Monday, March 15, 2010

The Obama Gang of Six

In continuing with the explosive story by Aaron Klein of World Net Daily in the Obama regime intimidating Jews off the Temple Mount and dictating they have no rights to pray there in their own Nation, this blog has exclusively built the story that an intelligence operation was being run by Obama hisself to strong arm Jews in a coordinated effort, which ended in the shattering of the Jewish Conservative Government of Benjamin Netanyahu in order to drive Jews to the negotiating abyss of their annihilation in the Obama Kristallnacht.

Mr. Klein's sources though would not name in public and forbid Mr. Klein in fingering the Obama official who was coercing Jews from their Holy Land. This was telling and this blog implemented an investigation which soon revealed that NSA head James L. Jones was running George Mitchell key associates in Dennis Ross and Samantha Power, a file on the Washington Post government site which was scrubbed at the time that the Hillary Clinton anti Semitic rant at Jews was implemented in this intelligence operation.

What though remained the shrouded mystery wrapped in a riddle couched in a maze of just who this thug of George Mitchell was, as the facts started to surface that an entourage of the "Mitchell Team" was mentioned in this illegal attack on the Jewish Government.
One would consider that in an Obama open government that the Mitchell Thugs would be pictured and have biographies all over the internet, but there is absolutely no group photos nor a mention in the American puppy press.

The key in this came from one story from Israel in the Israel Policy Forum, which is the only source to list the Obama gang of six who were assembled to bash Jews around.

They are George Mitchell apparently working with NSA James Jones, with Mitchell's thugs being Ambassador David Hale, Mara Rudman, Fred Hoff, Lt. Gen. Keith Dayton and Daniel Rubenstein.

Exclusively, for the first time ever this Obama Gang of Six is exposed here with photographs and bios, as none exist in complete form, which is bizarre considering these folks are supposed to be in the diplomatic corp and State proudly lists US Ambassadors and key State officials.
To make the old KGB point on American assets, if the bio is missing or does not match the individual, the person is intelligence related, and that fits exactly with this operation against Conservative and Religious Jews being run out of NSA in Gen. James Jones with the cast of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and George Mitchell's Thugs with now even Sec. Robert Gates bringing up the rear in strong arming the Muslims to join in accepting nuclear Iran and a new secular Jewish state without Jews.

Mitchell's first appointment was David Hale, a graduate of Georgetown University and part of the embassies in Lebanon and Jordan, where he was Ambassador, there is absolutely no information on this guy.
Yet Mitchell chose him first, a person appointed by the Bush 43 Administration to Jordan where he served until Obama tapped him for the Pax Obamus of the Middle East.

Next is Mara Rudman who worked for the Clinton's as Chief of Staff of NSC under the Clintons. Her chief advocacy was the New America Foundation which had nothing to do with Americans, but funding the Islacommunist and Islamofascist Palestinians.
A real honest operator Ms. Rudman is in peace talks when she is in bed with the Philistines.
Rudman is the Washington coordinator with Obama's man in Jerusalem to run this operation.

Fred Hoff is a military man, but once again the information on him is non existent.
Hoff though is the Syrian arm in this as his expertise is to get the Jews to make a deal with Syria so Obama can abandon Iraq.

Yes you wondered what the Obama exodus from Iraq was driven by, and now the reality hits the fan in Hoff is heading the group to reward Syrian terrorism, so Obama can abandon Iraq back to Saddam Baathist communists, so all the plunder of Iraqi oil can once again start flowing to the European banking cartel again, just as in the Saddam Hussein food for oil scandal, which netted the Clintons around 53 million in bribes and bought Obama his Senate campaign which started this mess and purchased Obama's Chicago Georgia mansion.
And you perhaps thought this was just about Jews in the abyss.

Lt. General Keith Dayton is the fourth thug who is responsible for arming the Philistine and neo Syrian terrorists. His recent meandering have been coordinating with Obama intelligence operative who provided the information for the Obama Kristallnacht, in Defense Minister Ehud Barak, to expand the arming as of 2009 of the terrorists into the West Bank.
Dayton has been most successful in now there is a terrorist in every crib and a bomb in every bassinet.

Last and not least is a State Department star who does not really exist for all his accomplishments in Daniel Rubenstein who was head of the Israel and Palestinian desk.
His job in the Mitchell Gang of Six is a quasi consul in Jerusalem.

