Sunday, November 21, 2010

Obama's little white pills

It is no secret now that B. Hussein Obama is on psychiatric medication as his former cast of characters have stated Obama is being treated for mental depression.

I really do not pay a great deal of attention to Mr. Obama being a sociopath or insane, other than noting it here in exclusives before anyone else figured it out in diagnosis.

What though started me pondering this was Mr. Obama returning for the NATO summit in Lisbon filled with it's bad omens, in which he started blabbering about flying down to see Hugo Chavez in South America "on the way home", as if these United States were on the other side of South America.
CNN termed the comment "punchy", but this same punch drunkenness in Obama giggling was noted by Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes when Obama was suffering from his first set backs politically in 2009.

Logic dictates that Mr. Obama is being treated with a common anti depressant, and that would be Wellbutrin or in it's repackaged form, Zyban in being used to stop people from smoking cigarettes.
This would fit for Mr. Obama well, and one of the side effects from Zyban is weight loss, and it was no secret in 2009 that either Mr. Obama had cancer and was being treated for it, and was losing weight, or as he did not assume room temperature, he was taking a prescription medication which would have that side effect.

I was rummaging around in my mind when this subject started forming, that I seem to recall that Wellbutrin when it first came out was in fact marketed as a sort of Viagra, and it made quite a splash on I believe that Gary Collins and Mary Ann Mobley afternoon Oprah show Hour Magazine or some other odd name it was.
This is why when Wellbutrin was repackaged as no a sex enhancer, but a psychiatric drug, and on further dispensation found as a side effect to decrease nicotine addiction, that it turned into the real money maker, and the pharmaceuticals went on to other Cialis things, that it stuck in my memory banks.

This would fit a great deal of what Mr. erection Obama playing with hisself in 2009 perhaps was exhibiting. Obama was losing weight, getting horny, smoking hard, but he was functioning as long as David Axelrod loaded the teleprompter.

Wellbutrin will in fact impair one's thinking reactions. This would fit with the slow turning mind of Obama at times.

It is though like Mr. Obama's birth certificate, his school records, his passport, his funding and his sexual proclivities which is all hidden like his medical records.

Considering Mr. Obama does act odd enough to alarm the press, and Mr. Obama has his fingers on nuclear bombs, it would behoove Congress to demand to be kept informed of Mr. Obama's psychiatric drug use as this is a matter of national security.

Finally from the regimes own website on Obama's medication warning:

suicidal thoughts or actions; new or worsening depression, anxiety, or panic attacks; agitation; restlessness; angry or violent behavior; acting dangerously; mania (frenzied, abnormally excited or irritated mood); abnormal thoughts or sensations; hallucinations (seeing things or hearing voices that do not exist); feeling that people are against you; feeling confused; or any other sudden or unusual changes in behavior.

Mr. Obama has 10 of the 12 symptoms of reactions to taking Zyban listed above.

Maybe it is 11 of 12 in Obama did just pump the sleeping pills into the Democratic party in the November elections.

nuff said.


I'm taking little white pills,
And my eyes are open wide.
I just passed a 'Jimmy' and a 'White':
I've been passin' everything in sight.
Six days on the road and I'm gonna make it home tonight.

The F**k You Money

The Muslim moon diety, allah, is the demon of Islam which depends upon strict order to maintain control and suicide terrorists to achieve a victory.

The Jewish God is deprived of His Active Presence in the denial of the Messiah, so Jewish deliverance is in cash or American weapons.

The American Christian God, Jesus the Christ is their Weapon and they need no other, than than to martial themselves in battle and Christ wins the victory for them.

Thus begins the saga of the counter balance to secular Muslim Obama, secular American Karl Rove and secular Jew, Charles Krauthammer.

I only need a sufficient amount. Donald Regan used to say that everyone needs to have "f--- you" money so that he can afford to quit a job if he wants to. I don't wish to be crude about it, but that's how I feel about it. I always wanted my family to be comfortable. I'd say we have enough.

Charles Krauthammer is a secular Jew who dabbles in God like the Bush patricians and Obamites in they dust off God for the holidays or Holy Days, speak in moral terms of things, but when the yartzite candles have burnt their last, it is back to savaging Christine O'Donnell as they just don't get those people of Faith.

