Monday, February 15, 2010

Speaking as Eric Holder

With information being reported in the New York Times that Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, second in command of the Taliban being captured inside Pakistan, I have some Eric Holder comments and warnings to the CIA.

First, Mr. Baradar, was captured without any US warrant for his arrest. Mr. Obama has effectively made all terrorists US Citizens, so this capture was in effect a kidnapping on foreign soil waged against as Citizen of Afghanistan inside Pakistan by Pakistani security.

Second, the CIA did not read Mr. Baradar his Miranda rights, nor provide him a lawyer as Eric Holder provided the Flight 253 terrorist bomber, so he could lawyer up.

Third and most troubling, the New York Times was given this classified information which is espionage. The Times informed the White House which asked for a cover up of that information which the Times assisted in conspiracy.
The White House denied Americans information when it promised transparency and here the White House was engaged in a Watergate cover up.

Fourth, Mr. Baradar is being held without legal representation from America, and his rights are being violated.
Mr. Baradar as a devout Muslim is being "tortured" by his captivity in the same way that Abu Gharib, Gitmo and KSM were tortured as Rosie O'Donnell noted.

Fifth, Barack Hussein Obama, has just violated his own protocols in fighting with the Taliban which follows:

Mr. Obama did not warn the villagers that a search was coming.

Mr. Obama did not inform the Afghanistan government of this operation against an Afghanistan Citizen.

Mr. Obama did not hand over operational controls to Afghani police nor military to run this operation.

Mr. Obama did not include Afghani security forces in this kidnapping.

Mr. Obama allowed the CIA to point weapons at Mr. Baradar without Mr. Baradar first pointing his weapon at them as the Obama rules of engagement mandate.

Point 5, Mr. Obama is guilty of violating his own military protocols of war and is guilty of disobeying direct orders from the Commander in Chief.

All of these points Eric Holder is certain to make in this violation of international law in the kidnapping, torture, invasion and terrorizing Mr. Baradar, with the expressed purpose of using that information to violate the rights of religious leader Mullah Omar and Sheik bin Laden with their probable premeditated homicide as a result.

All of these are the laws which Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder issued as protection for terrorists from American Soldiers, CIA and law enforcement. Mr. Obama has violated all of the above findings and Executive Orders and is guilty of violating the rights of terrorists he has bestowed and is guilty of being an international criminal in crimes against humanity.

Mr. Baradar is being illegally detained according to Obama manifestos and Mr. Obama is guilty of violating US military codes and US laws.

There is no satire meant in any of this as Barack Hussein Obama clearly with Eric Holder laid down these orders and Eric Holder was prosecuting the CIA for violating these very protocols just months ago.

Barack Obama must be arrested by military authorities and face Court Martial on the charges he violated his own laws and endangered a terrorist, and is in the process of using information to kill more terrorists who have American rights, which is clearly homicide as this is not a war on terror, but a civilian police action according to Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder.

Mr. Holder must be indicted immediately and an arrest warrant sworn out for his part in this exactly as he pressed for against the CIA.

Both of these men after trial must be extradited to Afghanistan to face trial there for kidnapping an Afghanistan Citizen, endangering his life, torturing him and attempting to extract information which would result in the murder of other Afghanistan Citizens.

This blog did not make the Obama rules of engagement nor in dealing with these misunderstood people who Mr. Obama must study, as with Nidal Hasan in not terming him a Muslim or a terrorist.
Mr. Obama is guilty of heinous crimes and high crimes, with his accomplice Eric Holder and as the CIA and Homeland Security were involved, this means Leon Panetta and Janet Napolitano must also face criminal conspiracy charges, along with the New York Times of aiding and abetting felony crimes.

It does not matter that if Mr. Baradar is found to be Ahmed the Camel trader in another psychological operation against American intelligence as Camel traders indeed have equal protection from international kidnapping and terrorism too under Mr. Obama's rules.

This is clear in the law of Obama and his rules of engagement. Barack Obama must be arrested and in addition the House must seek to impeach this criminal and the Senate impeach Barack Hussein Obama.

Those are the Obama rules for CIA, Soldiers and FBI. Mr. Obama is not about the law nor above the law he dictates for others to bow to.


