Monday, October 4, 2010

Jew Hater: Stephanie Herseth Sandlin

With the firing of Cuban American Rick Sanchez at CNN, over his statements that there is a pecking order in liberal establishment circles and folks like Jon Leibowitz or Jon Stewart are at the top in being Jews and Cubans are the floor moppers, there requires an in depth explanation of this as there is an Ashkenaz Aristocracy in America which just fired Rick Sanchez for speaking out.

This requires being made public as it is this same Ashkenaz secular group which tried to do that electronic lynching of Clarence Thomas and puts Michael Savage on terror watch lists in England.

You have to comprehend this in there is a pecking order as in feudal Europe and the same order which Jesus the Christ ran into in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago which assassinated him.

This order at the top actually lays down orders and I have seen an actual letter written and signed by Democrat Stephanie Herseth Sandlin to a Jewish person in which she stated she would not help them because this person was Jewish and not part of a minority, according to some federal standards.
Yes that was news to me that Sandlin has some marching orders which dictate that Jews are not a minority any longer.
That is exactly what Rick Sanchez said at CNN and was fired over, and yet this female Democrat, whose husband was the enforcer for Nancy Pelosi and who is working with the person taking orders from Karl Rove, is not being impeached from Congress.

Now why is that in Rick Sanchez a Cuban is fired and Stephie Sandlin a white, connected Democrat of Karl Rove, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama extraction, is allowed to be a Jew Hater and implementing anti semitic policy?
It is the same reason that Benjamin Netanyahu was stuffed into a meat wagon by B. Hussein Obama. The same reason Karl Rove ruined George Allen and the same reason Stephanie Herseth Sandlin can brush off Jews with life threatening ailments, because there are "good" Jews and "bad" Jews.
Just as B. Hussein Obama has engulfed America into Islamic tribal warfare with his "good" Muslims and "bad" Muslims.

In this Jew hater group, Michael Savage and Mark Levin are "bad" Jews. Mark Levin is especially a bad Jew as he speaks of God and is a Russian immigrant.

History reveals that Hitler's national socialists were funded by the American Ashkenaz, which are led by the Rockefeller clique. This is not that complicated as it is like the British Royals in the Queen gets to piss on everyone, but Duke Andrew gets to piss on everyone but daddy, mummy, Chuck and his boys.
It is the same with the Rockefellers in they are top dogs in America, but the Rothschilds in Europe who are the old Ashkenaz Mayer family rule the pound and pound everyone, including Bill Clinton for crossing them.
This is what was behind Hillary Clinton being humiliated in having to give up the presidency to Obama in Bill Clinton sold Asian uranium which the Rothschild cartel stated like all the world, was their property.
This is how George Soros goes into Romania being an Ashkenaz and tells Romanians that the gold is his, and they can not mine it even in their own country.

So in America, it is Rockefeller, and then one has the Loeb, Khun who work for the Rockefellers and then the Lehman Brothers etc.... They literally rule America, and when Rick Sanchez goes public in anti semitism aimed at the leftist Ashkenaz he gets cut as quick as in Hitler's pecking order.

If you are a Jew in Stephanie Herseth Sandlin's flyover country, you are on par with Sephardic (bloodline Judahites) in she can piss on them without any problem in mimicking word for word exactly what Rick Sanchez was spouting off about.

The filthy secret in this is, that it was the Ashkenaz cartel elite who were literally auctioning off to the Nazi's in Germany the ghetto work force of European Sephardic and poor Ashkenaz Jews.
These Rothschilds drank champagne with the Nazi elite, as Hitler was a bastard son of the Rothschilds installed into power.
This gets very touchy on this subject as real Jews have been so herded by the Ashkenaz elite who hide in Jewry that Jews stop listening and start branding the reality as a threat when the reality it was the Ashkenaz elite who sold Jews to work to death camps, inflated the dead Jew numbers in the holocaust so they could steal the coming Jewish state of Israel and have made the holocaust a literal for profit industry.

It is all by design just as installing usurper Obama was by these Berlin benefactors to loot America of trillions.

Just look up sometime the literal history of the Ashkenaz. You will find they are not Jewish in being of the Shemite or Semite line of Abraham. They are Asian in origin. They are the sons of Gomer who was of Japheth in Noah's son after the flood.
They are related to the Russians and listed among them in Moscovites.

This empire and it was an Ashkenaz Empire of the Hittite and Assyrian era was very powerful. It though was looking for a religion and converted as a people to be Jews. Since that time in mingling with the Babylonian mystery religion in Talmudic and Kabballah, with the false prophet Sabbatai Zvi who stated that people had to sin more so the Messiah would return, have been in the process of being at war with God fearing Jews and the heads of the lost 10 tribes, which are the English and Americans.
Does it start ringing bells now why this Rothschild clique started the meltdown in Iceland which is Benjamin. Moved it into France who is Reuben, and then into Britain which are Danite Irish, the Scotts and the Anglo Saxon Josephites and then took aim at America which is Manasseh Joseph Israelites.
This same Ashkenaz elite was using the code words of Anglo American finance to blame all this on Americans and English when it was their ulitimate 9 11 economic attack on these peoples.