Mr. Krauthammer is vacuous of understanding like the wise fool who God makes a buffoon of in public as his lofty words soon reveal a complete void in Wisdom from God, because the secularist relies on the one god they always depend upon, and that is themselves.

Life is not about a sufficient amount, not even the "having food and drink let us be therewith content", Life is about every Word which comes from God to His children.

I have been learning lessons this year the hard way as my heritage is a stiff necked and stubborn people of the Americans and other Israelite tribes. I have been overly smug it seems in God hearing my prayers and destroying my enemies in complete rout. His Inspiration has made this blog a complete power and one which draws attention from the underworld of Rovians and such ilk who just can not figure out how I know things in their secrets.
King Hezekiah had such an attitude and I no longer have it, because I have been humiliated in the worst of things in this being taught farther that it is not me in the least, even with my bloodlines, my Spiritual heritage, my intimate relationship with God, His work through is all about God in His Mercy, meaning I'm nothing and can do nothing to have God even hear me, as this is all about God's Nature in being Loving.
My standing with God affords me nothing, as I'm helpless, and am having it ground in, that even who He made me, I have no place..........even with boldly coming before the Father, adopted by Jesus into the Family of God, the Royal Priesthood, Prophet and Seer, nothing of that matters, because in all of it, through all of it, this is about God's benevolence which can not be learned, but in Job misery must be taught the hard way.

Many Ladies in the Bible have had this lesson in God made them barren in a fruitful land. Hannah, Sarah, Ruth, Rachel; the Mother of Americans and Elizabeth are but the examples of God touching the empty heart and filling it by Grace with His Providence.
From nothingness came children which filled the world.

Some might consider it extreme to out Charles Krauthammer as he is a secular Jewish cripple. His mouth works though and he is spewing things in need of correction, especially when he starts savaging Christian Lady Politicians who are being denied the purpose of serving God in the American Government.

Mr. Krauthammer apparently has "f*ck you money" in his comfort and his little Obama prizes like the Pulitzer which only is given to liberals. His broken neck afforded him places in affirmative action, and it seems like all those nice car driving, great dressed "handicapped" I always see puffing on cigarettes, and are in better shape physically than 100 people who do have to show up for work at Walmart, the "f*ck you money" is something Mr. Krauthammer has not figured out yet in he has the safety net, but millions of Americans are being screwed over in not being well enough to do anything but languish and struggle away from death.

My puppy has been in the process of dying. She was created by a prayer in a lengthy miracle of God which I will not go into, but she came to me after some very mean people savaged me on the dream of her.
She has not been a great hunting dog, but she has been my little girl now almost 13 years. She almost died of pyrometria 3 years ago, has a massive mammary tumor, which due to age she can not be operated on, and she is thin as a rail.
I thought she was going to die days ago, but I have nursed her in a few bites of burger I cooked for her, and she stumbles, weaves and falls down, and I pick her up, and each time I check, I think it will be the last, but this torture of me is going on, and on, and on.

My puppy has taught me in her beauty, that I love her even more when she lost her one eye and people cringed from her. She is haggard, but I love her for all she has been in always being there for me, watching me do chores, and always coming to me as she struggled to this morning to lay outside my bedroom, to which exhausted, I got up and sat with her, as nothing should ever be left alone, as too many people dump the dying and leave them in that misery.

This is about teaching me about being completely dependent upon God, the Triune God, even though I thought I was in my lofty position, but this is burning the last vestige of me out, because there are things that thousands of people go through in sick parents, spouses and children in seeing them suffer and being worn out, and then having the guilt of looking for death, not so much to end the suffering of the loved one, but to just end the torment the exhausted Soul or Spirit is being fired by.
I don't want my puppy dead, but yet I do. So there is the guilt that everyone goes through. I saw my siblings flee from my Mother in her condition in their not being able to deal with it, as life is just a few days of "pretending to be a child" and then all that other important stuff like weekends away take place.

