Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Upside Down

It is difficult to admire some one's work and ability and then to realize like Barry Goldwater or William Shatner, that they just have gone a dozen steps beyond the grave of their legacy.

I came across this quote by Charles Krauthammer, and linking it to his recent political rapine on Christine O'Donnell, the twelve steps of Krauthammer have reached their precipice of the Obama abyss.
"I even worked in the Carter administration and did some speech writing for Walter Mondale. But my evolution came in the 1980s when the Democrats were talking about a nuclear freeze. The Great Society, I came to see, did far more harm than good. I became a free market conservative. So far as I'm concerned, Ronald Reagan was the best president. Nixon was the worst. Some of his policies were okay, but he disgraced the office."

This I presume is Charles Krauthammer's, Rush Limbaugh Elton Blondeberry moment in which he will descend into other Obama like behavior which sound like things Joe Biden would come up with.

I love and adore Ronald Reagan, but there is not in any terms in the least that he was the best President. His heart was too guilt ridden over James Brady being shot that Sarah Brady was leading the Reagan's around on a leash over gun control.
Mr. Reagan screwed up royal in appointing George Schultz who threw US Marines into Beirut to be murdered over the desperate warnings over Bill Casey and Cap Weinberger.
Mr. Reagan is an icon of God given immense deliverance to America, but he was not the best President, that ranking forever goes to the humble George Washington who is first in the hearts and minds of this American nation in all that is pure, noble and Christian.

As far as the babbling of Mr. Krauthammer that Richard Nixon was the worst President as he disgraced the office, Mr. Krauthammer in his "world only begins and ends at his birth memory and death outlook", the fact is Richard Nixon so epitomized the grace of the Office of President of these United States that he resigned in humiliation over a coup launched against him by globalists in the Rockefellers that Mr. Nixon did everything to PROTECT THAT OFFICE to the extent of ruining himself.

In terms of FDR, Harry Truman, JFK and LBJ who proceeded Mr. Nixon, Mr. Nixon did not even become a tar ball in the gulf of foul pollution of adultery, incompetence, communist enabling, debauchery and murderous actions of election theft to using Americans as nuclear guinea pigs as his Democratic tyrants enacted, all uncharged in crimes against humanity.

No other President in Richard Nixon reigning, has ever made that sacrifice, little alone that cemented in Franklin Roosevelt who would not leave, Bill Clinton who disgraced, degraded and defamed that office, Jimmy Carter who destroyed that office and Barack Hussein Obama who stole that office and is destroying America, all are worse than Richard Nixon, and that includes throwing in that communist Woodrow Wilson, and the two theorizing Democrats of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison who damned neared ended these United States in destroying the military defense and starting the War of 1812.
John Kennedy was a philandering whoremonger who almost got America nuked, because the Soviets did not take him serious.

Richard Nixon in not any way was the worst President. He just happened to be the President the Kennedy's were spying on, which was what was at the heart of Watergate, and then intelligence operatives stuck Nixon with a break in he never instigated.
This is Nixon the paranoid in numerous communist forces operating in America with American traitors who indeed were out to get him, and they got him.

This simple rebuttal reveals how too involved Charles Krauthammer is in thinking the melodious sound of his Fox paid for voice is like something coming down from the Mount. When Krauthammer has an infatuation with Reagan, let him just speak of his fetish and when he singles out Dick Nixon for his personal angst, then let him just admit he despises Nixon for whatever pulled Krauthammer's chain.

.....and what books influenced Charles Krauthammer?
Probably Charles Murray's "Losing Ground." Also Isaiah Berlin's "Openness and Opposition" and John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty." Norman Cohn's "Pursuit of the Millennium" was also very influential on my thinking. It helped make me immune to the more messianic influences in the world.

Perhaps Charles Krauthammer who just assisted in electing the bearded Marxist of Delaware in Chris Coons, as Harry Reid's pet and Barack Obama's fellow traveler, is not quite as immune to the messianic influences of the world he claims.

It is too bad that Mr. Krauthammer never bothered to list the Bible, as that is a Messianic influence which by God's Holy Spirit would have assisted him in not becoming an Elton Blonde.

The failures the American right have after the 2010 elections are all because of the elitists in Rush Limbaugh, Charles Krauthammer, Karl Rove, Peggy Noonan and Ann Coulter have perpetrated against America.
They did not expose the John Cornyn's patrician rigging of the elections to re elect Barbara Boxer to that fraud Murkowski in Alaska, nor are they pushing for election reforms to keep Democrats for voting Republican in the primaries.

They don't want Sarah Palin or any Conservative in 2012 running or elected. They want this fraud system rigged for Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush.

Charles Krauthammer's intellect is in atrophy. He is the mind of Obama reciting Obamanisms which simple logic reveal are in need of a teleprompter of Truth and not a blondeberry of lies.

It is the world of the upside down and the down is the Obama abyss.


Another Obama Bad Omen

Barack Hussein Obama had numerous bad omens at the beginning of the NATO summit in Lisbon, Portugal which are telling in their scope of future events playing out.

First, Mr. Obama had it rain on his "welcome" to Lisbon. Having it rain on one's parade is never a good sign as one stands looking like a moron huddled under an umbrella held by someone else.

