Friday, July 16, 2010

The Mark of Obama

And the Lord said, What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.

Numbers of things bother me in this Age of Obama, and the largest of this is the sanctimonious Obamite crowd who claim to champion gay rights and then stand around as a gay male rots in the grave who went to Obama's church, stated he was intimate with Obama and now his Mother has gone public in stating her son was murdered brutally to hide the secrets of Barack Hussein Obama.

So just how is it that dumping gays in the military to kill them in Soldier Suicide or leaving gays to commit HIV suicide is somehow wonderfully caring, when one compares it to the inhumane treatment Norma Jean Young and her family have had to endure, as no one from the Chicago machine to the Obama regime has done one thing to solve this brutal murder?

Firstly to take care of business, hats off to Cao in her blog, who is one of those military families who Obama is running through the meat grinder in her constant stand for the American Way as that is where the link for the Globe story originates here.

Secondly, Lawrence Sinclair, yes that Lawrence Sinclair who FOX played and ignored like the rest of the media in their whispering campaign against him feeding all information to Obama's syndicate for bringing this Globe story to light, and for breaking this story years ago.
I honestly do not comprehend someone like Lawrence Sinclair in every person he meets, simply opens up to him, and he can walk up to adversaries and engage them, and they will start talking to him.
Mr. Sinclair stated that Mrs. Young was fearful in her son Donald, an intimate gay sexual consort of B. Hussein Obama, was murdered because of that connection, and the Obama syndicate did it's damnedest to plug that hole, but once gain the Truth of the situation proves Journalist Lawrence Sinclair has broke the stories which would have had Obama arrested in 2008 if the patrician right had not been so intent on protecting their Obama wonder.

I am interested in the Globe and Enquirer, as from Day One, this blog exposed the link that it was David Axelrod who fed with Hillary Clinton the John Edwards sex scandal, all to take the heat off of Obama and the Lawrence Sinclair and Donald Young stories.
As has been noted, the Globe has fired a few across the Obama bow in the Norma Baker adultery cover up with Obama and other Obama escapades, which I believe was to get Obama's attention as Obama has reneged on the original deal.

The original deal with the Globe was to destroy John Edwards, but as all good smut press knows, it takes more smut to sell papers, so a typical deal was, "I destroyed John Edwards. I know you are the crook who destroyed John Edwards as his wife was battling cancer, and if you do not keep feeding me dirt on your people for my paper, I will suddenly remember the original story you Mr. Obama tried to cover up".
That is the way the game is played just like Obama whored Mort Zuckerman in having Mortimer write one speech which forever made him a whore, so Obama could blackmail him..........unless Mort confessed.

So for all of this gay marriage, Rachel Maddow and Ellen the Degenerate, where are any of these Obamites trying to get to the bottom of one gay murder involving B. Hussein Obama?
We know there are numbers of Lawrence Sinclairs in the media by the Charlie Gibson gay interview and the Brian Williams outing by Obama. This group knows very well this Donald Young story has feet and would run like the wind, and the FBI as this blog pleaded for years should be brought in to solve this case, because after all, we are all wanting Mr. Obama safe and as a murderer is on the loose who shoots black gay men like Donald Young, well Mr. Obama is therefore in need of protection, especially in Chicago on BBQ nights as Louis Farrakhan dines on crackers left on the curb.

Where is the justice for the family of Donald Young, so they can have closure. The blood of the dead calls for justice and that is why these stories do not die, any more than the George Custer murders have been allowed to rest, as when people have their lives stolen from them, their blood calls out for Justice.

Wouldn't you think that B. Hussein Obama, sodomite and soddenite champion would be first to for political reason to have sent in Eric Holder to solve this as he sent Holder immediately to the Gulf?
This was Obama's deeply involved friend, and yet Obama has ignored this.

So why the cover up?

Do not black people in Chicago deserve answers and Justice?

What is Mr. Obama hiding and why is he covering this all up?

