Monday, February 14, 2011

and then there was WMD

As America has been lied to constantly concerning the weapons of mass destruction of Saddam Hussein and for whatever reasons, Donald Rumsfeld chose not to blow the lid off of this with his own memoirs, this issue must be addressed, because it goes to the heart of the coming terrorist attacks which America will face under B. Hussein Obama, as his terrorist allies seek to stabilize his power in America to allow them to flourish around the world in the Obama narco trade.

Dave Gaubatz who wrote the Muslim Mafia, made the following telling points concerning pre Iraq terrorism. I have linked the 5th Team on 9 11 to a separate operation which is exclusive to only this blog, which meant this team was under someone else than Sheik bin Laden.
Logic dictates a team with advance scouts, uniforms, money and intelligence to warn them off, is connected to Russian intelligence and Iranian intelligence, including the known training ground for planes as missiles inside Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

Mr Gaubatz was on ground before the Iraq War II and his points are telling in the WMD saga.

The Saudi Intelligence officers were visibly frightened about a potential chemical, biological, or nuclear attack and expressed their fears.
While in Iraq we determined the following:
1. Russian activity in Iraq had been rampant several months prior to the war and up until the day before the invasion.
2. Iranians were infiltrating southern Iraq by the thousands and were preparing to assist insurgents in removing U.S. forces from Iraq.
3. We found numerous pieces of evidence indicating WMD were in Iraq before the war began and some were still in Iraq.
4. I and other agents were informed by Iraqis that a civil war would erupt and violence against U.S. forces would increase due to the Iranian and Russian influence.

This weave of on ground intelligence which has been part of a Bush Administration cover up from the beginning dwells in the certainty that no one lied about WMD, but by the same reality, no one made a mistake, as Saddam Hussein had biological, chemical and nuclear stockpiles, with one active Satan warhead from an SS that the KGB sold him while Iran obtained an assortment of over a dozen nuclear devices in the same deal meant to offset America, Saudi and Jewish interests in the oil region.

I have stated that due to the need for the global war on terror, the Bush people covered all of this up. Rumsfeld now is in a position of the status quo lie, as it is difficult to have credibility when you say, "Oh yeah I lied to keep the Russians on board and not to implode Europe into wave after wave of Watergate criminal trials there, and having the Clinton's end up in prison for the Marc Rich money laundering bribes as everyone was getting their millions from cash cow Saddam".

I will restate the reality in the Iraqi chemical weapons were loaded onto ships and sunk in the Indian Ocean. The Iraqi biological weapons flew out in two plane loads to Lebanon and Syria. The SS 20 warhead flew out to Moscow.

The further explanation in this so all understand is the same reason that select oil in American liberation was flowing to European interests without terror problems, just as a select Rockefeller bank was doing business in the Soviet Union during the Cold War, just like select German industry was never bombed by allied planes in World War II as those war industries had American and English financier connections.

The reality of this, is the same reality of the Obama regime, in the same global complex of the black market economy is selling biological, chemical and nuclear munitions to such states as North Korea and Iran.
Iran currently is obtaining all of it's nuclear bomb making components from Peking. Everyone knows this on the Eurasian side as it is no secret. The same players are always involved in this from France, Germany, Russia and China, with even the Jews in trap door providing technology to this rogue black market group.

This is why the WMD's of Iraq disappeared in bulk, and those which were found, were immediately scoffed at by Chris Matthews with their modern manufacture date in Germany. The same financial machine which utilizes George Soros, is the same machine which owns NBC in when you are large enough as GE is to get Obama bribe money in billions in Treasury funds, that international connection crosses all borders, and what makes profits for the elite here, generates profits for the elites there.

There is so much biological, chemical and nuclear material flying around the world now, and into America, that the gen is out of the bottle on this magic carpet ride. What personally astounds me more in some terrorist accidentally blowing themselves up in Europe with a bomb, is that there has not been a massive accident with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons inside one of the safe houses in Europe or North America.
What the Soviets did in prepositioning WMD's for advanced guerrilla attacks is nothing compared to the massive amount of ordnance spread around America and Europe currently.

I ask you to think about something long enough for me to explain it by Inspiration.

How many food poisoning and pet recalls did America experience during the Bush years? Too many to count wasn't it.

Have there been continuous spinach poisonings under B. Hussein? How about poison pet food recalls?

