Friday, June 4, 2010

Obamites Anti Semites

Obamite, Helen Thomas was recorded making the statement at the White House that all the Jews should go "back to where they came from".
This is from the same creature who was screaming non stop about George W. Bush and could not stop praising B. Hussein Obama, who just happens to not want the Jews out of the Israeli state, but has told them instead to wait around behind their Warsaw walls in the Jewish state for a nuclear holocaust.

I am not going to waste a great deal of time in rebuking Helen Thomas as a Jew hater who has like Obama dictated where Jews can exist, because her reprehensible comments are akin to telling Obama to go back to Kenya where he came from.
What requires exposure is just how moronic, ignorant, idiot and uninformed Ms. Thomas is, exactly like Obama and all the Obamites.

For the record, I do not want several million refugee Jews inside America, as I do not want millions of Mexicans in America as it taxes the system too much in trying to deal with these new mouths to house, clothe and feed.
Telling Jews to go back to Poland would impoverish the Polish people and Jews, exactly the way West Germans have been saddled with the East Germans who Russia dumped on them.

That fact has nothing to do with lack of support for Jews coming to America. I just am aware that millions of Jews dumped into America when they are perfectly productive and self sufficient on their Biblical homelands would harm Jews.
This is why this blog fights so often for the Jewish state as well as Gaza, because if Obama, Iran or now Turkey succeeds in blowing up the Jewish state, there will be millions of refugee Philistines and Jews who will require radioactive treatment, evacuation and resettlement into many nations which will bankrupt them.

Furthermore, Ms. Thomas does not conceive that millions of Jews immigrated not as Ashkenaz Europeans, but millions are Sephardic Jews who were driven out in numerous occupations to Muslim nations, and rightfully returned to their homeland.
Ms. Thomas in her stupidity would sentence millions of Jews to genocide in forcing them to return to Iran, Yemen and North Africa.

Helen Thomas is but a putrid manifestation of leftist anti semitism.

Mark Twain, the classic American writer, when visiting the Holy Land is documented in stating he couldn't find Arabs in the Holy Land in the late 1800's. It is stated that these neo Syrian imports were just that to offset the Jewish influx which occurred after 1945.

I frankly stated that the neo Syrians should have been afforded immigration funds if they cared to resettle into Arab lands, where they would have been quite rich, but then the Rothschilds never did want a peaceful solution to this situation.

It should have been Gaza and part of the Sinai from Egypt which would have created the Philistine state with the capitol in Ashod, as was historical in the Philistine chief of cities. This would have been security for Jews and Philistines.

What now though is a media led by Helen Thomas types who spew idiocy coupled with those who bastardize the "Zionist" term as evil, when God is the first Zionist as He took the land from the Canaanite sinners in doing them a favor in wiping out their evil, and settled a 13 tribe priestly people in Israelites who failed at being the conduit for teaching the world about the Way to God in Jesus.

America as Joseph holds up this in part, but the other 12 tribes are complete failures in their apostasy.

Helen Thomas' solution though would have Obama back in Kenya and her trudging off to Europe with her "Jews" as that is where she came from.
The American Indians would be shipped out as they to are Asian immigrants, which would leave America vacant of all peoples.

Oopppsss, for the informed as yours truly is so blessed, Europeans are Indo European in roots, which means that they came out of the Middle East, just like the Russians in Japheth and the Indians in Ham from Noah.

So Helen Thomas is telling the world to go back to where they came from. At around 7 billion people all originating in the Middle East, one would conclude that with a few million all the trouble there being initiated, perhaps a billion Chicoms, billion Indonesians, billion Indians, with almost a billion slavs and the rest of humanity all living on the postage stamp size real estate of Palestine would probably bring about something like Armageddon.

That is exactly what the Bible predicts will happen as all return to fight over the Holy Land as God assembles their rebellion.

So I deduce the conclusion in this is Helen Thomas is the Mother of Armageddon in her telling Jews to get out to the Holy Land they came from, and Barack Hussein Obama is the political bastard from her ideological racist womb.

The best place for Jews as Prime Minister Begin stated is in the state of Judah. The best place for Philistines is Gaza. There is enough of all there if the Obama communists there would just be tried by a world tribunal for their theft of lands, money and heritage.
The Bible calls the Philistines the sister of Judah and Israel, and I treat the Jews and Philistines in that family definition in desiring the best for all.