Obama terrorizes terrorist or Camel Trader

Say it ain't so Joe

I desire to preface this with the announcement that I had a correspondence with one of the most powerful people in America. In a list of 12 names, his would not be at the bottom.
The topic was about something of this blog in protecting Americans. His reply was one sentence on the topic I was speaking about, and then I had a few pages of his accomplishments.

I know this person and like him. I also know when I am being blown off by a politician and it really irks me when American security is involved. In noting that, I know he is better than a Nancy Pelosi or a Robert Gates, so while this politician is someone I am not fond of even if liking him, he is my horse and being the only horse in the desert, I will ride him even if he is a jackass.

Now I could cause him a great deal of problems in things I know, but as stated, you do not brain a horse who bites you, you instead ride him out of the desert and deal with the bone head later.

Where this is going in this is Joe the Plumber or Sam Wurzelbacher told a group in Pennsylvania that John McCain used him and now Joe is all upset about it.
He is so upset that he is not supporting Sarah Palin any longer, because she is campaigning for John McCain.

This all needs to be addressed in people put too much personal emotion into politicians in thinking these people really care about you. No people Barack Obama does not say a prayer for you at night nor dream of eating cherry pie with you because you voted for them.
John McCain would not know you if you said hello to him 10 years ago, no more than you remember some stranger saying hello to you a decade ago, nor are you praying for someone in another state who said something nice about you or planning to go eat cherry pie at their home.

Politicians are devices for the implementation of the conduit of American majority thought. They are your computer program meant to pull a lever voting for you. They will use just about anything from Tim Johnson in his wife's breast cancer to Micheal Steele his blackness to gain an edge.

Ronald Reagan was a very caring gentleman, but he never really had a connect with people he met personally outside Nancy. That did not make him bad. It just was his character in he could transform that disconnect into a national connect in trying to do good for all Americans.

Joe the Plumber and most Americans should know this, but it is hard when people are paying attention to you as John McCain was and then McCain ignores you, because he is sore about losing an election and if you have seen McCain's wife going all queer on him in ads, he has one nasty life for an old guy tortured to hell in Vietnam, with a daughter about as right wing as Noel Sheppard taking a left hand turn in San Franscisco.

Mr. Wurzelbacher has to know that the only reason Public Radio which is communist is interested in him is because they can whore him like Entertainment Tonight did with Levi Johnston.
Being an Obama media whore is not any position any man should care to be in.

Mr. Wurzelbacher has to comprehend that Sarah Palin is someone who is loyal. John McCain did not screw her over and actually did his political best to deflect from her the jabs Baldy Schmidt was trying to ruin her with.

Am I fan of John McCain? Not in the least. I told him to retire before 2008 and fade away. The only reason I supported him was because my advice was followed in putting a Conservative woman on the GOP ticket.

Do I support Sarah Palin in supporting John McCain? It is none of my business as I do not dictate to Sarah Palin her personal choices. I understand her loyalty and deal with it.
Would I hope that McCain is defeated and a Conservative Republican is in Congress, most certainly, but I also have a twinge in concern for Gov. Palin in associating with that defeat.
I also know that if Sarah Palin was asked by McCain's opponent if he won to campaign for him, providing he was Conservative, that Gov. Palin would probably campaign for him too.

That is what politics are. I always state people are not electing perfection in God to government. People vote for imperfect people who are going to vote the way the majority demands.

Joe the Plumber is not doing himself any good in his vindictive venting. The left detests him and will mock him when he is done. The right upon hearing his slapping at Gov. Palin and saying "Obama is honest because he said what he was going to do", will abandon him like Arlen Specter.

Sure Joe the Plumber can exist in a Devvy Kidd anarchist world where bloggers are tearing into every side as evil, but what that gets you is criminal Barack Obama into dictatorial powers at the White House.
My entire life I have been used and let myself be used with disastrous results which at times almost cost me my life. I do not put my trust in princes nor in the sons of men. I instead honor God working myself daily to somehow glorify Him.
I get the point Jesus is returning with force to be my King and all of this is going to be swept away. I will to the best of my ability promote the best direction for America through the best venue for God to work through and this person is Sarah Palin, providing she stays on God's side.

