Monday, March 1, 2010

Get me in the fight I like the dirty tricks

I detest the lack of chivalry in America.

Today Tom Tancredo who uttered the infamous line, "I am not a Republican. It is just a way to get on the ballot", decided to be a pompous ass in stating that Sarah Palin was not Presidential.
His assessment was based in the problem that she actually has a character fault in being loyal to John McCain in campaigning for him.........while Tom Tancredo, like Joseph Farah, like Bob Barr can not stick the knife into the Party of Reagan fast enough.
One would think that none of these types would realize they would be nothing without Reagan, nothing but a fringe, nothing without all the Republican Conservatives who fought for America in the wilderness for 20 years all so they could be newsmen, professional one position candidates and agree with Obama that talking to terrorists was torture.

There is something that needs to be noted in this in when this blog takes on Muchelle Obama, she is taken on because she as an unproven, unelected leader, but a proven racist and spend thrift tramp has decided to be Hillary Clinton jr. in speaking to every group in America while neglecting her daughters, except to call them fat failures which need fixing.

This might surprise some in I have no idea where Sarah Palin stands on every issue. I know she is a professed child of God, I know she has saved a handicapped baby and chosen the Christian thing to do in raising that baby all her life, I know she has been abused, assaulted and attacked and shown remarkable control, I know she has an Angel on her shoulder and God is guiding her path in these years of her life, and I know she is qualified to be President of these united states and is a proven leader in Alaska.
I know she has the fundamentals in economics. I know she understands it is America first with Americans working at good jobs. I know she comprehends the military in having a son serving in the Obama Wars.

In reviewing all of that, I know Tom Tancredo and Hillary Clinton have not accomplished any of the above. They have though accomplished losing in primaries to John McCain and Barack Obama.

It is pure Obama for Tom Tancredo to announce if he does not judge the GOP ticket, which he threw his support behind Mitt Romney, who lost to John McCain, in another example of how Mr. Tancredo has no executive ability in choosing correctly, that Mr. Tancredo will run as a third party candidate.
By all means as Mr. Tancredo trashes Dick Armey and Grover Nordquist, Mr. Tancredo has every right to join the Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin, with Ron Paul, delusional grandiose psychopathic movements with Ralph Nader, as why save America, when you can None of the Above, re elect Barack Hussein Obama and have Glenn Beck cheering for global warming, George Clooney politics and Mormonism is a warm and cudly religion for young girls to choose how you as a parent should bring up your children.

I might surprise people again in saying I hope Sarah Palin has in her a part of Richard Nixon. Lee Atwater was the last great GOP strategist who won George H. W. Bush the White House, but then Mr. Atwater got cancer, got religion and got remorse in not using his gift to demolish the worst threat to America in what is now Obama Marxism.
Thank God that George Patton never had a problem in killing Nazis in the most brutal manner or America would still be fighting that damn war.

What the GOP needs is Richard Nixon in a bad ass, SOB, dirty tricks form. The entire right needs a head banger and ass kicker just like Nixon to put the fear of Tricky Dick into folks like Tom Tancredo, Joseph Farah, G. Gordon Liddy and whoever else is sucking off of Reagan's Conservative Trust Fund funding their lives.
I see parts of this emerging in Hannah Giles, who is exactly the Nixon type the America right needs in this little girl brought down ACORN, thee most corrupt voter fraud ring since the Kennedy's in 1960 stealing an American Presidency.

Ronald Reagan took no prisoners. He kicked his opponents when they were down, stomped on them, hit them again and then while burying them told Democrats and communists, "You ever get up again and I will hit you so hard, your mama is going to feel it!"

That is the way you play in politics and not this George H. W. Bush patrician sh*t in squat assassinations of Conservatives so your boys go on to loose elections like John McCain.

These children who are stomping around in the right who think they are the big boys on the block, were creamed by Hannah Giles. While they were Obama picking boogers, it was Sarah Palin who took it all alone and has been taking it all alone, making head ways, giving time for the Tea Party movement to take it to the next step.
The next step as Sarah Palin has suggested is for the Tea Party to take over the GOP in it's rightful place bringing home Reagan Democrats and the Conservative Right.