In Biblical definition, I discern Helen Thomas as reprobate, without remedy, but then what else would one conclude from an Obama voter.



PS: Who is the woman on the Brietbart video who seems to say with a laugh, "Helen is remarkable", when she is making anti semitic remarks?
I do not really care who the liberal is, but this horrid reporterette or Obama official is equally guilty, because who laughs at this unless you agree with it in being a racist.

That is the fat lady warming up

Fidel Castro has just proven what this blog stated in he with Putin, the leftists of Europe and all the Obamaling globalists of Al Gore hog trough worshiping picked this teleprompter reader for the Obamabot he was as they knew he would bring about this world chaos in order advance their international Marxism.

The Stock Markets are the thing of Tim Geithners massive influx of US Treasury stop gap measures to raise revenue in a stealth tax stealing from investors and to prop up the illusion that Obama actually has an economy to work with that he is strangling.
Obama celebrates the massive new debt of billions of dollars in debt of hiring new government Obama employed voters, which will disappear as the Census thugs gladly crawl back under their rocks, with America CREATING IN THE SUMMER EMPLOYMENT SECTOR LESS THAN FIFTY THOUSAND JOBS.

Do you realize how horrid things are in Obamerica when in the chief construction, concession stand and pool boy economy that only 50,000 Obama boys are being added to the mind numbed employment groups?

In reality, America is at least 25% unemployment, and if it were not for the Republican led states of the central United States that number would be surpassing 35%.
America is awash in illegals taking jobs and Obama is hosing in more of these criminals destroying the chance of the American dream for Americans, especially black Americans.

Castro though confirmed exactly what this situation is, and when Obama is losing his mob, the fat lady is warming up.
America is on a repeat of 1979 which this blog warned of as this is the Summer of 79 in Obama held hostage by tar balls, Sestak Johnson bribes, and now what Castro has confirmed in nuclear terror from Obama.

Readers might not remember the absolute lunatic Jimmy Carter was in his Iranian hostage stance from being a traitor in turning to the Soviets to help defeat Reagan, sending in failed rescue missions getting Americans burned and pissed on by Iranian Muslims and the grand strategy of blaming the American people.
The most treacherous thing in this was Carter admitting in October 1980 that he pondered starting a war with Iran to get hisself re elected.

This is exactly what Fidel Castro has stated that Obama is planning to save hisself is nuking Iran. This of course will come after another staged Faisal Shahzad event from Obama's good terrorists, but Castro the ultimate player knew Obama would come to this mission as Castro understood Obama would fail miserably and have to resort to nuclear escalation as that is what Obama was bragging about in debating Hillary Clinton in 2008.

The maximus factor in this is Castro knows this will for his comrades drive America through nuclear pollution from the Middle East, abandon Jews, and with Obama shutting off oil drilling in America have gasoline at 10 dollars per gallon, which will bring about the Bolshevik Manifesto Putin has followed in collapsing the American economy, so America retreats to be dispatched at ease by the globalists.
Why do you people think that Venezuela is being engaged in creating nuclear weapons? It is all on a timetable just like Obama's dithering in deploying troops to Afghanistan.

America in this scenario is going to use nuclear weapons under Obama, retreat, and then when American is struck many times over with western hemisphere Obama terrorists, the world will say, "America deserved it".

Obama has injected the saline poison into the American womb, and this Gloomweaver of death, is scalding the American baby frying it to death in the security of it's own borders.

The Soviets used to claim America would sell them the rope to hang them. The Russians new mantra is using a foreigner in Obama to hang America with their own rope.

Obama has bombed his Bowbama good will away from his Islamist terrorists, Syria and Hamas are challenging him outright. Obama has lit the nuclear fuse in the Middle East and is running with the firestorm trailing back inside these United States.

For Fidel Castro to turn on Obama in public, is a proof as much as the Russian FSB noting terrorists have been sold Russian WMD's from the Soviet Stans and are about to unleash them.
Castro knew this scenario would come into play and as Obama has lost the American majority, the upheaval is complete in these communists have America now in the Obama abyss and all they are doing now is setting the story in the press for when the chain of events trigger what is to come.