Second, the entire press to cover Obama and this event, numbering 150 people, were left standing in that shroud of rain looking like a bunch of wet dogs scratching at the door.

Third, the translator did not work and Obama took out his ear piece and then sat there nodding and smiling like he knew what was taking place.

In interpretation, things are not going to go well for NATO and specifically Mr. Obama's association with it. It will be one of an uncomfortable gloom like the heavy drizzle crying over this degradation.

The press which has absolutely not done it's job in reporting on the numerous crimes of B. Hussein Obama is now going to be shut out, not just by Obama, but the public and they will be alone in their misery of company.

As for the translator, Mr. Obama will not be able to hear the world, comprehend it, and will sit there like a fraud pretending he is in control and understands what is taking place.

None of this has been good, nor will it be good, as Aaron Burr Biden has been running around acting like he is President already, spewing the most idiotic of things like "daddy is going to teach the Muslims of Afghanistan how to be adults" (paraphrase embellished)

Another horrid Obama bad omen in his portending coup.

The signs, except of Obama's adopted Muslim home in Indonesia, being blown up by a volcano and washed away by monsoon, was not filled with great omens, except of course Obama's Muslim roots were a lethal danger to him.
Then there did not require vast omens as everyone rejecting Obama at the South Korean summit put the sign in plain sight.
The signs or omens though have been silent in passing judgment on Obama as one of evil signs. This now focusing upon Europe, points to a new dimension coming from the European vantage point.

With Europe now raining on Obama's parade is the false messiah about to be overshadowed by the false Christ in the anti Christ?

That Berlin which shown on Obama's political birth in sun, now has become his Lisbon of rain in a shroud upon the Obama sky.

The interpretation is certain.

agtG 255

The Obama list of far

Just out of curiosity, I typed into the Google search engine, Obama, death list, and my computer firewall went off the charts, so much surveillance occurred that I could not reload Google and when I attempted to try Yahoo, I got a network time out.

Oh to be a popular date, but I did find the death list which is or not real, but it creates the situation in how simply searching for the scrubbed information for B. Hussein Obama sends off protocols which in any free nation such a thing should never occur.

Except for Donald Young, I really do not have a great deal of interest in who has assumed room temperature in meeting Obama, as we live now in an era where Obama has transformed billions in debt to trillions and the few thousand slaves America imported before 1865, is nothing to the hundreds of millions of Slavic peoples Obama created in handing the Warsaw Pac back to Putin.

In that, only this blog has noted and will never forget the the Polish Government which was assassinated, all so Poland would be returned to the Putin fold.
There are no coincidences in life, as Obama returned strategic Ukraine back to the Soviet orb in his trading nations for Obama policy, as Obama has it in his understanding that Russia was wronged in having Slavs freed from their tyranny.

As stated this is the age of Obama, and people might recall Haiti, which Obama has never bothered to visit. The same Haiti filled with black folks, existing now in ghetto sewers as squatters, and dying in mass by cholera.
The same cholera which Obama abandoned these black people to forever, which is created by human excrement getting into the water supply, drinking it, and dying a horrid plague death within hours.

So while Bill and Hillary Clinton had their incinerating children at the Branch Davidians, the blowing out of a Mother's brains on her family at Ruby Ridge, BATF bombs blowing up the Murrah Building from inside by "accident" as a bomb provided McVeigh from an FBI mole started the reaction, followed by TWA Flight 800 shot down, numerous terror casualties around the world, and the dead friends of Bill, the Clintons really were sort of laser in their dead body count, while Obama seems sort of nuclear in his shotgun spread approach.
I mean entire Polish Governments were never wiped out under the Clintons, but Obama stood by and covered it up in not allowing in teh American FBI.

Then there is the Persian cleansing going on in Iran which was assisted by B. Hussein Obama in his Twitter Revolution which had Charlie Rose all tingling.
The problem is the Tweets were infiltrated by terrorists long ago starting with the Greek branch of anarchists, and Ahmadinejad's thugs simply ran an operation which tracked all the Persian Patriots on Twitter, rounded them up and murdered the leaders.
Obama mumbled a few words about "naughty naughty" but the fact remains that the dead Persian Patriots all are dead, because of Obama instigation, running a Gordon Brown counter revolution operation for Obama, and the only folks benefiting are the communist Persians still in power.
The same Islamocommunists which appear Obama warned of the French exposure of their nuclear bomb factory which had President Sarkozy furious.

That all matters, because with Obama handing over Slavs to Putin, and Obama assisting nuclear communists in Iran, then the Brown Twitter operation for Obama's revolution which turned out to be a clean up operation in murdering Iranian opposition.........looks like criminal homicide by B. Hussein Obama.

I have always maintained that attempted murder is only because the murderer failed. There is no difference.
So when B. Hussein told Jews to "absorb" a nuclear strike from Iran, and Obama has been running coups on Benjamin Netanyahu, making the Jewish state more vulnerable, just because Jews are not dead in mass yet, makes little difference as B. Hussein has exposed them as much as Americans to mass murder.