The reason Mr. Rubenstein is last is this blog deducts in Rubenstein looking like another intelligence operative in State like Joe Wilson of Valerie Plame matrimony, and his being in Jerusalem, having a Jewish sounding name, his getting along with Philistines meaning he is secular in not being Jewish like David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel in this leftist non religious "Jewish order" having a decade now in attacking Jews in the Israeli state led by George Soros rants against American Jews, that Mr. Rubenstein having place, opportunity, position and Obama's thug in Jerusalem to intimidate Jews, is the person Aaron Klein was forbidden from naming who was telling Jews they did not belong in Temple Mount and had no right to pray.

Well or sickly, that is the exclusive in exposing the George Mitchell Gang of Six, who were part of an inteligence operation which just shattered the Conservative Government elected by the Jewish people.
This is something the above should be ashamed of to their core, but as none are, the reality is this group conducted an act of war on the Israeli state in the Obama Kristallnacht.

This Mitchell Gang reporting directly to Barack Hussein Obama apparently did not inform the House or Senate Intelligence Committees of this operation of war and espionage. All of that is not only dangerous, but is criminally irresponsible in attacking a US ally and destabilizing a nuclear theater.

Now that the names and faces have been linked to deliberate Obama militantism against Jews, it is time that Congress and the Justice Department become involved in this. Barack Hussein Obama in national socialism has revisited the Nazi policy which was conducted against religious European Jews in the 1930's.
It is heinous. It is unAmerican and it is unlawful for this in crimes against humanity. One can not build a Philistine state by blackmailing, bashing and beating up Jews to give in.

That though should answer in the above deduction in who the Jews and Aaron Klein would not make note of in public. It is hoped that by the above revelations that Mr. Obama will be brought before Congress with this Gang of Six with their satellite operatives in James Jones, Samantha Power and Dennis Ross as this attack on the Jewish Government will only lead to wars and nuclear strikes by this weakening of the Jewish position as Obama has abandoned the Middle East to Brzezinski Muslim extremism.

nuff said.

agtG 304 + 1 plus fours

Saturday night I went downtown
Working for the FBI
Sitting in a nest of bad men
Whiskey bottles piling high

Bootlegging boozer on the west side
Full of people who are doing wrong
Just about to call up the D. A. man
When I heard this woman singing a song

A pair of 45's made me open my eyes
My temperature started to rise
She was a long cool woman in a black dress
Just a 5'9, beautiful tall
With just one look I was a bad mess
'Cos that long cool woman had it all

The Obama Kristallnacht

In noting the illegal intelligence operation of the Obama regime, and yes Obama is a regime, as no government deserves the title of Administration when they are attacking an allied Government elected by Jewish and Arab Israeli's which will lead to a nuclear war in the Middle East, it is time to examine just how did the Obama regime know of secret Benjamin Netanyahu policy in housing construction in Jerusalem, so that Hillary Clinton new exactly to come out screaming about in a prepared text on cue, with the cast of George Mitchell and Joe Biden just happening to be showing up in the Israeli state to pressure Jews to their own annihilation.

Amazingly it was only the Ethiopian press which noted that Mitchell swooped in before the shattering of the Israeli Government and by Monday swept back out after restarting Jews on the road to their own destruction and neo Syrian Philistines on their own annihilation.
No coincidence in this as all the President's Men were in on this reporting directly to Barack Hussein Obama in Mitchell, Biden, Clinton, James Jones, Dennis Ross and Samantha Power.

The key to this is finding an Israeli insider and that insider is Defense Minister Ehud Barack. Mr. Barak was the choice by the Obama regime to be the Marxist government of Israel in he was wined, dined and met with all the head Obama folks, while Benjamin Netanyahu was hauled around in a panel wagon to the White House in a Dali Lama trudging through trash moment out the back door.

When George Mitchell returned on the Obama Kristallnacht, the first person he met with in Israel was Ehud Barak. Consider that, Mitchell did not meet with the Prime Minister, but met with Ehud Barak.
This all points to the fact that this Clinton creation is who the stooge is who has been spying on the Conservative Government for Barack Hussein Obama and was the key element in the Kristallnacht.

It was Barak who Clinton chose to topple the original Netanyahu Government in what has been a continuous nefarious attack on legitimate Jewish elected Government.

Who is Barak? Well he is a fraud as much in name as Obama as his real name is Ehud Brog, as he changed his name to Barak as it "lightning" or "shine" which seems appropriate for a choiceling of the New World Order policies. Bearick Obama changes his name to BahROCK and Ehud Brog changes his name to Ehud Barak. I guess names do mean something.