It is pure Obama to suggest 3rd party and to be an assassin like Tom Tancredo is against the very best hope of the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan. Sure Sarahcuda is going to by God's Grace have God win it for her, but the point is, it is winning a united group as Sean Hannity is advocating as the Conservatives are advocating and not fracturing things so Obama wins again.

Tom Tancredo is single issue in immigration. A subject this blog has dealt with and been ignored by Tom Tancredo over, as he is too important to deal with folks not in his clique.
Mr. Tancredo though is not bright enough to know how Sarah Palin is playing the game as he is inept in strategy. Sarah Palin is not President, but is a Shadow President. In that role, she allows Obama to hang hisself on issues while she points out the solutions.

Maybe God works through blogs like this for the Conservative cause and Sarah Palin's greater efforts in exposing what Tancredo has no mind to be Inspired to in laying out the complete strategy in blowing immigration out of the water in explaining to Mexicans that Obama wants to enslave them and toss blacks off the bus as they are too small a voting block, too expensive of a voting block and block trending toward the GOP.
Tancredo is not that gifted to comprehend these issues which is his issue in how to use it as Richard Nixon would.

A few evenings past, I happened to be dealing on this subject and noted in exasperation how Richard Nixon would be ripping the Obama voting block to shreds on what Obama has done, turning them into his voters and yet none of these patricians from Newsbusters to Tom Tancredo have no idea how to take up the bait and run with it.
It reminds of that dolt Bob Woodward had to explain things to in Watergate when it was written in black and white.

For folks who want to play this game with the adults, they had better comprehend not the Denver clique, but the real Westerners who are out there watching Sarah Palin's back and thrive like she does in the brier patch when it is on fire.
Get us in the fight and we like the dirty tricks, to quote Dire Straits, but in defense of America there is no extremism as Barry Goldwater once noted.

Real Americans have this pumping in their red, white and blue blood. They don't need confession as like Gideon they are already on board with God in His Holy Ghost is directing their actions already.
As the Bible says, "If this is of God, then no man can stand against it".

So for the detractors of Sarah Palin, they had better consider their selfish and arrogant rants, because if she is the real deal, they pretty much already are being covered in her wake like Jeb Bush trying to bury Reagan.

The American Patriots are prowling about in the greatest Kit Carson tradition of chivalry and love of country. This is a bunch which made empires crumble and built nations time and again from the wilderness.

Mr. Tancredo probably should allow that cut under his nose to heal as he just revealed his Scott Brown arrogance and ignorance in thinking this is about him.
Fools are not suffered among the adults in this game for keeps. He already proved in one speech headlining that it went to his head. That is not Presidential or Moses humble which God requires.

That is murmuring and God detests murmurers against His chosen.

Try chivalry you people or Sarah Palin is going to hand yours back to you by God.

agtG 308

Another fool

The Obama Euro Bowl Scuffle

I'm really quite amazed that more has not been made of the issue of what Barack Hussein Obama has been up to in eastern Europe concerning missile defense as he has been flip flopping all over this, and, it has gotten so bad that the Russians recently did a nuclear attack drill on Poland in threatening them.
That bears repeating in Obama's buddies of Medvedev and Putin, who he sold out all of eastern Europe for, in their help with Iran, which amounting to nyet, just completed a simulated nuclear attack on Poland, which is outright nuclear terrorism, and Obama said nothing on it, any more than he said when Putin stationed nuclear submarines off the American east coast.

To review this further, Obama gave away the American nuclear arsenal for nothing and Putin gave America Soviet nuclear submarines.
Obama gave away eastern Europe and Russian gave Iran advanced SAM missile defense batteries.
One can see a pattern here.

So into this now in Obama telling the Poles and Czechs FU and enjoy being a Russian cocktail, Obama has now moved the Bush missile defense into Romania and Bulgaria which are part of the old Soviet orb.
Obama's new deal though is for SM 3 missiles which are part of the advanced Aegis class of Navy weapons. They used one to shoot down that missing satellite over the Pacific awhile back.

Obama has told the Russians that the SM 3 is not capable of shooting down Russian ICMB's, but is only for short range Iranian missiles. The problem is Iran has ICBM's of nuclear capability and the problem is the SM 3's can indeed being a 3 stage rocket in their coming generation be ICBM killers just like they killed that missing satellite.
Perhaps is why Russia is terrorizing Poland with mock nuclear attacks, what?

