Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thirty Four Thousand Years

Republican Representative Trent Franks informed a group of his Arizona voters in a Church that he was considering a lawsuit to force Barack Obama to produce his Hawaiian birth certificate.
Rep. Franks also stated it would take 34,000 years for Americans to PAY OFF OBAMA DEBT ALONE.

A generation for humans is 50 years, so that means it will take if no more debt is incurred which seems impossible, almost 700 generations of Americans to pay off the debts of Bearick Obama

That year will be the year, 36,009 AD. Consider that Buck Rogers and Star Trek occur in the "future" in the 23rd centuries so to speak, the Obama debt being paid off will be in the 370th century. People now will have been dead 33,000 years and we will be as memorable as dinosaurs.

What is worse in this is the Financial Times of the UK is reporting that a double dip recession is destined to occur, because liberals are going to raise taxes to try and sop up the fortune they just wasted, and, robber barons are driving up inflation on oil, food, sugar, coffee to try and get their 12 trillion dollar share of Obama debt.
This is not an if as this blog warned, but a when. You can not dump that kind of money into any markets without inflation occurring because it makes the dollar cheap and robber barons then attempt to pocket all that money waiting for it to arise again.

Bearick Obama is the biggest deliberate disaster to ever smash a free people and their economy. He is a success as ruining America completely and turning United States Citizens into perpetual slaves to paying off debt he and Nancy Pelosi have now generated.

Thirty four thousand years. That is 700 greats in your grandchildren before the Obama debt ALONE is going to be paid off.

There is no sense in going on about this as this is criminal which Mr. Obama has foisted upon America. He should be charged along with every Democrat and that weasel Tim Geithner and the two Maine Republicans and Arlen Specter who voted for this deliberate destruction of America.

34,000 years, people have only been here 6000 years and have never spent that much and Bearick Obama did it in transferring the entire wealth of America to his European cronies.

34,000 years.


Rep. Trent Franks

Double Dip Obama

Couchon Obama

Bishop Pierre Couchon, pray tell, did I hear thee correctly in your vouching for Barack Hussein Obama?

*Why yes, yes I did my son........but my son are you calling me couchon or are you calling me by my name Bishop Cauchon, as you know couchon in French means pig and there is a vast difference between someone of my rank and a swine of the field.

A thousand pardons Bishop, it must be my lisp as of late in being in the presence of someone so filling with grandeur as yourself for of course I meant couchon even if it sounds like Couchon.

*Yes my son, I know of this happening often in my days since that May long ago in people developing a lisp on account of my wondrous presence concerning my name.
Now my son what is it you were asking about this Barack Hussein Obama.

I had heard Bishop Couchon that you were vouching for the truthfullness of Bearick Huxxxein Obama, but forgive my lisp again your eminence as it seems to have developed with the imposing truthfullness of Mr. Obama as yourself.

*Yes I must say in all my experience with truth that Mr. Obama is indeed truthful. In fact he is so truthful that his truthfullness is off the charts.

Indeed Bishop Couchon, I have heard of that from a historian Michael Beschloss in America that Bearick Huxxxein Obama's intelligence is so off the charts that there are no numbers for it.

*Prey tell, how smart is he my son that there are no numbers to measure such brilliance?

Your eminence that is just it, Bearick Huxxxein Obama is so brilliant that there are no numbers at all as how can measure something which does not exist. I have heard that the only number used is a vast one of measurement, it is an "O" with the letters ZER in front of it in which Michael Beschloss was speaking.

*Do say my son, that sounds ever so much intelligent, but what was the question you were asking me of this brilliant Obama?

Your eminence I have heard that you have stated that Bearick Huxxxein Obama is so truthful that everything he says is true.
Is this true?

*Oh by all means my son yes, in careful studies of all Mr. Obama has stated, I have found that not one thing he has said is true.

Your eminence that sounds like he is a liar for he never says anything that is true.

*Not at all my son, you see..........I know lies as I have bedded them many times for my gainful employment, so I know lies. The thing with Mr. Obama is I have found like so all of his followers that Mr. Obama is so full of the truth that all that is left to come out of him are lies.

Bishop Couchon, you are telling me that Bearick Huxxxein Obama is so full of truth that in being that obese condition that he is so full of that all that can come out of him are lies?

*Yes my son those are the facts as so many of his loyal comrades understand things, do you not agree?

