Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Finally American attorneys are progressing in the correct manner as this blog laid out the strategy in utilizing monetary reasons to inflict the eligibility blow to Barack Hussein Obama.

Granted this blog suggested campaign finance, but Attorneys, Leo Donofrio and Stephen Pidgeon have it absolutely correct in challenging Obama administration authority in forcing Chrysler dealers to close when public money was involved, as that of course opens the courts to represent Americans of standing in the dealerships in their Constitutional rights were violated in livelihood.

The condition of "quo warranto" which is unnecessary is also being filed, as the fact is Americans had their lives deprived by a government, and it is now the court's responsibility in hearing the case on evidence if Obama had any authority over government funds or has been the biggest pirate in history.

While others will delve into this as attempting to make it complicated, as their minds judge things complicated in every measure, this blog is instead going to go public with an additional strategy would assist all of these American lawyers.

If a person of British nativity, perhaps connected to the British Courts, would know the right saucy Solicitor to engage, in the right English Court Justice, who might not be in a mood to accommodate Barack Hussein Obama in Muchelle feeling up Queen Elizabeth and Birdie humiliating Gordon Brown to using British Soldiers as terror fodder, a rather simple legal request could be filed in the British Courts as follows:

Be it known, as a friend of this Court, this Solicitor and or Attorney, hereby requests said Court to grant acknowledged British subject rights to the son of a Kenyan Colonial, Barack Hussein Obama sr., who in wedding an underage American girl, one Stanley Ann Dunham, produced an infant in August 1961, under British mandate, a son Barack Hussein Obama jr., who is a full British subject.

Mr. Obama jr., has never renounced his British rights. Mr. Obama jr. has only noted incorrectly his British birth right "expired", when there is no such expiration.

Mr. Obama jr. therefore is asking this Court by this Solicitor, for this Court to acknowledge full British Citizenship, rights, return status, voting in elections, serving in Parliament, serving in the British armed forces and all rights, including health care benefits and retirement as is afforded all British Citizens.

An astute Briton, not appreciating the carnage of Mr. Obama, could quietly in the Courts gain full rights for Bearick Obama as is his right.
Once this is completed, that a British Court has affirmed that Mr. Obama is indeed British, then it would be quite impossible for any American Court to not deal with a British Court finding that Barack Hussein Obama was born British and is still British to his day.

Such a British finding would mean Mr. Obama was disqualified without one Hawaiian birth certificate, because the courts do not require Mr. Obama's records, but the already known records of Kenyan colonial Obama sr. and he already known under age sexual adventure of Stanley Ann Dunham.

If such a clever Indonesian Attorney were looking to make an international reputation, they could on Mr. Obama's school records affirm he was an adopted son of Lolo Soetoro and was indeed an Indonesian Muslim with full citizenship rights.

Find the right Lance Ito in a foreign court, and one does not need American Courts, as the foreign courts will do the work the Obama shill judges will not undertake.

The court of play has taken the ball from Barack Obama now. All should be done to promote the sound case of Attorney's Donofrio and Pidgeon. That assistance is in people connected intimately to those in England and Indonesia to quietly produce the results in those courts, so these American attorneys can drop the legal finding into the lap of a startled American Court.

Those who can move on this legally, should. This is the correct way to proceed in this finally. Now it is hoped that others will be inspired to add another wedge to this drive to exposing the fraud of Barack Hussein Obama.

agtG 230

Obama's balls on the court

Howie Long en his Obama penis

I just saw on CBS a Hanukkah commercial by some actor who apparently was Jewish telling men to get their women a paps smear for the Temple Re dedication Holy Day.
I wonder on God's green earth who in the hell at media thinks this stuff up and how in any name someone hearing this pitch agrees to be spokesperson.

What is there next in this Muslim haj for your anal fissures? Obamass Day for your horse tooth cavities?

What started this all was a Chevy commercial which I have been souring on which features Howie Long, former Oakland Raider lineman and hall of famer.
To be honest, Howie Long was never a Carl Eller, Joe Greene or the legendary Randy White. He was a great deal like Chris Collinsworth, an ass kisser who the boys of the Hall of Fame liked enough to vote hisself into a place others more deserving should be, sort of like Barack Obama being where John McCain earned the place to be.