I will ask one more time if the Obamaniacs are liking their change they believed in, or is it starting to soak in how duped they all were?
Or is it really going to take Obama nuking nations for his re election and American having New York vaporized before even the Obamites realize how this has all been a set up which they walked into, and Obama has been destroying America deliberately in tar ball events while bringing nuclear terrorism to the forefront.

The signs are all there now, and the FSB and Castro would not be making statements if the scuttle is not in the process of being carried out.

Within without
It is what is all about
America destroyed by Obama deployed
In Marxism's victory shout

SOS America, only God is going to be able to deliver you out of this one.


Operation Fidel

The Gloomweaver

Perhaps I should not be amused at how some readers like Joseph Farah can not wrap their minds around the way this blog is written at times, as it just does not fit the American normality of how "English" is supposed to be constructed.

Many things go on here which some term cryptic. Sometimes it is just evident that people have not invested a great deal of time in the chattering of Shakespeare, the meanderings of Dickens, the pulse of Kipling or the endless sentences of Tolkien.
In them, I have named the greatest listed writers of the English, and everyone one of these writers can be found here in these pages, because all are mind writers and create in rapid fire thoughts that turn into things which dazzle........providing of course some Oxford anal tells the masses "this is award winning", otherwise it is hidden here having people pondering.

Why I visit upon these salad shores of yesteryear Anglo, when a people were still a people whose roots formed a tree of sturdy stock, is I was listening to someone filling in for Mark Levin today and he just could not wrap his mind around that Obama is iniquity.
Rush Limbaugh does state that Mr. Obama is bent on destroying America, but still people like Sean Hannity can not take that step that Obama is consummate evil with foul intentions upon America and the American people.

I do not use terms as abaddon lightly in the destroyer. I also state that Mr. Obama is not the anti Christ as he is not. Obama is a joke compared to that consuming evil.

What Mr. Obama is, is found in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, mentioned above. For those who do not know Tolkien any more than Paul McCartney in bashing President Bush has ever delved into the English language, Tolkien was a Catholic soul who lamented the English had no fairytales.
If he was intelligent in being an Oxford type, he could have found his tales in the Bible and across Eurasian history, which gave rise to the legends of Greece, Germany and the Middle East in the Israelite forefathers who the Anglo Saxon or Sacca Son, or Issac's Sons are.

Tolkien though in the days of World War I started a bastardized tale of the Bible mixed with Nordic lore. It would become the Lord of the Rings, the Simarillion and the lost manuscripts constructed by Tolkien's son, Christopher in the History of Middle Earth in the The Book of the Lost Tales.

I would term Tolkien rubbish, and a waste of time like learning Klingon in Star Trek, but then I am fluent in Indian Sign Language, so what rubbish do I twitter my time away with in one person's lore is another person's bore.

Tolkien though has gods, fairies, gnomes and a devil called Melkos, Two Trees of Light, and an Obama character to reveal in the Web Weaver, Wirilome in the Germanic and Gwerlum in the Anglo Saxon, the Gloomweaver.

Is that not what Barack Hussein Obama is, but the definition of a creature who weaves webs of gloom.


Melkos sowed discontention within the world and a division of the early ones came about as he broke free. It was in that time that Melkos invaded the garden and stuck a sword into the Two Trees of Light, to which the Gloomweaving spider sucked all the life out of both trees in their sap.
They fled and were never captured, but the spider took the gems of the gnomes which Melkos bribed it with, and that has been the darkness ever since according to the fiction of Tolkien.

That though is the definition of B. Hussein Obama. This blog warned that Obama was suicidal in nature and lusted from youth to have been aborted. In the strangest Oedipus tale of all, Obama never desired sex with his mother, but to kill her.
His bringing up her cancer as he left her dying alone was a sociopath moment in serial murderer tasting the born again Obama of events to satiate that desire inside for revenge. Obama sees America as his mother who abandoned him and who Obama is not good enough for. Therefore he must strike her and kill her with that abortion he longed to have had administered to him.

Obama desires to see America eaten away in a canker consuming the life out of the nation in transference to what he took vengeance on in the death of Stanley Ann Dunham, who just rejected him and wanted to adopt a black Korean child to replace Barry.