The glaring holes in thee Obama, Biden, Clinton and Brzezinski policy is that these SM 3's are on US Navy ships. If you are an Obama voter, that means ships have to have salt water to float in and operate in. That might sound like a stretch to Obama supporters, as I just heard a Marty on Sean Hannity who supports Obama and is not a seminar caller, but who does call in on talking points from nowhere about health care in seminar caller stance, and happens to quote scripture that a god told her, "no weapon formed against Obama will succeed"................
I want to ask which weapon against Obama has not succeeded as he is a catastrophe around the world and at home, but I'm not Sean Hannity, so I can't rudely bring up that fact to a hippy sounding California Marty who sounds like she needs a good man, a good Bible and a Good God...........but I digress.

So Obama has taken land based missiles which are part of NATO on Polish and Czech soils and put radar stations in Romania and Bulgaria, with Aegis cruisers needing water to float their Obama boat mission.
Once again I visit Obama voters comprehension factors in Aegis cruisers only have the Mediterranean and Black Sea to patrol in.
Both of which are angry terrorist and Russian waters to get US Ships into close quarters with in any international incident, because Iran is not going to be raising missile hell just for fun, but after the situation foments and drags Russia and China into it too, with other states like Muslim Turkey.
There puts Obama though US cruisers in landlocked Black Sea maneuvers and landlock Mediterranean maneuvers, with several hundred Russian ships to deal with and bump into.

If one remembers the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy had US and Russian ships bumping into each other and it almost cost a nuclear holocaust. As stated, this Obama policy is absolutely asinine and has the potential of starting World War IV in minutes.

In review, Obama has then told Russia they could have eastern Europe, but as this made Obama the biggest slave master in history, he has now found Russia to be liars in all fronts, to which Obama has moved the board, put missiles and defense in Poland, Bulgaria and Romania, to which Russia has waved the nuclear wand and voila, we now have US ships which if accidentally bumped or deliberately hit, will immediately draw in nuclear strikes on Russia from America.

Yet no comment from the pundit section in America.

This is inept and insane policy which is inconsistent, and is not as well developed as Bush policy, because Bush policy had US missiles in Poland, meaning that when things get hot, it is deniabilty on America's part when Poland gets bombed that it is is impossible when the USS Decatur goes to submerged to say, "Oooppsss that was Poland so America can just position and protest", when it is American and it gets hit, America must respond in military force.

In that one has to really be perplexed about odd people like Marty on the Sean Hannity program. They support Obama and the policy they do not comprehend, apparently like the rest of America still in Obama's camp, and the people on the right who have not raised hell about this issue, is that Obama just set another nuclear trip wire for America to have the land of the free as home of nuclear glowing craters which used to be Chicago, New York, Cleveland, Denver and San Francisco.
This is the biggest flip flop, nuclear exchange event story since Putin used Polonium 210 to murder a British subject and the next step to the great Eurasian War which is coming.

For the record, those Catholic oracles mention a meeting of a great flotilla of opposing navies in the Mediterranean in the coming war.
Mr. Obama has just made certain that will be an issue, and the American Fleet will be trapped in a damned sewer tank between Europe, Africa and Asia like ducks being shot on a pond.

I love the United States Navy and I do not desire to see the legacy of John Paul Jones end with, "I can not begin to fight, because my ships are at the bottom of the Black Sea".

This Obama reprehensible policy must be undone immediately. The SM 3 batteries must be put back onto Polish, Czech, Romanian and Bulgarian lands with the added advancement in making them ICBM capable.
Only in that Russia will paw and growl which is fine, but when war comes it will be these people's fighting their own battles and not America fighting the battles and Americans getting Russian nuclear warheads wiping out the cities.

Barack Hussein Obama exposed again as in over his head and dithering away another policy to bring in a staged conflict bringing nuclear war into Europe.
Obama won't fix this Persian communist problem, but he will make eastern Europeans new targets along with all of America from Russian batteries now.

Death by Obama comes in rationed death and now nuclear war death. Come one, come all, and get your share.


