Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I really do not like mincemeat pie.

I have never liked cloves nor nutmeg.

Today though, again, I invested several hours making homemade mincemeat, as I really love mincemeat pie.

My beloved Uncle loved mincemeat and my Mom would always make him one for Thanksgiving, even if he only ate it, and it was out of a box.

I first made mincemeat a number of years ago. I had grown my own red currants and as the recipe was my Grandmother's I found that since I had just retrieved from my Auntie, Grandma's pressure canner, I would use that as I really am fond of the nostalgia of touching the past, even if my Gram never had anything to do with me.

The canner is a Wards before Montegomery purchased them. It is close to 100 years old now, and it is a 3 quart and 4 point canner.
When I was a child, I can remember my fascination when my Mom borrowed my other Gram's canner, and that hissing steam seemed as if it was alive.
One of the first items I brought home from Ebay was a like model of the canner I remembered from when I was four years old.

I ground the meat in a hand grinder, in one of the several I have accumilated as I loved hand meat grinders, as Mom used to grind pork heads, hearts, livers and tongue to make our version of German scrapple which I love.
It was like a ghastly horror movie having a pig's head in a pot, and the smell was not impressive, but one never threw away anything but the squeal, and it is interesting you really can taste the difference in sausage in the types of meats you put into it. Hog jowls in their lard just give something to scrapple.

2 cups minced meat
1 cup lard or butter
4 cups apples diced
2 cups raisins
1 cup currants
1 cup walnuts
1 cup citron
1 cup cider
1 cup sugar
1 cup meat broth
1 tablespoon cloves
1 tablespoon nutmeg
1 tablespoon cinnamon

Simmer 40 minutes in stock pot, can and process at 15 pounds for 40 minutes.

I made rosettes and krumkake too. I'm not Norwegian, but purchased the irons several years ago from an antique shop. Mom played with me in making them. It was interesting making such pretty things as Norwegians are so dull.

I love the smell of food in the house. Kruellers rising in the oven to the scent now of mincemeat lingering from the kitchen.
You just can not make a good tasting pie without animal lard. People no longer taste things in how bad things taste in all this processed foods now.
Olive oil tastes different than corn oil.

Somehow my mincemeat tastes better cooked in a little pot I once did not like that I purchased from a thrift store, just like it being in Grams pressure cooker gives it a flavor that is so appealing.
When I rescued Grams canner from storage the dampness was rusting the inner rack away. Neglect and time makes everything just crumble.

As in most things it isn't about mincemeat, it is about the other things, and old stand mixer which make heavy whipped cream, and a well shaped old ladel to caress it just right on top of a piece of pie.

Off to make my plum pudding..........never really liked that either.


east coast pussies

If I hear one more "how bad it is with this winter storm" from these east coast pussies, I think I will make them buy me a Daniel Webster cigar.

For the record, a place named Devil's Lake, North Dakota has had record flooding every year for a decade as that lake raises gobbling up land. Currently, that wildlife haven of America has ass deep snow as the locals west of Fargo, doncha know, put it.
They don't call of school, don't stop the trains, don't stop the traffic, and don't close the government down in real America over a little snow. In fact, real Americans get their asses chewed or fired by their employers for not showing up for work or school with just 3 feet of snow on the ground.

This nonsense of the Obama buffoonery who shut down entire states is typical of America in the Obama age. Sure this needs to be done, as all of these Obama Soviet red states are Darwin candidates in snow. They don't know how to drive in it, don't know how to walk in it, don't know how to shovel it, don't know how to do anything in it, except start their houses on fire, crash their cars or die of heart attacks scooping it.
So why not shut down drains, bridges, subways and airports, because all of these Obama voters are like 4 year old putting tweezers into electrical outlets when it comes to snow.

The problem east coast pussies don't even know what real snow is. That fluffy multi flake stuff isn't snow. That is what Montreal gets by the feet at time and it is just snow.
Try sometime the Sarah Palin variety of snow, real snow. The kind of snow which comes down in shotgun pellets, with 60 mile an hour winds, 40 below temperatures (not windchill you east coast pussies) and when it drifts up it is harder than concrete.
That is snow, real snow and it is what real Americans deal with.........not for a few days until it thaws, but for months.

Nothing pisses me off worse yet than to hear these "white Christmas idiots", because sure in Pennsylvania they get white and it melts in a week. In places like Saskatoon, that white sh*t comes in November and it fricking stays until June, killing everything from fish in being suffocated in lakes as no sun means not oxygen to cows slinging calves in the spring from stress.

