Saturday, December 4, 2010

Paper Ring

I was led to read the book of Esther again which is interesting in most Jews refer to it as a Jewish book, when Esther and her Uncle Mordecai, were of the family Kish, who were Benjaminites in the first King of Israel in Saul.

So in interesting terms, the Persian Emperor put away his shrewish Persian wife and married Esther an Israelite. In other words, the Persians once had an Israelite Queen over them and her Uncle ruling them.

Esther has a most infamous choice in the Pur or the casting of the lot for the death of all "Jews" in her Uncle informed her, that either she risked her life to save Judah, Benjamin and Levi in the exiled tribes, or God would raise up someone who would save them.
This is where Purim's fasting and prayers come from, as Esther asked her people to do this in the hope God in His mercy would deliver her and the southern Kingdom of peoples.

Esther is my favorite book in the Bible, as it is delightful in intrigue and in God's sense of Justice in Haman who intended to murder all Jews, because Mordecai would not bow to him, cast lots for which day he should commit the genocide, and the very gallows he constructed to hang Mordecai on, was used to hang Haman and his 10 sons.

I'm personally very troubled about the criminal cover up by the elite in America, and this includes people like Sean Hannity who makes excuses for Barack Hussein Obama being undocumented.
Rahm Emanuel sums it up best as the White House Insider in these folks all believe in terror that if the Truth comes out that Obama is not legal to be President, that the blacks will riot and American will come apart at the seams.

History reveals though Revolution, invasion in 1812, Civil War, murders of real Presidents from Lincoln to Kennedy, World Wars, surprise attacks and Watergate only welds America into a tighter bond in the upheaval.

It is a tragedy that America is a nation now of small men and women who hide in America and call it a paper ring Covenant like some teenage sexual grope at a local motel.

All of these protectors like Rush Limbaugh of the status quo, protect their million dollar placement of security in society and find it more important than being the Americans who uphold Constitutional Law.
Of course, Stephanie Sandlin and Al Franken are not going to demand Barack Hussein Obama is arrested for usurpation, as they are frauds and crooks themselves, but when it comes to the Supreme Court, the Republicans in Congress and the leadership of the United States Military and Federal Agents enabling Obama crimes, there is a matter of what type of paper rings inhabit what is supposedly the American Heart.

This is troubling in Justice John Roberts, Samuel Elito, Clarence Thomas, Anton Scalia, are partakers of a status quo of Judas proportions in the exact Idumean Edomites who were let into Jerusalem to protect her with Jews from the Romans, and in turn turned on the trusting population robbing, raping, plundering and murdering them in 70 AD.

They do not understand that the age has changed. America is not the young eagle soaring to the heavens upon God's winds, but is now a perched bird who has lost her wing feathers in places and she does not know she is plotted from without and within.
Rush Limbaugh is terrified Obama is going to take his god of money from him and ejaculated this as his foremost concern...........what these elites do not comprehend is the age has changed and all of this is going to be taken from everyone.

America has entered into the vision provided by God to George Washington in his tent, showing the three phases she would endure. The Revolution, the Civil War, and, the Gathering Invasion.

Our American God, the JAH, has a profile of enacting drama. JAH made certain the Israelites He brought out of Egypt would be cornered by the Egyptian military, and God would then part the Red Sea, save Israel and destroy the Egyptian army and Pharaoh.

This is not some isolated incident as Esther's drama proves, as Joseph being sold into Egypt proved, as Valley Forge proved, the American frigates proved in 1812, as Sherman's march proved, as Midway proved.......God has in Christ been the Warrior King obtaining outstanding victories for His children in America, as much as the French with Joan D'Arc, the Norse Viking, the English with Henry V at Angincourt, and the list goes on.

George Washington was shown the world arrayed against these United States, and a certain annihilation was to occur, except of the deliverance by God of His chosen People America.

What John Roberts, John Boehner, Sean Hannity and all those too "respected" do not comprehend is everything has changed. Real Patriots like Mario Apuzzo and Phil Berg have been denied Justice in exposing Obama as undocumented as an American and documented as a dual citizen of England and Indonesia.
God watches this trial in who is for His America and who is protecting their own reputations and assets. This is a definite waymark for the Judgment which is coming, a Judgment which could have been lessened if the American entrusted as leaders would have simply trusted in God as Esther did and trusted the American people in majority would back God's will being accomplished.