It is all this liberal hog poop though which is all of this. Go to the Rock Hall of Fame and it is nothing but liberals panting after liberals. For goodness sake, they gave Bruce Springstein some Congressional award for being a liberal. You never see a Ted Nugent playing chords at the Hall of Fame, just these liberals.

What bothers me most is not Howie Long, but like Collinsworth on NBC, they both think they are intelligent. Long is pure stupidity and yet he honestly takes hisself serious as Obama does his thoughts.
There though is Long grinning like a baboon attempting to speak about football which was his entire life.......well earth to reality, Howie did try acting, but was so horrid he even washed out of that, until he weaseled his way onto FOX riding behind Terry Bradshaw's persona.

In that, I can not fathom anyone at General Motors sitting down and buying the pitch that Howie Long should be the face of Chevy. Perhaps they want to sell a product that only stupid Obama voters will buy, but that can be the only reason, a Howie Long reminds me of a used condom caught on the shifter in how greasy and wet he always appears, in dripping all over his narcissism.

I look at people like Peyton Manning who does a great job in poking fun at himself, and yet everyone knows he is where he is by hard work and being intelligent at quarterback.
The same holds true for rapper Justin Timberlake who does commercials making fun of himself, so that buyers are entertained and are comfortable with these Americans.

Long ago Bill Cosby, after "I Spy" his waning movie career and television comedies ended, Mr. Cosby became the voice of Jello to Ford, earning spectacular salaries as there seemed to be nothing the Cos would not hawk, and it all worked, because Bill Cosby was real.
This was the days of Fat Albert which filled the gap to his Cosby Show and now his elder statesman work in trying to improve America for all Americans as Martin King advocated.

I watch the world of today and I see people who are famous for being famous. They have accomplished nothing, have no talent, have no abilities, but yet are the news, and yet, most of these types are like Howie Long who have absolutely no talent, happened to muddle their way into a position, and are milking that million dollar cow for all she is worth, hoping corporate America doesn't wake up first.

Marketing is supposed to make a consumer want to buy a product and to have an affinity to the person selling the product.
Rush Limbaugh literally created Snapple, but when the corporates bought Snapple up, they got rid of Limbaugh and Snapple tanked. It has never recovered.

Radio people have that ability from Jeff Rense in what he hawks for his sponsors to Sean Hannity, when your audience believes you are a nice guy and trusts you. That is why Air America people like Ed Schultz have such a time of ever making it "big", is because their audiences are so angry and hateful, they do not trust Schultz anymore than they do themselves.

That was the art of Art Bell in his booming voice and his childlike curiosity could make any subject fun, deep into the late nights of America. The persona is the product many times and just like Mr. Limbaugh when the persona is gone like Paul Harvey, the sponsors leave or the products fail.

Jesse Ventura is once again back, ranting his brand of stupidity, that he is some revolution. Mr. Ventura bankrupted Minnesota when he was Governor there looting things worse in stuffing his pockets with endorsements than Barack Obama........Obama has yet to be exposed stuffing his pockets beyond book deals.
Yet there is Ventura once again acting as an ass, being an anarchist when he had to run from running for Governor in Minnesota as he would have been booted from office who saw what a fraud he was.
Mrs. Ventura is a lovely woman, and Jesse when he is fishing with Kent Hrbek of the Twins is likable, but when he gets onto the stage or in power, he acts like he is still that wrestling act of the The Body Ventura.

So sponsors answering to the globalists keep running ads on pedophile David Letterman joke a impregnation thon. Apparently mansexuals find Howie Long attractive as Jungle Fever types did Obama in buying a Chevy so you too can rub the leather Howie would never set his hairy ape body in.
Do you think for a second millionaire Howie Long drives a Chevy?

I beleive Rush Limbaugh does sleep on his beds he hawks, but Howie Long in a Chevy is about as believable as Obama in Church being repentant.

So Lawrence Welk driving Dodges long ago, I believed as much as the products Jack Benny and Red Skelton had sponsoring their shows. I can understand a company seeing Jack Benny or William Shatner and having them sell their products as talent is there.
Yet I see companies time and again investing millions of dollars in horrid people like Michael Jackson to Tiger Woods and being burned.

