Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh piss it is Gabby Giffords

Here am I being all respectful for the Tim Johnson member of the House in Gabrielle Giffords with two L's and two F's in not calling her Gabby as it makes her brain sound flabby, and there is Real Clear Politics and Chris Matthews calling this hottie of ICU "Gabby".

I know the real story in this story is Matthews now coming on his program and trying to get more than those 26 homosexuals allowed into the Obama military, by targeting Jewish talkers in Mark Levin and Michael Savage as the reason for the Arizona shootfest...................
Hey wasn't that federale Clarence Dupnik or what ever old geezer green bullets was blaming Limbaugh the day previously............so who is right in this Matthews or Dupnik........is it Jews or rich white guys married to their daughters?

It doesn't really matter as my focus is on what is really important in if Gabrielle Giffords acted like Mark Levin does, she would not be a centerfold in next months, ICU Hotties, coming to a Hugh Hefner newsstand near you.

Oh you don't believe me?

Ye of Obama faith, please just hang on to the floss and I will explain.

See Mark Levin has to order his callers to call him MARK. Mark Levin so dominates people that they naturally call him MR. LEVIN.
That is respect, and Mark Levin warrants respect, so if liberals had evoked a Mrs. Giffords or whatever her married name is to that cosmonaut Age of Russia dominating Obama, Giffords would have never used her skull to stop bullets.

That is the difference in what this blog would not stoop to in disrespect of Gabrielle Giffords is exactly what one evokes in Stephie Sandlin by her followers or Gabby Giffords.

What comes next, GG as in some French sounding initials for the hottie Arizonan with lead in her head to make her really comely for the Sarah Brady treatment?
You know Sarah Brady never gets the Sally Brady treatment cause she is such an Amazon she scares people. Intimidate your audience and they behave themselves.

That is the order of America, in an armed society is a polite society. People could leave their doors open, their panties up and a wallet would be on the stoop, and no criminal dared to touch anything as they knew they would be shot.

Jared the intellectual showed up to Tweet sweet Gabby, because he knew it was the safest place to do some shooting as no one there would be armed or dangerous.
Hell old Clarence with the green bullets didn't even show up to protect his liberal political friends. If green bullets will not even be in a parking lot for free pizza, then a skunk intellectual sure can figure that out.

So while Chris Matthews tries once again to get more than his family to watch his program by attacking Levin and Savage, the fact is you do not hear Marky and Mikey on the air, but people get told to stuff it if they try as these Gentlemen put fear into their listeners and those listeners are liberals.
I will repeat, that Jared the intellectual was quoting shows from Coast to Coast AM, that is Alex Jones and Steve Quayles visiting yard, and not where Jews in Savage and Levin hang out.

The moral of this story is, that Gabrielle Giffords needs a gun, needs to shoot it, needs to demand being addressed as Mrs. Cosmonaut and then all these other pansies like Barnard Frank will be safe from these Obama intellectuals.

Sure Matthews is trying to Clinton this in blaming the right, as that is the stage theatrics the beaten left cower to in character assassination, but the fact is darlings that people who make others respect their boundaries do not stop lead with their brains.

As the old Texas Ranger said long ago when sent in to break up a riot of hundreds of men when asked if he was the only one who came?

One riot and one Ranger, that's enough.

You damn betcha it is.

nuff said.

.............and you children didn't know before this all broke in using Coast to Coast AM Obama with a 'stache that this would all come full circle did ya now?
Got to keep up as we're so far ahead here that the people drawing the line that the cutting edge follows is weeks behind in our rear view mirror.

now nuff said.


and now for Gloria Allred's favorite super lawyer.......

Jared Loughner is not the Threat

The problem with Jared Loughner is not Jared Loughner as the threat he posed is locked behind bars until a Johnny Cochran gets him off.

The problem in this is Democrats, from DC to that Pima County pinhead attention whore Sheriff who are giving Matt Drudge days of headlines to give a stage to this intellectual actor.

Jared Loughner is delighted and well pleased for this attention as proven by his mug shot. He has manipulated and gotten his 15 minutes of fame, proving he is more of a player in this than the media manipulators. He is a sociopath who is being fed the venom of the world and gets high on the bite.

It is not just Democrats who are making political gain in this who are the threat to America, but the real threat are these liberals who are deliberately giving Loughner the attention, knowing in profile that there are 1000 Jared Loughners across America just percolating in their dark rooms, sitting in their underwear and plotting their major break on the silver screen.
This is the criminal aspect of this in Democrats just as they staged the Owens and Frank event about the Tea Party in "queer" and "nigger" words never recorded or heard, these same Democrats, which include Barack Hussein Obama, are begging that several dozen of these white intellectuals of the left rise up and grab their own attention in violence to further the Obama cause.