Obama ineptness phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Are you phased yet you idiot Obama voters?

Gen. Alexander Haig beyond the gravest of terms

Before his death, Gen. Alexander Haig sat down for an interview in 2000 with Fox correspondent, James Rosen, in which certain history which the General was a part of would not be revealed until his passing.

World Tribune posted in part some of the most telling of things and I post them here in part as what General Haig finally revealed proves a great part of what this blog posts in assessing situations and the people in them.

On Richard Nixon:

Nixon knew a lot more than he admitted he did. And by inference, probably influenced more than he would ever admit he did, or recognize he did, as an individual. . . . He used to, in his lowest and highest moments with me, ruminate about how stupid it all was, and how badly it was handled. And: "Why, now, does it have to get up here? A second-rate burglary!" as he called it. And of course, he came from a school where those things were routinely done by both parties.
I mean, he wasn't naive in this; he had an election stolen from him — and he knew it. And everybody knew it! They all knew Chicago [in the 1960 presidential election] was fixed; but he didn't do anything about it. He knew what was going on with Alger Hiss. I mean, Alger Hiss is now proven in the history books to have been a goddamn spy, right? . . . All of those things, I mean, that shapes a man. So, you know, it was his environment. It was also core values, too.

The dirty secret in this was hypothesized in a Playboy series in the 80's (Yes Playboy used to have articles which were worth reading until the Hefner's went completely liberal whore.), in the article it postulated that Richard Nixon was concerned that the Kennedy's clan had done their own "burglary" concerning Bebe Rabozo, a Nixon rich money man, who of course was funnelling money to Nixon.
That is what the essence of Watergate was about in scope in breaking in to ascertain what the Kennedy's had for information.
It is a fact by what Al Haig notes, that Mr. Nixon had a personality which could have a coup run against it, in some operative, perhaps like G. Gordon Liddy working for both sides would bungle the job and Tavistock would know Nixon would jump on it, and drag it all into the White House with a Bob Woodward globalist intelligence operative to skewer Nixon.

Nixon was hated by the communists for his work in rooting them out of the American Government. This is the reason this 5th column took Nixon out the same way Patrick Fitzgerald, Dick Armitage and Valerie Plame tried to run a like coup on George W. Bush.

And for the fact, in another Playboy series, Howard Hughes the billionaire tried to by the Democratic party after the RFK assassination, but later just gave a briefcase of 1 million dollars each to Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon for business purposes.
Nixon screwed Hughes over with atomic testing in Nevada, and who knows what Hughes part was in retaliation to this day.

On Henry Kissinger

I think he was too soft on the Russians. And I thought he was naive on Vietnam. . . . Henry and I almost came to fisticuffs, only I would have been the puncher, on a number of occasions. . . . He was difficult to work for. . . . Henry had an ego; Henry was duplicitous. But you know, Henry Kissinger, the country's better for having had him than if they hadn't had him.

I have always admired Henry Kissinger for his immense accomplishments for America, but his failures were catastrophic as in just dumping Vietnam to the communist wolves.
Yes, the problem is the treaty did provide American assistance, which Democrats in being spiteful to Gerald Ford, abandoned, so South Vietnam fell ruining millions of people's lives, but Kissinger followed the liberal John Kerry crowed and got America out and all hell followed for the South.

Kissinger was always a French courtesan, in he loved France, loved his beautiful policies, but loved Henry Kissinger's mind more.
America was fortunate to have had him, but without Richard Nixon he was just another Rockefeller prostitute of the global order.

On George H. W. Bush & Co.

I settled it twice (Lebanese Israeli War). The first time I got it settled was before the funeral of [Saudi Arabia's] King Khalid. We had a withdrawal schedule [for Israeli troops in Lebanon]. That's why I created a multinational force to go into Beirut. Not to keep the Israelis from brutalizing the PLO, but to supervise the withdrawal of Syria, the PLO and Israel. Now, what happened? [Vice President] Bush, [Defense Secretary] Cap Weinberger, designated by Jim Baker to go to Khalid's funeral. And do you know what they had — went in, in a meeting, a secret meeting, and said, "Boys, Haig doesn't speak for the U.S. — United States government." And therefore, they immediately jumped off that agreement, which I had to twist their arms to accept.
Bill Clark says, "Hey, Cap says let's get that multinational force in there to keep these [expletive] Israelis from brutalizing the PLO." The minute they went in, you know what happened? The Russians, who had withdrawn from Damascus, said, "Ah! Here's NATO, Europe, right in there." Boom! They go right back into Damascus, and that's the end of it . . .