Ehud Barak is an intelligence animal. He for the Jewish state would be a wonderful asset, but when he became an asset of the Rothschild New World Order, his talents have done nothing but betray Jewish security in retreating from Lebanon which now has an immensely armed Hezbollah and caused the Olmert staged war which shattered IDF resolve in the Olmert Lebanon War.
Barak has been in on numerous intelligence operations as a Latvian Jew. Entebbe, dressing up as a woman to assassinate PLO leadership in Lebanon to dismantling Black September. His very asset quality explains why the Clinton people chose a war hero of intelligence capabilities to take control of the Jewish government to install globalist policies in the removal of Religious and Conservative Jews and leave only secular Jews in control in a repeat of the European purge of Jews.
This blog does not use the term national socialist or Kristallnacht lightly as that is exactly what the Clinton and Obama group have been conducting against Jewish Patriots utilizing treachery in Olmert and Barak. It is in mirror image to the same tactics of harassing Jews, herding Jews and in the end exterminating Jews.

Ehud Barak like Valerie Plame's million dollar book deal in reward for her part in the Bush coup with Patrick Fitzgerald, saw Barak rewarded with a job at US based Electronic Data Systems and then becoming a "partner" in SCP Private Equity Partners, which netted Barak 30 million dollars.

Now though Ehud Barak is back as an Obama spy and literally was the information source which provided the shattering of the Conservative Government of the Israeli state.

Barak's statments on the Obama Kristallnact are telling:

"I am certain this crisis will be forgotten and the proximity talks will return to their proper course."

"The incident during (Joe) Biden's visit was not intentional, but was nonetheless unnecessary and damaging."

Those quotes point to this was an intelligence operation Barak was a part of and it has achieved it's objective to driving the Jews back into negotiations to give away the Israeli state.
Barak specifically stated he is not going to remove Labor from the Government. The real reason for this is they are Obama's stooges and in control now of implementing Obama tyranny in the Middle East.

.....and where is Ehud Barak jetting off to as George Mitchell jets out of his shattered Israeli state? Why to Spain to meet with the European masters who are driving all of this, including Barack Hussein Obama.

At least America and the Israeli state have something in common, in the two fake named Barak and Barack, they both have treacherous leaders betraying their peoples.

agtG 303

You play tricks on my mind
You're everywhere but you're so hard to find
You're not warm or sentimental
You're so extreme
You can be so tempremantal

All the President's Men

In the galactic exclusive of this blog, based upon the expose by Journalist Aaron Klein revealing that an Obama official was badgering Jews to give up their right to pray on Temple Mount, an explosive scandal in the Barack Hussein Obama Kristallnacht of the modern Jews was discovered.

In this Kristallnacht Obamagate, it was discovered by published evidence in various publications across the globe from Ethiopia, Britian and the Washington Post, that a junta was being run under the auspices of the Department of State with George Mitchell as an intelligence agent reporting directly to Barack Obama with other agents provocateurs in NSA head James L. Jones running the operation from his listed people of Dennis Ross and Samantha Power, whose "boss" has since been scrubbed from the Washington Post government site after this scandal enveloped the Israeli Conservative Government.

What is by logical association entails that the Jewish Government was correctly pressing back against Obama tyranny with other Muslim allies against Obama Brzezinski enabling of the Persian Islamocommunist nuclear bomb manufacturing blitz.
Mitchell with Obama staged a new 4 month push on espionage information fed to it by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, a creation of the Clinton administration meant to overthrow the Israeli elected government in the 1990's.
This information was on the building of Jewish homes in Jerusalem, which is the Jews right in having places to live. Prime Minister Netanyahu meant to unveil this information on the Biden visit, but was instead betrayed by leftist Ehud Barak, who leaked this information which set up this Obama shattering of the Jewish Government in a Kristallnacht of Nazi proportions.

In conspiracy and coordinated efforts, it is clear by the rabid response by Hillary Clinton which made even the Anti Defimation League cringe due to the vitriol of it against Jews, that this was an Obama regime manufactured "crisis too good to waste", all to blackmail the Jewish Government back into giving their nation away.
The Jews are already preparing for war due to the ludicrous Obama policies which are built upon the 300 million dollars in illegal funding his campaign received from terrorists in 2008 which is a "death to the Jewish state" policy and will eventually cause the deaths of thousands of Jews and Muslims in war.