Just so the front benchers know, comprehend and understand this, I will explain why this case matters from a purely political standpoint speaking as Richard Nixon.

Nixon would comprehend that exposing Obama as a sodomite would forever send the silent majority into uneasiness, not for gay reasons, but because Obama has been hiding this.

The black issue in the GOP standing up for black gay people, would drive a wedge in that NAACP racist group, knock them from their throne and have Al Sharpton answering why this Donald Young murder connected to Obama never mattered.
It is a little hard to be accusing the GOP of racism when the GOP is driving for Justice for a gay black male.

Donald Young was murdered. The last thing the American public ever wants associated with an person in the White House is "I am not a crook".

On these issues, Richard Nixon would be shattering the black Obama base of support, destroying the race card and wiping out the homophobe card.
Mr. Nixon would comprehend that FBI investigations of Obama having to answer questions in an open murder investigation does not look good on passing any bills or running for re election, as Americans would never know if Obama would be in prison before his regime ended.

.........and finally, Obama having a gay intimate friend he left laying like a tar ball on the Gulf Beach for months, really speaks what a sociopath Obama is of the worst kind of character in he sexes men, and then when they end up murdered he doesn't give a tar ball about them.

That kind of soullessness even resonates to someone like Oprah Winfrey and Joy Behar.

That is the harsh reality of this, and a reality where in political gain, the family of Donald Young could finally have Justice.

It is proven that no one in this is going to do the right thing for the right reasons. So I have given the selfish reasons for doing this which will bring about Justice for the Young family.

The Globe is shaking this again to rattle Obama's cage as he is not coming through with the yellow journalism stories as promised. It is about time that in this Sodom and Gomorrah that a few Angels of our better nature point the direction to go, in how to exploit it, so this can be made hay as now is the time.

It is not hard Rush Limbaugh in your Elton Blonde mode to call up Mark Levin and Sean Hannity to hammer this home, along with our good friend gay issue Matt Drudge. There is murder afoot and it tracks back to B. Hussein Obama. It is all full circle now, and now is the tie time to close this link and really make Obama, Holder and Napolitano dance in a real FBI investigation for the security of Mr. Obama, to apprehend the murderer or murderers in the conspiracy of homicide of Donald Young of Chicago.

Now do your million dollar commentary jobs as Lawrence Sinclair and many others have been doing it for free as you take credit of the "stop Obama movement" which started with Lawrence Sinclair who gave rise to the Birthers and spawned the Tea Party.

This is all so easy if you bumblers playing at this would just play by the rules Richard Nixon perfected in his mastery of political discourse.

nuff said.


Obama and the murdered gay male

Badder Omen Obama

Should Snapper Foster play David Hasselhoff playing B. Hussein Obama in the movie

Hmmmm in the continuing bad omens of Obama, one could ask when Washington, DC was ever hit by an earthquake in history, and here in the Age of Obama, is a quake rattling the Obama's.

Now we all know that Obama leaped from bed and said, did you feel that Reggie (Friday is Reggie's cuddle day with halo head), and then started taking credit that somehow Obama made the earth move due to his policy of change you can believe in.

Another policy Oprah can believe in, is her rating are tanking. No one is stating this, but this is all due to her putting undocumented Obama into the White House and his plundering of America.
Couch potatoe women, who eat chips and drink soda, have dreams and Oprah took that away from them.
See frumper women tune into Oprah and see a fat, ugly, stupid female making a gazillion dollars a year, not being able to get a man, and they have hope with their currently grease stained fingers that they will one day be rich, adored and even if they can't get a man, they will have solace in a Gail or Gayle depending which way the wind is swinging to comfort them when their poodle is not in the mood.

Oprah promised them Obama was their dream lover like Bill Clinton was the cheating husband who would fluff them up for a bit, before going off to the old ball and chain again. That is why Maureen Dowd and that clatch of liberals hated Hillary so much, because they all had wives they were blaming for not turning their dirty underwear Bill over to them, when Bill was making the choice.
Obama though has done nothing for these frumpers and Oprah is paying the price.