Except for the California wildfire attacks which was al Qaeda hiring the Mexican mafia, which Eric Holder and Obama cracked down on, there has been except for Nidal Hassan, the Faisal Fizzlers and the Obama ordo ab chao attack on Gabrielle Giffords bullseyes on Sarah Palin, nothing of the biological and chemical attacks on Americans during the Obama regime.

Is this sound security? No it is not in the least. What it is as I have stated is Mr. Obama's financiers are running al Qaeda routes now for drugs and whatever. Attacking America is bad for business and Mr. Obama is using the US military to wipe out the "bad terrorists" who will not do business with the cartels in this huge mafia ring.

What then is left is this syndicate of like minded Islamocommunists like secular Obama who are running an international mafia, with their enforces embedded in nations for black widow "events" when a little stirring of the pot to keep the masses scared and the people who have stolen power in charge.

Logic dictates that the attacks in America will take place, when Congress starts to put too much pressure on the regime for Obama crimes. Then a deflection will have to take place.
Comprehend this that Hutatree was revealed as the first act Napolitano and Holder engaged in, and then waited a year to spring it. We know from Axelrod that Obama was staging the coup on President Mubarak for two years. It is logical that when Napolitanon her TSA fondling, that she has engaged in an operation knowing like terror events will take place when Mr. Obama needs his good terrorists based in America to throw the switch.

North America is lousy with terrorists, and they are under protection of the very sources who got rid of the Shah and are trying to oust Hosni Mubarak.
The first thing Obama's terrorists did in Egypt was to send in a massive shipment of SAM's into Gaza to neutralize the Israeli Air Force when the further stages of the attacks on Jews begin.

I have warned for years now, that terrorists and their WMD's are not going to come in on a big attack in some container ship, but the real operations are state run, and have already come into America on diplomatic flights.
That is how the Soviet's did it, and is how the Chicoms are doing it, and this Muslim communist mafia is being stocked the same way, as it is the same Marxist fellow travelers of Obama behind all of this.

So for those who deny Saddam Hussein had WMD's. Enjoy your laugh, because that same brand name which was evacuated by these international leftists have been flowing into America under the same manufacturing label.

B. Hussein Obama has shown a propensity for staging things in GOP type areas as in tar balling the Gulf, so while New York is a headline grabber with fizzlers meant to fizzle from Faisal, when the Napolitano events are ready it is logical Mr. Obama will repeat on "those Republican areas who did not vote for him has he has no sympathy for them".
A liberal puppy press quote by Mark Halperin on why Obama cared less for the Gulf peoples than Democrats.

Mr. Obama is to blame for this, all of this. He has been allowing the stocking of terrorists around the world in his open borders, and when the borders are closed in Egypt, he just creates ordo ab chao and in flow the WMD's into Gaza.

In order to stop this, Darrell Issa needs to make known in full GOP support, that any more terror events Mr. Obama cares to make 2012 campaign events, that the full investigative might of Congress and the FBI will be unleashed not on the terrorists alone, but on the Obama why were bullets rubber at the Giffords shooting bouncing off of Democrats?

Why is it Faisal Shahzad's bomb fizzled as the Condom Bomber's fizzled too?

There are federal police involved in this and international intelligence groups handling these "events", and the only way they are getting into America to enact these events, is with the full complicity of B. Hussein Obama.

Mr. Issa, inform Mr. Obama, Ms. Napolitano and Mr. Holder they will be the first people appearing before Grand Juries, and it is a given by regime protocols manifesting around the globe, that these events will cease inside America as well as the traffic supplying the sleeper cells.

The Iraq brand name of WMD is now inside America.

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This Obama Cemetery

When all is said and done, the survivors of the nuclear, biological and chemical holocaust which will engulf the earth, will have one person to blame and that is Barack Hussein Obama.

This Nobel fraud, undocumented usurper and secular Muslim has implemented a worldwide policy successfully which has given the hordes of Eurasians and the money lending masters thee preeminent position, equal to every world war, when the forces of the west were weakened to the point that the east was enticed to attack, which will bring the greatest of tribulation the earth.

No one though will care with the world in a grave, in thee gravest of epic battles of God's good versus satanic evil, because as the olde English saying is, "Why ask how the air is when that is all there is to breathe".
Why ask how the stench of billions of rotten corpses from human to animal to plant, when this is the only planet you have to exist upon.

