Tuesday, February 22, 2011

5 card Obama

It shouldn't be that the primary voices concerning the reality of the spiritual nature of this world are those of the anti God minions while the Spiritual is rarely taken into context by an international voice, and that voice is quite alone in this electronic wilderness expressing the reality of signs, wonders and the Spiritual and spiritual forces at work in the political movements of this world.

The Chicago hostess, Barack Hussein Obama, by Lawrence Sinclair definition, is someone who gives Sean Hannity and Bill Maher schitzoid attacks of blubbering mania in none of these always experts ever take into account that unseen in this world are Hosts of Angels and legions of demons.
Bill Maher actually spoke a Truth in he doesn't believe Obama on Christianity. If Maher can see it being the pervert he is, then all should see that fact. I have stated that no Christian would ever allow themselves to be called a Messiah, not denounce photos of halos on their heads nor allow themselves to be called a god, but Mr. Obama sucks in this in like a crack whore.

That alone defines what a sociopath Mr. Obama is in his psychology is fused, and his soul has been given over long ago to the anti God forces. Changing an America God sowed, tended, nurtured and husbands is not what any real Christian would ever be devoted to, but that was Mr. Obama's agenda from day one.

There are many manifestations of B. Hussein Obama in persona and omen. I have catalogued numbers of the glaring ones to reveal just what a cataclysm this undocumented squatter in America is. I can find no one in history who has had more glowering signs against all they are than B. Hussein Obama. Some people are born under the sign of comet signaling greatness, but the entire visage of Mr. Obama from his double dark of the moon rise to power all portends to an evil around this person, and if one measures objectively the reality of the term of Mr. Obama in his regime, it can only be defined as evil, as that is exactly what the outcome of his presence has meant to billions of people.

I have stated that Mr. Obama is really a nothing in the power scale, because he relies on that monkey demon from India and the necromania to earth elements he keeps as charms in his pants. Mr. Obama is only "something", because the real principalities in Europe are pushing the wave inciting the masses to mania for all his destruction to be instituted.
Mr. Obama is a transitional figure of the end of American dominance worldwide, so a new European old feudal order will revive in empire backed by satan on the Roman system. His purpose is like a maggot rendering the carrion of America into a fertilizer to feed the poisonous Eurasia field about to spring forth in ivy and oak with a global rash of death.

People are not acting as a normal human does. They instead are possessed and demons are so inciting them that what one is observing are the chaotic insanity of the brought about order.

Only here has it been revealed that if real Christians would start a prayer structure to bind the demon moon allah of Islam, paralyze the Eurasian principalities working against God's America, and would simply neutralize Mr. Obama's demonic force structure, the world would take an instantly different appearance.
I suspect that Mr. Obama without his demons would be exiled faster than Hosni Mubarak was forced out by the Obama demons in charge of that Egyptian rapine.

The reason I call attention to these forces is one can discern the Spiritual and spiritual at work, and the will of the Father in who is being brought forward and who is already in the dust of history.
Sarah Palin did herself no favor in her Tammy Bruce friend of the community. Ms. Bruce in her lesbian affliction should take note that the moment she started bragging about the lez be friends, that Sarah Palin's anointing in this diminished. Her voice has been shunted, the Tucson situation had her reacting instead of acting, and it scared her as she knew as this blog revealed what was really behind Obama's order out of chaos in Giffords brain scrambling.
Cause and effect Ms. Bruce, deal with it while the sun is yet shining as you are not going to pretty your way out of the reality of judgment.

I have stated that if Sarah Palin gets back where she is supposed to be in God, and not thinking this easy ride she has had is her, but is in reality God as the anointing was God in Solomon and not the ecclesiastical man, then this can be honing of her, but Sarah Palin made a colossal blunder of sin, and she can not afford that in this game as there are no second chances.

In that, the Bush family and Karl Rove, have found out it is not them. One can see them scurrying about now after their political rape of American Conservatives. They are mere mice. Their Mormon Romney is like a plastic bag in the wind for presence. You can feel their time is passing fast and the tide is moving to a new shore which they do not know the wave.

It was telling that the Reagan 100th Birthday was featuring Sarah Palin along with world leaders in Newt Gingrich and Mike Gorbachev. The passing of the mantle is there for her and if she inherits the shining city on a hill, America will be beacon in the darkness ahead.