Yes Bishop Couchon, I definitely agree that Bearick Obama is full of it and that all that comes out of him are lies.
I bid you my thanks for explaining.

agtG 231

couchon: pig, swine, porker, hog, rooter in dirt for sustainance, one who will cannibalize their own and a layer in mire for pleasure.

Dr. James O.W. Ang'awa M.B., CH.B., D.C.T.D, D.P.H.

Well the interesting Kenyan Birth Certificate is back, this time in the form for Citizen Kenya, in one with actual names and footy prints with Dr. James O.W. Ang'awa as attending physician.

Dr. Ang'awa if this is real is an interesting doctor to pick on as in 1962 by the above post office address of a document he submitted and if found in the Oxford Press, reveals his Post Office Box in Nairobi, Kenya and he is the big syringe handler in charge of the new program to wipe out tuberculosis in Africa with vaccinations.
Those who are experienced enough in TB remember the fun of mass testing in the good old days with the stern warning to children and teachers, "DO NOT WASH THE VACCINATION TEST SITE. DO NOT PICK AT IT" and after a few days it will react if you are infected".

Everyone lived in dread of that, but no one ever reacted..........I suppose everyone would just die a slow death from TB if they did, so all it did was provide a means to isolate sick people from infecting the mass population.
Interesting in America in the 1960's that such a thing was used to wipe out TB, but yet by 1985 with HIV nothing was done to stop it and it could have been wiped out.
Instead it became a trillion dollar cash cow and gays were told to go out and spread it like peanut butter on toast to everyone they could mount.

I guess there was enough money in TB vaccines, but more money in dead homosexuals.

We know that Kenya had in the Bearick one and Bearick two Obama period around 1,100 doctors working in Kenya as it is confirmed in the Doc Ang'awa note. So while that is a finite number, that is one large group of physicians, but yet small as Kenya had 9 1/2 million people roaming about there in a paradise where the English had replaced being eaten by crocodiles and lions as the national Luo pastime with dying by TB at around 5000 a year.

What interests me most in this in this document is the footprint of the infant which is recorded. If readers will remember their little footprints, they will probably recall that most Anglo Americans have on their birth certificates a chubby little cherub print that is short and flat.
This footprint is definitely different and it does look quite African in scope on the precursory forensics.

It is though the real smoking gun in this as it does not matter one whit now whether this document disappears or ever reaches legal light for the simple reason there are pixel enhanced programs which can recreate this for any court of law. If one observes this footprint closely, there are absolute distinct patterns in it even in poor quality resolution.
If this is a fraud, then it is some one in a billion baby, but if it is not a fraud, then there are four places this footprint could have originated from.

It came from the long form birth certificate in a vault in Hawaii.

It came from the personal papers of Bearick Obama which he noted he had seen his birth certificate.

It came from a Vancouver hospital or government records.

In those two cases it was stolen and a crime this person exhibiting it has shown, as it would have been photoshop transferred (which it appears not to have been) and it leaves open the odd question of if one has LFBC from Hawaii or Obama, why bother creating a forgery in exposing oneself to further criminal problems.
Furthermore, why if one has a Canadian birth certificate bother in creating a Kenyan one which is bogus when the original would due in disqualifying Obama.

The fourth place is as stated previously. The person behind this hired some Kenyans to wander into the hospital records in Kenya and with a bribe, simply copied the original and walked out.

That is the vital importance of the footprint as now one can in all of these court fights simply subpoena Mr. Obama's footprint and see if the tan feet match.
It does get better though.
It is not like Lawrence Sinclair describing Mr. Obama's small appendage, but this is an actual document that any paparazzi could go into any Martha's Vineyard guest area where Bearick Obama was showing in staying there and find his right footprint after he left to see if this matches.

All of this now can be done legal without one court paper filed. Obama's little footprints are scattered in numerous locations. All the paparazzi has to do now is wait for another Obama vacation, get into the hotel or accommodations after he leaves before the staff comes in and mops up, and lift his footprint off a tile.

Now if these footprints are matched by a forensics specialist, one has the little footprint on paper which will be heard around the world, because the baby Obama footprint came from a finite source, one of which is locked in a vault which can not be gotten to, one of which Obama appears to have stated is gone forever in the one he looked at and recorded, and the other two being foreign birth certificates in either Vancouver or Kenya.

That is what is vital now in this in if these prints match from baby and adult, that it will either prove fraud on the part of the person showing this document or it proves absolutely that Bearick Huxxxein Obama is a fraud in usurpation of the Office of the President of the United States.