Look at the insane catastrophe that Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld stupidity was. What the hell was that in Apple wiped the floor with them with two unknown actors and Microsoft is still being wiped due to that stupidity.

Obviously the ad companies do know what they are doing in Peyton Manning shows up, but when you look around at the deluge of nothing but black people no one knows selling everything from colleges to white teeth, one has to ask in black people not having great deals of money, do not buy these products, just how many Asians, Whites and Hispanics are going to be wanting to be like unknown black people.
I do realize the psychological testing these corporations did in finding that women watch commercials and buy from women fatter, uglier and less threatening than them, (that is why Oprah markets), but why does anyone want to be a nobody or a stupid nobody like Howie Long in buying a product a nobody or dunce does not even drive?

Josephine the Plummer, Mr. Whipple, The White Tornado to Tony the Tiger, all were characters developed that people watched and were entertained for 60 seconds for decades and they built companies like Johnson and Johnson into the money hogs they still are.

Winston tastes good like a cigarette should........

Come on over to Marlboro country........

Don't squeeze the Charmin.......

All were jingles and lines delivered by characters which still run though the mind if you study the old commercials. When I see Howie Long, I just am repulsed and I turn off. That is a huge problem in I actually like the Chevy.
Frankly GM should just have the black narrator who says, "The award winning Malibu by Chevy" doing the selling. I trust that voice and that B grade actor.

Yet American companies continue to find the most offensive for their products, instead of finding the non condom face which makes all Americans want to buy their products.
Howie Long selling OnStar sounds like a creepy stalker and looks like a window peeper outside a Malibu window.

For the millions, if I would use the product, I would gladly sell American products and put the Lame Cherry logo kiss of approval for intelligent and stupid buyers who desire me to do the deciding for them.

Linda Hunt, Drew Carey, Terry Bradshaw are a place to start.


Where no man has gone before

I limit myself to dead heroes as live ones always are around to disappoint.

It is in that though that two diverse Gentlemen who I do value and who have shaped, moulded and changed the world, recently sat down and had a conversation which revealed the class of William Shatner and Rush Limbaugh.

I honestly believe both of these men are uncomfortable and yet enjoy supremely the iconic status they have developed by living their lives. To know that the work you do actually has changed people's lives for the better is a most humbling experience, and yet no one would ever think of the word humble with Mr. Shatner or Mr. Limbaugh, and yet they are humble men, and they deflect their importance by satirical humor about themselves.

I have alluded to my rather interesting life in growing up in it's not so festive times. I had in my world like Jonathan Winters the alternative of having that world destroy me, or I could create a world in my mind which I could survive while ignoring the wars without.
Fictional characters were the greatest part of my role models in my isolated world. John Wayne's persona and character were my modes of conduct in Americanisms based on Biblical paths to live one's life by. It was horrid in the world does not appreciate the reality of goodness no more in children trying to progress than in Jesus the Christ progressing the world in those attributes.

One character though I latched onto in addition in reruns was Capt. James T. Kirk, and his emotional heart in Dr. Leonard McCoy and his logical brain in Mr. Spock. Star Trek was a medium which gave me hope. It gave me purpose and it challenged me to create a vast array of things scientific in expounding upon "light engines", light machines and dabbling in areas that children's minds are not thought profound to lead to.
The logic of the mind is what with Jesus the Christ carried me through to surviving numerous situations which have had the majority of people blowing their brains out.

That is what Bill Shatner and Rush Limbaugh have given to the world, in they have taught generations of children literally how to process information and to think their way through impossible situations for the best possible outcome.
It is not just the old adage of, "Life is not about playing a good hand well, but life is about playing the bad hand all are dealt, to the best possible life", is the adage of Mr. Shatner and Mr. Limbaugh.

I quote Capt. Kirk's infamous line here often in, "Mr. Spock if you can not tell me what it is, then tell me what it isn't", because it is the line in how to get through in life.
If you add Mr. Scott's, "The only diplomacy I need is a loaded phaser bank", and you basically have about all you need to process information in life.