It is beyond irresponsible in Matt Drudge pumped this story for days, because of what in his terms are freaks, are all watching this, and they do not see people shot or lives destroyed, but see just like a video game, that this is but an event to gain something missing in their existences.

What do you think Napolitano and Holder are going to do, but use these incited attacks to deflect from Obama's crimes and further the regime's crackdown on Americans.
Congress already postponed a vote on Obamacrypt, because of this Gabrielle Giffords event.

America is frozen by one sociopath in Arizona prison and another sociopath in the Oval Office is plotting with Val-erie Jarrett in the war room in how this all can be moved to advantage.

In case you think this is macabre, there are meetings already held in how to spin this mass murder, meetings in coordination with Pelosi and Reid in how they can use Giffords legislation to gum up the works to slow down Boehner. Meetings in how to play this if she lives and meetings in how to play this if she dies.
This is the Tim Johnson blueprint in how NeoProgs utilize situations and in this case in how they can inflame all of this, in the hope that Loughner II through XXII will show up at other parking lots and gain fame on a Coast to Coast AM format while allowing the regime to perpetuate their agenda.

You really think that Democrats just produced legislation in hours, or they had these bills in their files just waiting for events?
You really think these Obamacrats in numbers didn't beam brightly and slam their fist down with a gut driven, "YES!!!!!!!!!!!", in hearing this event took place, because they knew it could be ramped to the extreme to undo all the damage B. Hussein had accomplished in crippling them?

This blog does not deal with Loughner. It deals with the satellite stories which are the danger of this and the real blame.

Take Loughner off the front banner headline Matt Drudge and put this to rest or as the days progress more Americans will be murdered by copycat murdering intellectuals.

nuff said.



As no one will judge this to state this but here, as a Spiritual warning to Barack Hussein Obama for the liar, thief and Commandment shatterer he is, including misquoting Scripture, he should not be taking Communion for what Communion is.

I should explain, because I doubt Matt Drudge who featured this story about Obama taking Communion from a military chaplain has any idea what this is about or really means. I speak not in Catholic terms as they have it wrong in it is not the priest guzzling wine, but the entire congregation drinking wine which is the blood of Christ as shed for sins.

I have two very ignorant sisters who like to preach and judge a great deal, including me. They somehow have gotten it from satan that Communion is a "communion of saints" meaning dead people are there when they take Communion, and the other has it in her head that unless you take Communion, you are not saved, because you are not "of the communion of saints".

The literal term is COMPANY of Saints interacting with each other as the Body of Christ, not mismatching interaction with the sacrament of Communion.

It is far and few in between any Christian, Jew or Muslim who has any idea what Communion is, but Christ tells what He was building upon, as He chose Passover which He instituted to complete Communion.
Communion does not forgive sins. Communion does not make you a club member in a Church. Communion does not give you eternal life. Communion is as Christ says, "in remembrance of Me".

What is it Christians are supposed to be remembering? It is simple and the Disciples knew it, because they immediately recognized the symbols Jesus presented in Bread and Wine.
See Passover is about the lamb taking away sins, the blood on the threshold in Egypt so Jesus would pass by all 13 tribes of Jacob and not slaughter the first born. Passover is about meat in eating that lamb, but Jesus did not present meat. Therefore Jesus was invoking something different beyond His role as the lamb to be crucified taking on sin permanently and the penalty of eternal death.

I hope you caught that, as the lamb in sacrifice paid for sins yearly. Jesus was instituting something new in permanent sin forgiveness.

If something is new, then there must be something old, and the old was the Covenant of Abraham originally made with the Father and sanctified by the Holy Ghost consuming it.

The consuming in remembrance was a bull and a lamb, both killed, split open and the blood running between in symbol of strength and helplessness.

Covenant is something the Israelites and the Disciples used to know by instinct as it was an immense contract which could only be broken by death and ratified by death. David and Jonathan made Covenant, and it is something which people should not make among themselves as people are so frail they end up breaking it and invoking the penalty of death.
So Covenant is serious in this life, and much more so when it is in Spiritual Life.