In this bad omen earthquake day though, Obama has finally taken credit for plugging that damn hole..........just before he takes off on vacation again to Bush's Maine.
Obama just can not get enough of George W. Bush. I fully expect to see him sniffing the sands where George Bush walked as this Obama fixation to get the scent of Bush is........well quite sexual.

But the oil well is capped, and we are now assured after BP was stopped from capping it, that the new Obama cap is capping it, and there are no more rivers of oil, plumes of oil or anything else being shown as Obama has worked another miracle before going in vacation...........remember last time he claimed victory before going on to Chicago vacation and it all blew up again.
For the record, have you ever noticed that Obama has these time tables like a monthly menstrual cycle in this group said AUGUST would be the date this well would be capped, and by amazing sets of sabotage here it is the end of July and Obama is coming forward taking credit again for saving the Gulf he destroyed.
Sort of amazing this dithering is it not eh? Sort of appears that this entire operation was like a NASA moon shot, and not a Muslim outreach program in it was calculated how much oil it would take to ruin the GOP Gulf and here by miracle the Obama cap shows up fixing things.

I'm still confused about this as Bill Clinton should be who wanted to nuke this well, as the pipe had a massive blow out below, had other rivers of oil flowing from fissures, but somehow BP in this cap has plugged Obama's damn hole, which is indeed a miracle of immaculate conception as Obama is now driving on a flat tire because the other 3/4ths of the tire is round.

How pray tell children does a cap on top of a well plug a blow out hole deep in the earth as Obama just declared?

Probably like Obama is declaring the Bush Mission Complete in Iraq is his victory, as his policy is making Iraq meltdown and in 2011 Obama will declare Afghanistan his victory even though he slaughtered thousands of Americans for nothing.

Earthquakes in diverse areas where earthquakes do not happen. No wonder Obama is fleeing to Bush's Maine, as Obama probably thinks satan is opening the door and is about to collect on that soul selling debt Obama engaged in to be president of some nation.

I wonder who will play the devil? Maybe it is Alec Baldwin as this is a liberal production.

PS: I prefer Wings Hauser.


The tampon Trio dux Garcon

This blog has been watching Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Letterman cocktail crowed judge on the Supreme Court who has time and again disgraced the legacy of Ronald Reagan, in showing President Reagan absolutely no honor or deference in making this back bencher into a power he never should have, because he has had no character for decades.

To put it bluntly, when Al Gore was in the Senate and changed a key vote in exchange for prime time airtime in a debate, that is what Anthony Kennedy has been betraying America over for years, in he is Conservative, but is also so weak that he wants to be invited to dinners, wants to be praised in the Washington Post and desires to be loved in DC, and that means voting communist organizer when the votes come up.

Anthony Kennedy has more in common with another Irish traitor to America, in Tedward Kennedy. At 74 years of age with the manipulated retirement of Justice Stevens who is the most treacherous thug to ever serve on the Court, the intrigue watchers at the Supreme Court have finally realized that the old dick Stevens was assigning case arguments and now this falls to Kennedy, who they think will be like other liberal ilk in Justice Burger changing votes like Al Gore changes ideas as a political whore.

I instead look to this in the one phrase which has been issued by Anthony Kennedy, and that is, "I will retire when Obama is gone".

That statement is telling as Kennedy knows very well what John Stevens pulled in giving Obama the opportunity to put more mental trash on the Court in Elena Kagan to join mental midget Senora Sotomayor.

Kennedy saw Obama tar ball the Justices at the State of the Scrotum speech and Kennedy knows very well the harps of Angels are in his near future, and in not looking to God's Heaven, he is looking to legacy and realizes when he is departed, the left is not going to do a thing but put him in the dust bin, and the biggest of history writers in Rush Limbaugh is going to define Anthony Kennedy with the traitors and selling his whine before his time, like girly Souter.