Americans just can not wrap their minds around that Obama destroyed the Republican Gulf Coast on purpose. What is most puzzling is his cronies in BP who allowed this have stood back and are taking the blame from Obama. In reality, BP is going to make a fortune when gas prices reach 10 dollars a gallon due to Obama deliberate policy, but they should really inform Barry to mind his manners or they will start revealing the Obama secrets of Libyan oil deals for terrorists.
Of course, Obama is in cahoots with BP in this operation, but is it not amazing that over a month into this, that the solution this blog put forward in how to cap this well in the first day is now the one BP is trying.

That is the evil in this of Obama that Americans just can not fathom. It is as Hitler stated about these Indo Europeans that if you tell huge lies, the masses will believe them as they are too small to comprehend the big lies in telling them.
In that, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are too moral to see Obama for the web weaver he is, even though they daily can list the crimes of Mr. Obama.

Telling Jews to be incinerated in a holocaust, and to trust Obama to retaliate. Obama destroys in vindictiveness the Blagojevich family, an innocent wife and children. Obama sends Predators to murder terrorists who will not obey him, but rewards other murdering terrorists. Obama disrupts the Governments of Israel and Afghanistan. Obama humiliates the British. Obama for years politically rapes Sarah Palin and her children. Obama imports Mexican slave labor. Obama steals GM and gives it to the UAW.
You good people need a longer list? You people still can not comprehend that with Obama disarming America and Mr. Obama literally creating the greatest ecological disaster in history in the Gulf, after he strangled the stabilized US economy and is initiating rationed death as he looted the US Treasury........and you still are making an excuse for him in it is too much to dare to speak that Barack Hussein Obama is a spider sucking out the life force of America like Tolkien's harbinger of evil working for satan?

I fully realize that good people can never wrap their minds around incarnate evil as it is not in them, as they are not sociopaths and social retards. That is a good thing for society, but there comes a time when the evidence of bribes, crimes, felonies and utter ruin convict to the last ounce of goodness that there is a web for Mr. Obama's soul with a spider lurking there catching all life and consuming it.

Mr. Obama warned he was going to destroy America in his changing her forever. Still the good people just can not believe no more than horrified Germans could not believe the evil Hitler unleashed on their industrious people.

What is it going to take? Mr. Obama fomented a nuclear armed Turkey running a nuclear armed Israel border with a flotilla of terrorists. Should that not be evidence enough of the abyss or is it going to take a nuclear crater in New York City with Obama blaming al Qaeda, and Obama is the one who has lit this fuse from the start.

The things the left accused George W. Bush of, Barck Hussein Obama is.

For the sake of the world, Mr. Obama belongs in a Nuremberg prison or in exile in Albania, before he blows up humanity and sucks forever the Light out of that Shining City on a Hill.

Barack HusseinObama is the Gloomweaver. It is not that hard to say with all the evidence he has wove.


Obama Conspires against Lt. Col. Terry Lakin

I would advise the Obamites who conspired with the Obama regime to deny Hero Lt. Col. Terry Lakin his Constitutional Right of Defense in the Military Codes take a deep breath and step back as to what they are doing, as in light of the Stesak, Johnson, Fitzgerald and Romanoff felonies, with the reality of Rod Blagojevich is going to fillet the perversion and criminality of the Obama regime, that in the due course of election time, those Obamites in the military who are conspiring against Lt. Col. Terry Lakin will be held criminally responsible.

This is going to be revisited no matter if they back off from Terry Lakin in making him a political prisoner of the Obama regime, as this blog is making a public list of Obama crimes, and justice will be visited to the last visage as a furious American public when it arises will vent fully in the Courts upon the conspirators of B. Hussein Obama.

There have been other officers in the US military who questioned Mr. Obama's usurpation and occupation of the White House, but in deliberate action the Obamites in the military sent out this legal sniper squad to take out Lt. Col. Terry Lakin.
This action means a coordination and a policy initiated from inside the Obama Pentagon to make an example of Terry Lakin. That means a conspiracy by the Obama regime at the highest levels with the Pentagon to single out Hero Lt. Col. Terry Lakin to deny him the Right of defense.

This is too pattern in that legal trip wires were installed, to thwart the Rights of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin. Those actions were laid out an are laid out, and should be the subject of a Freedom Of Information Act, to ascertain what exactly was the developed policy to go after Soldiers like the Lt. Col.

In that, it is now what did the President know, when did he know it, and what conspiracy did his regime initiate with this group assaulting the Rights of Terry Lakin, American Citizen.