Sarah Palin can ignore me, can campaign for John McCain, can do what Sarah Palin does as long as she does not get off the reservation too far. It is not my purpose to correct her, as there are enough asses venting on her for their own personal problems.

What Joe the Plumber is conducting now is personal retribution for a slight he feels. McCain took something from him, and now Joe is going to retaliate and take something back.
Joe needs someone to protect him from himself as he is being preyed on again by the left. They will use him and spit him out just like Cindy Sheehan was by Pelosi.

Mr. Wurzelbacher has to stop cutting his nose off to spite his face. The world has enough indifferent people and enough enemies for each of us without going out and creating them.

Sarah Palin does not tell Sam Wurzelbacher who he can speak to in the press or who he can support. Sam Wurzelbacher needs to afford her that same courtesy, because I would bet that Joe the Plumber had some guy he knew from his past who did him a good turn, that no matter if the world hated that guy, Joe would pay him back by standing by him if he was asked.

That is what people in Ohio do. Same as people in Alaska.

nuff said


Say it ain't so Joe

Joseph Farah's Run

Joseph Farah finally had a liberal rag take his bait on the Obama Birther issue which is what he has been angling for to take this into the next news cycle of media money, triumphs and journalist prestige for newsman Farah.

This appears the reason why he was hanging onto Sarah Palin's skirt tails at the Tea Party convention when he was part of the group who was putting the nastiest digs about her on his site.
Yet, there was Joseph Farah before the convention trumpeting he would be on stage with Gov. Palin.
People will recall as covered here that Andrew Breitbart got caught in Farah's Birther trap and was whispering about it to a busy body, who told Farah and the two then got into in the hall, with Farah making his typical intellectual nasty self come out and slash at Breitbart offending him like a prison ring which G. Gordon Liddy would wear in a fight.

Newsweek has now printed that Farah was promoting that Obama was not born in America.

WND had the following posted:

Newsweek Editor Jon Meacham for a retraction of a statement in the magazine falsely claiming Farah is a proponent of a "conspiracy theory" that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

"It's just a bald-faced lie and misrepresentation of anything and everything I have written and said about the eligibility issue," Farah said.

Farah is issuing the retraction demand, a legal requirement before a defamation lawsuit can be filed, both by letter and in his daily column today in WND.

Most Birthers would be shocked in all Farah has promoted and hinted at in Twitter blogs that he does not follow their common belief, and there is Farah actually revealing he finally got Newsweek to bite at him so he can file a defamation lawsuit which will elevate this promotion issue to new grandeur for Mr. Farah.

Farah's exact quote on his Obama view is posted as:

"While I have written tens of thousands of words about the subject of Barack Obama's eligibility and talked for dozens of hours on the public airwaves and given hundreds of interviews on this subject, never have I stated that Obama was not born in the United States."

Joseph Farah has had Jerome Corsi spanning the globe in search of Obama records it has been recorded. He has featured Orly Taitz and self promoted None of the Above with digs at Sarah Palin which all helped set a false hope and Noel Sheppard type kitty slaps at Gov. Palin which in the end put Barack Hussein Obama in the White House.
Literally, hundreds of thousands of Americans waited in hope that the cast from Phil Berg to Joseph Farah claiming on Twitter that they would come through with the goods on the stories which were said to be true, and now approaching two years later, there is Obama in the White House.

Joseph Farah can Twitter his world away in his schemes as a newsman as he classes hisself. That is his William Randolph Hearst right in America. There is though a point in this of trust, honor and treating Americans with respect.
His daughter Alyssa Farah just posted a heart wrenching article on the greatest of American Heroes in Jeremiah Denton who went through hell for America and warned Marines to not give up the fight for America against immorality.

The entire persona of World Net Daily is one couched in the highest of duty, honor and patriotism in Heroes like Jeremiah Denton finding no extremism too extreme in defense of America.
It is these Americans which Mr. Farah has made his fortune off of. Alyssa Farah is associated with thee most Conservative of activists and this blog showed her photographed with the Patriot Hannah Giles.

There is a matter of trust in this. Readers have an expectation when they come to this blog that I will never jerk them around. Listeners tune into Rush Limbaugh to not have Mr. Limbaugh revealing he voted for Obama. Americans rightly should have expectations that the people they get information from are not up to things which is a slap in the face when it comes out and then pretended to be hidden behind things like "newsman".