Anthony Kennedy has been a sell out and up until the 2000 Florida election case in which Al Gore tried to steal the election, Kennedy had never manned up.
Kennedy has had a few cases since while hiding under the two terms of George W. Bush, which he voted like an American, but his entire tenure is...............well he is Ron Reagan jr., someone Ronald Reagan placed trust in, and all President Reagan received was a Rahm Emanuel tutu and a dog show announcer who likes poodles too much.

Anthony Kennedy is at an age when Conservative beats in one's veins, because one hears Jesus Judgment and all of those rulings violating God's Laws all of a sudden makes a Justice who has a soul start seeing how he put God's America into hell.
It has been Kennedy who has had no John Jay in him in not allowing the exploration on the Court of Obama being undocumented. Kennedy is an Obamite and knows the crime he is in bed with, the fraud he helped institute and the destruction of these United States and the moronic color of the Courts now he is a part of, and Kennedy, is seeing the tyranny, the slavery, the murder of America, and now he wants to be the vote kicking Obama's ass in rulings, with the irony it was Anthony Kennedy who installed that Marxist foreign ass into the White House.

I have no appreciation for Anthony Kennedy. He could bring the investigation into Obama being unConstitutional, remove Obama and it still would not undo the abyss which this lemming helped Obama dig America into in this last days worst of tribulations.

Anthony Kennedy is still playing the David Letterman intern, lifting his skirt, bending over to show some cleavage or giggling at some joke he is voting against in the Court. The only difference is now, Anthony Kennedy is going to be the Obama stopper, not for America, but because Anthony Kennedy now wants to go down in history as the guy who was the firewall against Obama tyranny.
Anthony Kennedy is writing this script to set the historical record to overcome his treachery.

There is nothing Ronald Reagan honorable in this. This is Junior Reagan floofing his bouffant, because even Kennedy realizes he doesn't want his name anywhere near any opinions with names like Sotomayor, Kagan and Geezer Ginsburg who think the Court is a girls club of soddenness, and with a pansy like Breyer testing the tampon dispenser, Anthony Kennedy as the Benedict Arnold of America doesn't need to look too manly to step out from the dyke squad, in voting against that buffoonery which history will judge as thee most inept Obamites to ever issue verbiage.

Let's review this in Kennedy's girls club has a racist in Sotomayor, an American hater in Kagan, a new communist in Ginsburg and Breyer makes illegal rulings using foreign laws. This entire brothel is being laughed at already and will be the forever joke of what is more stupid than the Supreme Court? Anthony Kennedy voting with the tampon trio.

Anthony Kennedy can either start wearing French right now and speaking mascara or Anthony (and yes I meant it that way) or Anthony Kennedy can attempt like Jimmy Carter to salvage his ineptness for going to the worst Justices in history side.

Anthony Kennedy is going to be like Peggy Noonan in sexing an Obama doll, being ashamed and trying drunken typing in the Wall Street Journal hoping Conservatives can not remember she is an Obama whore.
Anthony Kennedy is going to be like Noel Sheppard in picking girl fights she thought she could win by saying Sarah Palin liked political rape, because Camille Paglia whispered it to him. errr her and hope no one remembers on the right as he busts the news, he is not currently an Obama street walker, even if he plays one on the internet.

An article like this is long overdue for a confidant of the cocktail crowd in exposing what a reprehensible treasonist Anthony Kennedy is as he now is ready for his close up.

I will to God that Anthony Kennedy was an American, because instead of waiting around for Obama to be gone, Anthony Kennedy would be holding the hearing exposing Obama as a fraud and making B. Hussein Obama gone as Federal Marshals handcuff this undocumented seditionist and Supreme Court security halls off Sotomayor and Kagan for being Obama illegals, and the FBI walks out Breyer and Ginsburg as Obama conspirators enabling Obama to steal the 2008 elections.

