Sunday, October 18, 2009

Heavy Heavy Fuel

Most people would be surprised to know that God uses satan, keeps it on a leash and the devil's purpose is part of God working a plan to trial and hone people to make them into Spiritual beings of God from human creations of God.

This does not mean the devil is friendly, can be trusted or people should have one thing to do with it. It simply points out that a Perfect God utilizes the tools to accomplish the ridding of evil from this world by evil sometimes.

I will not go into details concerning an Iranian policy which this blog may or may not have been a part of in toppling the Persian communists. I will though note that Vice President Cheney was part of such a comprehensive plan in giving the Islamocommunists something to do besides murdering Americans.
Mr. Cheneys efforts though were sabotaged by the Obama clique and the New York Times outing operations that would have ended the nuclear problem which America is now facing.

The world is a simple place just like your neighbors backyard. If they have a pit bull terrorizing you, you simply get the other neighbor a Rottweiler to give the bully dog something to occupy it. You have peace and the bully gnaws at the other fence.

In that, unlike the wussy of the Obama clique, this blog completely supports the southern Iranians or Sunni Baluch in employing terrorism against the terrorists Ahmadinejad runs. If the Jews would simply funnel a few million into Pakistan Intel more than what is being used to back these southern Iranians for operations, it would prepare their battlefield wonderfully for a bombing run.
It might even topple the turban heads so the bombing campaign would be not necessary.

I have advocated a partitioning of Iran in giving the north to the Kurds and other ethnic groups and the south to the Baluchistan Arab class. The Persians in the middle then could die on the vine in their mullah communism. Russia would abandon them and America would have all that nice Baluch oil to cheaply import and China could go burn heavy sulphur Venezuelan oil.

Granted, I do not want operations like this run out of the White House as no Oval Office occupant needs to be a part of such things. John Kennedy went obsessive with it and was murdering people around the world, instead of attempting to enact good policy with diplomacy and military might. That is the only danger in using terrorists to kill terrorists. It can not be the first and only policy. It though must be in terms part of the policy with rewards for the terrorists, so they like in French style do not start bombing you.

Telling Baluch freedom fighters, via Pakistan, via Israeli Mosaad that America will support their autonomous region in exchange for their toppling the Persian communists does America a world of good. It gives the Islamocommunists something to chew on in their own country.
The only problem with this latest operation which superbly assassinated high ranking communist military thugs, was it was not nationwide in Iran.
This operation should have rattled the windows of Ahmadinejads mansion as Reagan rattled the tent poles to Khadaffi, because as this blog has warned if Obama only blows up the nuclear sites and not the government with nuclear bombs, then those turban heads will be doing as they are now threatening retaliation, not just on Baluch, but on Americans.

This is the heavy fuel, where it takes adults to run operations like this. Director Panetta should have implemented a number of situations where Iranians would now be killing their own people in intelligence planted by America. This is how the CIA used to be run when it was run by Americans. It was a wonderfully adept psychological operation against the Soviets.
Now though the effort of the Baluch fighter is being wasted as the Persian communists are looking outward instead of inward to find it's threat. That is why the CIA requires to head the intelligence operation instead of snot on her sleeve Janet Napolitano.
This is a game for Christian adults, who are Patriots and trained Veterans, all partitioned from the White House and telling Congress to mind their own business in they are not going to be told everything as they can not be trusted with security.

Both Iraq wars should never have been needed, but were due to lack of foresight in policy and the treasonous sabotage of policy during the Clinton years.
Israel should have been at peace long ago if not for the meddling of the central Europeans. They should have been given a bone to chew on to distract them.
Iran should have been fragmented and then reassembled into quasi canton states of Kurds in the north and a sort of Baluch Saudi alliance in the south. I have never met any Persians in Iran that I cared for as they were nasty, foul souled malcontents, so a bit of checks and balances on their supreme power would do them very well.
One does that by supporting the antagonists at a distance.

Diplomacy is not apologizing. Diplomacy is not nuclear bombs. Diplomacy is not the State Department.
Diplomacy is Hillary Clinton speaking of higher ideals in freedom for all, backed by a nuclear arsenal while agents of the United States have proxies using the methods against Americans enemies which have been employed against the United States.

All of the people around Bearick Obama are cut throat bastards. Bill Ayers, Bernie Dohrn, Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton, David Axelrod etc... are all people who would sell their soul, stick it to a spouse, just to get ahead. The problem is these people have all been at war against America.
So for those who think the above terrorists are above it all, they have done with bombs and words what the Baluch did in Iran, which the Obamalings in the White House state they are against.
Obama achieved where he is through absolute terrorism. What America requires is that Pelosi be put on a leash and made to bark for America.

There is no difference. American policy simply needs to be made by Americans for Americans.

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My life makes perfect sense
Lust and food and violence
Sex and money are my major kicks
Get me in a fight I like dirty tricks
cuz if you wanna run cool
Yes if you wanna run cool, you got to run
On heavy, heavy fuel

Bill Ayers Policy

The leviathan Head

America is reaching a crossroads in it's history which is as distinct as Oliver Cromwell to the King in English history. I will not go the route of those who imply that this is a Civil War type situation, but it is approaching a time when Bearick Obama is dragging the pied piper rats into the abyss and millions of Americans have now take the stance like a mule, in you can beat them, slap them, threaten them, entice them, pet them, do anything you want to them and they will not take one more step.