If you are Ann Coulter and voting for Obama, then tell the world who you voted for, but do not like Glenn Beck joined at the hip rag on Birthers for their beliefs as the Birthers were the flooring which brought America to the point where Obama is checked for the moment.
Deception is treachery and no different than if you marry someone who said they loved you, "Oh I never loved you. I loved Obama, was only interested in your money and the marriage gave me a good seat at the table".

That is why Noel Sheppard is smarmy like all these types, because Americans who have had the hell kicked out of them by lying patricians in the Congress, have not made any more in wages than they did when Reagan raised them, keep a hope that this time it will be something, and there is Joseph Farah now telling Birthers he never stated Obama was born anywhere than in America.
Just using an issue as a manipulative issue for news purposes while masses believe their is substance to that issue is a betrayal of trust. That is the problem in this for Joseph Farah. He has lost sight in hiding behind news issues of the greater issue of something Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan would never do and that is tell Americans something they did not believe in, but only let them think was something they believed in.

Could you imagine Abraham Lincoln saying, "Yes I said the word emancipation, but I never said slaves should be forever free".

Could you imagine Ronald Reagan saying, "Yes I said the Soviet Union was the evil empire, but I never believed they were evil".

There are certain issues of trust which can not be broken. Mr. Farah has revealed he plays Clintonesque defining of the word "is". It is a shame for those who believed his intent and is a shame that a dolt named David Graham an intern at Newsweek walked into the progressive web Mr. Farah was constructing.

Joseph Farah is adept at psychological manipulation in his type of intelligence operations. The problem is as he kicks more people on the right, hides at being a newsman and drives his agenda come hell or high water, it degrades trust and his legacy in his daughter all of a sudden has people looking at her in wondering what she is pulling in her own agenda.

It is a tangled web woven when first practice is deception. I have some beautiful spiders I keep in my home who are not harmful to me as their bite is only hemo in nature. I keep them as they are trustworthy, fascinating mothers, friendly and when black racers which are quite a problem invade my home, my pets catch them, spin their web around them and kill them.

Joseph Farah has been biting numbers of people who weave webs like Andrew Breitbart. When you are posting information, the only thing you have which keeps people coming back is trust in what you say is what you believe and is the best Truth God has given you.
Once you lose Truth and trust, there is only lies and once lies are there whether by deception or literal lies, then the public never trusts you again.
It spreads to your children. It spreads to the people featured on your site and it never goes away.....because the people you bite never forget in their postings and soon enough catch you in their web defining you for what you are.

It makes little difference if Joseph Farah can parlay this into Newsweek apologizing, paying a fine or this goes to court with banner headlines of Obama ineligibility questioned or it is parlayed into a way to get Obama to reveal his documentation. The damage has been done to Birthers trusting in what World Net Daily does and it filters through to all their writers.

With victories like this, Joseph Farah will not have an army of followers to give his postings any relevance, unless he is content in reading what he posts and can conjure it into a majority of humanity of one.

I really do not know how many people who are making so much money can look at themselves in the mirror, when that money is coming from trusting people who can not afford a thing anymore from insurance to all the things Obama is preying on their fears over, and like Glenn Beck to Bill O'Reilly they are just in it for the game and making a quick fortune.

"never have I stated that Obama was not born in the United States", no Mr. Farah you have not, but you certainly had numbers of hopeful Americans in net traffic, buying books etc... believing that is what you were telling them you were saying.

It is a matter of trust in this run.

agtG 309

Some love is just a lie of the mind
It's make believe until its only a matter of time
And some might have learned to adjust
But then it never was a matter of trust

Bye Bayh

I am certainly pleased that the Obamite Pfeiffer or something from the non lying White House has explained that Evan Bayh is quitting the Senate, because he is not in trouble, will easily win re election and you stupid Americans know nothing about Indiana politics.

I have a different take on why Evan fled the Obama scenes of the crimes in he fled because his wife dressed his two boys like they fell out of 1950's time warp where they were only dressed in crochet vests and patterns clothes which were all homemade.
Well, not really, but I really feel sorry for two little boys who look like Star Trek characters dressed up like Mr. Spock visited Leave it to Beaver.