Either that or David Letterman needs his drink refilled, and don't forget to walk his intern Anthony ........boy.

agtG 221

garcon without a capital G

Nuff Said

How many elections did Richard Nixon ever steal?

The answer is not one.

How many elections did Democrats steal from Richard Nixon?

The answer is two in Joseph Kennedy with crooked Democrats stole the 1960 Presidential election and Democrats in the coup they staged against President Nixon in 1972 forcing him to resign was the second.

Think of a different world in 1960 without Kennedy's murder, Vietnam, the bankrupting of American as a Lyndon Johnson welfare state which brought on the catastrophic problems America suffered through in the Nixon Administration, and none of that would have happened, including Cuba now being a free nation from Castro's regime for 50 years, all if Democrats had not stolen Richard Nixon's 1960 victory.
Think of a victorious 1972 Nixon landslide, which by 1976 without the Watergate coup, that there never would have been a Jimmy Carter depression, no Iranian Islamocommunists, no Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and basically every horrid problem America is still dealing with would not have happened if Democrats had not stolen Richard Nixons 1972 victory.

For the telling point, Ronald Reagan would have been elected in 1976 to the White House. That means the Soviet Union would have imploded 4 years earlier, there would never have been a Saddam Hussein enhanced in a Iran Iraq War, no Islamic terrorists created by Obamite Zbigniew Brzezinski, no George H. W. Bush, as there would have been a Howard Baker of Tennessee as Vice President or a Paul Laxalt of Nevada.
There would never have been no Gulf War I or II, and there would never have been a 9 11, as there never would have been a William Clinton in his amoral presidency.

These election thefts are constant by Democrats. Tom Daschle and Tim Johnson of South Dakota have careers from stealing elections over Republicans. Al Franken of Minnesota stole the most recent election from Senator Norm Coleman.
Democrats have changed the course of American history for the worst in their absolute electioneering in criminal spurning of the Constitution.

In 2008, America witnessed the absolute thugocracy of B. Hussein Obama in first stealing the primary election from Hillary Clinton in notorious vote rigging and intimidation in Texas, Indiana and Nevada, to the outright Al Franken and Tom Daschle vote creation in the Presidential elections.
As this blog only has covered this, the reality is 10 million GOP voters disappeared in 2008 and were "explained away" as Americans who "moved" and never registered. That farce is the biggest fabrication which has hidden the ACORN Obama electioneering where this blog believes that Mr. Obama not only created votes, but Mr. Obama in his electronic tallies switched votes as Al Franken did and numbers of Democrats did from John McCain to B. Hussein Obama.

In that, do you think for a moment that President McCain and Vice President Sarah Palin would have rationed death, have extorted money from the medical industry, taken over most of the American economy, tar balled the Gulf States and then made Soldiers in Afghanistan go on patrol with unloaded guns who had to wait to be shot first by terrorists, before they could fire back.

For a reality check, John McCain would have had a victory in Afghanistan in 2009, and America would now be engaged in dismantling by overwhelming force the Persian communist regime, without the entire east of Europe given over to Putin as Obama initiated.

Richard Nixon is the whipping boy, as Gen. George Custer is for the ignorant ranting left. Richard Nixon ended Vietnam by treaty and Democrats lost South Vietnam in not appropriating support for those people after it was promised. There were no "right" wars for Navy officer Nixon, there was only overwhelming force by Admiral Thomas Moore in blowing the fear of America into communist in Asia.

Barack Husein Obama is a fraud, an undocumented foreigner, a usurper and an election thief. B. Hussein Obama stole the 2008 Presidential election from John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Aaron Burr Biden is a traitor to America and referred to as such for enabling these high crimes against the people of these United States.