Some enterprising person could after Obama left any vacation spot simply go in legally and obtain a footprint where Mr. Obama tread. There is no law on the books in obtaining prints in rooms where people have stayed.
Talk about the footprint to make someone a multi millionaire reporter in one sticky tape lift.

The problem in this is Mr. Obama does indeed have enterprising British, French, Jewish, Russian or whoever else that Mr. Obama has "slept here" forensic teams who can indeed do the above, match it with Obama's adult footprint and then have a conversation something like this:

Comrade Obama, An amazing thing has happened. Somehow your footprint was taken from the lavatory where you stayed while here by some unscrupulous person. They matched it using computer pixel enhancement to the online Kenyan birth certificate, meaning you are a fraud and guilty of sedition against the United States if this came out.
It is fortunate that I was able to stop this, but it does get windy here on my desk and one never knows if the wind might blow this to the press around the world.
I think my windows might stay closed if, (place blackmail here in handing over Georgia, kissing my French tutu for assaulting my wife, kissing my English ass for humiliating me or blowing up Iran for us.) and if these conditions are met with a future list of things you can do for us, then all will remain unaware of this notorious that is what friends are for.

Understand you silly liberals who did not learn your lesson with Jack Kennedy and his Jack in box springing into lewd women or Bill Clinton taking bribes so he was blackmailed by everyone, that in your installing Obama, you have now set the stage for international extortion and blackmail costing the United States her sovereignty.
Your idiocy in not making Obama produce his Hawaiian, passport, medical and university documents along with the Obamaniacs producing fraud forms has destabilized the United States government where grave problems are going to start happening as Soldiers and Citizens now doubt Mr. Obama and he will no longer be able to rule.

What is dire in this is Dr. James. O.W. Ang'awa's report found online. Dr. Ang'awa reports that WHO, the World Health Organization was backing the TB program in Africa from before 1961. Even if widespread vaccines started in 1962, what happens in Obama's medical records if this infant was inoculated for TB from Africa while in hospital?
He certainly wasn't baby pilot in flying hisself over there in 1961. There are now immense problems which can surface as more and more information comes out.

What is interesting is I'm still waiting after 3 weeks for Joseph Farah's promised proof, which as noted here, seems to point to a Canadian birth the way Jerome Corsi has been hinting at things, but yet they have now both backed off again with this myriad of Kenyan forms.
It is evident someone bragging has gotten cold feet when these Kenyan documents they tried to discredit keep popping up.

I find it all fascinating how pineapple Obama keeps turning up the English apple of some one's eye, sometimes in Canuck sour love apples or in a Kenyan melon patch.

Isn't it interesting that no Obamite has dared look into making little Barry an American for their fear he is not.

In this case, it is not as Rush Limbaugh said in "follow the money". In this case, it is to legally follow the footprints as they will prove what is real and what is not real.

Imagine Obama and Pelosi passing an emergency law that no one can obtain Bearick Obama's footprints as it would now be illegal to possess them.

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Oxford Press

the lily of death

I was contemplating death as of late a little more than what I normally pack around in the recesses of my heart and intellect and have concluded that too much of the conversation is fear and driven by sinners running from God's judgment and the Godless terrified of the destiny of death they have chosen on the other side.

I have had far too much death in my life. It's pyre mounts higher with each passing year in the people I once knew are beyond to a place I would go, but in duty I can not.
The first taste of death I had was at the age of 8 when my sister was killed by a drunk driver she was riding with. A wooden fence post was hit by the car and it splintered, came through the windshield and smashed the top of her head off.
The memories of that time as of today still. I remember the sickening sweet odor of Easter Lilies as hundreds of them were in the funeral home and Church as it was the week before Easter.
I dearly love lilies and have them scattered about my gardens, but to this day I detest the scent of white lilies and the sight of them is nothing I care to see in all their beauty for it reminds me too much of that time..........the sweet perfumed scent in smoke of my sisters things, her albums, the click of her stereo and that emptiness when one is gone from this plain.

She though of course is quite fine in heaven. She later appeared in a dream to my Mother who was distressed beyond grief and told her, "It is alright Mom. I am fine".