For social order there is John Wayne's, "I ain't stuck my nose in any body's business since I was 18 year old and it almost got me killed".
This was followed by in Big Jake with, "Now why'd he have to go and do that?", in which a thug kicked a little kid while hanging his sheepherder dad, and Jacob McCandles rides down and rescues the dad, the boy and buys the sheep dirt cheap off the herder in no position to argue.

Wonderfully Jock Ewing portrays the thug and dares Mr. McCandles to cut the hangman's rope to which McCandles throws a knife at the end of Jock Ewing's nose which sticks in a tree and orders him, "Now you got me scared, you cut it down".

Mr. Wayne always quoted his dad, and the quote was true in, "If you are insulted, then I meant to insult you".
So when I get little twerps who parade in front of me, insulting me, I know they mean it on the weak level they are in not being able to compete with me. I also know if it is not me, it will be God dogging them until they are reached with a full reckoning.
I forgive, but God never forgets those who dare touch me.

Mr. Limbaugh has taught an entire generation now in how to process information. He is single, but is the father of an entire generation of thought, which I have noted here is so expansive now that the internet has become his mind. God has always provided me my gifts, but Mr. Limbaugh laid a method as perfect as any Greek scholar in how to process information.
What Mr. Limbaugh was processing 20 years ago, is now being ramped up with God's Grace, in millions of American minds. It is delightful to go onto commentary pages concerning Barack Hussein Obama, and read the sarcasm, witt, satire and cutting edge humor which is wiping out all of this horrid leftism which Obama thought would be his 1000 year Reich.

These are just children, and yet they are processing information so fast that Couric, Williams, Olbermann, Matthews are many times two weeks behind in dealing with it. Internet minds now are processing and dealing with information which is even three days ahead many times of Rush Limbaugh.
The mentor of American intelligence has now produced intellectual offspring who are surpassing his excellence.

Moral conduct in John Wayne, thinking out of the box in Capt. Kirk and Rush Limbaugh pooling the thought process to out think your opponent are the hallmarks, which are summed up in one Ronald Wilson Reagan in the public domain.
I frankly hope in God's Grace that one Sarah Palin, who is a child of this "to boldly go where no man has gone before" will be provided her opportunity before Jesus returns.

She is our Henry V and Joan of Arc in France. The melding of against all odds and the hope of an entire nation facing the abyss.

William Shatner, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin would all make cutting remarks about themselves in being so bestowed here in how they are affecting so many in positive ways. It is what Ronald Reagan was prone to do and it is the legacy of John Wayne whose epitaph was about being big and ugly.

There are no final frontiers, as people in God have yet to experience dimensions that we have never dreamed. In the words though of Tiny Tim, in Dickens classic, I do say not just God bless Rush Limbaugh, William Shatner and Sarah Palin, but God bless us everyone, for the positive is there for all to build upon and people do make differences in people's lives for all the good they do, even sometimes in standing alone with the world ignoring them or ridiculing them.

Jesus was such a One as this. Lead by example and do not be concerned who is following as this is your Guiding Day Star on High in a life to grow you into more.

The elderly in William Shatner and the handicapped in Rush Limbaugh leading the way and doing it with civility.

God bless us everyone.


William Shatner interviews Rush Limbaugh

VIP: Very Important Penis

As the Tiger Woods story devolves into greater debauchery which has now been exposed in exceeding the whoring and doping of Charlie Sheen, this blog is going to invest the time to explain a few things about the world you are paying for.

Yes readers, you footed the bill for Tiger Woods and as more and more women are being found, it is assembling a reality that some of Woods' women were procuring other women for him as he golfed and Fortune 500 Clubbed around the world.

If you remember, the Ben Rothlesberger incident in Las Vegas, not the fraud rape allegations, but the Canadian blonde who made them, you might recall the "VIP Hostess" job description the company gave her.
Visit Maxim's Hometown Hotties sometime, and you will find more and more models listed in their as their vocation is "VIP Hostess".

What that all means is corporations, which Americans through those tax deductions hire attractive women to escort clients around town. One can assume that the women have males to giggle and look with doe eyes a them too by corporate entertainment America.
These hostesses of course are not all prostitutes as Tiger Woods harem was, but they are hired as party girls to make the client feel like all they say is funny, every moment with them is like winning Augusta and every "actress" in Hollywood wants to be bedded by Charlie Sheen.