It is past time the NeoProg Democrats who have caused all of this bankruptcy, murder of Americans and epic attacks on American soil be held accountable, and it starts, with B. Hussein Obama.
Sean Hannity and the Conservatives he represents do not want impeachment of Mr. Obama due to the length of time it would require. What this clarion call though is for, for all Americans who love America to simply utter the words, "Barack Hussein Obama is an election theif committing heinous crimes against the People of America".

That is not so hard and when the Ann Coulter types show concern about their patrician friends being upset in all of them voted for Obama, just let the reply be, "You liberals stole Richard Nixon's elections and that is what has America in this mess now, and it is not George W. Bush.
This is your fault. This is your crimes. This is your criminal Barack Hussein Obama".

nuff said.

This land is your Cuban land

President Ronald Reagan once said that when the Soviets built the Berlin Wall, America should have just knocked the thing down and been done with it.

In that, I personally have had it with the walls of Cuba built by that narco communist Fidel Castro who has been running dope and terrorists out of the land of Papa Hemingway for over a half century.
John Kennedy was a fool in not liberating Cuba as it became a nuclear crisis, and from there Castro murdered and tortured Americans in Vietnam to slaughtered people in Angola. The assassinations to the sanctions are an inept policy and it is in that, this blog secures a new Lame Cherry Doctrine as it continues to serve thee American People in this void of any leadership in the usurped Federal Government.

Be it known then, that it is long past time that the Cuban Island has been held hostage by the Castro regime and it is too long that B. Hussein Obama and his regime kind have been tinkering of rewarding this murderous regime.
The following doctrine shall be the policy of these United States of America.

Effective immediately, a council of Cuban Exiles will be formed in a Government in exile. The United States, her allies and the free American Nations of this hemisphere will file with the United Nations, not a request, but a petition of notice on the Monroe Doctrine that Americans will guarantee the rights of the Cuban peoples.

The right to return of all Cubans in America will be immediately initiated on the 45 square mile Bay known as Guantanamo.
Court papers will be filed in United States Federal Courts for Cubans to have restitution to their lands which the Castro regime has confiscated, along with any and all property the communists have illegally seized, and any hardship the exiles have endured.

As the treaty concerning Guantanamo Bay is perpetual and deals with the needs of a United States Naval Station, a city known as Libre, which will house returning Cuban exiles, as Naval Station employees serving the United States Navy from banking, fishing in Cuban waters for food, educational facilities, broadcast facilities, manufacturing of key components to all necessary functions of a city which is in service to the United States Navy will be performed, with direct Civilian air and sea transportation unhindered to the United States mainland.

All necessary functions will include a sitting Cuban Government, with access to the United Nations in representation and petitions to the United Nations for right of access to the whole of Cuba patrolled by Peacekeepers in interaction with their countrymen in commerce, vacation and any other needs a Cuban exile would require.

This blog has a deep respect for Andy Garcia, and would suggest that Mr. Garcia and the Libre District would elect Mr. Garcia as their first President, and to address the Constitution of Cuba pre 1959 overthrowing of that legitimate Government by Fidel Castro.

The United States recognizes the right of Cubans to live in Cuba unencumbered by Marxist thuggery, and will see to it that a thriving Cuban community there does build and grow, with full dual Citizenship as is participated with the Israeli people.

In this policy, the Courts of America, the Courts of Libre and the United Nations will move to the right of land reforms, the right of national assembly representation for the state of Libre in the Cuban Government and the right of election to run any candidate of their choosing against any of the Castro brothers.
The right of the Cuban exiles to have developmental access to the territory surrounding Guantanamo Bay to reside, engage in agriculture and any other manufacturing necessity to sustain the Naval base will be the requirement of the United Nations, for when Philistines are promoted in Gaza, that same right is mandatory to the Cubans in America.

Be it known, the purpose of this is to reform the Castro regime as the Soviet regime was reformed in the Gorbachev era.

Cubans have the right to live in Cuba, and Guantanamo Bay will be the first step in policy of these United States in order to liberate Cuba from it's hegemony of despotic Castro nepotism.

This shall be the policy of these United States.