There is no winning in this and my puppy is at this point teaching me things God requires in the Spirit He sowed into me, and in that I have remorse that something I care for is volunteered to bring me to my appointed destiny in their suffering.
These are things I do not deal with very good, and that is why they are chosen, but one knows they owe even a pet things which can not be repaid, and one hopes that this searing anguish will never have to repeated again with a person I love, as I have called to God, "People should not have to be in the place of being God in these decisions".

.........and there is the rub in this children, because all of us grab for power, we desire to be the noticed one, we put out the fake halos like Obama or the lofty ideas like Krauthammer, thinking in our idiocy that we can handle all of this and toss God a wink and nod on some holiday, because we got the big bank accounts, the comfort, the name..........and we never give a rats ass about the millions of Americans being f*cked over in their dreams of their fathers are being destroyed.

That is one thing I'm most pleased about in the TSA rape going on, in all of these Krauthammer types which the Obama, Clinton and Bush economic turmoils never touched, are not getting it in the crotch, because the poor people never fly. This is the people who are the Rush Limbaugh millionaires who blow a million on sodomite Elton John while stealing ideas from blogs like this and emails from nameless people..........who sit in comfort knowing they got a the safety net, and will never one day be sucking on the end of a 357 magnum, because their siblings or children are f*cking them over in taking everything they got, because they got that Pulitzer name, that money........and the only reason they would ever commit suicide is not from grief in being betrayed, but because they were losing their "god" who they have worshipped all their pompous existence.

So Charles Krauthammer can be steeped in intellectualism, but he is clueless about the lessons of life, in his life should be the security that every person in America was supposed to have when that Hebrew God put the Founders into place to create a new nation in that shining City on the Hill.

Name one person who Charles Krauthammer, George Will, Ann Coulter, Peggy Noonan, Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity HAS brought up from the blogs or internship for the purpose of adding to the ranks of Christian American Conservatism to make a growing number?

They have not and will not, because they have their cushy place and they do not want the competition as it takes away their limelight.

Rupert Murdoch could have created an entire Conservative media, but he is an Obamite who has voided his original FOX contract with Newt Gingrich in all FOX has on now is token Hannity in a sea of liberal frauds.

Charles Krauthammer needs the Messiah of this Feast of Trumpets season in this life, before Christ returns and Mr. Krauthammer will find his Pulitzer has no worth when it comes to denying thee Son of God in that only one purpose in every one's God given life to.........become a child of God in accepting Christ's Salvation.
This is the Promise Abraham and the Prophets all looked for, and instead these elitists are not helping one peson up from the Obama quagmire but instead are doing their literal damnedest to imitate Karl Rove in destroying God's children like Christine O'Donnell with their "f*ck you money".

Mr. Krauthammer is the problem on the American Conservative Right as he cripples the body and with his mind condemns the Christian Members as being the handicap.

I would be more than happy to teach Mr. Krauthammer repentance and acceptance of Jesus as His Messiah to undo his fallacies and to regenerate Charles Krauthammer, because Mr. Krauthammer is not crippled in body..........Charles Krauthammer is crippled in soul and handicapped in mind.

agtG 220

Narco Islam meets Secular Muslim Obama

Let us start this discourse with the fact that every nation on this planet in some form engages through their elite, the promotion of drug traffic, human traffic, gem traffic, arms trade, counterfeiting and money laundering and dry cleaning.

This is something which the puppy press cares to parade blacks and Mexicans as the culprits of this nefarious trade, but the fact is there is a historic association between what government's condone so their elite can make fortunes, as this assists trade, money flow and creates inroads into nations which first world diplomacy can not reach.

I have noted that the Yankee Traders of Boston and New York after the War of 1812 soon embarked upon the legal trade of opium traffic into China, which is how numbers of east coast families generated their fortunes including the Delano clan of FDR.
It was all legal, and actually created the Turkish opium traffic to subvert the Asian markets which Americans were barred from.

The Obama meltdown of 2008 as was noted here, saw in Europe the survival of their banks only due to this narcotic, diamonds and weapons traffic off book that all these Rothschild governments overlook, as it is part of the elites doing business.