Real winter is a bitch and she murders murderously. If New York ever got real winter for month, those pussies would be eating each other and burning up fat people to stay warm. (Oh you didn't know that you can burn dead fat people just like seals to stay warm?)

Those are the things real people know about winter, and just roll their eyes when they hear some Georgian say snow is pretty and 20 degrees is cold.

I do have problems with cold though, and that problem is I don't like it when being out in it, that I start thinking 10 below is balmy.
I have had cold sickness and it is not fun. Cold will make you want to vomit and it is unpleasant, as all you can do is bend over and try to warm yourself until it passes. Arctic cold is abhorrent in like Jack London said, water really does freeze in mid air and nothing is more interesting than seeing the human body steam in 40 below weather or see hoar frost dripping from hoods and hair after you come in to warm up.

All of you eastern people are like the French in shutting down an airport for 3 inches of snow. The rest of the world can not afford to shut down with 3 feet of snow. It is just a thing of life to suffer through.

So for all of you who prayed to Obama for a white Christmas, know that for your white you killed tons of wildlife, livestock and old people, because when New York gets a chill and some snow, it is a hell of a lot more murderous across places where real winter does come and does not leave in a few days.

Sure I'm in a foul mood, because in places like The Pas, Havre, Cheyenne, Lake of the Woods, Medora and Lemmon, everyone was hopeful for that global warming thing. We were told by Brits to expect the tundra to be all thawed, ports in the North Pole open all winter, and those frigid frozen lands would all be an oasis.
Hell it was something that millions of those folks lived for in hope knowing that one year soon, they would all be in shirt sleeves in January and no more tank heaters on their cars.

Instead all we get are these Obama promises, now mandates to buy those damn battery cars which won't work and cold has hell winters in being told it is "warm".

The people of winterlands have been cheated. Yes out of billions of dollars in funds to wacko scientists sucking on that Al Gore nipple, but out of warmth. Hell if carbon dioxide would make things warmer, these people would burn their homes down to create global warming. It doesn't though and all they have is more damn winter just like the damn winters they have always suffered through.

Then they have to sit there and watch some Obama voter not even having a real storm, with real snow and real cold, whine about what a mess it is.

Geez Louise, you ever hear of the winter US Soldiers were forced by Dwight Eisenhower into that Battle of Bulge arctic cold, sleeping in fox holes on dead bodies, sleeping on their feet while marching, all with an iron helmet on?
You got wounded and those bastards at HQ sent your ass back to the front bandaged up.

That was cold, that was winter. That is the kind of crap people in America who have winter deal with every day, as their winter does not go away.

So shut the hell up you New York pussies. You haven't ever had winter and you wouldn't know what the hell winter is.

Sarah Palin knows. Now whose the ignorant one.



This was shared with me concerning Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, the Obama tortured POW being denied his American rights, and in it from an intelligence perspective I found it amusing.

It was a spam letter sent out from the DC military district overlorded by heir Karl Horst, Obama political officer of the National Socialist reich, from the lite colonel in his command Robert Manning, or Rob to his friends.

The amusing part is the caveat is about court hearings in government speak in FOUO, which translates F*CK OFF YOU OINKER. This is not such a stretch by the regime to Americans when one examines the psychology of this crafted letter which is quite degrading in flipping Americans off who were sent it.

The word to watch in the letter is OPINION, because it is heir Manning and Horst's ultimate slap. See when you address someone, you can say belief, judgment, advocacy or any other of a number of "adjectives" to pronounce a respect on the person you are addressing.
When a person of position uses OPINION, it is translated to, "You damn rednecks with your heads shoved up your asses don't know Obama is god and Lakin is sh*t, so FOUO!"

Psychologically it is a Tavistock Institute way of isolating your oponent, cutting down their position and degrading them.

What this conveys is a pompous and condescending attitude equal to what Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf spoke of in there were the officers who shot skeet with twenty thousand dollar shotguns and then there was Norm on the stand with his two hundred dollar pump gun.

We saw this in McChrystal's crew sniping at Patraeus. In this case, Horst's Obamites who he has gathered around him in DC are the same Kremlin crew of Red October of like minds on an Obama mission.

Horst has gathered like minds and this apparently is his twin in Rob Manning, as Manning skin heads his way into posing with blacks as this designer negro craze among the Obamites apparently gets you a gay raise in grade and pay.