What I look at Evan Bayh as he had lots of bi, bye, by and buy in his Bayh. It just was not fun for this son of a big political shot and dreaming of being daddy's son is a whole lot not the same as actually having to show up for work.

Work is the problem in this as Bayh looked at his political bank account and figured he could take the money and run or listen to Rahm Emmanuel and Barack Obama yell at him to run again, so he could spend the next 6 years listening to furious Indianans yell at him 24 7.

The key to Bayh going bye bye is the fact that he had two alternate universes facing him. In universe one, Evan Bayh was part of a Democratic party inhabited by leftists in a shrunken majority in 2011 which will be led by Chuck Schumer.
In universe two, Evan Bayh was part of a Democratic party inhabited by leftists in a minority in 2011 which will be led by Chuck Schumer.

The key common element in the mathematical circles of common interest is one Chuck Schumer.

Have you looked at Chuck Schumer?

Evan Bayh would daily have to look at a man who looks like a penis. I have no idea why so many Democrats look like male appendages, but you have Geithner, that Peter Orszag, Kent Conrad who all could have second career as a condom seller looking John Kerry dressed up in a hazmat suit.
Bayh would have to put up with balding penis in his face, that raspy snotty voice, that crinkled old bony body, those horrid George McGovern floppy suits and Chuck Schumer ordering him around.

Do people think that having Harry Reid order you around is fun? What nightmare it would be to have that pompous Schumer ordering you around and in Conservative Indiana have to listening to millions of voters screaming at you while you had to defend Schumer.

Bayh has been playing Obama for the past year in running away from the Obama Senate and into the school activities of his little boys. That kind of reaction is a kid not showing up for school as it is not a fun place and Bayh is running from the Senate as he couldn't make the White House as his next step and got passed over for Vice President, because his little boys only dressed in bad sweaters while Joe Biden threw Lawrence Sinclair into prison illegally.

So the net result is Evan Bayh was a horse like Big Brown who Obama bet on, who just didn't want to run the long race when it was not given to him.
Sort of like Obama already chirping about that he might be a one term Oval Office occupier.

In the balance of scales of life, Evan Bayh had it all, and in the opposite balance there was Obama, Schumer, voters expecting him to vote Indiana instead of Obama and using the Senate as a stepping stone to another Obama dream of being President someday fade away, just left Evan Bayh weighed, wanting and wandering for a way to go play with his little boys to be one of them again.........where dreams were of daddy big shot and he too would one day be something.

How much better would the world be if Obama just resigned, but then Bayh is just deluded and not an obsessed sociopath in Barack Hussein Obama.

bye bayh

agtG 295

Biden minus 9 11

Somehow Joe Biden is like a 911 call, that became a 9 11, call for terror, but with Biden as usual he lost one number and it is Joe Biden making 800 calls for free numbers he has no idea who is on the other end, but is talking jibber jabber to a Spanish text prompt.

I do not feel the least sorry for Aaron Burr Biden though in being hung out to dry by Jarrett Inc. in sent out to duel with his wet noodle against the rapier of Dick Cheney, because Biden knows very well that Obama is a usurper, was in on making a Lawrence Sinclair a political prisoner, has a dope head daughter and dumb as posts sons in his criminal politics, and one can see why Obama being paid off with the Vice Presidential spot for dealing with Sinclair is now no more than dead meat or the Archie Bunker meat head to be shuffled off to the glue factory by Obama.

Like everyone watching the Obama drama, we have seen a parade of nitwits paraded before the public to joust with the press, punditry, Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin concerning what a communist organizer Obama is.
We have seen Janet Naps Napolitano dyke her way in sounding like an idiot over wiping snot on your clothes to combat flu to saying the security system worked on the Christmas bomber when the guy almost blew up a jet full of people.
Then there was Rahm Emmanuel who lasted about one episode in sounding all dicatorial and inept.
Then there was David Axelrod who apparently has had his nut sack hung on the wall by Val-erie Jarrett who won't do anything anymore but complain on interviews sounding whimpy.
Then there is droid Jarrett who just scares people for looking all Stepford Wives all the time.

.....and the rest of the cast like Backdoor Bob Gates who won't go near anything Obama anymore to that idiot Robert Gibbs slandering American women by writing on his hand.