Do not underestimate Mr. Obama though. I will not reveal the situation I suspect beyond what I have revealed in his destiny from the very beginning in 'utter ruin'. I have though have things revealed to me, but for reasons will instead allow the scenario to play out and not make them public. I have hinted though at things and God's hand will prevail.
The demonic structure enhancing Mr. Obama will attempt even more heinous things to keep this Saulite in power. Hosni Mubarak learned quickly what the asp of Obama is capable with a deadly bite. I have no definite information, but only an inquiry to believe that Mr. Obama's road to world plunder has ended. The field will now play out in order as it will according to God's will.

It might sound a strange deduction, but the one force outside of God, which will be Barack Obama's greatest demise, will be the anti Christ, for the simple reason when the anti Christ appears, it will wick the power structure of the demonic away from Mr. Obama which will leave his aura flat lining.
Who wants the Peking girl when you have a European coquette to cuddle with. People gravitate to power, and Mr. Obama is a paper tiger and his paper is an American currency he is destroying.

In that I wonder if a prayer or God's Grace in simply lifting the blindness from Americans, so that they would see the real nature of Mr. Obama in the success he has had in being so anti American, is all it would require to save pieces of America for Sarah Palin to put back together, after of course the shock and awe wore off in people realizing just how devious Mr. Obama and his regime have been.
The people could not be this blind if they had not chosen to reside in the shadows.

There is an ever weakening barrier between reality and the dogma of Obama. His demonic force field is weakening immensely and when it does burst, there will be a deluge of understanding flooding people's minds............
Put it this way, if the demons can not hold the Truth from being made public, Americans are going to add the name with fury of Barack Hussein Obama to Benedict Arnold and Aaron Burr. Richard Nixon who the left propped up as notorious, will be seen as saint in comparison.

The fact of this is, I have had more contention this past year from the demons running interference for Mr. Obama and his folks, than I have had from anything else......and some of those demons unleashed were regional to America even if backed by offshore power structures.
Some of these wilting Rovian violets really should just go home and play with their geezer husbands as they are not up to the power match.

Situations of course can change and are fluid, because the Spiritual and spiritual are indeed fluid natures, but the current is being set and we are witness to who will be swept away and who will ride the wave.

Obama can bet on his monkey luck, but the cards are running thin for him as they always have, because the only way Obama ever won the game is because he had a thugocracy behind him pointing weaponry which removed his opponents.

This would all be so much easier if Christians would just pray for the Truth to prevail.

agtG 251Y

Hey sister! Go sister, soul sister, go sister,
Hey sister! Go sister, soul sister, go sister.

He met Marmalade down in Old New Orleans
Struttin' her stuff on the street
She say, "Hello, hey Joe, you wanna give it a go?"
Getcha getcha ya ya da da, getcha getcha ya ya here
Mocha chocolata ya ya creole Lady Marmalade.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?

He sat in her boudoir while she freshened up
The boy drank all that magnolia wineUpon her black satin sheet where he started to freak
Getcha getcha ya ya da da, getcha getcha ya ya here, . . .
Voulez-vous coucher lavec moi ce soir? . . .

Touchin' her skin feelin' silky smooth, colour of cafe au lait
Made the savage beast inside roar until it cried
More - more - more

Now he's back home doin' nine to five, livin' his grey flannel life
But when he turns off to sleep, old mem'ries creep
More - more - more

Getcha getcha ya ya da da, getcha getcha ya ya here, . . .
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?

My Moammar

It is refreshing to see one strongman in Mo Kadaffi not taking it like Hosni Mubarak from the world communists and fighting back for his country, because in reality the way the world operates it is the Sultans sultana until someone slices his head off.

Order is what some people need. The Russians had freedom given to them twice and could not fast enough run back to Lenin and Putin. The Chinese races just love to be ordered around in a feudal state and that is why central Europeans have been begging for a Napoleon to slap them around while his armies raped their women for a generation.
The American Obama welfare state with SEIU thugs are no different. They just do not want a Republican form of Government, but instead want a thugocracy doing the thinking for them and intimidating people who disagree with them.

Hosni Mubarak was actually the successful version of the thug B. Hussein Obama, plus he was a documented Egyptian who could rule his land. In that Moammar Khadaffi is pure Libyan showing his roots of Shem mixed with Hamites to produce that pretty tan color all the North Africans are when the Barbarian Muslims invaded Europe, stole the women, raped them in the White Gold rapine and created a new race of successful Africans.

Sure Reagan with his F 111's should have turned Khadaffi into bug dung for terrorizing Americans, but Khadaffi has been good for Libya when he behaves. You only have problems with him when Obama starts turning Lockerbie terrorists loose for oil contracts.