I'm reminded of Gen. Custer upon the Kidder Massacre in his riding up to the tall grass scene and noting the scent was like Civil War battlefields, meaning rotting flesh. I wonder about the calculations of just how far people will be able to smell rotting hordes. Will it be a smell that will actually cross oceans, and what difference will it all make if your continent has the smell of rotting Chinese while another has a smell of rotting latinos.

This is the abyss of Barack Hussein Obama in his redesign of the Middle East. The keepers of the peace in the Jews, Saudi Arabians and Egyptians, have all been neutralized now by the communist horde.
For the record, the Israeli state long ago became the fiefdom of the Rothschilds who built the Israeli Supreme Court building which is nothing but a shrine to pagan cult worship. The propaganda of "Jews" is how these cartel Ashkenaz hide in Jewry and let Jews take the holocaust for what they initiate.

You can not have peace when Mr. Obama has regressed the Muslim anarchy to the 1948 to 1972 period which the Jews shattered. It is now a multiple nuclear environment, and with America retreating, it means that in the chaos a new order will have to be brought in to replace the American peace.
Take your pick from butchering Chicoms, murdering Russians, slaughtering central Europeans or beheading Muslims. The net outcome is the measure of Obama policy in rationed death on a massive worldwide scale.

I alone warned that Mr. Obama had been negating George W. Bush's containment crescent for Russia and China, and has set about a policy or undoing all the security Ronald Reagan brought to this world. Wars when they come now, will be fought not in the hinterlands of deserts and steppes, but will now be fought in thee most fertile population centers on the planet.

Consider that Bush43 had Russia contained to the Baltic states, Ukraine, Georgia and Turkey in the west. Mr. Obama handed all the Slavic states back, said nothing when the Polish Government was assassinated in Russia, and has now devoided America of nuclear defense.

Oh and guess who is acquiring even larger nuclear raw material and stockpiles, but Vladamir Putin. See Putin comprehends there are not enough Russians if this goes bad to fight the Chinese, Muslims, Europeans and Americans. Therefore if you remember George W. Bush from his first day was creating tactical small nukes to kill millions of Chicom soldiers in war, which is the correct policy as there are not enough bullets in America to shoot all the Chicoms, Muslims and Russians.
Human pesticides must be the answer, and dirty pesticides which are a deterrent to keep hordes from starting wars. Mr. Obama has taken that away with his nuclear free nonsense, so the net result the dam holding back the Eurasian world war is gone, and the deluge will come now as the pressure builds.

I hold to Biblical Prophecy, because those are certains. Some of my work from God has been to fill in the silent places of the Bible to give people an understanding in how our time links to the direct end time conflict.
It is a certain that north Africa pushes at the Europeans, and they in turn invade the Muslim lands. It is a ruse to get Jerusalem, as I have told you constantly to stop watching the girl in this game as the real prize is Jerusalem and that is why all these events keep encircling Temple Mount, as that is the worship center satan is driven to be worshipped from again.
You can not understand any events in future or past, unless you comprehend the Jerusalem focal point.

The Bible teaches that it is that European occupation which brings on the Asian hordes for Armageddon.

What is interesting in the past decade Turkey has literally built enough dams on the eastern rivers to dry them up if the locks are closed. This is a Biblical Prophecy in the rivers will be dried to prepare the way for invasion.
It could be drought, but it also is a reality now that the Muslim regime in Turkey has a mechanism which removes all physical barriers to invasion from the east.

The necessary mechanism are all ticking off in this Age of Obama.

All of this rests upon the successful administration of plunder of B. Hussein Obama as he was installed by the European cartel to bring these events all about. Granted the demoniacs there believe they can outdo Prophecy, but God's Word will stand and no halo headed messiah complex Obama nor his anti Christ clone are going to be able to outrun the tables once this is turned.

This is all funny at this point in knowing the future in it's madness and mass murder, and to revisit the fainting twerps for Obama in Peggy Noonan crusty undies. The very destroyers of McCain Palin were digging their own grave. The children though muddle on lying to themselves yet that they are gods and things are going wonderfully as Mr. Obama further depletes the food supply with poison, causes massive energy shortages, massive debt and the excuses continue for him as the world becomes dust in the wind from his heinous policies.

Granted millions of people are blinded by satan, in God allowing this as they chose the course in rejecting God's plans and went savage in political rapine in going after Sarah Palin. I alone warned all of you that Sarah Palin might not have a nation to put back together in 2012 as Reagan did, and it is fast approaching that time.