Do you really think that in a small country like Israel that the government there does not know of the immense Slavic prostitution and Ecsatcy trade there in the Mosaad being very astute?
The fact is it is part of the infrastructure from Moscow, to Peking to Washington, DC. It is not just Kim Jong Il of North Korea, Assad of Syria or Ahmadinejad of Iran shipping their nuclear, narcotic and counterfeit traffic, but this is how the elite patricians do business for profits.

The reason I bring this up again is an exclusive here, based upon a fine article on World Tribune which has revealed that al Qaeda Africa, now has an operational fleet of Boeing 727's lifting tons of contraband from the Americas into Africa and then into southern Europe.

Why I desire to revisit this is the exclusive which this blog broke in 2009 revealing that after Obama was promised to be in the White House to narco communists of South America, a massive wave of air shipping started out of South America for West Africa and continued into the Balkans delivering shipments of cocaine.
I explained that one does not just start dumping American coke into Europe without the Slavic mafias, Russian FSG, German intelligence all getting a cut, or you would get your head cut off.

This was an Obama benefactor deal as the DEA was literally called off intradicting the production of cocaine in the communist South American states, and this is why it was allowed to balloon.

What is interesting now is what I noted then in the BBC was exposing this story, and the reason the English were upset about this is, London was the transshipping hub out of America and Africa up until the Obama point in time.
The London cartels were not getting their cut any more, as in they were being cut out of the deal.

This is vital to comprehend as right after Obama came into office, one started hearing attacks on American Anglo finance being blamed for the collapse, when this blog revealed this was European banking retaliating on Greenspan for his sticking them with the DotCom bust during the Clinton years.
This entire collapse was generated in France as this blog proved, and the lab experiment for it was intitiated in Iceland, and spread into England and America.

What this though now is revealing in the World Trib article hinges on a complaint Lyndon LaRouche spouted off about over a decade ago when he said the Queen of England and her bank were dope dealers.
What World Trib has exposed is this drug traffic out of America, into west Africa and into the Balkans has now mushroomed into a massive Berber trade into North Africa where al Qaeda is generating millions of dollars in direct shipping not to the Slavic states, but they are pedaling this right into Spain.

I will translate this, as few will get the drug traffic routes which are definite as the routes from Mexico into America that the DEA oversees for the CIA for other alphabet agencies who launder the money into Rockefeller banks.
By al Qaeda being carte blanche in coke traffic, one notes that Spain was attacked by al Qaeda early in the Bush years, but it soon stopped. It is positive now it had nothing to do with socialist appeasers being elected, but al Qaeda cut a deal to fly American coke directly into Spain and the Spanish government signed off on it to not be attacked again.

Now to take this a step further in the process. Remember now London Heathrow was the shipping hub for all of this until Obama came on the scene. London is now being not only cut out by the Balkan coke trade, but with that much coke going into Spain, let us just say the Chunnel runs both ways, and what al Qaeda is accomplishing is shipping coke into the British Isles and the Queen's bank is not getting her cut.

B. Hussein Obama has not just been destroying America, but has been gutting the Anglo financial hub, and the main thrust is evident now that Obama's benefactors have been cutting out the olde English dope dealers, and replaced them with that Muslim Pakistani group entrenched in that nation.
It is a complete narco Islamic trade network now that can only be operating with Obama signing off on this, along with the al Qaeda benefactors in the Russian FSB and Chicom PLA. al Qaeda terrorists are thee best mules in doing the absolute dirty work, being an enclose Muslim mafia family network and taking their trusted cut while the European cartels are laundering these billions of dollars in the new Obama American supply route which went into full production in 2009.

Do you really think that huge 727's in Africa just are going unnoticed by the Valerie Plame wing of the CIA?
When Bush 43 was in the Oval Office, all hell broke loose after 9 11 when one 727 went missing in Africa. Now in this Age of Obama, Janet Napolitano could care less that al Qaeda has a squadron of 727's operational, and all Naps can do is molest passengers, and has no caution at all about Muslim 727's flying into America for 9 11 twenty times over?

Ask yourself why Naps Napolitano and Eric Holder have no Obama problem with these jets in Africa? Just how do they know they are not a threat?
The answer is they know this is signed off drug trade from Obama's elite folks all for running their narco communist coke out of South America.
That is why Hillary Clinton was all over Honduras in their booting out that communist dope running for Chavez into America. This coke traffic funding of terrorists is being sanctioned by the Obama regime.