Khadaffi though knows his problem and where it stems from in the quotes from the AP:
Gadhafi depicted the protesters as misguided youths, who had been given drugs and money by a "small, sick group" to attack police and government buildings. He called on supporters to take to the streets immediately to reimpose control and to attack the protest leaders.

"You men and women who love Gadhafi....get out of your homes and fill the streets," he said, "Leave your homes and attack them in their lairs.
They are taking your children and getting them drunk and sending them to death. For what? To destroy Libya, burn Libya."

You must understand that Khadaffi and Junior Khadaffi know exactly in his Libya, that money just does not happen unless it happens from Khadaffi. Therefore the funding from this is coming from outside, just like in Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt.
Khadaffi is no fool, he knows this is the central Europeans and B. Hussein Obama trying to assassinate him with Twitter bullets.

Let that seep into your understanding and then consider if Obama sent in SEIU thugs to riot around your home in trying to drive you out, just what would your feelings be right about now?

You think you might be pounding your table furious as Khadaffi is?

The difference is these despots like Khadaffi not only know terrorists, they fund terrorists and when this is all said in done, does not make any difference who is in control of Egypt or Libya, the resulting rulers will hate America for what Obama did in this coup.......again.

That hatred manifests in things called terrorist attacks.

Fully recall that when 9 11 took place, Khadaffi knew from Reagan what a Republican George W. Bush jr. would do to him. Khadaffi handed over his nuclear programs and all his toys. He reformed and was someone that Nic Sarkozy of France could work with.

Native son Obama comes on the scene though in his terror campaign funds in 2008 and sending the Lockerbie terrorist back to Libya.........well Khadaffi can smell the coffee and knows the Obama brew is crooked as hell, so Khadaffi starts playing with terrorists again.
For all the hand wringing over Khadaffi shooting his own communist thugs, the fact is that Obama started all of this, and if it was not Khadaffi shooting Marxists funded out of Europe and enabled by Obama, these thugs would be butchering Khadaffi and his backers.

The praise of the Libyan pilots who no doubt were paid to fly out of Libya to Malta in a propaganda coup, was a flash in the pan, because when Khadaffi and Junior track them down, they will legally execute them and their families, because in reality, they are traitors to Libya.
They stole millions of dollars in state run military property and they refused to carry out orders to protect there nation from anarchists.

Hey children, Obama thew Terri Lakin into prison for doing a great deal less that this. Same Muslims and same methods will be employed.

The fact is that Obama's Moammar Khadaffi is now an adder looking for someone to bite. When he is done getting rid of his Obama rioters, he will come back in spades on Europe and Americans.

I fully expect Khadaffi to demand his fighter jets back, his traitors back and then this will brew into a ha ha which the central European cartel has planned for, in a staged occupation of North Africa.
After all they once had that as a colony, and does not the BBC show that those people there don't know how to rule themselves.......so why should not those Nazi's of Europe occupy those lands and teach these Obama skins how to do things proper.

I know that New York will be a smoking crater and SEIU unions will still be chanting for their Obama and not figuring out that Obama world order policy was designed to destabilize the Middle East, make a war, have terror fall out come to America, so in that instability, Obama can turn his Hutatree BATF federal police loose on the population to "keep order", but when this is so easily seen, one would think the maniacs for Obama would figure out he has painted a target on them and will use their corpses just like he used Gabrielle Giffords scrambled brains for his 2012 campaign.

Strange how the media can always see the talking point of how bad Khadaffi is, but the same methods, same dead and same heinous tyranny of Obama does not phase them from their blind side.

The Age of Obama continues.............the Muslim tribal wars this blog exclusively warned America about that Obama was dragging the Yanks into.

Little bit more important that czars now wasn't it Miki Malkin? You did better as Jesse's Girl.


The Help

I was watching Tim Johnson' favorite self butt powdering, currently under funded broadcast medium and was puzzled as to why the weekend anchor would have been chosen as he looks like a Martian, like that Bugs Bunny Martian with a tiny body and big head with helmet.

The entire purpose of a visual medium is to make viewers respond to something eye appealing. I found it utterly ruinous for this deluded Martian to actually think he would come out of South Dakota into some major market, as no one is going to hire a Martian.
Granted, I have seen numbers of the local freaks people in America suffer through who earns six and seven figure salaries by no doubt are not just Obama voters, but have an anus built for sodomy, but it is just cruel to put someone who is as ugly as Muchelle Obama on television and have them think a career awaits when the fact is faces which scare children do not bring sponsors, who pay the bills now that the CIA is not funding American local and national media any longer.
I have this same sympathy for Obama's Egyptian revolting mob in these children actually think when the military is asking them for ideas, that they are really going to implement them.