So Jesus in the Last Supper broke bread, which symbolized His soon to be broken body. He blessed wine in symbol of His blood about to be shed for this New Covenant or as most know it under in the New Testament.
Communion is like the Passover feast in it reminds those who take it, of the New Covenant Christ initiated for the salvation of the world. It is unbreakable as Jesus is the guarantor of the contract.

It is why in Revelation Jesus refers to the Church as His wife, as He has already married the saints, divorced them, paid for their sins in death and in His second coming will take the faithful to Him.
This is all a marriage contract this New Testament, and when one takes Communion they are remembering this contract for Life, for without it, it is eternal death.

This brings us to the point in this, that unrepentant sinners, that means people who are deliberately sinning in violation of God's Commandments, such as someone who allowed hisself to be called a messiah, a god, had halos around his head and received worship from deluded followers, should not be receiving the Sacred as it puts into action the Law of Judgment, instead of the Gift of Grace.
Liberals never get this in they think Christians have to be perfect and mock those who fail. There is a difference between sins which all do unknowing and sins which weak people do, as they try in Christ to overcome the flaws put into them to build their Spiritual strength or light, compared to, as stated those who deliberately shattered God's Commandments which is rebellion against God.

There is a problem in this also in the military chaplain handing out Communion like it was beer at a football game. Martin Luther, the real Martin Luther and not Mr. King, stated that Communion was something of grave undertaking. The Apostle Paul warned against taking Communion like a party meal as some early christians were degrading it as.
That chaplain has a responsibility to meet with EVERY person and make certain they are repentant of ALL of their sins in self examination, before administrating the Christ symbol of the Covenant of Salvation. The reason is obvious as stated that if you are cheating on your spouse, you don't bring your marriage license along to show you are an adulterer.

Understand that Barack Hussein Obama in taking Communion has no excuse in Judgment from Christ in that final Judgment. No one does have any excuse, but when the defendant appears before Christ and the evidence shows they took Communion, there is no defense in not knowing you are a sinner and no excuse for the blasphemy of taking that which is Holy and making it profane.

Can you literally think of anything more profane than Barack Hussein Obama taking Holy Communion, instituted by the True Messiah, the Son of God, and Obama in the worst abomination just did usurp that role by installing hisself as messiah and allowing hisself to be called God by his minions.

Communion is serious Law and the circumstances become literally grave when anyone violates that Law.

So for True Christians Communion is a remembrance of all Christ instituted and the Promise of Eternal Life only through Him, the Living Creative Thought of the Father. For Mr. Obama, personally, I would be so torn after his blasphemy I could not go anywhere near it.
I do not take Communion often, because I hold it as a Sacred and Immense Contract. I must be moved by the Holy Ghost, prepare for this and I only approach it in the most solemn of conditions.

I respect God so much that I rarely will use I AM, even in typing, but instead utilize HERE AM I, as the Prophet spoke to reserve that glory for God alone. All of these High Day events Christ instituted must be approached in the most sober of conditions and a complete understanding of what one is engaged in.

As long as a person is repentant, anyone with unleavened bread as in crackers and wine, blessing them, remembering Christ can administer Communion to themselves or there group. It must as Martin Luther explained though be something set apart as this is God Who is reverenced.

This synopsis should explain the purpose and history of Communion, and all it represents in Christ for the children of God. It really is a most beautiful matrimonial contract in Jesus so loved the Father and loved us, that He literally died for those who will submit to Him.

Jesus died that we will not die and Jesus lives so we will live. He is the Author of our Faith and the Completion of that Faith. He is our Advocate with the Father and serves our needs to Glorify the Father for we are His children.
Communion represents our legal adoption into the Spiritual Family of God and Communion represents our legal marriage to God through Christ His Son.

Mr. Obama by his rebellion has no purpose in Communion as Communion is absolute obedience. The chaplain had no authority to initiate Communion to Mr. Obama in not ascertaining repentance as it is the chaplains responsibility which he will answer for dearly before Christ.

This is serious as this about a legal Contract of Spiritual Life or spiritual death.

There are no excuses in this for the chaplain and Mr. Obama. They both are required to repent as this is not a political fashion show for show. This is about Jesus and in the story, I didn't read anything about Christ, only this group in blasphemy applauding Obama and he receiving that adoration in a gathering not with Obama's name on the ceremony but Jesus the Christ.

agtG 258

Saving the American Consumer

American agriculture is in dire straights in it's petro chemical Soros commodity manipulation. It has been compounded worse now by dolts like Jeremiah Gettle and his vegan wife who are Obama voters, and are now becoming Disney authors speaking for traditional agriculture when their halo secular Muslim Obama is the corporate problem.