How could I possibly say this?

Does the NSA have satellites which can see postage stamps? Yes.

Does the NSA have black boxes which monitor every jet in the world? Yes.

Does the NSA have the ability in global strike to vaporize al Qaeda 727's in one day? Yes.

Yet this fleet of narco Islamic 727's is operational now for 2 years, expanding their delivery into European markets and garnering millions of dollars for attacks on America.

Wouldn't this is Mr. Obama was serious about terrorist intradiction be an easy feat to crack down on if he was interested?

Of course it would be, but yet this expanding hub of narco Islam is running opium in the east and coke in the west, and all meeting in three key areas, socialist Spain, Islamic Albania and Kosovo and that Obama friend in Turkey, now friend of Russia, China and Iran.

This is thee biggest expansion of illegal narcotic traffic in world history since the Yankee Traders did it legally into China in 1800. It all tracks directly back to B. Hussein Obama's usurping the United States Presidency, as narco Islam now as an Islamic Secularist to do their bidding.

Oh and take a guess which North African nation is in the lead on this American coke traffic into Europe?

Here is a hint.

Obama set free one of their terrorists for BP to gain drilling rights in their Gulf.

Here is another hint.

Their dictator told the world that Obama was an African Muslim son.

I know you got it on the first hint, but it is none other than Libya which is in the forefront of this dope traffic, and they are the biggest funnel of Obama's good will toward Muslim terror states in Africa. Even more so than Kenya in all the Obama crimes there.

Obama's gens just keep coming out of the floor. His demons (gennies) take on the face of lierally international narcotic traffic which is being sanctioned by the Obama regime, as there is not in any way this massive expansion this could have taken place without Mr. Obama rewarding his benefactors.

It explains in part the source of that almost billion dollars Penny Pritzker laundered and dry cleaned for the Obama 2008 campaign, as it was not all counterfeit credit card deposits, Muslim terror funding, but was a huge chunk of cocaine traffic.

Sort of becomes more clear why Obama's folks were all through South American communist states promising them he would be in the White House as the real reason they were there was to bring to Obama bags of bribe money for his campaign, just like Bill Clinton and Al Gore were having Chicom PLA money illegally flowing into their re election campaign in 1996.

Now you know things you shouldn't know.

agtG 240

If your thing is gone
And you wanna ride on
Don't forget this fact
You can't get it back

Gay Tutu Obama

This story has sat since November 13th when Michael Moore was telling Barack Obama to stop acting queer and be a gay street tough and go knock some heads, by putting on his Jim Webb flannel shirt, lumberjack boots and non mom jeans, when Moore on the Bill Maher program told Obama to take off the "pink tutu".

Before I was banned from Huffington Post, I was disgusted how all these liberals stooped to their ultimate insults in using gay to bash Dick Cheney. I have stated this Letterman cocktail crowd is filled with the worst homophobes, pedophiles, perverts and racists..........and that is why they had to politically rape Sarah Palin, to prove they were not these bigots in installing fraud Obama.

It is no secret that this blog defines homosexual choices as an abomination, as God defines it. It is a stupid choice in defining all oneself is by a sex act, when the human form is here to overcome it's weaknesses to become a Spiritual Child of God.
I do though find it repulsive these slurs which constantly come from patricians in isolating gays as either boogey men or a stepping stone to initiate greater perversions like pedophilia. It just uses people who are troubled and they end up wasting their lives to death in one form or another.

Where is Barney Frank demanding Michael Moore apologize and Bill Maher be banned from cable? You remember Barney Frank in his fraud slurs against the Tea Party along with Major Owens lying about the N Word, along with Nancy Pelosi to get Obamacrypt passed.
These liberals can lie about words never uttered to bash Americans, but there is Michael Moore using a gay slur and none of these folks say a word denouncing it.

