Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where the starflakes play

There in the slumber night
Upon the pageant stage
The cloud of the light curtain now falling certain
Written upon the mind page

Dance the star frosted tears
In joy seen of what will be
Falls there bright of crystalline sight
In sway of Deity

Bathe the world
Bathed in so much more
Woolgather desire of star fire
In mysts beyond shadow door

Portrait painted there in mind
The brush of there to find
Likeness there graced with care
Framed the canvas nocturnal fair

Love eternal
Coming there anew
There to seem in fresh dream
Of flakes fluttered few

Drift me there
Glisten banks of stars
There crossed and uncrossed
In the faraway far

free the murmurs of light
in the cascade of milky way
twinkling night sparkling bright
there runs the shining ray

There I dream an illume bed
Of luminance there wed
and I dream of where starflakes play
oh forever melting into a universe day

Where have you gone
Where have you been
Where did you go
From the play of light again

Why so very long
Why the whispered when
Why did you go
From the place you have never been

Falling there in twilight
Descending there to the night
And I dream of a lost way
Oh where oh where the starflakes play


They call me baby Driver

My daddy got a big promotion
My mamma got a raise in pay
There`s no-one home, we`re all alone
Oh come into my room and play
Yes we can play.

American Christine O'Donnell after being politically raped by Karl Rove was further hounded on campaign finance by the Obama Rovians in order to destroy her in the Limbaugh Leaner gay lobby vendeta so to make certain Conservative Americans do not dare challenge the patrician Obama Bushites in 2012.

You're a great American Clarence Dupnik for not protecting me!

No you're a great American Gabrielle Giffords for taking it like a girl.

American John Edwards after being thrown to the press to protect Obama's sodomy story from hitting the news, his cancer stricken wife tormented and his family destroyed, was hounded on campaign finance, all to keep John Edwards from being a liberal political rival to B. Hussein Obama in 2012 elections.

You're a great American Osama bin Laden for the patrician stock market.

No, you're a great American Rush Limbaugh for destroying America in gridlock better than I did on 9 11.

Barack Hussein Obama is not investigated for the 300 million dollars in Muslim terrorist illegal campagin funds dry cleaned by Penny Pritzker, in being brought into America via credit card fraud, to which TARP funds were used to bail out this 300 million dollar Obama crime in his billion dollar spending spree to steal the White House.

You're a great American Stephanie Sandlin for setting up Obama's Indian criminal syndicate to steal the 2012 elecions.

No, you're a great American Max Sandlin because you let me call you daddy Lars in your once yearly sex romp.

You're a great American Sean Hannity...........little over used and it loses it's meaning in mocking the Great Americans who are being ruined for the same things Darrell Issa refuses to investigate Barack Hussein Obama on election finance fraud.
Oh yeah, Karl Rove is our next guest followed by that other great American Ann Coulter.

She documented Obama's birth certificate you know...........and Rush Limbaugh called all Birthers nuts.

We're all such great Americans.

They call me Baby Driver
And once upon a pair of wheels
Hit the road and I`m gone ah
What`s my number
I wonder how your engine feels.
Ba ba ba ba
Scoot down the road
What`s my number
I wonder how your engine feels


The Sword of Caliph


Egypt is Iran, Iran is China, China is the original Marxist blueprint in Russia, all created by Karl Marx who was sponsored by central European order.

Think Islamocommunist sword stretching from Jakarta to Rabat to gut the Maoists and Bolsheviks in a Mexican stand off for a great Eurasian War as they can get at each other and not America, nor western Europe.

Shhhh.......All those Muslim imports into the west transform into human shields as they are assets to the Islamic Caliph, the sword dividing the Eurasian world.
No Muslims in Moscow or Peking. Muslims Londonstan, Paristan and Washingtonstan.

The feudal lords are having Obama create a third empire which will be at odds with their benefactors of China and Russia, with India as the fodder wild card.

Brzezinski does not need a teleprompter as he is a bright boy in this game he is setting up for the global elite.

Just our secret, so do not tell.


As sometimes someone doesn't like posting my Brzezinski oriented comments.