Heck, Obama even rode in on the Super Bowl, when I told him to stay off the show, and sure enough he even called Holder a deceiver in saying Obama was the one calling the shots on terror trials when Holder just said it was him the day before.

All of this has got so bad that Eric Holder has requested for some programming to his brain from the Obama minders so Holder can now come out and spew some more racist crap at America over his coddling terrorists to defend the Obama Holder union to terromony.

So Obama and Jarrett send out Joe Biden, who has been having this huge knife stuck in his back from the Clinton people who have been busy floating rumors the brain dysfunctioning Biden is about to be dumped from the ticket and Hillary put on as Vice President, to save Barack Obama from another Dick Cheney half time event.
I mean there is Dick Cheney with a clunker heart and he doesn't even have to try in this debate. He just shows up, grins like he does, says what he says in experience from the Ford Administration, Bush 41 and Bush 43, sounding Presidential and the reporters all just blink in awe at the guy who is so in control, and Dick drives home like he just shot a round of clay pigeons for rest.

If you did not notice this, Dick Cheney is looking younger, stronger, healthier and more manly than Joe Biden. Joe Biden looks drained of body fluids, like he is hooked up at the geezer home on an IV and never has seen sunlight in 13 years.
Cheney is thriving in this rough and tumble and Obama gets white hair, his staff is fleeing him and Biden looks like he was trying out caskets that morning.

Cheney is toying with Obama Inc. for sport and these Obamites are giving it all and lose ground at every turn.

Biden started his week off with taking credit for Iraq which is just stupid. Liberals hate Iraq and want no part of it, and there Biden takes credit for it which makes the right furious as they know this was a Bush 43 victory and not an Obama Kenyanite victory.

Then Biden gets so rattled on NBC that he says Iraq was not worth the cost, which says that Obama and Biden think that genocide should not be stopped on Muslims. Biden's saying Iraq was not worth the cost means that all of the dead and wounded Americans wasted their sacrifice as their heroic duty was too high of a price to pay for American security.

Joe Biden just said the world would be a better place with Saddam Hussein in it.

This is thee choice by Barack Obama to come out and be his spokesbrain debating all that Dick Cheney states in fact.

Biden has to have a coup being run against him by Obama, Jarrett and Clinton as no one in their right mind sends that diarrhea mouth out to debate anything as 'Say it ain't so Joe' is either plagiarizing, lying or making up stories sticking both silver feet into his mouth making a fool out of Democrats.

Sarah Palin was right on the money in the 'Say it ain't so Joe'. Joe Biden says the very things which should have the masses demanding he resigns.
Who in their right mind defends Saddam Hussein? Who in their right mind belittles American sacrifice on the battle field as a cost too high for American security. Who in their right mind says Muslims are not worth America defending?

Obviously this is the message which Barack Hussein Obama wanted Biden to spew to the world as those were White House talking points from Obama.

The question in this is, does Biden know he has been set up? Hopefully he does now in realizing he is being served up to be served out the door as Obama Inc. is trying to deflect Hillary Clinton's Bobby Kennedy run in 2012 in unseating Obama, by putting her on the ticket, to counter the most dangerous person in America in Sarah Palin just like her mentor was to communists at home and abroad in Ronald Reagan.

Joe Biden apparently was good enough to smear handicapped gay men in Lawrence Sinclair, but Obama has no allegiance.

It only gets better in this as Eric Holder is demanding to go out and speak. I am all for this as the more these Obamites screech upon the airwaves, the more they reveal some bigotry and racial hatred which defines Obama in thee American people's mind and sends them one day closer to exile in Albania.

Make the call Joe Biden, your 911 on 9 11 became an 800 call to oblivion. That is the way to say it Joe.


Community Obamanizer

I have observed with interest the way the intellectuals and Americans in mass have struggled with the chameleon known as Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro Obama in never figuring out at his roots if a guy changes his name's pronunciation to manipulate the masses from Bearick as his old man was called to Bah rock, that maybe the lizard you just bought is not the best candidate to leave your bank account with.

Sarah Palin hit this on the head with noting the "hopey changey thing" which is in her Western dialect spot on in explaining what she rightly mocked from the beginning of all of this in defining Obama for what he is, a community organizer.