"How many black friends you got?"

"Well none, but I do get my picture taken with them folks, Obama included."

This really all is starting to smack as Gen. MacArthur said of the military connections who assassinated John Kennedy, "Those were those little Nazis".
Let us not forget that the Nazi is a National Socialist leftwing radical using the police state to silence opposition.

Speaking of silencing the opposition.

I found this photo labeled as Mr. and Mrs. Terry Lakin.

Seriously Terry Lakin did alright. Wow this gal is Michelle Malkin with the curves.

No disrespect intended, but Terry Lakin has superb taste in Ladies.

As this blog noted in the oddities in this Obama in the same bed with Two Fairy Star Gen. Karl Horst in the Karl Rove twin closet, which should have had Horst recuse himself immediately as jack stepping around with Obama and Biden, is enough to throw anyone off of a case, except Kagan and Sotomayor who stayed on in the latest undocumented Obama hearing to get it tossed out.

Note to John Roberts. You are the guy with the penis that says Chief on it Judge Roberts. Johnny you are derelect in your duty for not tossing Kagan and Sotomayor off these cases in the first placed in not leaving it to them..........and dude because Kagan and Sotomayor did not recuse themselves, they are guilty of violating the oath and should be unseated from the Court.

Meanwhile back to the lovely Mrs. Lakin.

I have a deep knowledge of the history of the military. The brass hates, especially when the look like gay skinheads in Horst and Manning, with Mom Jeans bi Obama, these white guys marrying these colored women.
All hell still breaks loose in any GI trying to do the nuptials with Iraqi chics, just like in Vietnam and Korea. It is a historical rule in you screwed the whores for money, scraped off the disease with peniscillan, but you do not marry women out of your race, and you don't take pictures with them to flash around.

See Obama can screw white women as that is dirtying them up in this political officer understanding, but Terry Lakin is supposed to reserve his rectum for the gay club. Even if Lakin never BOHICA's for Obama like Karl Rove, there must remain that virginal anus for these sodomite corp to dream about.

No one ever wants to discuss the realities of the real Obama modern military, but there is this mandate and there are Obamites furious that Terry Lakin married an Asian, with all those penish head Horst's just waiting to be knelt before.

The point of this is the NAACP, Al Sharpton, Southern Poverty Law Center and The View with Joy Behar and Whooper, if this was an officer who was just put into prison for challenging George W. Bush, there would be in court appeals a direct link to the military hating white guys marrying colored women and it was THIS PREJUDICE along with Obama Jungle Fever which had the brass destroy Terry Lakin.

As stated, this is the dirty secret in the Obama military which no one will ever bring up, except here. The question in this was Terry Lakin, with his family in the court prejudiced against by Denise Lind and now Adolf Horst, yeah I mean Adolf Horst, for Terry Lakin marrying an Asian?

There is so much racism, criminal torture and denying an American their rights in the case of POW Terry Lakin that this is ten burrs under the jock itch of Karl Horst. This is as intense as when Karl Rove went insane against Christine O'Donnell for mentioning a gay rumor about the GOP choiceling.
It all comes from the same David Letterman cocktail crowd pot smokers. Something is firing on all cylinders in these blatant attacks on Terry Lakin, and it is deeper than Obama.

Apparently too the legal council for Terry Lakin is too busy to assist people defending Terry Lakin in his appeal for clemency.
Amazing kangaroo court in Terry Lakin would have gotten a better trial in Tehran than in Obamerica.

Well, anyway here is letter. Don't know if Rob was asking me out for a date at the end, after he Obama wife beat me with his OPINION slap, but FOUO is sure an icebreaker eh.

agtG 223

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO

Thank you for taking the time to express your opinion regarding Lieutenant
Colonel Lakin's case. Please forward all matters concerning his clemency
request to Major Matthew Kemkes (703.696.6700; matthew.kemkes@us.army.mil);
Lieutenant Colonel Lakin's Trial Defense Attorney. At the appropriate time
Major Kemkes will submit his clemency matters to the convening authority
(Major General Karl R. Horst) for consideration. All matters must go through
Major Kemkes in order to be considered.


LTC Rob Manning
Director of Public Affairs
Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region
U.S. Army Military District of Washington
103 Third Avenue Bldg 32
Fort McNair, D.C. 20319
alt cell-703.344.3239
ako: robert.manning1@us.army.mil