The cast in this are Barack Hussein Obama at the head. There is no way that Rahm Emanuel, Val-erie Jarrett and David Axelrod did not know of this, as Hillary Clinton was screaming immediately about this, so everyone in the highest inner circle reporting directly to Mr. Obama knew of this act of war against the Jewish State.
Make no mistake in not understanding this, because if Barack Hussein Obama had done this to Russia, Vladamir Putin would have started a war against America and if Medvedev was in the roll of Ehud Barack, Mr. Medvedev would be hung as a traitor to Russia.
This is how serious in what Obama and his junta initiated.

This was staged directly to coincide with a Joe Biden visit who was in the roll of stopping Israeli military defensive postures against Syria and the Persian communists. George Mitchell with his "team" a group which has never been photographed or written of, but only in the UK Guardian was mentioned as a "team" were to intimidate the Jews on the heals of this housing intelligence operation into a reported 4 month blitz to pressure the Jews to giving up their nation.

This Mitchell team is who were terrorizing Temple Mount Jews in intimidating them "that they had no rights to the Mount nor right to pray there". That is akin to telling Americans they have no right to visit the National Cathedral, Mormons have no right to visit Salt Lake City and Catholics have no right to visit the Vatican.

The Obama group has created the most explosive of issues of impeachable offenses as they just carried out a coup against a US ally in the Israeli state using espionage of an agent of their's in the Israeli cabinet, and this came directly from the highest levels in the Obama regime in Hillary Clinton, George Mitchell, James L. Jones, Joe Biden, with follow up by Robert Gates pressuring the Saudi's to come to heal.
Mitchell key associates as listed by the Washington Post and then scrubbed were Dennis Ross and Samantha Power, with the Mitchell phantom entourage which the UK Guardian reported and Aaron Klein exclusively reported on.

This is the thee most unAmerican of activities as when John Kennedy was toppling the Vietnamese government all hell broke loose and was a major reason that war was stalemated as one can not go around toppling US allied leaders for the convulsion it sets up in the states. This is extremely precarious as this is all a nuclear situation, the major powers are all butted up against each other in Jerusalem, competing factions after Jerusalem and Brzezinski militant Islam is stoked all in the region with Barack Hussein Obama running intelligence operations against the Netanyahu Government.

This all demands immediate investigation by the House and Senate Committees on Intelligence led by Senators Diane Feinstein and Kitt Bond with the House members led by Silvestre Reyes and Peter Hoekstra
This demands like Watergate in what did the person in the White House named Obama know, what he knew and what did he do about it?

Did the Democrats in the Senate and House condone an operation against the Israeli Government? Are Pelosi, Reid, Reyes and Feinstein all condoning an espionage war against Jews which involves Warsaw Ghetto slums for Jewish containment in ordering Jews where they can and can not live? Is this condoned by Hill Democrats in now ordering Jews to give up their Holy Site and forbidding Jews now where they can pray?

This Barack Obama national socialism is exactly the high tech Kristallnacht lynching of the Jewish people to 1930's Adolf Hitler Nazi propaganda. This is serious business as this is a nuclear situation and the weaker the Jewish state is, the more likely the coming wars will degrade into a nuclear pollution of the region.

This blog noted years ago that the Israeli state if attacked in WMD's is going to have to be evacuated which means millions of Jews will have to be absorbed into Europe and America immediately. The infrastructure is just not there to handle an Exodus such as this, when coupled with hundreds of thousands of sick and dying poisoned Jews.
This is the Jewish Nuclear Hololcaust and Barack Hussein Obama with the George Mitchell thugs just activated the Persian detonator in this "housing scandal" operation.

It is time months ago that Barack Hussein Obama be made to answer before Capitol Hill in his illegal attacks upon a US ally in the Israeli state, now including the Muslim nations of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia as nuclear dust clouds know no borders, including enveloping US bases with hundreds of thousands of American Soldiers based there in Obama Wars.
If it is a southeast wind, then the cloud pollutes Europe equally, and then what does western Europe do with millions of sick refugees imploding France and Germany?
A south wind pollutes Russia and does America really need Obama policy which has nuclear armed Russia in anarchy with GRU Generals just waiting to launch a first strike on America.

That is the depth of this and the insanity of the Obama coup against Benjamin Netanyahu's Conservative Government. It is deadly. It is nuclear and it is time that Congress answer if it had a part in this, or if it was kept in the dark like Janet Napolitano in being too stupid as liberal Democrats to be in the Obama loop.

Who answsers for all the Obama men reporting to Barack Hussein Obama in an illegal attack on the legitimate Israeli Government?

agtG 250

You can't start a fire
You can't start a fire without a spark
This guns for hire
Even if we're just dancin' in the dark