The standard operating procedure is to bring in some idiots and ask them leading questions to what you already are going to give them, and then the dolts grin thinking they got something when they got what was on the books already.

For the record, this Egyptian English speaking mob, are the mob Brzezinski started creating in the Carter years to go back home and overthrow governments, so the globalists would have their own Harvard educated idiots being tyrants triumphed as saviors.
So that you comprehend this, the same suckers on the street in Egypt are the same SIEU union thugs following Obamalings in this American regime. They have the same professors, same universities and same foreign student grants which B. Hussein Obama has in his hidden files.

Ask yourself if were working for Donald Trump, would you want him walking up to you and asking you, "Well what do you think about this billion dollar deal?"
If you were not an egomaniac, your first thought would be, "What the hell are you asking me for as I work for you, and you are the one who is supposed to be the bright boy keeping me in my high paid salary!"

I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for anyone who runs around asking mobs for advice, as it means you don't know what the hell you are doing and it means when you ask the help for advice, the monkeys in the zoo start thinking you are one of the monkeys and they are the keeper.

You never ask people what they think, unless you know the answer you want from them and make it seem like they thought of it. You must also be such a bad ass in terrifying the mob, that they will behave afterwards or you will never get an honest days service out of them.
Asking the mob for opinions has only one purpose and that is to pacify them into thinking you care about them, and in doing so it delays them and they usually just get tired and go home to nap as they are not bright enough to break out of the mould you have cast them in.

Sounds harsh, but Patton and Sherman had no time for the e pluribus unum, as leaders know the answers, and now the mob has one purpose and that is to be directed to the will of the superior intellect, as anything less gets people dead and wastes valuable time, as the events of time must go with the flow or counter flows overtake and defeat your purpose.

In that Egypt is already defeated. It has no charasmatic leader, nor one who can be manufactured. That means no Obama faux emotion, because if Egypt had such a persona, it would have already swept to power.
What Cairo was, was a Woodstock bad trip, being relived by a bunch of western liberal jackoffs who wanted to go snoopy, but were still non aborted eggs in the old Stan's uterus.

Egypt is creeping Islamocommunism, in mirror of Tehran in the Kremlin machine just grinds along now chewing up people and the product it turns out is terrorism against Americans and Jews.
Across the board from Iran to Gaza to Lebanon to Egypt, you will note that Muslims like Isalmist dictates just like Christians in America would prefer a deep return to Christian America. The Muslim picks the biggest spiritual bastard they can at the ballot box, because the Muslim does not want peace.......the Muslim desires for some thug to murder a bushel of innocent people made scapegoats to make the mob feel justified in balancing the scales.
That is why Muslim turned out in majority to cheer 9 11. Muslims desire violence, and in this Zbigniew Brzezinski has for the past generation been turning out intellectual terrorists and weaponized terrorists.
This is what this Caliph of Obama is about. A Chinese and Russian can unite in purpose against the west, but when in dimension one adds a third party in Islamocommunism, it becomes the Mexican stand off, and they start fighting amongst themselves or in the advent of war, just check the historic records and find how these coalition warfare militaries fight.........they always fragment and run.

But you say, ya but, what about World War I and II? Those were all Israelite lost 10 tribes in the west......all the same original 12 tribes as one nation and people, like minds.

If you understand the dimensions of this in these are Obama fodder in Egypt, imported, indoctrinated and infused with revolution to trip the wire when they go home.........well then it all starts to make more sense, as now the commerce of it works out in Saddam Hussein terms in Egypt can be now exploited for war to slavery as now it is not a dictator moving them, but it is their own free will now to vote in rapine and slavery.

It's all your idea Paul McCartney, just like Egypt is Egyptian's ideas.

McCartney have you ever listened to your music? Why do you think Brian Wilson said the Beatles were a joke? The joke is Egypt just like you Sir Paul on yourself and the dolts fainting for Obama.


Stuck inside these four walls
Sent inside forever
Never seeing no one nice again like you
Mama you, mama you

If I ever get out of here
Thought of giving it all away
To a registered charity
All I need is a pint a day
If I ever get out of here
If we ever get out of here

Well, the rain exploded with a mighty crash
As we fell into the sun
And the first one said to the second one there
I hope, you're having fun

Band on the run