Remember Michael Jordan and his sex problems, well Charlie Sheen has now joined him in Hanes undies commercials.
Makes one wonder how many Hanes they lost under beds in their careers of bedding women.

Why this matters is companies pay for these services, and that means they are business deductions hidden away in the paperwork. It is why Kobe Bryant raped that blonde Colorado girl is because this is the normal package athletes, stars and fat old men and women corporate types have provided for them. Kobe just got caught mixing in normal people with whore people he would use and throw away.

Most of these jerks give jewelry to the people they prostitute to make it special if it is groupies, but with Woods these are not groupies, but paid whores who ply this trade around the country or world.

I do not feel sorry for Mrs. Tiger Woods as she got what she was paid for like Halley Berry or any of these women who marry high powered Bill Clinton types who think women are nothing but sex dolls. These women collect a high powered male, thinking he is different, but all he is is a jerk on steroids, exactly like Muchelle Obama found out with Bearick trolling his derrick around in sodom cesspools.
I do though have compassion for Mrs. Woods, as Tiger has been sexing women who have been sexing the international sex trade males. In essence, Mrs. Woods has had sex with about 3 million penises in the past years, with every pedophile, homosexual and bestiality fetish on the planet, because when you run in those circles Tiger Woods was, there is always the fringe who wants to try out the Letterman cocktail child joke, the sodomite sex and bringing the dog or gerbil in, and some gal or guy is going to for the extra grande try it out too, just the once.

So Mrs. Woods has been exposed to the worst of diseases, and I mean the cervical cancer viruses which laying ticking in your womb for years, unless the body is strong enough and fights them off.
Otherwise the cancer takes your womb away.

Mrs. Woods knew all of this though, and if you look at Tiger Woods with his pregnancy test kit wondering if he is Obama pregnant or not, one has to ask themselves what anyone saw in this ugly male, except his paid for image.
He has looked like hell for quite some time and played golf like hell, which means he has been doped up, drunk and sexed out for years, all the while Gatorade which just dumped him from contract, has been pissing their investment away inside of Tiger's whores.

Corporations all from Hollywood to the golf course get away with these tax write offs. Bill Maher thinks his sex is coming for free, but face the facts, the things he beds go home and puke after being with something like that, when all they get out of it is moving up the employment ladder in hoping some producer notices them to make them a star.

It is a manwhore business and Tiger Woods has exposed it all, and it should become worse as the days go on, but in fact it probably will not, because all of these corporations keep apartments, villas and whores for themselves and clients. They do not want this starting to come back on them as this erupts into VIP Hostesses all selling not their Tiger Woods story, but how many politicians, celebrities and jocks they have been giggling with.

I never did like Tiger Woods, still detest golf, and think even less of the sex trade which all of this exposed.

Little blonde girls though should learn a lesson in they need to marry a nice, Christian, normal, boring gentleman, who will think they are heaven and treat them like wives, instead of seeding them with cancer virus to ruin their years to come.

The saga of the Very Important Penis.

agtG 240

Obama Debt

A number of years ago I remember Willard Scott of NBC stating that there was a man he worked for that he just could not stand. The guy was scum puss for character and Scott just detested being around him.
One day though, he met the man's wife and she was a nice woman, so Scott decided in turning over a new leaf, that if this nice woman was married to this jerk, then there had to be something redeeming in him.

I honestly try to find something redeeming in not just Barack Hussein Obama, but in his wife and children. Readers will note that this blog championed the Mother in Law when she was being pummelled by snotty press. This blog in fairness has stood up or Muchelle when she is being ill treated as a wife in public, so I do try and search the aura of the Obama's for something that like Willard Scott, there could be something good said about them.

But after searching all the brain files, I just can not find one thing about this Obama clan that is anything but distasteful, patrician, disgusting, lewd or base. The one thought that did come to mine was the children seemed to giggle nice when they got Bobama the dog........but then they had to add the spice of narcissism in naming that kennel hound who no one sees after Obama.
So what is that, but one more nauseating moment from these people.

Vomit is the term that best suits them.