It has always been the most distressing of things in President Reagan had thee most gifted of people around him in Mike Deaver, Lynwood Nofzegger, Al Haig, James Watt, Ed Meese and Bill Casey, and then he had that group of self serving bastards like George H. W. Bush, Cap Weinberger and James Baker.
I do not mean this a blanket condemnation as Baker when he is pointed in the right direction was good for America, and Cap Weinberger was one of the best, but this group was just patrician cat fight, like that group of sadistic bastards harassing Sarah Palin.
This is that same bunch.

Vice President Bush really was too Obama for his own good. He told the Christian right to shut up and go away, destroyed Dan Quayle, and Weinberger and Baker were screwing George Shultz around during the Reagan years in denying him a car to drive around.
They mismanaged in Bush 41 all what Gen. Haig stated including the Hispanic vote which Reagan had worked hard to bring into the GOP.
They are kinder and gentler patricians, if not for Maggie Thatcher, Saddam Hussein would still be raping Kuwait as the Bush 41 group just had to be told which end was up.
The tragedy is Bush 43 was left to clean up his old man's mistakes and this same Baker cancer was unleashed to destroy Trent Lott, Larry Craig, George Allan, and hosts of other Conservatives as I has said this is a backstabbing bunch of kitties who eat their own.
They ate Al Haig, ate the Conservative GOP, and put John McCain on the ticket who lost, and then had the audacity to send out Jeb Bush to blame Reagan and say the GOP needed to be more like Obama.

I love Barbara Bush as America's national Grandmother, and I have great respect for Bush41, but the absolute Baldy Schmidt Obamites and the character assassination of this group of Sarah Palin is unforgivable as they are responsible for allowing the NeoProg tide to engulf America.
If they would have governed Conservative, America would be at peace, prosperous and George Allan would be leading the US now as a world leader.

On Ronald Reagan and George Schultz

I went down to Greenbrier for the weekend. I got a call from [Reagan aide] George Shultz. He said, "Al, the president has said now's the time." And I said: "George, you're not going to tell me that. You tell the president to tell me that." So the president called me 30 minutes later. He said, "What George told you is so." And I said, "Well, let me tell ya . . . I can't tell you how sensitive this agreement is and how fragile it is." So what happened? Poor George Shultz — who didn't know sh*t from shinola.

I have never had a great appreciation for the Rockefeller's George Schultz. He is a sound diplomat, but as Gen. Haig explained he simply did not have the international scope to deal with American policy at that time.
President Reagan as stated had the best in Bill Casey at CIA and Al Haig at State. America lost when it lost those men, and the undercurrent of the Bush run Iran Contra narco Sandinista war run out of Bill Clinton's Arkansas did to Reagan what John Hinkley could not.

It was said that Reagan actually was thinking about putting Don Rumsfeld as Vice President on the ticket, but Lynwood Nofzegger said, "The boss does that and we'll have to hire a food tester".
It was a joke of macabre state, but in reality the thought of that tough German Rumsefeld as VP, combined with Casey at CIA and Haig at State, with Ed Meese guiding the moral nature, there never would have been an Iran Contra or in that, never would have been a Bill Clinton as he would not have had the uptick from that CIA operation to gain national footage as a Rockefeller son.

One can ponder a paradigm shift like that, in Don Rumsfeld not messing up what the Bush patricians did, not allowing Greenspan to rape Americans in bubble bursts, Newt Gingrich gaining the Congress and real tax cuts as Rumsfeld knew economics and no Saddam Gulf Wars, and none of Brzezinski's Osama in a box being let terror loose on the world for 9 11.

It would be a different world if the patricians had not been character assassinating America's Patriots who bled red, white and blue.

Gen. Haig's history is a warning for what America is facing, because the same mistakes and the same character assassinations are going on against Sarah Palin this day by this same group of patricians.