This has been a literal nation rape of an anti semitic order with the Ashkenaz claiming they are semetic in order to carry out this rapine.
And who gets the blame? Is it the European and American Ashkenaz royalty? Why not in the least, instead it is Benjamin Netanyahu and the settler Jews who are eating Muslim missiles and some little Jew in South Dakota getting left for road kill by Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.

That is the vicious and viral game occurring. If Mark Levin and Michael Savage would sign on to be stooges of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds bashing Sarah Palin, both would be sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom, and have featured shows on that fraud FOX News, which is now more liberal than Dan Rather.
FOX is hiding behind Sean Hannity's Conservatism and the rest of that ilk is left with hand picked Jon Stewart parrots.

Michael Savage noted on his program that his publisher is owned by Rupert Murdoch, but he can not get one interview on FOX. That is how this game is played in the Jews who love America are behind the Warsaw wall and the Jews who hate America are writing jokes for Obama or stealing elections in Minnesota as Al Franken did from Jewish Norm Coleman and getting away with it, because Karl Rove signed off on destroying Conservative Jews in Allen and Coleman.

This is not all Jews or most Jews. This is about a powerful elite who eat Rick Sanchez and try to bite the head off of Mark Levin and throw Michael Savage into prison. This Ashkenaz elite are secular except for that same mystery illuminated religion they practice in secret. They hate God fearing Jews, desire Judahites exterminated, arm Muslims to murder Jews, want all the Holy Land for their own world capital and literally split the Conservative Likud Jewish party into Kadima to install Marxist traitors like Ehud Barak into power.

Goodness people, what in the hell do you think Glenn Beck is about with Ann Coulter in spouting off the same thing about splitting the GOP into two groups. That is all to keep Obama Marxism in power and that is what got Obama installed into the White House in the first place with Karl Rove and Steve Schmidt working for Obama to ruin McCain and carry on this Tea Party smear.

The Rothschilds hired George Soros as their European American to install Obama into the White House. The Rockefellers were punished in their bastard son Bill Rockefeller Clinton. If you did not notice, Chelsea Clinton married a connected secular Jew to carry on the family order, even if she looks like Webb Hubble is her sperm donor.
This is all a feudal system in the patricians and the peasants. One gets away with high crimes and one does not.

Rick Sanchez at CNN does not get away with outing Jon Stewart, but Stephanie Herseth Sandlin stating the same thing in writing to an outsider Jew like Mark Levin has the protection of the Rockefellers and their hireling in Karl Rove.

Hating Jews has always been sport of this elite mob. Rome was appointing by Herod the Jewish religious leaders and the same appointments are coming now from the Rothschilds to appoint the Jewish leaders over the faithful for the slaughter now just like Christ.

It certainly was news to me when Stephanie Herseth Sandlin wrote that Jews are not a minority in America and literally even with illnesses can be discriminated against. I have seen this letter and it as recent as Rick Sanchez stating the same thing.

Rick Sanchez should have done like Stephie Sandlin and pissed on Mark Levin.........he probably would be replacing Katie Couric now as a network anchor.

None of this will make Drudge who is Jewish nor have Mrs. Sandlin removed from Congress on semitic hatred.

Wonder why............

I just told you children.


Strummin' my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song

Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

~ Roberta Flack

Faust Obama

At what point does a Nation created by God and endowed by her Creator, become a place where pathological, criminally insane, lying.........actually become the crime it is?

This is now relevant as these United States of America have entered into an Obama abyss where the lies of Bill Clinton which all could discern as propaganda, have devolved to a bottomless pit, where, when B. Hussein Obama's lips are moving, there is an absolute lie coming from his black soul.

It is one thing for the Iron Curtain of dishonesty to prevail in the Soviet era, to the current realm of liars from North Korea, China, Iran, Syria, Muslims etc... espousing satanic verses which are so preposterous that no one takes them serious for the depth of idiocy they blather on about, because in leftist regimes, one knows they can not survive without the Castro and Chavez lies for their epic failures.
It is though another thing when America based on historic Biblical prophesy, English Common Law and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..............a revelation just a few short decades ago radiating to the world on President Reagan's Shining City on the Hill, to enter a period now where Barack Hussein Obama is not only lying, but his fabrications are so blatant, that it is getting American Soldiers murdered in his Cold Sore Wars, ruining Citizens retirement accounts, rationing death to them and destroying their country.

In the rubble and decay of North Korea, one can only expect lies, but in these United States, there is a higher moral order where one can only expect the Truth.