So while pundits on the left with unction yearn for an Obama with a heart and David Brooks masturbates hisself to a grin on Charlie Rose hoping the GOP will get elected and save Obama as Gingrich saved Clinton, the fact is Obama is not that difficult to figure out in he is not an executive and never has been one.
Look at his past. He got appointed dictator at Harvard. He showed up as a communist organizer in Chicago.

Do you know what a community communist organizer does? They are people who deep down look at people as idiots who need to be told what to do. They show up at lecture at black folks who are on welfare, think the government is going to save them and want someone to feel their pain and pretend they are going to be taken care of.
The dolts who attend a community organizer meeting honestly think they are being empowered, because some Obama is standing around sweating "listening" to them when Obama is really thinking, "Ok I got that ugly Muchelle Robinson conned, she is swept up with jungle fever. I will use her Jesse Jackson connections to step on these black folks here to get elected to something to validate the little abandoned 10 year old I got inside of me."

Obama then leaped to being hidden in the Illinois Congress where he never voted on anything except "present", became a slum lord with Tony Rezko calling the shots, tapped into the Muslim mafia money again in Auchi to run for Senate and to buy his house he became a Muslim welfare recipient in Auchi buying Obama's Georgian mansion.

There is no leadership in Obama. He is nothing but a street hustler who conned the poor folks out of their votes, Muchelle out of her panties, Jesse Jackson out of his place in history, all the while being a welfare recipient to Muslim mafia oil money.

Barack Obama is not a Commander in Chief. He has never had that in him. He may of desired to be a President of some 3rd world cess pool which is what he gravitated in Chicago to in being a community dictator, but he has been hiding in communal existence his entire life from his communist parents, communist grandparents, communist foreign college loans and his buddies in Pakistan were Islamocommunists giving him a partridge hunt.
Obama has fled Presidential actions his entire life. Jimmy Carter was a failure but he at least commanded a nuclear sub and was a Georgian Governor. Obama has never even commanded his rubber ducky he has floating around in his tub.

That is why Obama is chronically bowing to everyone. He started this phase in running to George Soros who pulled the financial scam to fund Obama. Obama ran to Pritzker Inc. to launder his money. Obama ran to Teddy Kennedy to give him a legacy. Obama ran to Europe and apologized to them for America. Obama ran around the world taking abuse from Ortega and Chavez. Obama ran around bowing to everything from Saudi Kings to now a Mayor in Florida.

There just is nothing in this Obama's character which has a thing to do with Commander in Chief as he has no idea what to do as a leader. He is in over his head, and what he reverts to time and again in his hopey changey thing is a community obamanizer who likes talking allot, likes allot of attention, likes other folks doing the work and the thinking and like allot of vacation time as the job is not fun.

That is what the intellectuals and Americans who are puzzled by all of this have to understand. Even liberals get up every day and know they have to work, pay the bills, make decisions about what to wear, but the Obama's get up every day and someone else in Congress, Cabinet or Military is doing the work, the government pays the bills and someone dresses Michelle and Barack daily like the 8 and 10 year olds they are mentally.

Americans voted for a communist, a community organizer, a communal thinker who rewards the elite and steals the votes of the poor by bribing them with other people's money.
Obama is that kid in school who always made friends with the popular kid, usually had his lunch money stolen by a bully, and always had a birthday party so they would get presents.

This chameleon grew up to be a community obamanizer. He conned Chicago and then conned America and the world into thinking he was Presidential, but all he has been from day one is petty little dictator in a pressed suit.
That is why Obama is reverting to Executive Orders to get something done to validate hisself. He is not interested in governing, leading or being American. His entire purpose is being a communist Obamanizer.

That explains what Obama is, why he is letting down the people he lied to and why he in part is taking a plunge into the abyss and blaming everyone else for his failures like Jimmy Carter.

The community Obamanizer is not a mystery or a riddle. He is just Obama above his pay grade and being hisself.


The Girls Club

Sarah Palin is thee most dangerous Lady on the planet. That is the exclamation point from her enemies who watch her every move looking for a hair out of place in order to make an Obama out of a Kenyan mole hill.