I do not care for any of it. Bill Shatner on his Sh*t My Dad says singled out the United States Navy as being gay bashers because gays are different and you can see it. The sodomites were the champions in the room.
Smearing the US Navy and making the sodomy normal. I have news in I will never watch Bill Shatner again, and I'm quite saddened by that as the Star Trek cast is now nothing but perverts in George Takai to Shatner triple homicide of Capt. Kirk.
The lot of them should have died long before Scottie and Bones beamed up.

This dovetails into Elton Blonde, Rush Limbaugh, in his new hair lip shtick of what he calls the castratti. It is no secret that Barney Frank speaks this way as do numbers of homosexuals. You can hear them talk and immediately know what you have on hand.
So the question is in intellectual debate, does Limbaugh making gays a joke like Michael Moore making gays a less than human form, serve any purpose in getting gays heads out of their genitals or is public ridicule solving anything?
If you have a nation in the majority ridiculing certain activities like voting for Stephanie Sandlin in South Dakota, you can sway enough to put it in the closet, but it does not stop the activity.

For Limbaugh always appealing to the hearts and minds, there is no appeal in talking hair lip, which is a handicap people are born with, and people like Barney Frank apparently have some type of brain dysfunction in not having an ability to articulate words.
Barney has honed his hair lip gayness through mental training. That was his choice just like having excrement on his penis is his choice.
None of that though disgust or ridicule is going to stop sodomites from acting out, as perversion is something learned from repetition and lack of self control.
So Limbaugh is doing no one any favors in this, as he has degraded this back to ridicule, which ostracizes these gays, makes them more insecure and in the end cements them further.

Elton John might like saying he wanted to reach across the divide in his bashing Jesus, but when he takes a million from Limbaugh, all he proved is he likes being roughed up by Limbaugh types who are the dominant closet gay in the room.

So in all of this from Deep Tutu Rahm Emanuel to Pink Tutu Obama it is hard to keep track of what is the definition and what is the slur.
When I use Deep Tutu, I use it to mark Deep Throat, which is both Watergate coup which Emanuel is running against Obama, and harkens to the infamous porn movie with Linda Lovelace.
Emanuel uses the word f*ck more than the word THE in conversations. He wore a tutu in ballet in being one of these mansexual gay street toughs who swing all sides in being a good secular Jewish boy, so when he is defined here as Deep Tutu, that is what Emanuel is, especially when he is in DEEP DOO DOO for the sh*t he is starting to get Obama.

None of it is a slur, because all of it is defined in God's Inspiration exactly what the situation is.

I would like nothing better than to take Tammy Bruce out and let her shoot my big gun, while I fondled her six cylinder she likes waving about. She is a beautiful woman with a very interesting mind, but is wasting it in the fallacy of lesbianism. It is going to take her nowhere and being a lipstick lesbian is just hiding behind sex in her giving in to an unnatural disorder compared to God's natural order.
I can't save anyone from themselves. That is their choice for which they will be paid. I can though point out the disgust I have in the things Moore, Limbaugh and the Obama's are up to. They are frauds as much as in the gay ear Lindsey Graham, which is reference in Graham is in the closet for Obama when everyone knows he is out of the closet.

Well I guess that is enough of that, as I need to go play with a bore sighter for one of my rifle scopes. It is the neatest thing using it, and I have the sweetest Remington 7600 with a little old Tasco scope on it, that makes Jeff Cooper's Scout Rifle he worked so hard on perfecting, absolutely put to shame.
I have allot of things from God, Inspiration, invention, good friends, cooking, gardening, animals, adventures .........which make me a well rounded soul for God's Spirit in me.

I don't have to jack around in sex, slurring people or defining myself by it, as life is so much more. Weak minds need to do hair lip things and hair lip gays are weak in being swept away by sodomy.
The Truth is the only weapon in debate which matters and in profiling all these people grabbing for power and money, they are quite unarmed and exposed. Their little secrets defeat them, as I don't have to be like Oprah picturing Tom Cruise on the toilet to not be intimidated by him. I know what makes people tick inside and when one discerns that, they are nothing more than 486's like Obama which one just deals with and never takes seriously no more than the silicon in a centerfolds boobs.