Too many of us now cling to life when it is nothing to be clung to. Instead we allow the media filled with Godless ilk terrify us into thinking death is a bad thing. This allows robber barons to pick our pockets in torturing us with treatments which are not treatments to cure, but tortures to prolong the agony of existence in this world.
No one is to commit suicide or to hasten their end for each moment here is a time to experience to come to the fullest we are to be, but the shear enslavement we have to this world is nothing but a fiction for the autobiography of Life Eternal we have written for us in Christ.

I was speaking to a veterinary this past summer about death as she deals with it constantly. I spoke to her the words of Billy Dixon, the infamous buffalo hunter and Cavalry Scout for the United States military in his describing laying in a buffalo wallow with a dying man.
He related the Truth of it in death is not a cruel torturer. Death when she comes is designed by God to be a comforting mistress. She wraps up the person in a warm blanket of serenity, calms the very soul and one simply drifts off to the valley of the shadow, and in Christ, emerges into the glorious Light.
She though by her expression was so vacuous of what I was saying could not in any way even comprehend the blessing and prose of God's workings. To see that void in a human's eyes in not understanding was more troubling to me than all the death I have seen.

I have been blessed in being on the rim of the valley of the shadow of death enough times that I know it for what it is and have learned to embrace it. From storm in looking for Angels in the rolling skies to being alone locked in the cell of no rescue in being resigned that the sickness will either kill in one's sleep or one will survive to the grey morning light there is always a calm serenity once one passes from the veil of life and surrenders in faith the process of death.

I have been withheld many additions in my life for the reason if I knew the other side that I would not come back once on that journey.

I know and aged Veteran who I never met. How that is only those who know such things will understand. In him I have found more life and serenity than in the city of New York, London and Paris combined. His eyes sparkling with a knowing light where his mind is journeying in solitude as he recognizes the soul of kindness in others. His would be the face that most would say is long overdue in passing, but in his heart the clock has not ticked that last beat and has wondrous days yet ahead as he fulfills his purpose in this land.
I feel calm in him and a soaring joy, the breath of the eagles wings on forever skies. It is a pity that the world can not see what I feel in this beautiful sight of who he is inside. Such resolute strength and courage, such a gentle man........such a hero beyond nation in the delight he is under the bushel that only those who have looked know the Light burning there.

I really believe I see often enough people who are dead long ago and still in this veil and do not know it yet. They function as spacetakers and have no stimulation nor longing for what is.
I can not comprehend children not caring for parents like that in letting them list away with only checking in by phone every few weeks when they are on the road somewhere.

I have on my desk a tin box with two children building a snowman. It had candy inside once, and meant so much to the Grandmother it was given to in her daughter and grandchildren long ago. I know this by the wear on it as she kept it for sewing or some other thing that would cause it to wear.
On the back is the Christmas note from those people she kept so many years.............who when she passed it was dumped into thrift shop where I picked it up and am stunned to this day that grandchildren would not have wanted such a thing to remember someone who loved them so dear.
I still have the bib overalls my Grandfather bought for me after a long search for them at 6 years old as I wanted pants just like he had. To this day I do not know where he found them, because we went to many stores, but one Christmas there they were.......and I still have those pants.
He always told me a story of the Dirty Thirties in pants could not be had for children. He sat down and wrote a letter to Sears in Chicago and told them he couldn't find clothes for his boys and he didn't know what to do.
Not long afterward, he received a package of 4 pants in the mail from Sears with the sales bill inside, trusting him he would pay for the pants, which he honestly did.
That is what is missing in this world in these times are people who know how to live life and those who know how to embrace death.

I have surrendered to God to whatever come what He wills whether martyrdom or continued suffering in the long battle as I intend fully to become the brightest of His lights for His glory. One more revelation, one more discovery to share, one more prophecy, one more moment of suffering, because death has no sting in the Victor Christ won for His.

The dying is easy in this life and thank God He made it so. The living is what is hard in the struggle for all the unknown so as to weed out who is faithful and those who are of perdition.

It is odd to mourn over the dead in Christ who died hundreds of years ago or even days ago, but then it is not the death which is being mourned, but the sorrow in their passing to the other side when they should have had more peace about it. Yet, they did have peace at the end, and once they are beyond the reach of the adversary here and his minions their torture is over.

Those who are chained here are the most base of slaves. Those whose hearts are bound to Christ are at liberty every day here and never can be in bondage.

The lily of death is one of life. It is the Way it is.

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הלב שלי כואב לך בתו של אלוהים,
הלב שלי גחלילית