For Sarah Palin though she has no enemies in her heart, because she allows God to deal with those who are attacking her.
David Letterman makes rape jokes about her children and God exposes Letterman for the pervert he is.
Robert Gibbs makes jokes about her 5 words on her hand, and Gibbs exposes himself as the woman loathing creature he is with his own five words which reveal he and Obama believe women should be barefoot and lipstick on a pig pregnant.

In that Sarah Palin has a growing girls club. Oprah Winfrey has found out that Gov. Palin is one of the girls. Barbara Walters reveals the same thing. Quite a turn around from the Obama voters who were part of a spitting cat rapine led by Cynthia McFadden and Peggy Noonan.
In case, you have not noticed, Pegs Noonan has been quite silent as has Cynthia McFadden about one Sarah Palin. Yes holding the good girl down so a tan Obama can rape her just loses it's Bill Ayers appeal after it goes on for months.

Women go through all types of assault their entire lives. They are bullied, harassed for sex and the betrayed by the Cynthia McFadden type of female who helps to get her drunk so the entire football team can wreck revenge on another woman just for being a woman.
Women have many of these predators on all continents. These are the "pretty" girls who make life hell for ugly girls. These are the "pretty" girls who use sex to get the jock and soon find the jock and his derrick only screwed them and left them with an abortion bill to pay.
These "pretty" girls then invest the rest of their life tormenting other men to turn them into women haters to start the cycle all over again.

So of course Sarah Palin has to deal with these rabid females who want to get back her for their being whores and those transference chics who think that she is evil like the torture bitches, but even they are coming around.

Take for example that vixen Eleanor Cliff who we can all agree that she has had to put up with a great deal of the keyboard couch in her career from lecherous bosses.
There had to be at the start of her career when the strawberry blonde was with that passed our drunken black editor caught in the edit in a janitor's closet at a Cinco de Mayo party.
There had to be the lesbian publisher stoned to and OD who Eleanor was caught with in the crapper.
Then there had to be that 90 year old geezer magazine owner on life support in the hospital that the very Ms. Cliff was caught bouncing up and down on.
There had to have been that hearse incident with a very erect corpse putting the moves on the very attractive El, but we will not go into the details of.
The point being this blog is certain that Eleanor Clift has had to put up with many passes in her career from people passed out, on life support and yes even dead, because she is so hot, but not hot enough to make it to the pinnacle of being a Hillary Clinton power dyke in being able to hire her own designer lezbo to be pursued by.

This is the girls club, started by Oprah and Babs Walters who know the pitfalls of male lesbians and female dykes always putting the moves on the sassy young thangs who got that way from being picked on by the cheerleader squad who were getting dyked by jocks like Barack Obama Soetoro after losing to Special Olympics Children in the school.
These women had jungle fever and like all women found out that the tan rubs off and it is just another male with an attitude not even giving Peggy Noonan a call back or a blackberry buzz.

They are searching now in guilt, remorse and yes, their feminine being in wanting an American Girl to make it big over those culprits of rapine that all women have to put up least the ones who use rolling pins for more than rolling out pie dough. This is the group of women who are casting around and noticing they really got the shaft from these mansexuals like Nancy Pelosi, Babs Boxer and that Hillary Hamrod Clinton, who ran on being women and when they got there acted like men on a dyke pantie raid.

Sarah Palin is the force her girl crew on the left are in the process of attaching to. They will claw, act catty and mew mew about Obama, but deep down they really want Sarah to be their Joan D'Arc whipping out her battle sword and winning one for the Gipper that they all had a secret crush on too.

Sure Sarah is absolutely the Super Woman they failed at. Sure she shoots guns, men adore her for her abilities and she was brave enough to tame the west and make babies too. Sure Sarah reminds them what failures they are, but they are starting in Stockholm Syndrome learning to love the Lady they are captivated by.
The media has been defanged by Sarah Palin and nothing she does can now harm her, as the public has turned off the media, and is in a conversation about her. Her protagonists will win the day as Sarah Palin captivates the nation which is suffering from a severe gut diarrhea from Obama.

Nobody wants Obama Flu for the next 7 years, and nobody wants to be sitting on the crapper for the next 3. The result is Americans can either have the old crotchety Hillary they already dumped for their girl Obama, or they can have Breck Girl John Edwards, or this time they can have a real American Girl.

America's girl club will pick the American Girl this time and get it right.