When the Israelites chose Saul over God being their King, it was a grievous sin which resulted in years of Civil strife, wasted security and invasion from enemies.
There was complete turmoil and numbers of innocent people had their lives stolen as God punished that people and brought His chosen David to the throne which Christ will sit upon one day soon.

All of this is the Last Days, and is in dual prophetic fulfillment a degradation of the northern Kingdom of Israel with the American headed under the name Gilead with Ephraim who are the British. These peoples have rejected God on a national scale in national sins just as they did in the past. It is becoming more clear every day in the persecution those Americans who are standing for America are enduring as the Prophets of old did.

America whoring with her treaty alliances and bribing whoever will support them, is equal to the downfall which befell Samaria. Our Founders deliberately put it into law that America was not to be united in pacts with other nations as it violated God's Covenant of protection and that is all America is trusting in now and being dragged down by.

All of these John Roberts elite who have shirked their duty have doomed America to a fate foretold to George Washington. They have miscalculated in trying to save America from humiliation and problems now and condemned her to facing extermination.

None of this has to happen, but just like Samaria was a capital of literally assassins wiping out political rivals, that is all America has become with Karl Rove, the Bush family, aided by Rush Limbaugh on the "right" and on the left, there is blackmailer Hillary Clinton and usurper Obama leading leftist traitors.
I can not put the dangers to this nation in any more precise warnings than this. Americans have forever become accustomed to the JAH Who saves them with a Ronald Reagan........I have warned you children that it might be just Biblical in the Shepherd saving only a piece of the ewe's leg from the bear as evidence that he did his duty.
America might be very well just bits and pieces and not a living nation any longer.

This is not an exaggeration. This is reality.

It is only a matter of time now before events overtake these measlings who were entrusted to protect and preserve America, and have now in blatant cowardice and their own delusions of their being gods of judgment handed America over to wrath in this son of wrath.

I have had enough of paper rings for my American Virgin. Come Lord Jesus in Your drama for America is past the abyss and those who should have protected her thought there was another day, after the day of execution of sentence.

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Exit stage Clinton

As an exclusive here, this blog broke the Hillary Clinton gambit in the Clinton's fully intended to pull and RFK in unseating Barack Hussein Obama for 2012, but for the first time and an exclusive here for the Hillary voters, I do not believe Hillary Clinton will accomplish this as the game has changed against her.

This seems to entirely hinge on Nancy Pelosi in her retaining her position as Democratic Minority leader, which she did so by blackmailing Barack Hussein Obama with his certification files.
I have stated that if Nancy Pelosi played this correctly and had the European cartel backing, she could be in the White House as President. What appears to be the case though is Speaker Pelosi has through extortion secured her Minority position, and as payback from the Obama regime will sometime in the near future replace Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State.

Mrs. Clinton has repeated fiegned that she does not want to replace Obama. Obviously infuriating the the black voting block is what is behind this, but this new disclaimer in Hillary no longer will seek public office stems from the Wikileaks coup which was counter engineered by Obama and the European order to expose Mrs. Clinton as a blackmailing, paranoid spy.
CBS featured the new Hillary Clinton denial, with the caveat that she would step down and replace Robert Gates, after he gets dones gayifying the military into sodomy.

The bizarre nature of his regime has been Patraeus stepping down as supreme commander to be a little Afgahnistan slaughter pit general of destruction is equal to Mrs. Clinton stepping down at State and going to Defense.
Some might consider this as Hillary shoring up her security resume, but this points more to Nancy Pelosi in forces unseen blackmailing not only Obama, but Hillary too on her crimes.
As this blog exclusively pointed out, Hillary was being investigated for illegal fundraising in New York and it all just "went away". The fact is Hillary Clinton is a dirty bird and with her past crimes and being smeared in the Wikileaks, her RFK fortunes have just been wiped out.

What is taking place here is fascinating as the Clintons attempted to install their cronies into Congress, but failed in the 2010 elections. The only group which survived were the wacko communists in Congress who actually think Obama is not extreme enough, even though he scares communists in China.
Bill Clinton could not fill arenas for his candidates, the aura is gone from the Clintons, and I suspect a thousand percent, that Barack Hussein Obama saved his ass in this, by approaching the Europeans again, when he got wind from this blog what the Clintons were up to, and secretly made a deal that America will bailout the European debt, further destroying America in the process which is what Mr. Obama has been about from day one.