It is ludicrous on historic law for Barack Obama's illegal position to not be allowed into the Lakin defense. Imagine Nuremburg stating that Adolf Hitlers orders could not be used to prosecute the Nazi murderers, because Hitler was not relevant and only the carrying out of the orders by the officers was all that was of concern.
That is the despicable level the US military has been degraded to under the Obama regime. It is pure Bolshevik show trials where the gulag and hangman's platform has already been built. Justice does not matter.

This action against Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is exactly the sham show trial Eric Holder was promoting in destroying US Courts in simply putting the Gitmo crew on trial and then executing them on pre conceived verdicts.

This will not stand and the Obamite generals had better comprehend their actions as this is a watershed moment in American history where the enablers of the guilty Obama regime will be brought to justice as the court doors swing both ways as the tides of battle change.

These cowards against Lt. Col. Lakin will not even put their names forward to stand behind these criminal acts they are involved in covering up for Obama.

Lt. Col. Lakin will endure and win in this. He has come against the entire Marxist regime of Obama and his Obamalings in the Pentagon whoring for this usurper for rewards of later promotions.

Oh my, that sounds exactly like Joe Sestak in political favors.

Bring this on Obamite officers, as you are now added to the list of criminals in this Obama criminal conspiracy now infesting the United States military.

God with God, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin. The Truth will win out.


Obama screw and Al Gore too

With the announced divorce of Al and Tipper Gore, I really do not care about this as it is pure moron in getting a divorce after 40 years when you reach geezer age.

If Tipper is alone when Al Gore is polluting the world and lying about Global Warming, she will be just as alone divorced.
If Al it having a geezer crisis, being some trimmed down weight sugar daddy to some brainless Obama 20 year old boy or girl, is still going to have him wearing a diaper as his private nurse runs up the credit card on computer porn.

Divorce is the most stupid of things when one has money, can live lives apart in the same home and no one is humiliating the other or beating on the other.
The same empty is there whether you are married or divorced.

So on Biblical grounds of caring about God's institutions I care, but with all the drama of people wondering about "nice" Al and Tipper, it is like wondering about two frauds who sold out their morals for political gain long ago. These two are liars, stood by and enabled the Clinton frauds, and Al Gore was breaking campaign finance laws the entire time.

Maybe it all boils down to Jimmy Carter in he can't let go Reagan beat his butt in 1980. Al Gore has been trying to be President by selling out to the patricians since 2000, and when you sell it all, there is nothing left inside to give to anyone else.
Tipper reminds me in her shunning the public eye like all Hollywood types who wake up one morning and say, "What the heck do I need this fake crap for, from fake people who could care less about me if I didn't have Gore as a last name, and I am moving to Montana to get back my life".

So I really don't care about the Gores in their million dollar fraud in not being content being rich, while the rest of Americans are being criminalized and impoverished by a spawn of their doing in that fraud creation of B. Hussein Obama.
I know real people who could and do live on for 5 years what Al Gore spends on his electric bill for one month in his mansion. When poor people are too poor to run, they stay and have to work things out.

If Al Gore was cheating, Tipper doesn't need a divorce, she just needed his testicles nailed to her wall as a trophy. If Tipper was a fat old hag who stopped bathing, well that is what they have vacation homes for, so you don't have to put up with the problem and you can hire some nurse to deal with it.

A guy I know just buried his wife. She had for over a decade literally had the mind of a child as she had suffered a massive stroke. He would take her places and she would rummage around in stores buying things as he sat there watching what was basically a dog with an Obama brain.
She would sort things all night and he would eventually tell her to stop as it was time for bed.
She died of a series of strokes as her brain just gave out, and this husband was finally set free after keeping his vows.

That is what one does as an adult. As a Clinton, they actually act more adult in not being married than most married couples like the Gores. There is no need for a divorce as each does their own perverted thing.

So as long as the person you once married is clean, is not beating on you, I really don't see much sense in divorce as having someone around to share a meal with or suffer with your through graduations is better than the alternative.

But then I really don't care as it makes no difference to me where fraud Al Gore dances or where a Tipper fraud who stood silent as the Democratic party turned into Sodom and Obama prances.

The love of many waxing cold. Perhaps halo head could wave his magic monkey at them for the cure, but then listening to Muchelle, Obama's magic monkey has her as happy as the woman formerly known as Mrs. Al Gore.