I do not know if Gen. Haig would agree, but I would offer this in closing.............

Still the worst which Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon let America be burdened with is still better than Bill Clintons and Barack Hussein Obama's best.

Money in the bank, peace in our time and American rights certainty on that one.


Gen. Alexander Haig beyond the gravest of terms

The Obama Asian Hash Head

I really am losing respect for the Naval Hospital staff in reviewing their report on dope head Obama.

In reality, Barack Hussein Obama was outed a pathological liar in telling reporters he quit smoking when he is still smoking like a chimney and apparently using so many nicotine patches that the company stock went into the next trillion dollar profit margin.

Worse yet, Obama is taking a non steroid anti inflammatory due to excessive basketball activity.
To explain this, when the body has PAIN, it means one is doing the activity too much and it is a warning sign to stop.
Instead Obama is chugging pills to deaden the pain. As an example in this, the non steroid anti inflammatory which most folks utilize is the brand name Advil, which is Ibuprofen.
Ibuprofen is a wonder drug, but it does have side effects of being a relaxer to the extent it is in the narcotic group of sleeping aids.
In adding the medical advice also given that Mr. Obama has been ordered to stop consuming large volumes of alcohol, which is a depressant, one starts seeing a witches brew pattern in this which is quite harmful and not a mixture someone who has their fingers on the nuclear buttons.

Nicotine is a stimulant, and a quasi euphoric narcotic as it's effect on the body after a morning cup of coffee or sex, is a mellowing affect gives an "after glow" effect in the human body.
Into this Mr. Obama is inducing adrenalin in sports activity, which with oxygen intake is giving him another buzz, followed by the oxygen deprivation which is once again another brain enhancing self medication.
David Caradine, Kung Fu, was doing the same thing in a sexual manner in tying himself off in a closet in which oxygen deprivation makes a sexual high more intense. It killed Caradine and it kills others who in "strangulation sex" suffocate the partner and can not revive them.
So in effect what Obama is doing to hisself on the basketball court is what he is strangling the US economy with too. (Note* Freud would have a cabinet full of study time on Obama mixing basketball oxygen deprivation linked to the strangulation of the American economy.)
Obama is suffering from a stealth form of addiction and is being enabled by the Naval medical staff now.

Mr. Obama also is mixing in alcohol which is a depressant in males. It constricts blood flow, which is not exactly what a negroid type of middle age should be doing as exercise demands greater blood flow, and Mr. Obama is consuming so much booze that his doctors are warning him to stop.

His gluttonous diet is another factor, which when mixed with cigarettes is his self administered diet aid. It is a vicious cycle in this psychopathy of Obama in being uncomfortable in his own skin that he is constantly infusing uppers and then dousing his body with downers when he is feeling too much emotion.

What is missing in the Naval tests is what was causing Mr. Obama's ticks from a year ago. There is no mention of his stuttering, no mention of his anger issues, but just the claim that Obama is in wondrous shape and there is no need for him to return until 2012, is beyond malpractice.
This is the person in the White House who if Sean Hannity gets a yearly check up, if every CEO in America is mandated to have a yearly physical for stockholders and every person in the military must go through a physical, then the Naval hospital is beyond dereliction of duty in not demanding 6 month checkups on Mr. Obama as he is pumping in a witch's brew of toxins which are known to put negroid group males into early graves.

Of course, Mr. Obama is still hiding his past medical history which apparently has things in it which would reveal some more embarrassing details from his unbalanced and drug using past. None of that though is being released, but then with the Navy doctors interpreting a huge addiction problem of uppers and depressants and "wonderful health", it is little wonder Nidal Hasan was not dealt with by Army doctors as he apparently was "psychologically sound" just like Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama needs to be intervened with again and sent to Betty Ford. Rush Limbaugh manned up and went to detox. Mr. Obama certainly can be taken by the hand by Val-erie Jarrett and put into a facility to deal with his emotional and medical issues.

A patient who has a history of ticks, stuttering, eyes rolling back in their head, is taking volumes of drugs in various forms, and he is given a pass until 2012.

Take two Obama's and call the coroner in the morning.

agtG 235

Hop head Obama now medicating as Populist Obama