My desire as someone who indeed has written HTML codes and built expensive websites in being a Webmaster, is I build pages to load as fast as possible with nothing to infuriate the reader in pop ups or attempting to make a penny off of them.
I never speak of these things, but I want people to have fun, enjoy themselves and not be encumbered in the learning process. I do not make money off of this nor do I solicit money off of this as America is a bit more important than fame or cash.

I never heard Davy Crockett at the Alamo complaining that he wasn't getting enough print space in New York papers for his name. He went to Texas, because liberty mattered.

I know people who I will have remain nameless. Some are veterans doing blogs, some are gay people on fixed incomes, some are retired people who are caring for their parents, some are putting their homes together after storms, some are sick and some have almost died, but you never hear it from them as their work goes uninterrupted, while New York, California and Washington DC pundits and columnists earning 6 and 7 figure salaries, peer over their shoulders watching the information flow of this electronic super subway of information which they can not keep up with if they tried.
There are blogs on the internet which have posted more breaking stories and literal articles in one month than these leading names one sees on television and print have done in their entire careers.
I'm not complaining in any of this as I like being like Sarah Palin, leaving the wagons behind and putting on packs to travel light to invade the enemies territory in hitting them hard and fast. Part of my character thrives in close combat against all odds in losing situations, because I'm still here by God's Grace in battles before.
I love the Ranger mentality, the Sniper, the Sapper. There is nothing more exhilarating than taking it to the enemy in crossing between the lines and being the antagonist for liberty driving in their positions as all hell breaks loose in their camps.

I was born in that brier patch and nothing in this world is a match for the foes who tried to destroy me in my youth. I love the fire and the heat, and I crave, the moments when Robert Gibbs is forced to deal with the birthers and then in his Freudian slip says Obama is only an American citizen and not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN.

Listen my children, this fight is for America. It is about what I know now in exposing someone like Noel Sheppard who walked into a trap God set to show the world what he really is all about while running his gossip site Newsbusters as Matthew Sheffield even censors people like Warner Todd Huston in what he posts.
Sheppard bit hard as they always do in not any of them has a clue in Divine Inspiration what God is exposing of them in their secrets.

There are many things that go on in this wonderful adventure. Those sealed of God are shining brighter while the Drudge Report honorees are the one snow peeking from the bunkers too timid to take on a low IQ teleprompter mind with two NeoProgs in Emanuel and Axelrod, who stole an election the Europeans handed to them.
What on earth is there to fear in that children? That is mere child's play to God.

It doesn't matter how long this takes as the birthers are growing in numbers and their tide is sweeping the political nation of America. Their work for free is outmaneuvering the worst multi trillion dollar minds being waged against these United States.
That is something to God's complete credit which none of the right wing press would dare utter or put into print as their leftist colleagues would smirk and make sport of them. The difference is I put it here, because I'm a nobody to anyone but God and that position suits me just fine.

The tide marches on, the writers now mirror a new engaged thought and it is the message which is speaking to everyone across the land.
Only 30% of Americans in 1776 backed George Washington and Independence........that is about the odds now. They were called terrorists and Janet Napolitano calls us of Liberty now terrorists.
God though was the side the Founders were one and God is the side I will always be on as I desire none other, for all others are the losing side.

The birthers are the voice of America in a clarion call. They have been slandered, smeared, belittled and they came on. They are now dismissed and lied to, but they will continue on scratching for every straw in the Axelrod house until the Truth prevails and comes out.

Those who sit upon the sidelines do so in lack of Inspiration and they exist in fear for what they might loose. When one has nothing to loose and the possessions one has are God, family and America.........the choice is easy, to pick up the pack and join the Rangers of old. This is what courses through the American veins and what we were bred for in all of our generations from the Middle East, Asia, Europe and America, when they were all wilderness and we tamed them by God and made empires shiver as we shattered them.

Barack Obama is but a conditioning exercise for that which will dawn upon the American horizon. He is a warm up for the real fight which is coming.

That is the understanding which all of responsible liberty had better comprehend and start conditioning for, as counting your gold and silver will do no good as the Bible predicts people will throw it away. This is about God's cause of Liberty, Justice and His Way for all.

and behold a handful will chase ten thousand.

I like our America odds.

agtG 332

PS: Stop just lurking on Twitter and the blogs you sons and daughters of liberty with your immense salaries and fame, start promoting them and join us in the brier patch of American Destiny manifesting once again.