Mr. Obama now has trip wires from Korea, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, Syria, Egypt, the Baltic states, Turkey, Georgia, Poland and France which if you notice has moved in a fiery flow a thousand miles in places from where Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney had this contained.
For America proper, this is now on the Rio Grande and Canadian border, where it was contained to Venezuela previously.
War in it's proper form is going to touch America from within as this Obama agenda unfolds. It is logic that these community organized Muslim and communist terrorists will not strike with 9 11 meekness, because when they do this time, Americans will rise up to protect themselves.
Therefore logic concludes when they come with Mr. Obama's assistance with open borders Naps Napolitano, that they will strike such a devastating blows in WMD sense, that America will too busy reeling to concentrate on fighting back, as Mr. Obama brings his iron fist to Stalin Amerika.

All these peace protesters and liberal intelligentsia have dug the world a grave and Mr. Obama is the undertaker getting necrophile erections over all he in sociopath Ted Bundy has conducted in plain sight.

These progressives will live long enough to comprehend their fate. I do not know if they will live long enough though for the "I told you so" to resonate.

What difference does it really matter though as I look for Christ, as the world is a grave and it is the only world we have in this Obama cemetery.


and I saw...........

The study of the end times as we are entering the midst of it has fascinating needful insight into what is plainly before our eyes.

I was playing with a Free Bible I downloaded long ago which has all sorts of lexicons, dictionaries and maps. As I was browsing it, I noticed the word Abaddon, so clicked on it and up popped the Revelation chapter 9 with verse 11.

As I was looking at the series of verses, I recalled someone trying to state this imagery was helicopters, but nothing is further from the facts as what God is showing is a literal view of events.

I have the verses posted below, but will by Inspiration reveal the meaning as it starts out with a star falling from heaven. Stars are noted as Angelic or in this case we note that Jesus said he saw satan fall from heaven as a star.
As this star is addressed in the male form, we know it is a spirit. What is interesting is this creatures role in it is given the key, as there are not keys, to the bottomless pit.

Smoke comes from this pit, and this creature is in interpretation satan who opens the void. The smoke darkens the earth, and in this smoke there came a most interesting "locust".

Locusts are always associated with famines, misery, droughts and plagues. These though are not locusts, but a most interesting type of demon.
Those who constantly speak of aliens and UFO's should note that here is described a being which is shaped like a horse, has the head of a man, crowned with gold, has the hair of a woman, the teeth of lions, and their wings sounded like the thunder of horses running in battle as their tails sting like scorpions.

This is where the helicopter misinterpretation occurs, but these creatures come from the bottomless pit, and not from the "waters" which is what the Bible notes nations and peoples as, as many waters.

So from this smoke comes these demons who have one directive, and that is to torment people who are not sealed by God as His children. This is in direct contrast to the mark of the beast, or the central European empire ruled by the anti Christ who have the national mark to buy, sell and trade.

For five months this torture continues of a wracking pain like a scorpion sting, and people will have the ability to die taken from them.
I have often wondered if the false tree of life plays a role in this scenario which the Rothschilds and Rockefellers have been life enhancing their elite with for some time, and have actually constructed the sacred geometric form. If the human mortal becomes immortal without God, it will not be able to die to end suffering.
That would be the second worst curse in all history as the worst is eternal death, a death without end for those who a Spiritual and become spiritual like satan and are cast forever into the Lake of Fire to be tormented, when they reject God for satan.

Another interesting Truth is the ruler over this demonic order from the bottomless pit is not a prince or principality of earthly domain, but is termed a king. This is the only time in Scripture that a demon is termed of this high order.
This king is lower in rank than satan as satan looses it, but this ruler of the bottomless pit as far as these demon locusts are concerned is of a very high order not with none other ever spoken of.

Abaddon the destroyer only appears here by name.

With care people are warned not to be taking the mark of a world government, and most certainly to not practice following folks who claim to be messiahs like Mr. Obama, as it is quite blasphemous and in the anti Christ future of the end times is going to be real torture.

I hope that the folks who fell for Mr. Obama have all awoken to his fraud and in looking back admit how silly it was to believe the nonsense around him, because for what is coming, there is not going to be a second chance, as marked by satan is marked by satan, and not Marked by God is marked forever in judgment.

nuff said.

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Steven Kollmansberger The Free Bible

(last download link)

Revelation 9: 1 - 11 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.