That has now all been cast off the cliff as one day Americans are told the recession is ended, when that is a known lie as America is still choked by the Obama Super Depression.
America is told on Labor Day that jobless numbers are down, when the Government literally withheld several states in that factoring, so that is another manipulated lie to deceive the masses.
Americans are told that Obama knows how to win wars, and then it comes out in Bob Woodward's book that Obama is retreating at every step for political reasons.
Americans are told that Obama knows how to get Sheik bin Laden, and two years into this, there is Sheik bin Laden growing in power and influence.
The most heinous of lies is Obama under oath, twice, swore to protect Americans, and once again it now comes out that Obama policy is to absorb 9 11 terror attacks, in signing off on the murder of United States Citizens.

Once again, when does a political lie of a politician, become an absolute high crime, when Citizens, Soldiers and Country are being wiped from the land of the living in this world?

This blog warned that B. Hussein Obama, with his Indian monkey demon, hanuman, who he wishes on for luck, is part of a consumptive, evil, dark force. God is creative, nature births and eats it's own, but the satanic consumes all. America in payment to Obama's ascension is being consumed on the darkest of spiritual of terms. She is literally being aborted alive in the Reagan womb which this nation always has trusted was it's absolute right to life safe harbor.

America is literally being consumed, and daily B. Hussein Obama comes from his teleprompter saying the most ludicrous of things. He goes to the United Nations claiming "we" as in he saved the world.
Saved the world? 13 dollars and growing in massive debt. The enslavement of Slavs, Americans and now Lebanon being offered up to the Persian communists in slavery. Obama's mission complete in Iraq, another lie in US Soldiers are still running combat missions, and the blood stained ground of Afnamistan, becoming more crimson every day under Obama, are but an example of the salvation of mahdi Barack Hussein Obama.

For the record, the world is a more dangerous place from the stability of George W. Bush when he left office in 2008.
The Nobel awards committee can hand out all the million dollar prizes to Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama for doing nothing, but the reality is planet earth is more polluted in tar balls, more deadly in Obama wars and more in danger of annihilation in Obama's growing nuclear terror enabling.
Those are the facts, and Obama's lips are moving constantly telling everyone how great his Dreams of his Obama is.............well I guess if one's name is Obama, is enthroned in the White House, has every perk imaginable, more million dollar book contracts, while the rest of the 7 billion people on earth are suffering and dying, then it appears Obama's audacity of hope is just that, Obama, the mother in law, the wife and Queenie with Sloven, are living the dream, while everyone else is dying in the nightmare of the Obama abyss.

In that, the question looms in the honest and truthful American west, when does it behold these people to dissolve the elected contract the majority were lied to in joining with Mr. Obama, in the belief, he had a better deal for them than George W. Bush?
It is legitimate to ask this illegitimate Mr. Obama and to require an answer from his voters who have been betrayed, in how much does an abused and beaten wife take before the police are called and informed that she does not have two black eyes, her teeth knocked out and a broken leg from hitting herself with a frying pan and jumping off the roof.

When do the mountain of lies of Barack Hussein Obama become high crimes?

Is not the definition that when the innocent are being robbed, attacked and murdered? Is not the definition when the citizen is being denied their rights to responsibly choose what type of health care they will to have or not having immoral Elton Blonde homosexual perversion being thrust down their throats from serving in the military, defining marriage and protecting children?

Barack Hussein Obama and his minority elite are the definition of evil being called good while everyone knows it is evil, while Mr. Obama is defining Americans as evil in all the good they are in this sodom den.

Do not mistake that Sodom and the seven cities of the plains were destroyed for homosexuality alone. They were a perverse people beyond wanting to rape Angels and thinking raping virgin daughters of Lot mundane. They were a patrician mob who robbed the masses of their wealth whether they were foreigners or natives. Sodom was evil in this entire group and in numerous conditions, the United States under Mr. Obama is far worse in deviancy.

The press is disgusting in enabling all of this. Mr. Obama and Democrats have no character as it is all gone. Key figures on the right like Rush Limbaugh are so sullied in their Karl Rove gayness that they are pure filth in how they have dirtied up those associating with them.

This blog alone noted that husband Obama in taking America as his wife, would sell her into slavery and offer her up on the satanic altar in sacrifice, and it is proving exactly as Inspired. The question remains when in the course of human events, when do oaths matter to indict absolute lying despots and dissolve a marriage where the wife is being stuffed into the grave after a massive gang rape by the cronies of the Islamic Obama.

Oh and for the record, when B. Hussein Obama went to church, it was to hear an Islamist, calling for a divided state of Israel.
Since when does a Church based on Jesus the Christ, invite allah satanists, denying Jesus........well besides the Catholic hierarchy at Georgetown and Notre Dame inviting in mahdi Obama...........leaving out endowed by their Creator?

The Islamic extremist was Ziad Asali, and you can thank Bridgette de Maubec for uncovering another Obama lie.

When does the lie, become treachery, treason and being a traitor?

When does Faust Obama become the definition of high crimes which he always has been?