Mules get a bad reputation from the elite, because they never understand the quirkiness of this Biblical creature of David's royalty and how very much American a mule is in character.
My neighbor's dad had a team of mules back in the 1920's. They could start that team out from their home to a town 10 miles away, and that team would go to the yard where coal was, get a load and bring it back home, all without a driver.
My Grandfather when he was a young man had a team of mules too. He decided one day that at five minutes to noon he would make one more round in plowing. The mules though could tell time, knew it was noon and simply turned for home and plowed a furrow to the road without stopping.

Mules are also creatures which get attached to the oddest of things. They will fall in love as a herd with a bell mare, that is a horse who has a bell around her neck, so one will not loose the herd. They will follow her anywhere and literally get emotionally traumatized if this horse disappears.
I remember a story of a mustang colt in the 1800's being found by a herd of mules who just "loved" it one day when they found it. They got so attached to that foal that the teamsters had to shoot the mustang just to get the mules away from it.

That in many ways is what the average American is. They make up their minds and will not move from that position no matter what the government does to them. They are deeply affectionate to a fault and will work themselves to death blindly for things they believe are real.
There are great wonders in a stiff necked people like this as once you get them going in positive directions they keep doing the right thing. The problem is in places like Obama's Afnamistan is that a bad leader harming a nation can literally chew up a good people so they will not recover.

This is the one problem with a mule. They will take just about anything you can throw at them, but get them into water, get water in their ears, and these almost indestructible creatures will just give up and die on their feet literally.

I have great faith in God's Americans, but I also know the horrendous danger which Bearick Obama is driving them deliberately toward with his benefactors. Americans get it in their heads they will be as Massada like as Jews. The Alamo to Custer's Last Stand, are all the virtue of Americans who will literally rather than give up, become a David Koresch type and they will die wonderfully well rather than give up freedom.
This is why Janet Napolitano is listing Christians, Patriots, Tea Dunkers and Veterans on these terror lists. THEY KNOW the policies they are enlisting are going to harm these people and they know psychologically that these Americans are fail safe oriented. They do not act out in aggression as has been shown time and again, but they will die or just like mules, the government can do nothing to get them to move, as they will just quit.

By quitting I describe the nature of Americans in tuning out the noise of the government regulations. Obama is on a mission now of wealth redistribution in another carbon treaty which will make America pay money to poor dictators, which money will ruin America further, and that money will then end up in European banks for the world government.
It is the opt out feature of the American psyche. If Americans do not like something, they will just quit.

I did see in the death panel bill that Chuck Schumer has put into place this blogs "opt out" option which I had posted on Newsbusters and spoken of with elected officials. Of course Schumer is doing this with typical blackmail in mind of the leverage in time in isolating states by withholding federal funds, so they have to buckle, but the opt out is the American fail safe. Americans have always opted out and it is where they live best is the brier patch, traveling light.

Bearick Obama is like a leviathan in the Bible. His head is moving forward, and he has the power of his front legs, but is without a body that is in mule opt of not going along. This blog alone pointed out that this point would be reached and it is has come as Americans are casting about for a new way while Obama is still stuck on Marxist stupid.
Obama is literally dividing the land and in law enforcement he is no at war with county sheriffs in being at war with them over illegals. Obama is the most divisive person in the White House in United States history, because his policies are not in the least for Americans, but only for the patricians who run the financial, corporate, medical and education centers.

Obama has initiated into America a feudalist society where he controls the power centers while the masses are milling about America. Rush Limbaugh is a perfect example of this in their crucifying him. The Obama patrician has made the illegal legal in repressing everyone from latino slave labor to the Conservative like Mr. Limbaugh. They claim the criminal right now to deny other's rights all for their rigged benefit.
The lord of the Obama manor can eat cake, salsa dance and jet around the world, while the peasant eats poison frankenfood, tries to pay bills and filling a fuel tank is now a luxury.

All of this is by design, because the world elite know that Americans will never quit........unless they have taken away from them the thing they will never quit for and that is America. It is a brilliant genocidal crimes against humanity strategy and it is working.

Never in the history of this world has their been a more treacherous person than Bearick Huxxxein Obama. He has sold out the 300 million American people he leads. He enslaved almost 200 million Slavic peoples. He told millions of Jews to be nuclear fodder.
South Koreans, Japanese, north Africans, English, and the list goes on in the betrayal of peoples, now numbering Nicaraguans, Hondurans, Cubans, Venezuelans, Colombians, all put on the serf heap of history as there is no Reagan Freedom for these peoples, but only an Obama smirk leaving them stagnate like the mules of America.

Mr. Obama stated he was disgusted by Jews. The fact is there is nothing more disgusting than what Barack Obama is carrying out not only against the many American peoples, but against select groups of the peoples of the world.
It is reprehensible conduct and it is not American, by virtue or decree. What Bearick Obama is, is the feudal system America and all of these nations threw off centuries ago.

This is the warning for America and the world. That which comes from the deep, returns to the depths for that is where it's yearnings are for. Do not follow the leviathan into the abyss for that is not the shining city on a hill which is your future.
Barack Obama can do a million harmful things, but if Americans do not follow him on one thing, not one thing he does will be done.


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