Americans and their pets are being murdered by the poisons of genetic hybrids and the poison of using food as a money absorbing base for Obama massive debt destruction of these United States.

What America needs is what I have written on extensively for free, as my purpose is not to Disney whore my way to prostituted attention, but to save people and America.
I have been disappointed in this group of traditionalists in their crop seeds they sell have shown genetic impurities and been nothing but chaff.
It has taken me several years to get even one ear of corn to produce which is now my coveted seed to start these crops again in various forms, as pure genetics which produced instead of produce stalks are what this is about, as corn is concentrated energy while you will starve eating stalk.

Gen. Nelson Appleton Miles actually wrote a thesis on this in what the American Government was striving for in 1880. It was the garden settlement of America. America was never supposed to be sections of cereal grains and Ted Turner multi state ranches. America was to be millions of Citizens on the Jefferson model in producing a livelihood of pure food, clean living and close contact with the land.
Gen. Miles stated all the watersheds of arid America were to be damned up, and these areas were to be irrigated in a Garden of Eden.

That all changed when farmers have been systematically driven off the land by the Rockefellers who have outpriced land in real estate and mandated that humans would not control their own destinies, but be controlled in cities.

The USDA used to be the premier agricultural repository in the world. Now is it is nothing in plant or livestock production. It is an institution of agribusiness.

Americans though are trending toward small acreages, exactly as the 40 acres and a mule which was the American Dream.
America houses within it now miniature cattle in the Highlanders, Jersey for dairy, rabbits literally as big as lambs, milking Anglo Nubian goats, wonderfully flavored varieties of chicken in the Cucko Marans of France which do not loose their feathers as the "Rocks" which production houses have bred, to hosts of Turkeys which breed on the Narragansett of old.

All of these livestock with select varieties of garden produce readily obtainable from European and Russian breeding are all suited to American small farms or ranches, which will cure America of massive Obamacare rationed death in their food making them sick.

This requires though "government" as in state and federal assistance to cut through the red tape, so those breeds and genetics can find their way to America readily. It took years for the wonderful breeding programs of South Africa under white leadership to build to numbers in America in the Boer meat goat and the Dorper sheep, which is a sheep whose meat is not filled with lanolin so you can eat it cold without the situation of feeling like your mouth is coated with tallow.

Chicago Obama petro chemical agribusiness has ruined American health and agriculture. It has caused an expansion of the fed masses to breed to more billions, but the billions can not feed themselves, and one glitch in food supply is going to be billions dying in one year.

This earth can literally feed 60 billion people easily. You can put the entire population of the world into one American county. People are not too plentiful, but what is the problem is Obama Marxism across the globe is either out pricing land in the west or killing people off by regime in the east.
Food on small scale agriculture could feed China and Africa, but the Obama corporates are buying up lands there or the Chicoms are more interested in building a nuclear arsenal to attack America.

Genetic manipulation is necessary for areas like Iran, where native flora could be crossed with traditional fruits to make those fruits produce more readily in that arid region.
In some areas natural farmer breeding programs like the Altai goat bred from the Don have already produced a genetic offspring American small farmers could readily adapt here.
Think of a goat which grows quickly, is better quality than mutton, produces fur for clothing, wool for cloth and milk for small family needs. The Gornoaltaiiskaya is in the Altai Republic by the thousands awaiting western farmers, and the USDA could care less about advancing the programs.

It is possible to create livestock with huge breast meat and thighs. It is possible to create livestock with massive tenderloins. Yet none of this being undertaken through selective breeding. Instead we have traditionalists and Obama conglomerates tearing society in different ways which will destroy society in the end as chemicals kill and the horrid bastardization of proven crops is making them crops which will not produce consistently.

America needs leadership, whether it is from Texas agriculture or from some Congress who actually hears the calls of a blog as this, and starts managing America for Americans from directing markets so small farmers can raise meat, wool, eggs and produce to supplement their incomes as was accomplished in days gone by.
Those were the days the government worked on ways to find ways to utilize and trade things Americans were producing, instead of now destroying markets by regulations and leaving produce rot.

The entire education, commerce, agricultural and medical complex is destroying Americans and America. Americans are trying to get back to what works, but are hindered at every step. People should be afforded their Right to Live on the Jefferson and Franklin model.
Production creates a healthy society while servitude creates an immoral clack which is duped into voting for Obama.

This must be done to save America, or from the Obama ruins, America is going to be farming in this manner any way.