To receive the White House Obamas tree, there was Muchelle again, this time with a plaid bow that looked like it belonged as an ornament on some clown from Scotland. Queenie was in her normal better than everyone else smirk, and that little Sloven, has an expression like the Obama's keep her in some box and this child never sees the light of day.
She is terrified in Africa of black people and is terrified on the White House drive of a horse pulling a cart. I am beginning to wonder if these children's only normal odors in life are cell phones and computer games.

I am reminded of Benjamin Franklin in the company being like dead fish in stinking after 3 days. The Obama's are nothing but a shipload of foul carp who somehow seem daily to belch some monstrosity into the atmosphere to make people gag.

Today, Obama decided that since stealing 13 trillion dollars out of the Treasury and giving it to his cronies was not enough, as his economy sucks, unemployment sucks, the Chinese are lecturing him about being a bubble boy in fake economic, that Obama has unveiled another scheme to "stimulate" the economy or to simply transfer more money into this Democratic re election bid.
Which is of course all illegal, criminal and against the law.

One actual American in Congress, Jeb Hensarling said this:

"The prime minister's announcement is further proof that TARP has morphed from an emergency injection of liquidity to thaw frozen credit markets into a $700 billion revolving slush fund to promote the Democrats' political, social and economic agenda,"

No Republican Hensarling did not say prime minister, but I am not about to ever refer to fraud Obama as President, no matter what any documents which might ever be produced might say, because I know he is British, his website said he was British and "expired", which it can not do in being President, so he is a usurper and will always be one, no matter if I appreciate Jeb Hensarling.

The fact is though that Obama took money to save America, and with Pelosi turned it, like Geithner, into a slush fund. America has never seen this kind of audacious rapine in it's history. This is Robert Mugabe and Daniel Ortega in scope in the rape of a nation's treasury and the rewarding of the thugs.
To be honest, the Soviet communists and the Chinese communists never had the audacity to rob like Obama does.

Yet there is Obama on the yesterday having the EPA put on greenhouse gas controls, when the global warming slave masters were outed in being complete frauds. On this Obama day, Obama wades out in red debt and informs the world that he is going to spend a trillion dollars more on nothing but filling the pockets of his cronies to try and make a bubble which will get Pelosi re elected.

I will state this again. Ronald Reagan bought implements of war to stimulate the economy from a Carter depression. George W. Bush bought houses to end a Clinton 1999 and 2000 recession.

Barack Obama has done nothing, but transfer money to his cronies in trillions of dollar which is Obama robbery of Americans.
Then Obama had the lying audacity to state this recession is 2 years old. For the record the economic attack did not occur until mid 2008 by Obama's cronies. It was deepened by Nancy Pelosi's antics to get Obama elected in the autumn of 2008, and the FACTS SHOW, that George W. Bush in January 2009, for 350 million dollars, had stabilized the US economy and it was beginning to expand.
Obama strangled it for his crisis draconian mandates. There has been no 2 year recession. What there has been is a double 9 11 economic terrorist attack against America by the European cartel which backed Obama in 2008.
George W. Bush fixed that and what has followed in 2009 is the Barack Obama Depression.

All of which is being compounded by Obama not purchasing a thing that Americans can produce or stimulating the economy, but is instead expanding debt, making America more insecure and opening the advent of a nuclear attack on America.

For the record, from 1980 onward in Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, in all these administrations advances on economic policy and defense, which is now 30 years policy of benefiting Americans, Barack Hussein Obama has wiped it all out in 10 months time.

Massive debt and massive advancement of the terror sponsors in China and Russia. Forget al Qaeda for a moment as Obama has smashed the containment crescent and now China and Russia are sitting in treaty on the shores of the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean and the Alps.

Do you see anything that bratty little girl giggles can even overcome the puke of reality of what Barack Obama is with his clan destroying America from the White House as they party their way to spending millions on their trillions?

Obama even reading teleprompters looks droid now. There just is nothing redeeming about these people no matter how much one tries to find something, anything about them.

They are sodden gluttons, whose excrement of policy and vomit of presence is giving a death stench to America which will not wash off.

Say that once again as Obama legacy, because it is their epitaph to their tenure.

The Obamas are sodden gluttons, whose excrement of policy and vomit of presence is giving a death stench to America which will not wash off.
-Lame Cherry

agtG 313

More Obama Massive Debt