Go left young Obama go left

with the dawn of your mourning halo
and the coyotes are making a wail
you'll slide deep into the saddle
and ride the Obama ho trail

This is advice for the Obama at heart, as so many people are pulling this way and that way at Obama, from Clinton coup attempts to Obama needs to Bill Maher man up, to he needs to tingle Chris Matthews middle, someone has to come in and tell the 486 Obama which program to run.

First Mr. Obama needs to be praised in destroying the Democratic party "moderate perverts" and leaving only the kook fringe lefties in Congress. This is an impressive accomplishment which Mr. Obama did without having to murder anyone like most 3rd world despots.
Yes the Barack Obama coup on the Democratic party has been an immense success and he needs to be given DailyKos Keith Olbermann credit for this Ed Schultz victory for Marxism.

Second, Mr. Obama needs to rip a volume from the Bill and Hillary playbook. When in trouble as a crook, go steal the FBI files of Republicans, media types and other enemies and blackmail them.

B. Hussein knows the score in this in he is going to be indicted like Charlie Rangel by Darrell Issa, so Obama needs to get out Eric Holder's pen and indict every Republican in Congress in a pre emptive strike for thugocracy Obama style.

Third, the Clinton folks have done nothing but coup plot for beloved leader since day one. It is past time that Obama just put Emanuel, and Clinton & Clinton under house arrest as enemies of the state and be done with it.

Fourth, Obama needs to clean house in getting rid of Joe Biden. Just put Val-erie Jarrett as Vice President and stop the chirade of this stealth candidate #2 in the Blagojevich affair.
Obama needs to do this before Pelosi figures things out from her botox stupor and enacts the remove the Obama from the White House amendment and Obama wakes up on the front lawn with the dog sh*t.

Fifth, Obama needs to dump Muchelle. She is fat, ugly, obnoxious, stupid, a nag and she doesn't give felatio, so poor Barry has to have sodomite males smoke his cigar in short puffs.
Obama has no taste in women, so I recommend he invites Eddie Murphy to the White House and they have some kind of Hooters contest to pick Obama a new wife like the old Persian emperors did when the old lady started disrespecting their man.
Into this Obama has no friends, he just has Reggie the flossman Love and these wimpy mansexuals like David Remnick playing with his balls. Obama needs a new ho and new homers. Eddie Murphy is a start with his friends, but he needs to pepper it up to with some gangsta wanna be like Kayne West in blingin' dah place up.
Obama needs to turn the White House in the Pink House and pimp da place up. Think of it as Playboy Mansion east, without Hefner after the first night in photo shoots of models and other enticements which will appeal to Obama's perverts on the left in Congress.

Sixth, Obama needs to invite Chelsea Clinton to the White House to be his Special Undercover Agent. It would go like this in Obama invites Chelsea in to the Oval Office, does what her old man did to Kathleen Willey and then says, "Wanna lick the phizz off the Dr. Pepper?"
This is the dream of Peggy Noonan, Cynthia McFadden and Joy Behar with Obama, and will have these glassy eyed cows all in a tiz over this complaining about how much a bad boy Barry is, but in a flush playing it over and over in their minds to a jungle fever lust in why things like that can't happen to them.

That is enough for Obama 486 to process as the instructions are simple in indicting all the GOP, blackmailing the rest of the country, dumping Muchelle for some hot chic, getting new friends and giving America a scandal a real despot would initiate in fondling Chelsea. *Hey Hillary was allowing lesbains to fondle Chelsea in Philadelphia for votes, so why not lesbian Obama now?

And finally, I add this that Obama needs to TSA the GOP. What Obama needs to do is send up his TSA thugs who have been molesting men, women, children and teddy bears, because Obama has intel that Muslim terrorists which Obama let into America via Mexico, are about to go on planes and bring them down the fast way.
Obama needs to send those radioactive scanners up to Congress and give Issa a dose, and have the genitals of all the GOP members of Congress groped so they cower in submission. Obama needs to follow his followers advice, stop piddling around and start going hard left. Obama needs to build that Marxist extension that has Chicoms stating Obama was nuts before so Obama is really going to be super nuts now.

Just call this all Obamanism and his 50 kooks in Congress, his few remaining voters and all the Al Franken perverts will just love this stuff in Obama being Obama.

TSA the GOP, faster Obamacat, drill em baby drill.