So in taking TARP bailouts, it points to that Nancy Pelosi blackmailed Obama to keep her job and get the Sec. of State position, Obama in order to keep his job, bribed the Europeans who smeared Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, and America is basically back to square one with Obama in cover ups, multi trillion dollar bribes billed to taxpayers.

John Edwards is still being fondled in federal court to keep him off of Obama in this quid pro crime tit for tat which is all that Obama is holding hisself onto.

Apparently all that botox froze Pelosi's brain as if she just would have peeped at the blog archives she could have cut a deal with the Europeans to unseat Obama, but now we have a new game of Pelosi and her bag of dirt appear to be seated at Obama's table protecting him.

Aaron Burr Biden is still really screwed now as Obama wants him gone. I very highly doubt that 13% approval granny panties Pelosi is a candidate to replace Biden, although Harry Reid's hot blonde from New York might get the dial up as the sun slowly sets on Pelosi.

It is always disappointing to see the level of self grandeur corruption liberals stoop to in protecting criminals in exchange for graft.

This once again stirs compassion from this blog for the Clintons, in yes they are rapists, wife beaters, sexual predators, traitors and only people Barbara Bush could really like, but I feel sorry for the Pennsylvania Redneck Hillary is and the Bubba Bill is in arising so far in selling their souls and...........just not able to get the bottle out of the rocket.

Are the Clinton's still dangerous? Most certainly, but until they can out screw Obama, they are going to get screwed as their power base shrinks and Democrats start casting around for replacements.

It is exit stage Clinton. Hillary is no longer scary to Obama as Obama paid the European muscle off.........Nancy Pelosi has clamped the lid shut on this and told her Democrats to shut it down.........tis the Age of Obama.

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The Feeding of 5000

I was just contemplating God blessing me in turning my fortune into something which could change so many lives for good.

The problem was as I beheld the poor who if they had like 5000 dollars in a bank account, and Jesus like his blessing the fish and the loaves to feed 5000, that, that 5000 dollars would be multiplied to be 25 million dollars.

Now Jesus got away with such things, but if 25 million dollars showed up in my or your bank account, you know the bank would be alerting the Feds in hours in tracking it down.

If it was from some miracle account, the Feds would think terrorism and have Naps Napolitano all over you and the FBI would be knocking on your door.

Then of course the IRS would be demanding their Obama shearing of you at something like 12 million dollars of your 25 million dollar Jesus miracle in taxes.

You would be forever on some Naps terror watch list, and probably have Eric Holder investigating you on some trumped up charges of money laundering even if the money just showed up in your account by miracle.

In all honesty, Jesus could not be a free man in today's Obama world. The Romans and Jewish authorities actually treated Him quite well until they murdered Him, compared to what Naps Napolitano would do.

How long do you think Jesus would last before being arrested by BATF on some Hutatree charges for saying, "The world is going to implode. Wars are coming and I will return after I'm dead".
That last one would have David Letterman, John Stewart and Robert Gibbs howling.........but not over Obama calling hisself a messiah.

So I really do not see how Jesus could do His miracles for modern poor people, as they would have Homeland, Justice and the IRS all over them. The puppy press would be smearing them as terrorists or kooks for this money showing up, and 25 million would become 13 million, which probably half of that would needed to buy an attorney to keep and Obama judge from throwing you into prison over an act of God.

Goodness can you believe the permits Jesus would need now from feeding 5000, in a health food inspection, a permit to have a gathering of people, a permit for sanitation, a permit for the SEIU to clean up, a bill for police security..........and you know Jesus would be having a psychological examination and asked where was his teaching certificate to be schooling people by the NEA.

Abraham, Issac and Jacob couldn't make it being blessed in these Obama times. Noah building that Arc............Lord can you see the environmentalists and Muslims hounding Noah on green and Isalmic issues over that Arc. Jesus would have been seized from his parents, put into foster care, adopted by a gay pedophile and probably executed before his 12th birthday by the Obamacons, as you know Obama made the Dali Lama run through the snow out the White House back door.

When the Obama regime gets in the way of God performing a miracle as Jesus did, then this is not a nation endowed by their Creator, but a nation enslaved by Obama.

nuff said.