In that, Obama has been covering up the Fort Hood massacre in refusing to call it Islamic terrorism.

In the Sudan, Obama has done nothing to protect Christians or any Christians around the world. Obama has though stated if Sudan feints being civil for a few months he will remove them from terror lists.

I guess that means there is hope for parole and pardon for Sheik bin Laden in the Obama regime if he just behaves for a few months, while the Sheik plans another 9 11 which Obama states America can absorb.

I haven't touched on the dead babies worldwide by Obama, nor his fixation on blowing Muslims up with Predators at least once a week, as Barry seems to enjoy that to the excess like cherry pie. It all though starts adding up with the thousands of dead American Soldiers, who got that way because Obama refused to allow Soldiers to fire at terrorists Obama is quite a mass murderer sociopath in he doesn't knock off someone like Donald Young in spraying him with bullets as Obama has moved on to piles of dead at every opportunity.

So can Snopes and DailyKos explain away the burgeoning Obama dead? Not in any case, but one can hear the, Yah But, excuses for their Obama.

Yah but Obama can't be responsible for earthquakes and storms. Well, George W. Bush was responsible for hurricane Katrina, and by interesting fact no one died of cholera and Bush actually flew over the area while Obama has not been to black Haiti.

Yah but Obama can't be ........but Obama is responsible for abandoning the Slavic peoples.

Obama is responsible for all of this mayhem, murder and morbidity.

So Obama has destroyed America, the Dollar, and now we have ballistic missiles fired off the California coast by terrorists and Obama has done it all.

Why is there absolutely no coverage of any of this? Obama is operating in such destructive numbers that entire nations are enslaved and on the verge of disappearing.

Why do not Haitian blacks not matter?

Why is that Jake Tapper?


Planet of the Obamas

I really do not comprehend that with friends like this at Michelle Obama Watch, Bearick and Muchelle do not need enemies.

The photo above on the left was featured touting the Obama's joint interview with Barbara Walters. As Tony Dinozo on NCIS recently was talking about Charleton Heston going lip lock with the ape chic on Planet of the Apes, I just could not get the Obama photo out of my head in how much it looked like that odd event.

The managine editor, one Aminah Hanan, for a fashion site must be blind in love, as this is a horrid photo of the Obama's or anyone, as they are not an attractive couple or individual to start with and scrunched up faces with a look like they are more in love with themselves than each other is...........well Charlton Heston and the ape chic had a great deal more passion for each other in a movie than what the Obama's have in real existence.

This is a photo of a planet of the apes babe. This is what is called attractive. The Obama's are not.

I have watched the deliberate advertising of late in shoving "blackness" down American's throats by the ruling powers. The Obama's deliberately kept black people out of their cabinet, because they knew in part too many blacks would wear off the novelty of Obama, which has now worn thin.
It does not help the Obama's in the least though when one of their own is putting up pictures of them that make them looking the Planet of the Apes.
Goodness folks you got white guy Heston and white guy Obama, in an embrace with the same pastey haired ugly chic. That does no one any favors.

The worst of this is Ms. or Mr. Hanan, is ragging on Sarah Palin on thee most stupid of Obama lipstick on a pig rants.
Hanan is bitching about Mrs. Palin outing Obama as someone who is not proud of America, and defends Muchelle in she has a right to utter this hatred against Americans, because she is black.

Let us analyze this a bit. Mrs. Obama's parents were ward leaders in Chicago which is very prestigous.
Mrs. Obama was afforded affirmative action to prestigous universities and was earning hundreds of thousands of dollars in jobs which had no purpose, except to be created for her being a black American.
She has had nothing but a cushy life, and her husband Barack has no American black experience like Jesse Jackson, but was born with a silver spoon in his mouth which turned into a Muslim mafia oil purchased gold spoon that got him into college and got him elected to the Senate under Saddam Hussein's banker's funding.
It was Saddam's money which bought Obama his Georgian mansion.

Now let us look at Sarah Palin in which nothing was given her, but she had to work for all she had in attending western colleges, being elected to school boards to working to be Governor of Alaska.

In this Mrs. Palin has suffered more abuse than the entire black establishment of Hollywood actors and Jack & Jill aristocrats. Mrs. Palin has been nothing but politically raped by the Obama regime with Karl Rove's assistance, and she is the one who has every right to bitch about America, but she LOVES AMERICA, while the Obama's are hating on America.

Sarah Palin doesn't need to go away, she is America's future, while Barack and Michelle Obama are America's liberal abysmal past.

What is this fixation with liberals in making George W. Bush a chimp, having Rush Limbaugh on Family Guy lead around W. like a chimp and now this photo above published on a Muchelle Obama worshipping site that conjures up Planet of the Obamas.

All of this is just too under the surface in this Letterman cocktail crowd in politically raping women and always conjuring up the worst Jim Webb n*gger knockin' in by subliminal message picturing blacks in less than flattering ways.

It is reprehensible for liberals to savage Sarah Palin and it is reprehensible the non stop subliminal racism against blacks using the Obamas.
Maybe Ms. or Mr. Hanan did not take the Planet of the Obama's photo, but the fact is they are not bright enough to figure out who did take it was playing the race card against all minorities.
